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Dallas Mavericks vs. New Orleans Pelicans

Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Cash **Cashless transactions are highly encouraged to minimize contact.** Box Office: 214-665-4797 Event Line: 214-665-4200 Parking Hotline: 214-665-4700 Dallas Mavericks: 214-747-6287 Dallas Stars: 214-467-8277 The Box Office is located on the North-East corner of the building (across from The Lexus Parking Garage). Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the Box Office is operating under reduced hours. Please visit our website for the current hours of operation: Concert tickets are not available for purchase at the American Airlines Center Box Office on the day of the public on-sale. Tickets for such non-team events may be purchased by the general public on the first day of ticket sales online at Remaining available tickets for any concert/event following the first day of general public ticket sales will be available for purchase at the American Airlines Center Box Office on the next business day.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Python Online Training

We are providing Python online training in our institute NareshIT. We are having the best and well trained experienced faculty to train you the python. By joining in this course you will get complete knowledge about python. we are giving 100% guidance in placement for our students. Python is a high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial applications. ... Python is considered a scripting language, like Ruby or Perl and is often used for creating Web applications and dynamic Web content. course objective : After completion of the python online training at Naresh I technologies, you will be expertise and eligible for: Complete knowledge on Python Learn how to use lists, tuples, loops, decision statement, etc. in python Build packages in Python Working with Exception handling, Inheritance Work independently in Project with scripting and Automation What is Python and why Python? Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. ... Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. What is Python theory? Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. What is the main use of Python? Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. What is special about Python? Python is a general-purpose language, which means it can be used to build just about anything, which will be made easy with the right tools/libraries. Professionally, Python is great for backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. ... Connect with our Python experts now! Where is Python used in real life? The programming language is used globally to design and build 2D imaging software like Inkscape, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, and Scribus. Also, Python is used in several 3D animation packages such as Blender, Houdini, 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, and Lightwave, to name a few. How is Python used in government? Python is widely-used across financial institutions, whether they are hedge funds, large banks or regulators (see "Government Agencies" section below). ... Salaries and responsibilities vary widely based on the role and whether Python is used for data analysis, web application development or DevOps. Why is Python so popular? More Productive. First and foremost reason why Python is much popular because it is highly productive as compared to other programming languages like C++ and Java. ... Python is also very famous for its simple programming syntax, code readability and English-like commands that make coding in Python lot easier and efficient What are the basic concepts of Python? Basic Data Types - Learn the five types: strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, and integers. Operators - Python operators - basically, ways to do things. Flow Control - By using Boolean expressions, flow control, and loops, you'll learn how to code logic into your program. Will Python be used in the future? Python itself reveals its success story and a promising future ahead. Python programming language is best used for application development, web application or web development, game development, system administration, scientific computing, etc. What is the demand for Python programmers? Python developers are in high demand - not only because the language is so popular and widely used but mostly due to the fact that Python became a solution in many different areas. From web applications to data science and machine learning. However, it is not enough to just master the language itself. What does a Python developer do? Python Developer writes server-side web applications when working as a Web Developer. They also develop various back-end components to connect the web application to web services and more. Basically, a Python Developer develops, deploys, and debugs a project. Are Python developers in demand? Python developers are in high demand - not only because the language is so popular and widely used but mostly due to the fact that Python became a solution in many different areas. From web applications to data science and machine learning.Surprisingly, that might be the easiest step in becoming a Python developer How much does Python developer make? The entry-level Python developer salary in the US is $78,176 a year on average, The average junior Python developer salary is $89,776, The mid-level Python developer salary reaches $$111,896, While the senior Python developer earns $122,093 on average. Why we have to choose NareshIT? • Real Time Trainers • 100% Placement Assistance • Small Training Batch • Flexible Timings • Practical Guidance • Excellent Lab Facility • Resume Preparation • Hands on Experience • Certification Support For Details : • Email Id : • Contact : +91 8179191999 • Website : • REGISTER HERE :

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Will Call is located at the venue box office and is available 2 hours prior to performance. 336-373-7400 In advance - Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Day of Event - Open 2 hours prior

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Leadership Embodiment Training Level 1 mit Pierre Goirand

Wie kann ich meine Wirkung und Präsenz in der Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen und Teams stärken? Kreativität statt Stress, Stärke und Präsenz als Führungskraft, Coach, Berater*in, Moderator*in, Lehrer*in, Mensch. Der Leadership Embodiment Ansatz wurde entwickelt von Wendy Palmer, er hat seine Wurzeln in der Achtsamkeitspraxis und in der asiatischen Kampfsporttradition. Leadership Embodiment (LE) richtet die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Körper, unsere Körperhaltung und wie sie unser Denken, Handeln und Wirken beeinflusst. Er liefert einfache und dennoch höchstwirksame Wege, Körper und Geist zu verknüpfen und eine starke, stabile Führungspräsenz zu entwickeln. Lernen Sie Werkzeuge und Übungen kennen, um ihre Führungswirksamkeit zu erhöhen. Effizienz und Präsenz statt reflexhaftem Agieren in Stressmustern. „2 Tage Rückbesinnung auf meinen Körper, mein Innenleben und die Art und Weise, wie ich mich in Stresssituationen verhalte. Das hat so gut getan. Ich habe ‚die Zeit angehalten‘, mich fokussiert, neue Kraft geschöpft und gehe gestärkt und geklärt an die beruflichen Aufgaben heran.“ Kai-Lukas Latsch, Berater und Inhaber resource Training, Frankfurt zum Video Das Training Der Leadership Embodiment Kurs Level 1 ist eine Einführung in die Praxis und Prinzipien von Leadership Embodiment (LE) nach Wendy Palmer. Das Level 1 Training vermittelt die drei zentralen Führungskompetenzen des Leadership Embodiment Ansatzes: Inclusiveness: Die Fähigkeit in einem Team / Gruppe ein Kohärenz- und Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl herzustellen, besonders in schwierigen, konfliktreichen Situationen Centered Listening: Die Fähigkeit zuzuhören und zu verstehen, ohne sich persönlich angegriffen zu fühlen Speaking up: in der Lage sein, die eigene Meinung und Überzeugung klar zum Ausdruck zu bringen, auch gegen Widerstand Durch einfache physische Übungen (angelehnt an Aikido- und Achtsamkeits-Übungen), alleine und in Paaren, werden eigene Muster erforscht und erkannt und Möglichkeiten zur Veränderung trainiert. Individuelle Reflektion und der Austausch in der Gruppe vertiefen diese Lernerfahrungen. Die Teilnahme am Level 1 Training berechtigt zur anschließenden Teilnahme am Level 2 Training und an Leadership Embodiment Retreats. Zu Pierre Goirand Pierre Goirand ist einer der Pioniere im Bereich Embodiment in Frankreich. Er ist Gründer des Presence & Leadership Instituts in Paris. Als Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant und Facilitator begleitet er seit mehr als 25 Jahren Transformationsprozesse von Teams und internationalen Organisationen. Er ist einer der ersten durch Wendy Palmer zertifizierten Embodiment international Trainer in Europa und supervidiert und trainiert seit mehr als 10 Jahren im Bereich Embodiment Leadership. mehr über Pierre Goirand Termine Wo: Pilates Lab Berlin, Choriner Str. 31, 10435 Berlin Wann:  13. - 14. Februar 2020, jeweils von 10 - 18 UhrFür wen: Führungskräfte, Berater*innen, Trainer*innen, Moderator*innen, Lehrer*innen – interessierte Menschen, die mit Teams und Gruppen arbeiten Trainingssprache: Englisch (Übersetzung nach Bedarf) Kosten: Corporate Tarif: 680,- Euro zzgl. MwSt. Selbständige, Freelancer und Selbstzahler: 580,- Euro zzgl. MwSt.

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