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Friends of Search 2020

Friends of Search 2020 Na zes succesvolle edities van Friends of Search afgelopen jaren vindt op dinsdag 4 februari 2020 de alweer 7de editie plaats. Omdat het de 7de keer is, pakken we weer groots uit: de beste en nieuwste sprekers van nu!  En geven we natuurlijk na de congresdag weer een uitgebreide borrel! De komende maanden vertellen we je over alles meer. Maar je hoeft niet zo lang te wachten om een kaartje te kopen: dat kan natuurlijk nu ook al! Je hoeft als (online) marketeer dus niet meer uit te wijken naar het buitenland als het om SEO- en SEA-congressen gaat. Friends of Search haalt searchexperts uit landen als Engeland, Duitsland en de VS, waar de ontwikkelingen vaak sneller gaan, naar Amsterdam om hun kennis en ervaring te delen. Na dinsdag 4 februari 2020 weet je als bezoeker hoe andere organisaties zoekmachinemarketing en zoekmachineoptimalisatie inzetten en je bent ook op de hoogte van de belangrijkste, internationale ontwikkelingen in de wereld van search engine marketing. Voor wie? Friends of Search is bedoeld voor ervaren (online) marketeers en SEO- en SEA-specialisten aan de adverteerderszijde, die interesse hebben voor de veranderingen die nationaal en internationaal plaatsvinden in de wereld van search engine marketing. Maar ook voor specialisten aan bureauzijde is het evenement interessant, op dinsdag 4 feburari 2020 kunnen zij toetsen of ze nog in de pas lopen met de laatste ontwikkelingen.

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I donn de Milan | I SALOTTI DE MILAN | con Philippe Daverio

Philippe Daverio I DONN DE MILANI SALOTTI DE MILAN Ho deciso di essere politicamente scorretto: penso che le donne e gli uomini siano diversi, ed è lì che sta il bello della questione. Sono pure fiero di essere milanese, cioè di una città dove il cosmo femminile ha giocato un ruolo centrale nell’evoluzione verso la modernità. Milano è stata ducale e autonoma, poi francese, spagnola, austriaca e infine italiana, ma sempre con una curiosa caratteristica: le donne vi hanno giocato un ruolo centrale, poco alla volta si sa, ma con una presenza costante, da Isabella di Valois a Beatrice d’Este, da Isabella d’Aragona a Caterina Visconti. Furono poste in un cono d’ombra negli anni ispanici ma tornarono alla ribalta nel periodo austriaco, durante il quale Cristina Trivulzio di Belgioioso divenne promotrice dell’indipendenza d’Italia e nel salotto di Clara Maffei si incontravano tutti gli spiriti liberi, per non parlare della emancipatissima Giulia Beccaria, madre di Alessandro Manzoni. Non stupisce quindi che agli albori del ventesimo secolo si fecero autentiche protagoniste della vita politica Anna Kuliscioff e Margherita Sarfatti. A tutte loro sono dedicate queste riflessioni. Philippe Daverio FAQ Come raggiungo il Teatro con i mezzi pubblici o dove posso parcheggiare? MEZZI PUBBLICI M3 Crocetta – Tram 16, 24 – Bus 77, 94 PARCHEGGIO CONVENZIONATO Parcheggio del Centro (via Calderon de la Barca, 2):tariffa a forfait  € 4,50 per gli spettacoli serali (dalle ore 19.00 alla 01.00) e per quelli pomeridiani (dalle ore 14.30 alle 20.30).Il biglietto ritirato al parcheggio dovrà essere vidimato all’apposita obliteratrice posta in teatro, sul lato sinistro della cassa: solo così, al ritiro della vettura, verrà applicata la tariffa agevolata.Il pagamento (alla cassa manuale oppure a quella automatica) dovrà essere effettuato prima del ritiro della vettura. Come posso contattare il Teatro per eventuali domande? Contattando l’Ufficio Promozione del Teatro allo 02-55181362 o 02-55181377 - interno 2 (da lunedì a sabato, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 18.30 - orario continuato) oppure via e-email a Devo portare le conferme d’ordine stampate per poter accedere allo spettacolo? È necessario portare le conferme d’ordine stampate in botteghino prima di accedere alla sala e convertirle con i biglietti con fila e posto assegnati. Le conferme d’ordine possono essere convertite solo il giorno stesso dello spettacolo a partire da un’ora prima dell’inizio. Il nome sulla mia conferma d’ordine o sulla registrazione non corrisponde al nome della persona che parteciperà, è un problema? Non è un problema.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and Visa. Checks are accepted up to 21 days prior to the event. Will Call tickets are available at the DeVos Performance Hall beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to showtime. Customer must have their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification. For information about events at the DeVos Performance Hall, please call: *Broadway Grand Rapids: 616-235-6285 *Grand Rapids Ballet: 616-454-4771 *Grand Rapids Symphony: 616-454-9451 *Opera Grand Rapids: 616-451-2741 *DeVos Performance Hall: 616-742-6500 The DeVos Performance Hall Box Office opens 3 hours prior to events. Tickets for events at DeVos Performance Hall can be purchased at the DeVos Place Box Office or the Van Andel Arena Box Office Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Customers needing special seating arrangements may purchase tickets online at, by calling Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000, or by visiting the DeVos Box Office prior to the event. Accessible Seating Terms: Wheelchair Accessible: seating location in which there are no stairs that allows for wheelchair or scooter usage. Companion Seat: seating for individuals that are attending an event with someone who requires wheelchair or semi-ambulatory seats. Semi-Ambulatory: seating reserved for those with limited mobility that may require walking a few incline/decline stairs.

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50th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-50)

50th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-50) is a festival for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of engineering, technology, applied science and more under multiple sub-themes. Selected articles have opportunities to publish in associated Scopus indexed journals. Respected authors are invited to submit abstracts/full papers/posters which have not been submitted in other conferences. Multiculturalism and perspectives are respected and appreciated in ETAS conferences. AASE anticipate that these conferences will challenge how you look at your researches and find inspirations under a friendly and supportive environment. NOW, take chances to present and publish your researches in international academic journals.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

Mastercard, Visa, American Express, cash Will Call will open at the Main Box Office, located at the intersection of Park Blvd and Imperial Ave three hours prior to show time. No outside will call will be accepted. Customers should bring their confirmation number with a photo I.D. and the credit card used to make the purchase to claim tickets. Tickets for the concert are not available for purchase in person at the Petco Park Box Office prior to the show date. On the day of the show, tickets will be available at the Petco Park Box Office, should any remain. Tickets for Metallica can be purchased online or over the phone by calling 866-448-7849 anytime or you can speak to a customer service agent by calling Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000 Monday – Saturday: 9am – 6pm and Sunday: 12pm – 6pm Pacific Time. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Entire venue is accessible. There are wheelchair and companion seats, armless aisle and transfer seats, please specify your request in your email if you purchase via online. PARKING: Public pay lots with accessible parking CANINE COMPANIONS ACCOMODATED: Yes

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Arizona Coyotes vs. Carolina Hurricanes

VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS & CASH The Coyotes Pick-up Window is located outside the Northeast corner of the Arena near Gate 5. Guests picking up will call tickets must present valid photo ID and credit card used for purchase, if applicable, that matches tickets to be picked up. ALTERNATE PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering & paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000, ask for customer service, verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Please call TICKETMASTER for event and ticketing information - 1-800-745-3000 For Additional information call Gila River Arena Box Office - 623-772-3800. WEBPAGE: Located outside on the Northeast corner of the Arena. Monday – Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM during hockey season and on-sale days. Sunday: Closed except on event days. Box Office hours may be extended for on-sales or on event days. Arizona Coyotes: To purchase accessible seats for Arizona Coyotes, subject to availability, please call the Arizona Coyotes Ticket Office at 480-563-PUCK (7825) or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. Arena Concerts and other Events: To purchase accessible seats for a concert or other event, subject to availability, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 for phone purchase or for on-line purchase, or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. ACCESSIBLE SERVICES: Requests for Sign Language Interpreters should be made at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Call Guest Services at 623-772-3240 for these arrangements. Assistive Listening Devices are available from the Gate 5 Guest Services Booth. Parking Lot G located on the east side of the Arena is available for disabled guests with state issued license plates or placards. Parking Attendants will direct guests to the disabled parking area. All restrooms and concession stands are accessible. Gila River Arena welcomes service animals utilized by guests with disabilities.

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