The Apocalypse Class
Our new Wednesday night Apocalypse Class An Apocalypse is a disclosure or revelation of knowledge. In religious concepts an apocalypse usually discloses something hidden. The Apostle John received a vision of heavenly secrets that unveiled God’s end-time plan regarding the earth and the nation’s accountability to God. Many today neglect the subject of the biblical signs of the times despite many Scriptures that emphasize how important these signs are. Jesus, more than any of the apostles, emphasized the need to discern the times (Mt 16:1-4; 24:32-44, Lk. 19:41-44; 21:34-36). He strongly rebuked those who did not pay attention to the prophetic signs that pointed to His first coming. Jesus, the apostles, and the Old Testament prophets prophesied both sign events and sign trends. In facet, there are over 150 biblical chapters in the Scripture that have God’s end-time plan as the main subject. This class will endeavor to give greater understanding regarding God’s end-time plan for the nations. “Never before in history have all factors been present for fulfillment of prophecy relating to end- time trends and events. Only in our generation have combined revival of Israel, formation of world church, increasing power of Muslim religion, rise of occult, worldwide spread of atheism as dramatic setting for fulfillment of prophecy. The road to Armageddon is prepared. The advent of globalism and technologies linking communications and cash systems, the growing spiritual apostasy worldwide, with longing for leader who can unite diverse religious and political factions are setting stage for Antichrist one-world government.” - John Walvoord
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