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  If you cannot view this email, please click here.       Discover How An Average Singaporean Use a 10-Minute Method to Create a 2nd Income with Low Capital   Hello,  My name is Marcus Tay, an ordinary person just like you.    I used to work in the financial services industry for 10 years before i developed this "10-minute method" which helped me to build a 2nd Income and then later a Full Time Income.   I was working long and late hours and often miss my children's school events. I felt frustrated to miss out on their early years – their first taekwondo kick, ballet dance and other school performances.    I was fortunate I found my way out of the "Rat Race" And I want to show you how I did it.    Why? Because I know how it feels to be stuck in my dead-end job with no one to show me the way out.     The Frustration and Problem Most Have Is...     Lack of Time as most singaporeans are busy working in 9 to 5 professions Lack of Huge Capital $ The good news is you can start with low capital Most beginners do not know where to start, which method or idea is suitable and safe for them to begin income creation Confused by so many different options available and think that trading is very complicated Don't know how to do research and read financial reports Most beginners do not have a step by step consistent method and system to guide them in trade selection Experience difficulty in setting up technology No Help & Support In Answering Questions   When I started back in 2003, my purpose was to look for Income Creation / Cash Flow Tool. My search led me to S&P500 Index as it is:       1) Stable, Easy and Ideal Tool for Income & Cash Flow Creation      2) Using a 10-Minute Method (HSPR). Each trade outcome is Done In Minutes          3) Plentiful Opportunities to Profit from the market within a 1-2 hour timeframe      4) No need to do research or read any financial reports or news       5) Proven Method since year 2003. Consistent System to Guide in Trade Selection      6) Objective and Mechanical entries. You never have to second guess your signals      7) Powerful in Earning Potential and the Ability to Scale Profit   2019 Jan to Sep trades tally : 789 Profitable Trades out of 889 (88.3% Winners) 2018 trades tally : 1313 Profitable Trades out of 1474 (89.1% Winners)     ( Marcus Tay was featured in book "Asia's TOP Investments & Franchise To Make Your First Million" )    Join Me in upcoming "HIGH SPEED Trading Workshop" where I will demonstrate this 10-Minute Method (HIGH SPEED PRICE RHYTHM) to trade S&P500 Index Profitably with Low Startup Capital, even if you are a complete beginner.   Register for FREE Now!  11th Jan 2020 (Saturday)        1:30 - 3:30pm   15th Jan 2020 (Wednesday)    7:30 - 9:30pm     18th Jan 2020 (Saturday)         1:30 - 3:30pm    21st Jan 2020 (Tuesday)      7:30 - 9:30pm    Venue: The Fullerton Hotel, IRR Room, Basement 1.  1 Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178. Raffles Place MRT Exit H   This Free Workshop will show you how it’s possible to build another source of income while enjoying the following:   Zero Experience Required – Our objective is to make it so easy, even inexperienced traders can start profiting without falling behind.   1 - 2 Hours a Day – Identify multiple opportunities within 2 hours a day !   Profit In Minutes – How you can make and complete trades in minutes, without having to worry about unexpected news. Sleep soundly every night.   Low Start Capital – you won’t lose out on any opportunities. It's a level playing field.   Consistent Wins – This is not about luck. We will show you how to achieve profitable trades in different market conditions consistently.   Absolute Simplicity – There will be no complicated indicators or confusing technical jargon. The process is made easy from start to finish.   No Research Required – Our methods are so simple that you don't need to spend any time researching before making a trade!   No Expensive Software – You will not be asked to purchase any expensive platforms today, tomorrow or ever.   Free Bonus Ebook "Ultimate Trading Secrets Exposed!"     Need to see before you believe? View how our trades are made within 2 hours on Facebook here www,     About Concept of PriceConcept of Price was established in 2007, with the focus of helping ordinary individuals successfully create another source of income, to achieve financial freedom for themselves. We have trained more than 1,000 students Price Rhythm™ HIGH SPEED STRATEGIES, and many of them are now successfully creating a 2nd source of income without spending more than 2 hours a day.We have been featured in the sell-out book "Asia's TOP Investments & Franchise To Make Your First Million". To read more about us, visit our website here.     About The TrainerChief Futures Trainer, Marcus Tay, started out as a financial advisor and continued for 10 years. As his business grew, he found himself seeing his clients more often than his family. That was when he decided to make some changes and started trading part-time.Marcus became a Full-Time Professional Futures trader in 2003, and is now spending quality time with his family, living life exactly the way he wants. Marcus is well liked for his down to earth, simple and humorous style and sought after for his in-depth knowledge of Price Movements, Trend Reading and Scalping. His trading success has gotten him invited to speak at several forums and trading clubs, including the Options Trading Club in Singapore.     I have never traded before this workshop but the strategies Marcus introduced are so simple and mechanical, I didn’t feel disadvantaged at all. I have already started trading live and am consistently winning. My best night yet is 5 out of 5! I’m amazed to see how I’ve progressed so far. Now I’m doing better in this than any other instruments. I’m a total convert! - Katherine Tan, 38Marketing Manager - Francis Ng, 42 Analyst   "Technique is pretty simple and straightforward. Importantly it works."Eric Chia, Manager   "Price Rhythm rules are clear and conscise, the method to enter and exit trades has been made easy."Phil Mulhull, Retiree   "COP truly delivers what it claims. On my part, just abide by the rules and keep simple with 2 strategies."Grace Neo, Home Maker Tel: 6100 1236     You received this e-mail because you indicated you would like the latest news from Concept Of Price Trading Pte Ltd. If you no longer wish to receive our email newsletter, please click here to unsubscribe. Thank you. Copyright 2015 Concept Of Price Trading Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.  

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RuPaul's Drag Race LIVE! Las Vegas

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS (702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+) Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.

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Breakthrough Music Business Summit Charlotte

This is just a pre-registration ticket. When the 20 tickets become available pre-registers will be notified 72 hours before the general public. The Breakthrough Music Summit is for any artist that wants to have ultimate breakthrough in their career.This career & life changing event with former A&R Director, music industry success coach, and music business strategist will not only be a roadmap to further your career but in one night you will be able to break through the limiting beliefs and habits that have caused roadblocks in you achieving ultimate success in the music industry that you desire and deserve.This event is only available to the 20 artists that want to have breakthrough in their career. This won't be another boring conference or lecture. This is going to be a hands on meeting with the premier music business success and strategist coach Matthew Rix! Matthew Rix inteoduction video on the Breakthrough Summit Rix has spent 20 years in the music industry in various job titles including being a senior A&R director, an A&R consultant, and regional promotions coordinator and for the past few years Matthew is the "go to" guy for artists. He's been called on to assist artist in the studio that are dealing with creative blocks (songwriting, artistic direction), negotiated record deals and his music business audio series "Mattrix Minute" had over 8.4 million sales and streams in 2014 alone from 38 different nations. Matthew's purpose with this event is taking your career from good to outstanding.This is not* Artist showcase* A&R audition*A mixerThis is for artists that want to find out how to take their career to the next level, whichever area that might be and receive the tools to achieve it.Each attendee will receive the following:*Entry into The Breakthrough Music Summit*Free copy of the soon to be released "7 Tips for unprecedented success" by Matthew Rix*One song submission to be featured on a special Mattrix Mixtape event compilation (And you get paid for every sale and stream on this compilation)*A private coach that will do follow up with you and help you with your compilation success.If you're ready for breakthrough then this summit is for you!

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Tennessee Titans vs. Buffalo Bills

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & Cash. Will Call begins 2 1/2 hours prior to event. 615-565-4200. Fax is 615-565-4212. For CMA Festival Info, please call 1-800-CMAFEST 8:30AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday. This is an accessible venue: All Patrons in Wheelchairs Must Purchase Accessible Seating. For CMA Music Festival: Please contact CMA at 800-262-3378 for accessible seats.

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Master Class Dr Nadia Volf | Diagnostic Auriculaire & Acupuncture | Mars 2020

Une formation pratique exceptionnelle, qui vous permettra d’observer le Docteur Nadia Volf dans des traitements complets de patients. Tout d’abord l’établissement du diagnostic auriculaire, l’analyse des points et zones manifestées sur l’oreille indicant les symptomes du patient, et les manipulations permettant d’identifier leur cause. Une fois le diagnostic auriculaire posé et la cause des troubles identifiée, Nadia Volf établira une stratégie de traitement individualisée pour chaque patient, incorporant des points auriculaires, ainsi que des points corporels. Nadia Volf expliquera son approche thérapeutique détaillée et effectura elle-même les traitements. C’est une opportunité unique pour les participants de bénéficier des connaissances et de l’expertise de Nadia Volf, pour leur permettre d’appliquer ce savoir-faire à leurs propres patients. Les objectif de cette Master Class sont : Diagnostic Auriculaire Causal Analyse de cas cliniques  Cartographie des points auriculaires et leurs intéractions Reconnaitre les indications de symptomes et trouver leur cause Traiter les symptomes et la cause à l’aide de points auriculaires et corporels Prévenir les fragilités de l’organisme et les traiter avant l’apparition de maladies Traitements individualisés de participants volontaires ou patients Trouver, comprendre, et traiter les causes psychologiques et émotionnelles à l’origine de pathologies diverses Les participants sont invités à envoyer leur demande par mail s’ils souhaitent bénéficier d’un traitement en priorité, ou peuvent s’ils le souhaitent amener un de leur patients. Faire la demande par mail obligatoirement au préalable, dans la limite des places disponibles. Le thème de cette Master Class est : Gérer les transformations.       Nadia Volf est docteur en Médecine et ès Science (MD, PhD), coordinateur de DIU d’Acupuncture Scientifique à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université Paris (XI) et le professeur Invité de Harvard Médical School. Dr Nadia Volf est non seulement un acupuncteur avec 35 ans d'expérience, mais aussi, neurophysiologiste, qui applique les connaissances scientifiques modernes pour expliquer et approfondir les effets d’acupuncture. Le but de l'enseignement de Nadia Volf est de partager ses connaissances sur la mannière d’identifier le problème interne profond, l’origine de la pathologie, afin de traiter la cause intrinsèque du développement de la maladie et pas uniquement le symptôme. Nadia Volf a commencé étudier l'acupuncture à l'âge de 13 ans quand un acupuncteur qui venait de rentrer de Chine a  sauvé la vie de son père lors d'une grave crise d’asthme. Elle décide alors de consacrer sa vie à l'étude et à la pratique de l’acupuncture. Tout en poursuivant l'apprentissage de l'acupuncture avec son mentor, Nadia a accomplit ses études de Médecine, a obtenu son Doctorat en Médecine, mais aussi en Science. Dés le début de ses études de médecine, elle a entrepris des recherches scientifiques pour démontrer les mécanismes d’action et les effets de l’acupuncture à la manière scientifique moderne, afin de l’introduire dans l’enseignement et la pratique médicale occidentale. Ses recherches approfondies concernent notamment les domaines de la pédiatrie, de la neurologie et de l’oncologie. Son but est de faire reconnaitre l'acupuncture par la communauté scientifique comme une modalité indispensable, et de l’introduire dans l’enseignement universitaire. Dans une quète de perfectionnement de ses connaissances, Nadia Volf a effectué de nombreux voyages autour du monde à la recherche d’enseignements spécifiques auprès des différents experts en acupuncture: en Asie (Malaisie, Thailande, Chine, Japon, Hong Kong), aux USA et en Europe. L’analyse de tout ces enseignements ont permis à Nadia Volf de réunir des connaissances vastes en acupuncture ancestrale et de les combiner aux innovations de la Science moderne, lui permettant de bâtir une nouvelle  méthode d’enseignement globale en acupuncture. Pendant 35 ans Nadia Volf a développé un diagnostic auriculaire causal, une manière scientifique de prouver le diagnostic auriculaire, qui permet de découvrir la cause interne de la pathologie, parfois cachée, de suivre la voie de son développement et d’apporter  une solution globale au traitement.   Aujourd’hui, Dr Nadia Volf poursuit ses recherches et pratique à Paris, à la fois à l'Université et dans son cabinet où elle continue de perfectionner et d'élargir sa méthode de Diagnostic Auriculaire Causal, d’une mannière efficace et objective permettant de différencier la cause profonde à l’origine de la maladie des symptômes cliniques. Dr Nadia Volf est l'auteur de plusieurs livres, traduits en 12 langues, dont « l’Acupuncture pour les Nuls » (Editions First),  « Vos mains sont votre Premier Médecin » (Robert Laffont), «  Soyez Invulnérables » (Robert Laffont), « Être Jeune à tout âge » (XO), « Chacun sa Nature » (XO) et « Food & Life » (Assouline), ainsi que d'un grand nombre d'articles scientifiques, publiés dans des revues scientifiques internationales. Elle est le fondateur du curscus d’Acupuncture Scientifique à la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Paris XI et enseigne aussi à Harvard Medical School. Elle a donné des séminaires à Chicago au Pacific College of Oriental Medicine et lors des nombreux Congrès internationaux en acupuncture. Elle est membre de L'Association Scientifique des Médecins Acupuncteurs de France et de l’École Française d’Acupuncture (ASMAF-EFA  ), ainsi que  de American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA), de International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques (ICMART), de British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS). Nadia Volf souhaite partager ses connaissances et découvertes afin d'aider les praticiens à améliorer leurs capacités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, et leur apprendre à identifier l’origine des pathologies pour en traiter la cause et pas seulement les symptômes.

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Sun 13:00 & 18:30

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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Love Your Business in December

Love Your Business is an informal and very relaxed networking club which runs on the last Thursday of each month at Black Ivy, Bruntsfield, featuring inspirational guest speakers, great networking opportunities and also to have fun and take time out for a game of table tennis in the free, quirky co-working space! Next one is Thursday, 19th December 10am till 12noon. The event is hosted by Michelle Brown, marketing, PR and communications expert with over 20 years’ experience devising and implementing creative and impactful multi-channel campaigns for major UK clients including M&S, Costa Coffee, Premier Inn, Geox and Specsavers. Michelle also has first-hand experience running her own successful business, Michelle Brown PR,, founded in 2014 and is also a Media & Communications part-time university lecturer and business development consultant. Tickets are £20+ booking fee and includes tea/coffee. Format  -  Arrive 10am 10:00 - 10:30 -  Networking  10:30 - 11.30 - Welcome / speakers / business tips 11.30 - 12noon -  Networking (table tennis nets go up at 11.30) 12:00 - Ends Attendees are welcome to continue networking in the bar area at Black Ivy afterwards. What are my parking/transportation options to get to the event? There is no private parking available at the Black Ivy, Edinburgh. Guests can choose to pay for parking in surrounding parking bay locations. For bus routes please see here - Do I need to bring a printed ticket to get in to the event? No. However, you may be asked for the email you used to book the ticket. We recommend that you have an electronic copy of your ticket. What do I do if I can no longer attend the event? If you cannot attend the event for any reason, please cancel your ticket as soon as possible so that the place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list. We cannot refund tickets.  Where can I find more information about the event? You can contact the event organiser at or visit our social media at @howtolyb

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