The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.
Aligned with NEAS Quality Assurance Framework G this online course explores a number of approaches business owners and managers in International Education and Training can take to ensure their Centres maintain quality, and are prepared for any eventuality.
This online course will cover such concepts as good governance, risk management, and quality assurance. Participants are also invited to network and share their experiences in managing an ELT centre.
This course contains new features that are different to the 2017 version of the course such as:
Interactive quizzes with instant feedback
Interactive activities for quality principle G 1-6 and drivers
Badges awarded for each completed Module
Discussion Forums for sharing of task ideas with other NEAS members
Chat function for real time communication
This workshop is open for NEAS Associate and full Members Only.
It is recommended to all professional staff and teachers who aspire to management positions.
How can I contact the organiser with any questions?
The Ticket says Members only, How do I become a NEAS member?
For more details please visit: http://www.neas.org.au/about-us/membership/
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover
Will call available at any open window
* Box Office is located at the Selland Arena, just south of the Saroyan Theatre * Box Office hours are: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm * On event days the Box Office is open until 30 minutes after showtime. On weekend event days the Box Office will be open by 4:30pm.
Special Accessibility seating is available for the Selland Arena. Please call the Box Office at 559.445.8200
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Wie Du es in 3 Tagen schaffst zu transformieren, um im inneren Frieden und in purer Liebe Zugriff zu haben auf Dein wahres Potenzial, das weitaus gewaltiger ist, als Du Dir jetzt vorstellen kannst. Erkenne die Wahrheit, um die Erlösung zu fühlen.
Erlebe den Prozess zum reinen SEIN, damit Du aus dem Hamsterrad Deiner Gedanken aussteigst und fühlst, was echte tiefe Selbstliebe ist. Erfahre, wie Du Dein höheres Bewusstsein frei legst, um auf Dein gewaltiges Potenzial zuzugreifen. Denn die grösste Kraft des Universums ist bereits in Dir, es muss nur frei gelegt werden (Lao Tse).
Die zwingende Logik, warum Du zum reinen SEIN transformierst: Ich liefere Dir in meinem Durchbruch-Coaching exakt die Anleitungen, die es mir ermöglichten, aus meinem eigenen gesamten Potenzial zu schöpfen, um hinter dem Tor zum Glück auch viele andere Annehmlichkeiten wie meine wahre Berufung, finanzielle Freiheit und den richtigen Partner wie magnetisch in mein Leben zu ziehen.
Das hat meine gesamte Grundskepsis weggefegt. Ich bin erleichtert und glücklich zugleich, dass ich das gemacht habe. Es ist auch der absolut richtige Weg für langfristig wirkende Ergebnisse. Ich erlebte einen Durchbruch für mein ganzes Leben, damit ich jetzt Kompassgenau meinen Weg gehe, genau den, der mich glücklich macht. Für meine Begriffe besitzt Vicente tiefe spirituelle Weisheit und grosse geistige Klarheit. Heute hat sich alles zum Positiven gewendet. Inzwischen habe ich den richtigen Partner gefunden. - Tanja Schmidt
Ich hatte meine anfänglichen Bedenken. Einer meiner Arbeitskollegen hat es mir empfohlen, damit ich "endlich auf die Überholspur komme", wie er meinte. Ich war zunächst überrascht über die Schnelligkeit der Wirkung. Vicentes Arbeit wirkte auf mich sofort und unmittelbar transformierend. Er ist hochsensibel und hellfühlig. Nach Vicentes Übungen fühlte ich mich erlöst, geheilt und verwandt. Ich bekam tiefer gehende Einsichten in übergeordnete Zusammenhänge. Und, was soll ich sagen : ich bin auf der Überholspur! Es hat sich bei mir einiges deutlich innerlich getan. Nun verspüre ich wahre Liebe zu mir selbst, habe deutlich mehr Selbstbewusstsein, um jetzt auch meine ganzen Talente und meinen hohen Wert zu erkennen.
Ich gehe jetzt meinen selbstbestimmten Weg und und lebe mit meinem neuen Partner eine stabile und harmonische Partnerschaft in purer Liebe. Danke Vicente! Meine Erwartungen wurden bei weitem übertroffen. Es hat bei mir zu einem befreiten, glücklichen Leben geführt. - E. K.
A increasing number of people have recently asked at events or via email to join an events mailing list for the events and exhibitions LSE Library run.
In order to set one up we need people to actively request to be on one and so we have created this event so you can actively sign up with only your name and email. If enough people sign up, we'll send a termly events and exhibitions newsletter via Mailchimp with updates when new events are added, so about 2-3 emails a term maximum.
If the rate of change is faster outside your walls than inside your walls, then your organization needs to adapt in order to survive.Agile is about adaptability. It’s about flexibility. It’s about delivering value one small piece at a time. Agile welcomes changing requirements, even late in a project. Agile encourages creativity, motivates teams, and empowers them to respond to feedback as they go, so that precious time and resources aren’t wasted.However, Agile is much more than a methodology. Agile supports our need to be human at work: to belong, to learn, to do, to create, to grow, to improve, and to interact with other people. It makes navigating change your organization’s competitive advantage. While many organizations suffer from analysis paralysis, and instead opt to hold lots of meetings, agile helps you move forward, and take the lead. Become an adaptable organization that does more doing than talking.
Our agile training is for companies and teams looking to learn and apply Scrum, XP, Lean or Kanban. Agile isn't just for IT - it is a way of work that can be used to help all teams across the business become more effective and efficient in everything they do.
Our agile training can be delivered face to face, online or via a blended delivery model and can be customised to your organization’s unique requirements.Participants are encouraged to bring real-world projects to the training and apply concepts learned in real-time to generate measurable business outcomes.
Our training is short and high impact, which means no fluff. Interact with expert trainers for an engaging, interesting real-time learning experience.
We know you’re busy. That’s why the course we develop will fit around the your employees' calendar.
Your employees can keep on top of emerging skillsets and technologies with curriculum developed according to their needs.
Agile Training at Deakin UniversityAgile Bootcamp at Acsendas BootcampAgile Bootcamp at B2CloudAgile Scrum Workshops at BlueDot
Find out more about Agile Training