The Tenth Annual Hoboken Comedy Festival is a celebration of Hoboken's Entertainment Independence. For seven days some of the most prolific comedic talent across the US come to Hoboken New Jersey to flex their comedy muscles. The festival supports the Hoboken PBA and Police Department.
9/30 Willie McBride's 606 Grand Street
10/1 Arthur's Steakhouse 237 Washington St
10/2 The Brass Rail 135 Washington St
10/3 Arthur's Steakhouse 237 Washington St
10/4 Jubilee Center 603 Jackson St 8pm & 10pm
10/4 Hudson Dorms Secret Show Midnight
10/5 Hudson Dorms Secret Show 4pm
10/5 Studio L Hoboken 505 Madison St 8pm & 10pm & Midnight
10/6 The Brass Rail 135 Washington St
More info:
Tickets $15/$20/$25 presale and +$5 more at door
CashAmExVisaMasterCardDiscoverDiners Club
Pick-up tickets anytime the day of the show at Window 11. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and two forms of ID, including a photo ID.
Box Office: (212) 465-MSG1 Switchboard: (212) 465-6000
Non-Event Days: Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday from 10:00am to 6:00pm Closed Sunday Event Days:* Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 1 hour after event start Saturday from 10:00am to 1 hour after event start Sunday from 12:00pm to 1 hour after event start *If an event starts prior to standard box office opening time, the box office will open at 9:00am, and stay open until 1 hour after the event start time.
Inquiries or requests concerning accessibility should be directed to the Accessible Services Department for Madison Square Garden at (212) 465-6034.
What we often read is misleading. It's not 'despite the economy' that we have more millionaires; Instead, it's 'because of the economy' that we have more millionaires. The question is, are you the former or the latter?
Dato' Joey Yap will be conducting the annual Feng Shui & Astrology (FSA) 2020 seminar LIVE in Singapore. Get an outlook of 2020 and the opportunities hidden at curves and edges ahead.
The economic climate and the symptoms all point to one direction...
In the year of the Metal Rat (2020), expect to see challenges faced by the majority. On the other hand, it is also a time that you would expect empires to rise and new kings of the hill established. Statistics of all successful business empires, millionaires, and game changers show that they made head starts during turbulent times.
Get the unfair advantage by being prepared. Be the last man standing and reap the rewards.
In this one-day seminar with Dato' Joey Yap, you’ll learn:
How the Metal Rat Year affects your personal BaZi Astrology Chart.
What is the World’s Economic Outlook for 2020.
What is your personal forecast for Health, Wealth, Career & Relationships in 2020.
What are the Auspicious Dates of 2020 and how you can use these dates strategically.
KODE® steht für KOmpetenzDiagnostik und -Entwicklung und ist das weltweit einzigartige Analyseverfahren zur direkten Messung individueller Handlungsfähigkeiten.
"Kompetenzen sind Handlungsvoraussetzungen, also grundlegende Fähigkeiten, sich in neuen, offenen, unüberschaubaren, dynamischen Situationen zurecht zu finden und aktiv zu handeln."
(Prof. Dr. Volker Heyse, Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck)
Ziel der KODE® Lizenzierung ist es, Sie in die Lage zu versetzen, Kompetenzmanagement professionell in Ihre Beratungsprozesse zu integrieren bzw. das KODE® Verfahren optimal in Ihrer Organisation einzusetzen.
Der Ausbildungsinhalt der KODE® Lizenzierung ist neben der Vermittlung des wissenschaftlichen Fundamentes, das Erlernen der praktischen KODE® Anwendung im „täglichen“ Einsatz.
Zwei Tage fokussierte und zeitlich überschaubare Intensivausbildung
Neueste Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Praxis
Einführung in das KODE®Softwarepaket zur Weiterentwicklung von Menschen
Persönliche Austausch auf Augenhöhe mit gleichgesinnten Teilnehmern & KODE® Supervisoren
Ausschließliches arbeiten mit menschlichen Stärken und Potenzialen
Nehmen auch Sie Teil an einer fokussierten, intensiven und zeitlich überschaubaren Ausbildung!
Die KODE® Academy ist der einzige Bildungsanbieter, welcher eine KODE® Lizenzierung für interessierte Personalentwickler, HR-Manager, Geschäftsführer, Direktoren & Personalchefs, Berater, Trainer und Coaches anbietet und Ihnen völlig neue Wege aufzeigt Menschen zu entwickeln.
Machen Sie den nächsten Schritt!
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Besprechen Sie die Zugangsvoraussetzungen und ob dieser Kurs für Sie in Frage kommt.
+49 (0) 89 90410025-0
Sie erreichen uns an Werktagen von 9:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr.
Cash and All Major Credit Cards
(702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+)
Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm
To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.
The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.