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Creëer je eigen Werkgeluk (masterclass)

Loop je de laatste tijd rond met een van de volgende vragen?  Zit je wel op de juiste plek? Hoe zit het met je energie aan het einde van je werkdag? Wil je je meer betrokken voelen bij je baan? Wil je beter weten waar je nu echt goed in bent? Wil je elke keer fluitend naar je werk en ook weer fluitend terug naar huis? Dan zijn de lessen van Simply Happy at Work perfect voor jou. Tijdens de les…. De les helpt jou om meer plezier, voldoening en zingeving te ervaren in je werk. Elke les is erop gericht om duurzaam te kijken naar meer geluk. Werkgeluk is een persoonlijk proces voor iedereen. Het gaat uit van het versterken van je eigen leiderschap en heeft tot doel jou te helpen om jezelf beter te kunnen sturen richting gelukkig werken. Je krijgt kennis wat nu belangrijk is voor jouw geluk in je werkende leven. We gaan aan de slag met praktische tools om zelf invloed uit te oefenen op de mate van plezier en zingeving. Je krijgt op deze manier meer invloed op en controle over de rol die je hebt in het werk. Tijdens deze les krijg je meer inzicht in jouw talenten en passies en hoe je dit kunt inzetten in het werk. De lessen zijn positief, praktisch en inspirerend. Elke les helpt jou een stapje richting je eigen werkgeluk. Iedere les staat een ander thema centraal (bijv talenten, vrijheid, passie en stappenplan naar jouw toekomstbaan). Ik kijk er naar uit om je te ontmoeten en samen aan de slag te gaan met werkgeluk!  Heb je een vraag of wil je meer informatie? Mail dan naar 

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and cash. Will Call tickets can be picked up 90 minutes prior to the event at the street level lobby. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number. (501) 244-8800 Celebrity Attractions Box Office hours 426 W Markham (Broadway & Markham) Monday – Friday 9:30 to 5:30 Walk-up sales Monday – Friday 9:30 – 4:30 Phones This is an accessible venue.

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Toronto Raptors vs. Orlando Magic

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Location: Amalie Arena Ticket Office at the Amalie Arena, west side of the building Open: normal Ticket Office hours on event days Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account order number in order to receive tickets. For complete Amalie Arena Ticket Terms & Conditions, please visit (813) 301-2500 Amalie Arena Ticket Office (813) 301-6700 Accessible Seating Line (813) 301-6600 Tampa Bay Lightning Amalie Arena Ticket Office 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday 9:00am-2:00pm Saturday Day of Event: hours vary with event time. Please call (813) 301-2500 for specifics. This is an accessible venue. For hearing and sight impaired seating please call (813) 301-6700. - Wheelchair transportation available - Sign language interpreters available with advance request - Service animals welcome - Drop off circle available along North end of building (Channelside Drive) -Personal sound enhancement receivers available For additional information, please visit

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Anaheim Ducks vs. Vancouver Canucks

American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Honda Center is a cashless venue. A photo ID matching the name the tickets are placed under is required. VIP, Artist, Promoter, or other special will call requirements and locations are subject to change. Will call windows are located at the Box Office. Will call is generally available beginning 1-1/2 hours prior to the event, and closes after the start of the event (after the first intermission for Anaheim Ducks games). Late pick up will be available at the East Entrance after the box office closes. Box office phones are answered during regular box office hours. Please note, the box office does not sell tickets by phone. Call (714) 704-2500 for general information Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. The box office will remain open through the beginning of weeknight events. On event Saturdays and event Sundays, the box office will open three (3) hours prior to the event and remain open through the beginning of the event. The box office is located on the east side of the building, near the East Entrance, facing the Santa Ana riverbed. Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Club, and Terrace levels. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please toggle the Accessibility icon in the seat map filters on the event page. The box office will have the same availability as Ticketmaster. Please note, semi-ambulatory or limited mobility seating is also available and requires the guest to navigate some steps. Wheelchair accessible seats have no steps. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 214. Requests for sign language interpreters must be received at least 14 business days prior to the event you are attending. To arrange for courtesy sign language interpreters, please either email or call 714-704-2400. For a full list of ADA policies, please visit

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La Regione delle opportunità - Roma Casilina

Vuoi avere risposte concrete sul mondo imprenditoriale e tenerti informato sulle opportunità offerte dalla programmazione regionale, nazionale e comunitaria? Ti aspettiamo negli Spazi Attivi della Regione Lazio! Con “La Regione delle opportunità. Iniziative e bandi per le imprese”, ti offriremo informazioni a 360 gradi sulle opportunità di finanziamento e sui contributi e incentivi pubblici a sostegno di imprese, liberi professionisti, startup e per l'avvio di nuove attività. Si tratta del primo servizio di orientamento diffuso su tutto il territorio del Lazio non solo sui bandi regionali, ma anche sulle opportunità europee della rete Enterprise Europe Network - Horizon 2020, Europa Creativa, Life, Europeaid  - e nazionali (come ad esempio, i programmi di riconversione e il credito d'imposta). Gli incontri, gratuiti e della durata di 3 ore, si rivolgono ad enti, associazioni di categoria, imprese, startup e a tutti i cittadini interessati a conoscere gli avvisi, le agevolazioni ed i bandi legati al mondo imprenditoriale. Gli incontri si terranno dalle ore 9:30 alle 12:30 Per partecipare al percorso di orientamento, occorre iscriversi selezionando la data con il relativo Focus di interesse. Spazio Attivo Roma Casilina - Via Casilina 3/T 15 marzo - Credito e Garanzie

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The Addams Family

The Addams Family Musical by Andrew Lippa, Marshall Brickman, and Rick Elice Directed by Rebecca Campbell October 9 November 8 Based on the popular family tv show, Addams Family is a kooky, spooky Halloween show perfect for the young and the young at heart. All your favorite characters are here and this time they sing!

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"Exploration" Art Exhibit at BIG ARTS

Members of the Sanibel-Captiva Art League are proud to present their 45th Annual Juried Art Show (“Exploration”) in concert with the Art Council of SW Florida. This eclectic, multi-media exhibit will occupy the Dunham Family Gallery of BIG ARTS at 900 Dunlop Rd. in Sanibel, from December 17, 2020, through January 31, 2021. Hours for viewing are Tu-F, 10-4pm, and Sundays, 9-1pm. The gallery show will also be available as a virtual exhibit starting December 21, 2020. Each year, the Annual Juried Show features innovative art works with subjects both abstract and representational, covering themes both unusual and familiar. Working in a variety of media, including two- and three-dimensional pieces, some of the best artists in Florida have produced works to delight and intrigue the viewer. Plan to explore this exceptional exhibit of original art created by members of the San-Cap Art League and the Art Council of SW Florida. Educator, writer, popular presenter, juror and artist Barbara Anderson Hill is the judge for this show. A resident of Sanibel during the 1970s and 80s, Hill was one of the founders of BIG ARTS. She owned and operated a pottery school on the island and was adjunct professor at Edison Community College, now Florida Southwestern. Hill has held numerous key positions at art and cultural institutions including grants and major gifts manager for the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, and executive director of the Edison-Ford Winter Estates Foundation, Fort Myers. For more information about “Exploration,” visit and

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