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ICSITCCT 2020: 14. International Conference on Smart Information Technologies and Collaborative Communication Technology

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICSITCCT 2020: 14. International Conference on Smart Information Technologies and Collaborative Communication Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Smart Information Technologies and Collaborative Communication Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Smart Information Technologies and Collaborative Communication Technology

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Miami Dolphins v. Cleveland Browns

GENERAL EVENTS: Cash, Visa, MC, Amex and Discover - UNIVERSOUL CIRCUS: Cash only - HURRICANE FOOTBALL at UM Box Office: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX ($1 service charge on all tickets) GENERAL EVENTS Location : Gate G Hours : 10am Miami Hurricanes Football : Gate F at the Stadium, 4 hours prior to Kickoff (888) FINS-TIX for Miami Dolphins and General Events 1-800-GO-CANES for University of Miami Football 305-341-4701 for the Capital One Orange Bowl For Universoul Circus information 1-800-316-7439 GENERAL EVENTS Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm Sat 10:00am-4:00pm University of Miami Football: 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday at Hurricane Ticket Office located at the BankUnited Center on UM Campus This is an accessible venue.

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2023 49ers Training Camp - July 31st

Visa, American Express, Mastercard Will Call tickets may be picked up at the Visa Box Office at Levi's® Stadium. The Will Call windows open three (3) hours prior to the event. Will call tickets can be claimed only by the person whose name appears on the Will Call envelope. Government issued photo identification is required. ***** Bag Policy - All Events ***** In compliance with the NFL's Bag Policy, Levi's® Stadium prohibits all bags, backpacks and other carriers from being brought into the stadium with the following exceptions: NFL approved clear plastic bags (12 x 6 x 12) One gallon clear plastic zip lock type bags Small Clutch Bag (the size of an adult hand) (4.5 x 6.5) All approved bags are subject to inspection upon entry and are subject to additional inspections within the stadium. 415-GO-49ERS (415-464-9377) 9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday, Accessible seating for patrons requiring wheelchair access is available with up to 3 companions. FOR ALL OTHER ACCESSIBLE AND LIMITED MOBILITY CONCERNS, PLEASE CALL (415) 467-9377

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Monthly #FirstFridayFair Business, Data & Tech (Virtual Event) - London (#LHR)

Event Happens on First Friday of the Month..  To participate: Job Seekers must complete profile on Recruiters must complete profile on #FirstFridayFair (#FFF) is World's largest attended career fair with around 8,000 professionals and 500 recruiting companies. The data science and software development focussed career fair is delivered right at your desktop. No need to travel anywhere, just signup and wait for to organize your interactions. We've taken all the inefficiencies from the career fair and added everything that makes career fair a successful event. Just signup and experience the future of hiring delivered via (World's fastest growing AI led career development platform). Here's the process: When: Each month event occur on First Friday of the Month (Data and Technology hiring drive resume collection stops 4th Friday of previous month) Where: Over Skype/Google Hangout ( will inform recruiter / job seeker if any match is found, so you will never waste your time in the queue). Process: > For Job Seeker*:1. Signup & Complete your profile on (takes about 3min to complete the profile)2. Let reach-out to you via email to keep you informed on next steps.3. Attend #FirstFridayFair and provide your feedback and ensures it keeps bringing you in front of best opportunities it finds. > For Recruiter*:1. Signup & Complete your profile on (takes about 3min to complete the profile)2. Let reach-out to you via email to keep you informed on next steps.3. Attend #FirstFridayFair and provide your feedback and ensures it keeps bringing you in front of best candidates it finds. * Please note always value your time and ensures you would never have to wait unless you are contacted by about the potential matches Why it Matters? Best industry hirings are done with the power of networking and reference. using it AI platform uses the power of skill connectivity and identical profile portfolio to connect similar candidates to relevant opportunities. brings relationship and connection back into hiring. Takeaways? We expect the event to: 1. Create interesting conversations 2. Improve access to local talent and local opportunities 3. Provide a venue to promote effective hiring 4. Connect professionals with other seekers so they could collaborate and improve their search 5. Discover what some of the top businesses are looking for in a talent 6. Educate recruiters and job seekers about top trends and hiring skills that are trendy and rising. About is an Artificial Intelligence led platform that is building and improving access to top talent, facilitate sustained hiring and create a smart ecosystem that works between top talent and top opportunities to promote long term prospects for businesses and professionals. has already resulted in some of the top hirings in the industry.

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash,MasterCard and VISA accepted. American Express NOT accepted Will Call is located at the Box Office, located on the East Side of the Arena. Tickets may be picked up beginning two hours prior to the event. The person whose name is on the account, must be present and show their photo ID and credit card used to make the purchase to pick up tickets. The Box Office cannot release tickets to anyone whose name does not appear on the account, and cannot make name changes over the telephone. (909)244-5530 Box Office Hours: Non-event days Monday - Friday: 12pm - 4pm Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED Events days Monday - Friday: 12pm - closing Saturday - Sunday: 3 hours before the start of the event* •Varies per event Closed on Holidays On day of show, the ticket windows will remain open until 30 minutes after the event begins. Accessible seating is available in the last row of the following sections: 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 301,302, 304, and 305. Elevators outside sections 103/203 and 114/214. Will identify areas for hearing impaired as needed.

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San Jose Sharks vs. Arizona Coyotes

The Box Office accepts Cash , Visa , Mastercard and American Express as methods of payment. Will call is available two hours prior to the start of the event. Will call is part of the South Ticket Office, on Autumn St near Santa Clara St. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets. The ticket office can be reached at (408) 287-9200 during business hours. The Box Office is located at the South East corner of the Arena, on the corner of Santa Clara St and Autumn St. Box Office hours are as follows: Mon - Fri .......... 10:00AM - 3:00PM Saturday & Sunday .... Closed SAP Center has designated seats for both wheelchair accessible seating and their companions. However, due to size constraints, companion seats will not fit a wheelchair. So patrons needing wheelchair accessible seating must purchase a wheelchair accessible seat as the SAP Center cannot turn a companion seat into a wheelchair accessible seat.

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Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioni

Oltre 2.500 persone in classi da 20 persone max hanno fatto questo corso. Leader in Italia con oltre 59 edizioni pubbliche + 105 sessioni private dedicate a singole aziende.(se vuoi un progetto Linkedin ADV per promuovere il tuo business oppure un corso personalizzato, scrivici in privato) Titolo: Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioniMaggiorin info su: Sottotitolo: Usare Linkedin come strumento strategico per la propria azienda migliorando la propria reputazione professionale online. Approfondiremo come intraprendere consapevolmente progetti online e scelte Social utilizzando Linkedin, in modo da portare profitto alla propria organizzazione usando Linkedin. Messaggio chiave: Per fissare obiettivi reali e raggiungere i propri risultati di business, è importante comprendere come e perchè investire tempo nell'utilizzo del Social Network Linkedin. Misurare i risultati è la condizione per fare un investimento profittevole del proprio tempo su questa innovativa piattaforma di Social Business Professional. Audience: Imprenditori e Management delle aziende, Direzione vendite, Funzione marketing e comunicazione, servizio clienti, customer care, Communication Office, Responsabili di progetti Web/Online e Social Media. Overview: Nel mondo, oltre 500 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per fare business ... affari :-) Linkedin è un social network di business professionals. E' il nuovo modo di entrare in contatto professionalmente, che sostituisce la pagine gialle e le rubriche telefoniche personali. E' un social network dedicato migliorare le 'Business Connection'. Le Persone su Linkedin descrivono le proprie competenze professionali e vogliono entrare in contatto con altri per motivi di lavoro. In Italia 11 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per: - trovare contatti commerciali e pianificare appuntamenti - pianificare un approccio strategico ad un prospect, client, partner, o competitor; - promuovere il proprio profilo professionale (Business Personal Branding); - interagire con i propri clienti; - promuovere la propia pagina aziendale o della propria organizzazione; - formare gruppi di discussione intorno ad un tema; - pubblicizzare prodotti e servizi; - incontrare persone di altre nazioni per fare business insieme; - trovare parter e distributori; - capire come sono fatti gli organigrammi aziendali; - per studiare i concorrenti; - candidarsi per una posizione aziendale e far valere le proprie competenze; - ... Agenda: giornata intera dalle 9.00 alle 18.00: Mattino 9.00-13.00 Linkedin come si integra con gli altri Social Network Social Media Trends 2019 Situazione internazionale Situazione italiana Evoluzione di Linkedin 2018 Ottimizzare il profilo personale Linkedin secondo le regole aziendali Rivediamo insieme le componenti essenziali del profilo; Suggerimenti e attività pratiche per migliorare il profilo; Gestire i propri contatti in modo efficiente ed efficace; Linkedin come piattaforma di Contanct Management La SEO di Linkedin 11:00 Pausa Caffè Portare la propria azienda su Linkedin Gestire un progetto digitale su Linkedin (cenni) Attività di marketing e comunicazione digitale Il profilo dell’azienda (come completarlo in modo efficace senza perdere tempo) Strutturare e condividere con i colleghi e superiori la strategia di presenza su Linkedin                L’utilizzo dei gruppi per creare le proprie Community di riferimento Community dei dipendenti Community dei prospect e clienti Community dei partners Come Scrivere e commentare nelle Community dei competitors Integrazione con i sistemi di Email Marketing Automation Pausa Pranzo 13.00-14.00 ----- Pomeriggio 14.00-18.00 Come ottenere contatti qualificati con l’attività su Linkedin: L’attività di posting (persone e sui gruppi) La pubblicità a pagamento su Likedin Processi e metodi virtuosi per ottenere i risultati voluti ROI e KPI delle attività su Linkedin (misurare investimenti e risultati) 3 tool per gestire linkedin (pubblicazione, distribuzione, commenti, monitoring e Social CRM) L’attività di HR e di analisi di competitors cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin come strumento di recruiting cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin per studiare la concorrenza 16.30 Pausa caffè Esercitazioni e case histories Lavoro in team: crea la tua campagna digitale su linkedin 4 casi di successo da commentare insieme Fine lavori 18.00 (per chi vuole aperitivo alle 19.00)

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Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Arizona Cardinals

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Day Of Show: Location - TIAA Bank Field Box Office Hours - Varies per time of event The customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster account confirmation number. (904) 630-3900 (904) 633-2000 - Jacksonville Jaguars HOURS FOR JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS In Advance: Location - TIAA Bank Field: Hours - Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Day Of Show: TIAA Bank Field: Hours - varies per time of event FOR ALL OTHER EVENTS: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Stadium opens Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. The stadium is an accessible venue.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Business Case Writing Classroom Training in Wichita, KS

Description:   Welcome to Vistaedutech! We thank you for visiting Vistaedutech Business Case Writing training page.   Corporate strategy execution depends upon developing and implementing the best solution in the workplace. Success factors however, rely upon basing the solution on the right requirements, drawn from a sound and robust Business Case. A well-crafted business case document outlines the rationale for undertaking a business project. It should be a formal, written argument that argues the reasoning to convince a decision maker to approve an intended action.   Our BCW course is designed to provide you with a practical understanding on how to write compelling business cases to best suit organizational objectives and achieve targets. Sharpen your presentation skills and get the stakeholders on your side through our Business case writing training.   Avail the benefits of this course from anywhere and get trained by the best faculties from Trainerkart. The online and classroom course for Business Case Writing is offered at very reasonable prices so that there is no limit to your learning and growth. This 8 hours course packs in all the information you will need to create compelling business cases that are comprehensive and persuasive.   On successful completion of this BCW course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from Vistaedutech.   What you will learn: Learn to define the project Understand how to analyze, outline and communicate a business case effectively in writing to meet organizational requirements Learn to identify and compare costs and advantages of alternative solutions to the problem Learn to apply risk assessment techniques to forecast and mitigate potential problems Learn to work out alternate solutions based on existing resources Learn to communicate and present the business case effectively to critical stakeholders to gain acceptance   Key Features :   This is a basic introductory course 1 day or 8 hrs of high quality training from certified instructors Course completion certificate will be provided Hands-on coaching to write winning business cases The course covers the following topics:   Introduction to Business Case Where does the business case fit in our business model? Business Case Principles Planning your Business Case – a summary How to identify stakeholders’ needs and align your business case with strategic requirements Strategies for developing a successful business case Identify market potential and compare market ratings of competitors Gather inputs including business capabilities and risks involved in the proposed business Elements that make up a persuasive argument for the business case Build a compelling case supported by data, tables and so on Business Case Study writing tips and effective presentation Use of appropriate language, which is consistent and credible without being biased Typical Business Case Template Business Case Checklist Why Business cases fail, how to give just enough detail but not too much Business Case Writing session & creative discussion     Why VistaEdutech ? VistaEdutech's training is the best and value for time & money invested. We stand out because our customers Get trained at the best price compared to other training providers. Get trained by the best trainer in the industry. Get accesses to course specific learning videos. Get 100% Money back guarantee*. Training Fee Classroom: $ 449 Training Fee Online: $ 349 Standard Fee: Booking within 30 days of training but 10 days prior to the start date. Early Bird: Booking at least one month prior to the class start date Super Early Bird: Booking 3 months prior to the class start date.   Training Venue: Venue will be confirmed to the classroom participants one week prior to the workshop start date and online participants will get the session attendance link before 4- 5 days of the training start date. Standard Fee: Booking within 30 days of training but 10 days prior to the start date. For more details please contact us at +1 (302) 232-5303 or e-mail *To know more about the discount and money back, Contact us on chat, email or phone.  

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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