Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.
Master Card, Visa, American Express, No Personal Checks, CASHLESS VENUE
No will call. All tickets are digital
Open 1 week prior to Feld Events
Accessible seating is available to people with mobility disabilities that require accessible seating because of their disability at all price levels. This includes individuals who use wheelchairs, those who use other mobility devices, and people who cannot climb steps or walk long distances because of significant arthritis or Severe respiratory, circulatory, or cardiac conditions. Individuals who, because of their disability, cannot sit in a straight-back chair or those whose service dogs cannot fit under a non-accessible seat or lie safely in the aisle are also permitted to purchase accessible seats. Individuals purchasing a ticket for an accessible seat may purchase up to three additional seats for their companions in the same row and that are contiguous with the accessible seat. If contiguous seats have already been sold and are not available, the Angels will offer other seats as close as possible to the accessible seat.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Location: Amalie Arena Ticket Office at the Amalie Arena, west side of the building Open: normal Ticket Office hours on event days Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account order number in order to receive tickets. For complete Amalie Arena Ticket Terms & Conditions, please visit
(813) 301-2500 Amalie Arena Ticket Office (813) 301-6700 Accessible Seating Line (813) 301-6600 Tampa Bay Lightning
Amalie Arena Ticket Office 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday 9:00am-2:00pm Saturday Day of Event: hours vary with event time. Please call (813) 301-2500 for specifics.
This is an accessible venue. For hearing and sight impaired seating please call (813) 301-6700. - Wheelchair transportation available - Sign language interpreters available with advance request - Service animals welcome - Drop off circle available along North end of building (Channelside Drive) -Personal sound enhancement receivers available For additional information, please visit
Para iniciar a carreira na rede CENTURY 21 é realizado o Curso SER&ESTAR. A participação neste curso (formação inicial) é o primeiro contacto com o Sistema CENTURY 21, nomeadamente com os objetivos, visão, missão, valores, história, elementos e método da maior Rede Imobiliária do Mundo.
Inscreva-se no SER & ESTAR em E-LEARNING e aprenda de forma mais flexível e interativa o Sistema CENTURY 21, nomeadamente o posicionamento da Marca como fator de diferenciação no mercado e a importância da Cultura Empresarial e dos procedimentos na construção do sucesso comercial na esfera imobiliária.
Destinatários: Toda a Rede CENTURY 21
Modalidade: E-learning
Preço: Gratuito
Procedimentos e informações:
Preencha a ficha de inscrição
A Coordenação da Agência recebe e partilha consigo o utilizador e respetiva password para o acesso à Plataforma (enviado pela plataforma à 3ªf e 5ªf);
Após a receção do utilizador e respetiva password pela Coordenação, o formando tem 7 dias para frequentar o Curso;
Quando aceder aos conteúdos do Curso SER & ESTAR CENTURY 21 encontrará uma formação interativa que irá possibilitar o acesso a informação, realização de exercícios práticos, visualização de vídeos, consulta de conceitos no Glossário e de documentos na Biblioteca e ainda o acesso a botões “Saber +”;
Após concluir o ponto anterior, é solicitado que realize um teste de conhecimentos, sendo que tem três tentativas para o realizar. Para efeitos de avaliação e certificação conta a nota mais alta, sendo que para obter sucesso é necessário obter uma classificação igual ou superior a 50%;
A frequência e a conclusão do Curso SER & ESTAR CENTURY 21 com sucesso é obrigatória para obter o seu e-mail gratuito e ter acesso ao CRM 21Online.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
A chance to network and kickback with the publishing crowd out in Frankfurt. We'll be in the Jambo Bar, Elbestraße 20, 60329, Frankfurt Main from 9pm onwards with early drinks on us. Let us know if you're coming by booking a ticket.
We have limited tickets for members of Byte The Book to get in free to Frankfurt Book Fair (saving you up to €145). For more information on tickets please contact us at Free tickets are only available to those that have full year memberships, Individuals can join us for £120 a year here. Company memberships are also available, please contact us at for more information.
This event is free for all but please do register if you’d like come along.
Our drinks for the evening are sponsored by:
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
Will Call will open 3 hours prior to an event.
Monday thru Friday..... 9am - 5pm Box office will open 3 hours prior to an event
For Accessible Seating please call (301) 276-6000