Cash and All Major Credit Cards
(702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+)
Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm
To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.
Join Chauvet Arts for “The Art of Unity” exhibit, a timely rotating show featuring the gallery's diverse roster of acclaimed artists during a time when artists are uniting more than ever. For more information about CHAUVET Arts, featured artists and upcoming exhibitions, please visit
215 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37219
Open to the public five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 586-6510
Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
Cash and All Major Credit Cards
(702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+)
Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm
To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.
The box office accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Cash.
Tickets held for willcall can be picked up on the day of the performance usually beginning 1 to 2 hours prior to showtime. The customer must present a valid form of identification, the actual credit card, and the confirmation number.
(206) 682-1414
Monday-Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm.
Holiday Gift Collective brings together seven East Bay female artisans in Lafayette, CA
San Francisco, CA – With a global pandemic and wave of fires, many small businesses have shuttered under the conditions, while others have united in finding new ways to sustain themselves and support their local communities through their crafts.
Contra Costa County recently moved into Tier 2, allowing for the return of indoor retail shopping under state guidelines. The artisans and women behind Holiday Gift Collective are thrilled at the opportunity to safely showcase their goods and boost their local economy just in time for the holidays.
The idea for Holiday Gift Collective was born from the shared values of each of the participating artisans as well as from the #shoplocal movement which encourages people to invest in their communities with the goal of strengthening the economy. Holiday Gift Collective is a union in support of community and equality, and will offer home goods, jewelry, gourmet foods, and more.
In addition to continuing to pave the path for aspiring female entrepreneurs, Holiday Gift Collective hopes to encourage the community to work together in the fight against climate change. Brands such as Planet Renu, SIP, and Hofssi Chocolates will be presenting a variety of eco-friendly and ethically sourced products. Joining the list of green businesses will be Hollie's Homegrown, a local organic herb farm on a mission to create the highest quality herbal food and body products. All together, they will provide Holiday Gift Collective customers with unique and special gift options that reduce our carbon-footprint.
To learn more about the women behind Holiday Gift Collective, visit their sites: Anne Morrison Rabe Photography, Annie Chrietzberg, Hofssi Chocolates, Hollie’s Homegrown, Manjusha Jewels, Planet Renu, and SIP (Seriously Imbibed Products).
Located at 3539 Plaza Way, Lafayette, CA, the pop-up will run Sunday, Nov. 1 through the end of the holiday season from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Local guest artisans will be featured on a rotating basis.
Holiday Gift Collective:
Sanjiv Chawla
Advance sales - Cash, Visa, MCGame days - Cash only
Open 4 hours prior to game time. Located at box office-southeast corner PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER.
Carolina Panthers box office - (704) 358-7800
Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm Opens 2 Hours Prior To Game Time Located at the Southeast corner between South and East Gates
This venue is accessible.
“Ciò che sei urla così forte che non riesco ad ascoltare ciò che dici!”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Il linguaggio del corpo è una vera e propria lingua, che tutti parliamo ma che solo il 2% della popolazione riesce a capire correttamente (fonte: Paul Ekman).Uno sguardo, un toccamento, grattarsi il naso, spolverarsi la giacca, stringere le labbra… tutto ha un significato, e saperlo leggere correttamente ci può aiutare nel migliorare la nostra comunicazione.
Il corpo si esprime sempre e comunque, anche senza il nostro permesso; e laddove cerchiamo di controllarlo, lui trova il modo di esprimersi e di esprimere anche il suo dissenso verso il nostro controllo.Ma il rischio di interpretare male i segnali del corpo altrui, o di inviare messaggi errati e incongruenti è molto alto. Anzi, spesso chi si occupa di CNV tende a interpretare troppo e tutto, perdendo le sfumature veramente significative del Linguaggio del Corpo. Per questo è fondamentale conoscere e studiare la Comunicazione Non Verbale con un approccio scientifico e libero da smanie di voler “sgamare” gli altri.
Conoscere il Linguaggio del Corpo e le Microespressioni ci permette di capire veramente bene gli altri, le loro emozioni, i loro stati mentali ed entrare ancora più semplicemente in empatia e sintonia con loro. Inoltre, ci permette di migliorare la nostra Comunicazione, rendendola più Efficace, più Efficiente, più Elegante, più Persuasiva e più d’Impatto.Ovviamente, i campi di applicazione della CNV e del Linguaggio del Corpo sono tanti quante sono le attività che richiedono delle interazioni umane: dalla vendita alla genitorialità, dalla gestione delle risorse umane alle attività investigative, dalla didattica alla sicurezza, dalle attività sanitarie a tutte le relazioni di aiuto.Il corso non svela segreti o tecniche magiche, ma fornisce “nuovi occhi” con cui osservare scientificamente il comportamento e la gestualità altrui, oltre a modelli di osservazione strategica.
“Chi sospetta un inganno dovrebbe fare più attenzione alla voce e al corpo”
Paul Ekman
PROGRAMMA:- I falsi miti della Comunicazione Non Verbale- Neurologia della CNV - Premesse Metodlogiche: CIC, TTT e tempi della CNV- Prossemica: le 4 distanze- Postura e Portamento- Segnali di Gradimento- Segnali di Tensione- Segnali di Rifiuto- Le (Micro)Espressioni Universali- La Respirazione- Il ParaVerbale- Gli indicatori di Incongruenza- Il contatto oculare - Il contatto fisico - Psicogeografia degli ambienti e degli uffici Formula di EFFICACIA FYM:
60% teoria e studio della CNV
40% pratica interattiva (video ed esercitazioni pratiche)
Quota d'iscrizione: 590€ + iva
La quota comprende: - corso (2 giornate - 14 ore);- materiali didattici cartacei; - materiali didattici digitali;- attestato di partecipazione; - rifrequenza gratuita del corso.
Mehr Berlin geht nicht | Die Silvesterparty im Pirates Berlin | Direkt an der Spree Silvester all inclusive feiern im Herzen der Hauptstadt mit einem der schönsten Ausblickspunkte Berlins - ganz ohne Gedränge. Wir bieten unseren Gästen zusätzlich zu einer wunderschönen Location mit 3 Floors indoor exklusiv eine riesige zum Teil überdachte Spreeterrasse direkt am Wasser, von der aus Sie den Silvester-Himmel über Berlin genießen können. Musik auf 3 Floors: 1: aktuelle Charts, 80er, 90er 2: Black Music, House 3: Schlager und Partyhits Alles inklusive: Im Ticket sind alle Getränke (Longdrinks, Bier, Wein, Prosecco und Softs) inklusive ohne Zeit- oder Mengenbegrenzung vom Anfang bis zum Ende der Veranstaltung! Wir verwenden ausschließlich Markenspirituosen und -softdrinks! Außerdem gibt es Snacks für den kleinen Hunger zwischendurch und die traditionellen Mitternachtspfannkuchen. Kein Anstehen: Flaschenware wie Bier und ausgewählte Softdrinks können überall auf der Party per Selbstbedienung aus den Kühlschränken genommen werden. Für alles andere gibt es zahlreichen Bars. Erleben Sie eine traumhafte Silvesternacht inmitten der bunten Metropole Berlin vor einer atemberaubenden Kulisse! AB 18 JAHRE
Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Cash
TICKETS PURCHASED IN ADVANCE : Tickets may be picked up in advance beginning 48 hours AFTER THE PURCHASE at the Box Office(hours are Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm). - OR - Beginning 2 hours prior to show time tickets may be picked-up at the Box Office. --------------------------------------------------------- TICKETS PURCHASED ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT : Tickets purchased on the DAY OF THE EVENT may only be picked-up beginning 2 hours prior to show time at the Box Office. Please bring the actual credit card use to purchase the tickets, the confirmation number and valid photo ID. American Airlines Center charges a $5.00 per envelope fee for outside will call. This fee will be charged for all third party events. The fee will not be charged for Dallas Mavericks or Dallas Stars, suite holders or Platinum Club members.
Box Office: 214.665.4797 Mavericks Group Sales (20 or more): 214.747.MAVS Event Line: 214.665.4200 Parking Hotline: 214.665.4700 Dallas Mavericks: 214.747.6287 Dallas Stars: 214-467.8277
The Box Office is located on the North-East corner of the building (across from The Lexus Parking Garage): Open for normal business hours Monday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm Closed on non event Sundays Box Office visitors should park in The Lexus Parking Garage during non-event hours. American Airlines Center Box Office Policy: Concert tickets are not available for purchase at the American Airlines Center box office on the public on-sale. Tickets for such non-team events may be purchased by the general public on the first day of ticket sales online at or by phone at 800-745-3000. Remaining available tickets for any concert/event following the first day of general public ticket sales will be available for purchase at the American Airlines Center box office on the next business day that the box office is open.