The Box Office accepts Cash , Visa , Mastercard and American Express as methods of payment.
Will call is available two hours prior to the start of the event. Will call is part of the South Ticket Office, on Autumn St near Santa Clara St. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets.
The ticket office can be reached at (408) 287-9200 during business hours.
The Box Office is located at the South East corner of the Arena, on the corner of Santa Clara St and Autumn St. Box Office hours are as follows: Mon - Fri .......... 10:00AM - 3:00PM Saturday & Sunday .... Closed
SAP Center has designated seats for both wheelchair accessible seating and their companions. However, due to size constraints, companion seats will not fit a wheelchair. So patrons needing wheelchair accessible seating must purchase a wheelchair accessible seat as the SAP Center cannot turn a companion seat into a wheelchair accessible seat.
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Across Asia hate speech based on fake news has led to an increase of violent incidents as disinformation divides communities during periods of political and communal tensions. With rising internet penetration and use of mobile devices, abusive and threatening remarks both in speech and writing are going viral over social media. Often such content expresses intense prejudice against individuals or particular groups, on the basis of disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, political ideology, race, religion or sexual orientation which can rise up to a frenzy leading to violent outcomes. Governments have enacted laws to preserve public order as well as to protect human dignity. They have also sponsored and assembled inter-faith dialogues and embarked on social cohesion efforts. Other stakeholders such the UN, international organisations, civil society and faith-based groups are also doing their part to combat hate speech. In the search for solutions to these challenges, there is also a need for an evidence-based discussion to critically examine the phenomenon of hate speech and its impact on democracy, the rule of law and human rights. This conference seeks to address the issue of hate speech from an evidence-based and a solution grounded approach while upholding freedom of expression.
The key issues that will be examined are as follows:
Blasphemy, hate speech, “harmony” (national, social, religious) laws and bills
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)
Human rights mechanisms (UN [UPR/Special Procedures], AICHR, NHRIs)
Non-legal interfaith dialogues and social cohesion or social harmony initiatives
Perspectives from religion, race, ethnicity and nationalities
Political and nationality-based discrimination and hate
Social protection of gender and LGBTIQ stakeholders
Role of media, social media and technology
Impact on democracy, freedom of expression, human rights and the rule of law
Any other relevant or related themes
The conference aims to achieve the following objectives:
Convene interested individuals and organisations researching hate speech;
Exchange information and trends around legislation to prevent hate speech;
Examine non-legal measures to promote social cohesion and harmony;
Evaluate hate speech’s impact on democracy, freedom of expression, human rights and the rule of law
Conference Structure
The conference will consist of short remarks, keynote speeches and plenary and breakout sessions made of thematic panels and country-specific discussions.
Conference Participants
Registration is open to all presenters and participants from academic institutions, businesses, national and regional civil society organisations, international NGOs, political parties and intergovernmental organisations to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking. Due to the stability of internet connection available, Asia Centre is not able to accommodate online presentations and participation.
Conference Publications
Following the international conference, Asia Centre will undertake following publishing efforts:
Conference Proceedings
Publish a set of peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings.
Book Project
Asia Centre will invite selected authors and presenters (10-12) to participate in book proposal to Palgrave Macmillan (International Edition) and Gerakbudaya (Regional Edition).
Special Issue Journal
Asia Centre will also assemble a small number of papers (5-6) for submission as a special issue to a journal drawn from its pool of partners’ publication.
Conference Fee
This is a self-funded conference, hence a flat fee of USD$300 that will be charged to all keynote, paper and poster presenters, participants and drop-in visitors. This will go towards covering the cost of the venue, equipment and logistics, coffee breaks on all days, certificates for participants, conference communications and staff.
Submission Guidelines
Paper Presentations and Speeches
Researchers and practitioners wishing to present papers or share their experiences are invited to submit a title, an abstract in English of 300-350 words along with a biographical paragraph of 100 words to For those submitting papers, full papers should be 5000 words.
Poster presentations
Limited space is available for 4 to 5 poster presentations. Your presentation may be submitted in word / pdf format to the Asia Centre for consideration. A 60×80 cm poster will be printed and displayed during the conference. Full conference fees apply
Key Dates
Accepting abstracts now (deadline 15 Dec 2019)
Payment due following acceptance of paper
Full papers (deadline 15 March 2020)
Conference Partnership
Asia Centre welcome organisations and individuals to be conference partners by organising a panel, sponsoring a keynote speaker the opportunity to network and forge linkages with academia, businesses and civil society in the region and promote their organisations and activities.
Partner Benefits
Logo on all publicity materials online and at conference venue
Social media and mailing list promotion through Asia Centre’s networks
Display and also distribute promotional materials from partner organisation to participants
Develop expertise on the issues covered by the conference themes
Partner Requirements
Purchase minimum 4 tickets (USD 300 x 4 = USD1,200)
Market the conference within their networks
Partners can also buy additional conference tickets
Additional Options
Sponsor participants by buying conference tickets
Sponsor a keynote speaker by providing a financial grant to the conference.
Provide corporate sponsorship (in-kind and/or financial grants) and be featured on promotional materials
This event will take place at the Church Health Center - 1350 Concourse Ave Ste 142, Memphis, TN 38104. The shifts will be 10am to 1pm and 1pm to 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Volunteers will assist with the screening process for Covid19. This is an opportunity for students to volunteer and earn underserved hours. If you have any questions, email or ***DISCLAIMER: DO NOT SIGN-UP FOR AN EVENT IF YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CLASS! BEING LATE TO CLASS OR MISSING CLASS DUE TO A SERVICE EVENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE EXCUSED. Supervisor 10am-1pm - $0.00 Volunteer 10am-1pm - $0.00
The Box Office accepts Cash , Visa , Mastercard and American Express as methods of payment.
Will call is available two hours prior to the start of the event. Will call is part of the South Ticket Office, on Autumn St near Santa Clara St. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and the Ticketmaster confirmation number in order to receive their tickets.
The ticket office can be reached at (408) 287-9200 during business hours.
The Box Office is located at the South East corner of the Arena, on the corner of Santa Clara St and Barack Obama Blvd. * ON EVENT DAYS 2HRS PRIOR TO EVENT - END OF 2ND INTERMISSION (HOCKEY) OR INTERMISSION (OTHER EVENTS) * ON MORNING/AFTERNOON EVENT DAYS: CHECK WITH THE SAP CENTER (408) 287-9200 DURING BUSINESS HOURS.
SAP Center has designated seats for both wheelchair accessible seating and their companions. However, due to size constraints, companion seats will not fit a wheelchair. So patrons needing wheelchair accessible seating must purchase a wheelchair accessible seat as the SAP Center cannot turn a companion seat into a wheelchair accessible seat.
QUESTIONI DI CUORELella Costadà voce alla rubrica di Natalia Aspesi su il Venerdì di Repubblica
Da un’idea di Aldo BalzanelliLettere pubblicate nel libro Amore mio, ti odio(edizioni Il Saggiatore)
Produzione Mismaonda
Le “lettere del cuore” di Natalia Aspesi sul Venerdì di Repubblica diventano uno spettacolo.
Un viaggio attraverso la vita sentimentale e sessuale degli italiani nel corso degli ultimi trent’anni. Itradimenti, le trasgressioni, le paure, i pregiudizi.
Migliaia di storie intorno all’amore e alla passione che, incredibilmente, non cambiano con il passare dei decenni e l’evoluzione del costume. Dalla ragazzina infatuata per un uomo tanto più grande di lei, alla donna che ama essere picchiata, dalla signora che s’innamora di un sacerdote, alla moglie tradita e abbandonata, dal giovane che si scopre gay, al maschio orgoglioso della sua mascolinità.
Tutti hanno imbracciato la penna (più recentemente la tastiera del pc) per scrivere a Natalia Aspesi chiedendo un consiglio, un parere. E le risposte, argute, comprensive, feroci, spesso sono più gustose delle domande.
A dare voce sul palco a questa corrispondenza Lella Costa in un gioco di contrappunti tra botta e risposta che raggiunge tutte le sfumature, i diversi gradi d’intensità e di intimità.
Come raggiungo il Teatro con i mezzi pubblici o dove posso parcheggiare?
M3 Crocetta – Tram 16, 24 – Bus 77, 94
Parcheggio del Centro (via Calderon de la Barca, 2):tariffa a forfait € 4,50 per gli spettacoli serali (dalle ore 19.00 alla 01.00) e per quelli pomeridiani (dalle ore 14.30 alle 20.30).Il biglietto ritirato al parcheggio dovrà essere vidimato all’apposita obliteratrice posta in teatro, sul lato sinistro della cassa: solo così, al ritiro della vettura, verrà applicata la tariffa agevolata.Il pagamento (alla cassa manuale oppure a quella automatica) dovrà essere effettuato prima del ritiro della vettura.
Come posso contattare il Teatro per eventuali domande?
Contattando l’Ufficio Promozione del Teatro allo 02-55181362 o 02-55181377 - interno 2 (da lunedì a sabato, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 18.30 - orario continuato) oppure via e-email a
Devo portare le conferme d’ordine stampate per poter accedere allo spettacolo?
È necessario portare le conferme d’ordine stampate in botteghino prima di accedere alla sala e convertirle con i biglietti con fila e posto assegnati. Le conferme d’ordine possono essere convertite solo il giorno stesso dello spettacolo a partire da un’ora prima dell’inizio.
Il nome sulla mia conferma d’ordine o sulla registrazione non corrisponde al nome della persona che parteciperà, è un problema?
Non è un problema.