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Massoterapista MCB Full Time Week-end Intensivo (Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli stabilimenti idroterapici)

Il Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli Stabilimenti Idroterapici (MCB) è una professione abilitante all’esercizio dell’Arte Ausiliaria delle Professioni Sanitarie riconosciuta dal Ministero della Salute. Opera in via autonoma o con altre figure sanitarie, in regime di libera professione o subordinata, in strutture sanitarie pubbliche o private. Svolge le proprie mansioni nell’ambito del massaggio terapeutico, sportivo, del benessere, estetico. E’ in grado di effettuare la propria attività con l’ausilio degli apparati elettromedicali ed altre terapie quali: idroterapia, balneoterapia e terapia fisica. La durata del corso è di 2 anni e le lezioni sono organizzate in due weekend al mese. In ambito terapeutico, il titolo è requisito valido per l’assunzione in strutture convenzionate con il SSN (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) o SSR (Servizio Sanitario Regionale). Il diplomato in MCB può: - aprire una propria attività massoterapica tramite semplice presentazione di DIAP (Dichiarazione di Inizio di Attività Produttiva) al Comune o all’ASL di competenza, in tale ambito, può erogare massaggi terapeutici (emettendo regolare fattura esentiva), previa semplice prescrizione medica; - operare mediante massoterapia, idroterapia, balneoterapia, o anche tramite l'uso di apparati elettromedicali in ausilio alle professioni medico-sanitarie presso terme, spa e centri idroterapici; - eseguire attività di massaggio e manovre meccaniche su organi e tessuti del corpo a fini preventivi, igienici o del benessere; - collaborare con le altre figure in ambito sanitario e riabilitativo secondo prescrizione medica; - richiedere l'inserimento nell'Albo e nei Ruoli del Settore Tecnico della F.I.G.C. con qualifica di “OPERATORE SANITARIO”. Il centro di formazione Kern School di Milano è accreditato in regione Lombardia e alla fine del corso rilascerà il diploma in MCB riconosciuto in tutta Italia e in alcuni paesi dell'Europa in cui è presente la stessa figura. Date: Week-end intensivo: Inizio corso a marzo Diverse possibilità di frequenza: Week-end intensivo: da Giovedì a Sabato dalle 8.30 alle 22.30 e Domenica dalle 8.00 alle 17.00 una volta al mese; Numero ore: 1000 Requisiti d'ingresso: diploma di scuola superiore, biennio o triennio professionale (sono ammessi anche Laureandi) Titolo acquisito: diploma regionale in MCB Posti disponibili: 20 Durata del corso: 2 anni Costo del corso:  Preiscrizione: Euro 300,00 Costo del corso: Euro 3.000,00 all'anno (esente IVA) disponibile modalità di pagamento a rate mensili, per informazioni fissa un appuntamento in sede o partecipa ad uno dei nostri OPEN DAY Piano di studi: biomeccanica (anatomia palpatoria, anatomia funzionale e anatomia disfunzionale) massaggio tradizionale, sportivo, linfodrenaggio, bendaggio funzionale, valutazione e recupero funzionale elettromedicali manipolazione connettivale e fasciale, tenchine inibitorie e trigger point e scollamento fasciale, trazioni fasciali, scollamento fasciali anatomia, fisiologia e patologia radiologia neurologia reumatologia ortopedia e traumatologia inglese medico scientifico nutrizione psicologia biologia igiene farmacologia medicina termale primo soccorso diritto e organizzazione aziendale Se sei interessato al corso chiedici i moduli via mail: o chiamaci allo 0294338602

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School-Day Performance: JazzReach, "Big Drum / Small World"

Open to students in grades three to six Back by popular demand, JazzReach returns to Blacksburg with an immersive, globally themed multimedia program. Big Drum / Small World features performances of all new commissions by prominent, internationally recognized jazz composers hailing from countries as diverse as West Africa, Israel, Cuba, Puerto Rico, India, and the United States. The program also features fun, short video interludes that offer biographical background on each of the project's composers and commentary on the various ways that both the American jazz tradition and their individual cultural heritages have informed and inspired their respective visions and artistic sensibilities. Big Drum / Small World aims to promote the value of creative collaboration and the unique way that jazz provides a forum to explore our differences, share ideas and discover common ground. VIDEO Free; registration required. *Note: to reserve more than 100 seats, please return to this site and submit additional orders. For more information, email Jon at -- Established in 1994, JazzReach is a nationally recognized New York City-based 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, performance, creation and teaching of jazz music. Through the presentation of innovative, widely acclaimed live multi-media educational programs for young audiences, captivating main-stage concerts for general audiences and informative clinics and master-classes for student musicians and ensembles, JazzReach is steadfastly dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation, awareness and understanding of this rich, vital, ever-evolving American art form. Since premiering their debut educational program in 1997, JazzReach has successfully positioned itself as one of our nation's leading arts organizations dedicated to jazz. Their dynamic, innovative programs have triumphantly served over 650,000 young people nationwide in partnership with many of America's most prominent performing arts presenters and have received unanimous praise from students, teachers, parents, the media and arts professionals alike.

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NAAAP Hawaii Online Membership

Mahalo for considering Membership with the NAAAP Hawaii Chapter! Membership is open to everyone, where we currently offer the following membership options:   * General Membership at an annual rate of $50 or a discounted two year rate of $80   *Student Membership at an annual rate of $20 (College or Graduate student) If you have any questions, please email us at  

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Denver Broncos v Los Angeles Chargers HALF PRICE GAME

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and American Express only. Photo ID is required for all events. Tickets will only be released to the person whose name is on the envelope. Note: Broncos half-price tickets are only available via mobile delivery. There is no will call for half-price tickets. (720)258-3333 Denver Outlaws Information: 720-258-3600 8:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday 9:00-End of half time on Game Day ADA seating may be purchased via Ticketmaster at or by calling 800-745-3000. Limit of 4 ADA seats per customer. For ADA assistance/inquiries, please call 720-258-3337.

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CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) Certification Preparation Course- Live Online

While the Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential is targeted at experienced project managers, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) does not require previous project management experience. The CAPM eligibility requirements are: High school diploma, associate’s degree, or global equivalent Plus 23 hours of formal project management education Having satisfied the eligibility requirements, a CAPM-candidate must sit a 3-hour 150 question exam. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the Project Management Institute’s (Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)). Upon successfully passing the exam, the candidate becomes a CAPM for a period of five years. At the end of the five year period the individual must re-take the CAPM exam to retain their CAPM designation. The key to passing the exam is to understand the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) view of project management. This means reviewing and understanding PMI’s PMBOK® Guide, but also becoming familiar with how PMI expects project managers to apply that knowledge. In most cases, this requires CAPM-candidates to become familiar with new concepts during their preparation, and/or to “unlearn” practices that they have picked up over the years. Who should take this CAPM Prep course? Individuals wishing to obtain an international credential demonstrating an understanding of the fundamental, best practice, project management knowledge defined in the PMBOK® Guide. Entry level individuals wishing to enter the project management profession. Individuals looking to advance their standing as project management subject matter experts. Individuals working in support of a project management office. Project stakeholders intending to serve as a sponsor, facilitator, liaison, or coordinator. Project managers desiring a professional certification, but lacking the experience for the PMP certification. Part-time project managers looking to formalize their project management skill-set and be recognized for their project management knowledge. Where is this course offered? The course is offered on an open-enrollment basis at our Project Management Education Center in Bellevue, WA, (which also serves Seattle, Redmond, Renton, Everett, Federal Way, and Tacoma), as well as at our Project Management Education Center in Tucson, AZ (which also serves the Greater Phoenix area, Oro Valley, and Sierra Vista / Fort Huachuca), and other select locations such as Grand Cayman. We also provide it on an on-site basis anywhere in the world. CAPM Exam Prep Course Objectives By the end of the course you will : Understand PMI’s approach to project management. Understand how the CAPM exam is structured, and what kinds of questions will be asked. Be very familiar with all sections of the PMBOK® Guide. Possess various tricks, tips, techniques, and templates to help you retain information for the exam. CAPM Prep Course Details Length 40 hours Credits 40 Professional Development Units (PDUs) (Fulfills the 23 contact hour requirement for the CAPM.) Prerequisites None Availability On-site at your location and select public locations Style Instructor-led, using PowerPoint presentations, facilitated discussions, individual and group exercises. Format Live online, interactive. CAPM Preparation Course Content Introduction and Expectations The CAPM Exam and CAPM Exam Prep Techniques Project Management Framework Integration Management Stakeholder Management Scope Management Schedule Management Cost Management Quality Management Resource Management Communications Management Risk Management Procurement Management (Read more... Bellevue Project Management courses: Online Project Management Courses:

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