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Barcelona Taste Food Tour, Gothic Quarter // Wednesday, 19 February

The Gótico Tapas Tour takes you through Barcelona’s famous Gothic Quarter, in the Ciutat Vella (old city) – past Roman walls, alongside cathedrals, through precious plazas and, most importantly, in-and-out of small local restaurants that will leave you sated, jolly, and with a better understanding of local Catalan and national Spanish cuisine.  Gótico was our first tour, is our first love, and remains a great traditional option in Barcelona’s most historic setting.  First time in Barcelona?  This is the one for you!  The low-down on our Barcelona tapas tour This is not a historical walking tour with a snack at the end. Our 3 hour tour stops in 3 small food establishments, ranging from high-quality specialty shops to home-style tapas restaurants, each one with its own scrumptious specialties for you to taste. Your knowledgeable guide will safely lead you, all the while sharing stories about Barcelona life, food and history. You will enjoy all the cuisine, and, due to the small size of the group, you will also enjoy a more personal, relaxed experience. Our tour groups are typically no larger than 6; meaning we can discreetly visit venues loved by locals and genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Indeed, by the end of the night we usually feel we’ve made lifelong friends!

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Free Events Sundays at Nyingma Institute

Tibetan Chanting 5-5:45 PM The practice of mantra enables us to restore a natural balance and harmony in our live. When we chant mantra, we are free to transcend habitual reflexes. "The sound of mantra can still the mind and senses, relax the body, and connect us with natural healing energy."Tarthang Tulku, Hidden Mind of Freedom. Every Sunday we invite the public to join us for an hour of Tibetan chanting and meditation. Staff or Faculty members lead the a slow soulful Vajra Guru Mantra for approximately 25 min with 10 min of meditation. Light refreshments. Free Sunday Talks 6-7 PM A talk on Nyingma teachings is presented by a Nyingma Institute faculty member or visiting scholar. Topics and dates are listed at our site. Free Questions? Information? Call: (510) 809-1000 Email: Arrive early to delight in our beautiful meditation garden with prayer wheels, Enlightenment Stupa, a fish pond, waterfall and a rose garden while the sun is still up. Meditation Garden is open to the public every day from Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM, Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-7.

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Dallas Mavericks vs. San Antonio Spurs

Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, No Cash Sales Box Office: 214-665-4797 Event Line: 214-665-4200 Parking Hotline: 214-665-4700 Dallas Mavericks: 214-747-6287 Dallas Stars: 214-467-8277 The Box Office is located on the North-East corner of the building (across from The Lexus Parking Garage). The Box Office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-5pm and event days starting at 10am. Concert tickets are not available for purchase at the American Airlines Center Box Office on the day of the public on-sale. Tickets for such non-team events may be purchased by the general public on the first day of ticket sales online at Remaining available tickets for any concert/event following the first day of general public ticket sales will be available for purchase at the American Airlines Center Box Office on the next business day.

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Arizona Coyotes vs. Edmonton Oilers

VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS & CASH The Coyotes Pick-up Window is located outside the Northeast corner of the Arena near Gate 5. Guests picking up will call tickets must present valid photo ID and credit card used for purchase, if applicable, that matches tickets to be picked up. ALTERNATE PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering & paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000, ask for customer service, verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Please call TICKETMASTER for event and ticketing information - 1-800-745-3000 For Additional information call Gila River Arena Box Office - 623-772-3800. WEBPAGE: Located outside on the Northeast corner of the Arena. Monday – Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM during hockey season and on-sale days. Sunday: Closed except on event days. Box Office hours may be extended for on-sales or on event days. Arizona Coyotes: To purchase accessible seats for Arizona Coyotes, subject to availability, please call the Arizona Coyotes Ticket Office at 480-563-PUCK (7825) or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. Arena Concerts and other Events: To purchase accessible seats for a concert or other event, subject to availability, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 for phone purchase or for on-line purchase, or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. ACCESSIBLE SERVICES: Requests for Sign Language Interpreters should be made at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Call Guest Services at 623-772-3240 for these arrangements. Assistive Listening Devices are available from the Gate 5 Guest Services Booth. Parking Lot G located on the east side of the Arena is available for disabled guests with state issued license plates or placards. Parking Attendants will direct guests to the disabled parking area. All restrooms and concession stands are accessible. Gila River Arena welcomes service animals utilized by guests with disabilities.

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Winter CHIP 2020 (via Zoom)

During COVID, we know people are having a hard time. We want to give people easier access to this valuable program; we are offering CHIP at a discounted price of $349. For everyone's safety, CHIP will take place via Zoom Webinar. What is CHIP? CHIP is a scientifically proven Lifestyle Intervention Program which can help prevent and reverse lifestyle related chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, elevated blood pressure or cholesterol, and more. For complete information about CHIP, please see our CHIP program information page here: The program is held over 10-12 weeks. Please see the following link for additional details:!event/2021/1/4/fall-chip-2020-via-zoom

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Donne scatenate | QUESTIONI DI CUORE | con Lella Costa

QUESTIONI DI CUORELella Costadà voce alla rubrica di Natalia Aspesi su il Venerdì di Repubblica Da un’idea di Aldo BalzanelliLettere pubblicate nel libro Amore mio, ti odio(edizioni Il Saggiatore) Produzione Mismaonda Le “lettere del cuore” di Natalia Aspesi sul Venerdì di Repubblica diventano uno spettacolo. Un viaggio attraverso la vita sentimentale e sessuale degli italiani nel corso degli ultimi trent’anni. Itradimenti, le trasgressioni, le paure, i pregiudizi. Migliaia di storie intorno all’amore e alla passione che, incredibilmente, non cambiano con il passare dei decenni e l’evoluzione del costume. Dalla ragazzina infatuata per un uomo tanto più grande di lei, alla donna che ama essere picchiata, dalla signora che s’innamora di un sacerdote, alla moglie tradita e abbandonata, dal giovane che si scopre gay, al maschio orgoglioso della sua mascolinità. Tutti hanno imbracciato la penna (più recentemente la tastiera del pc) per scrivere a Natalia Aspesi chiedendo un consiglio, un parere. E le risposte, argute, comprensive, feroci, spesso sono più gustose delle domande. A dare voce sul palco a questa corrispondenza Lella Costa in un gioco di contrappunti tra botta e risposta che raggiunge tutte le sfumature, i diversi gradi d’intensità e di intimità. FAQ Come raggiungo il Teatro con i mezzi pubblici o dove posso parcheggiare? MEZZI PUBBLICI M3 Crocetta – Tram 16, 24 – Bus 77, 94 PARCHEGGIO CONVENZIONATO Parcheggio del Centro (via Calderon de la Barca, 2):tariffa a forfait  € 4,50 per gli spettacoli serali (dalle ore 19.00 alla 01.00) e per quelli pomeridiani (dalle ore 14.30 alle 20.30).Il biglietto ritirato al parcheggio dovrà essere vidimato all’apposita obliteratrice posta in teatro, sul lato sinistro della cassa: solo così, al ritiro della vettura, verrà applicata la tariffa agevolata.Il pagamento (alla cassa manuale oppure a quella automatica) dovrà essere effettuato prima del ritiro della vettura. Come posso contattare il Teatro per eventuali domande? Contattando l’Ufficio Promozione del Teatro allo 02-55181362 o 02-55181377 - interno 2 (da lunedì a sabato, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 18.30 - orario continuato) oppure via e-email a Devo portare le conferme d’ordine stampate per poter accedere allo spettacolo? È necessario portare le conferme d’ordine stampate in botteghino prima di accedere alla sala e convertirle con i biglietti con fila e posto assegnati. Le conferme d’ordine possono essere convertite solo il giorno stesso dello spettacolo a partire da un’ora prima dell’inizio. Il nome sulla mia conferma d’ordine o sulla registrazione non corrisponde al nome della persona che parteciperà, è un problema? Non è un problema. 

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San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

Mastercard, Visa, American Express, cash Will Call will open at the Main Box Office, located at the intersection of Park Blvd and Imperial Ave three hours prior to show time. No outside will call will be accepted. Customers should bring their confirmation number with a photo I.D. and the credit card used to make the purchase to claim tickets. Tickets for the concert are not available for purchase in person at the Petco Park Box Office prior to the show date. On the day of the show, tickets will be available at the Petco Park Box Office, should any remain. Tickets for Metallica can be purchased online or over the phone by calling 866-448-7849 anytime or you can speak to a customer service agent by calling Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000 Monday – Saturday: 9am – 6pm and Sunday: 12pm – 6pm Pacific Time. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Entire venue is accessible. There are wheelchair and companion seats, armless aisle and transfer seats, please specify your request in your email if you purchase via online. PARKING: Public pay lots with accessible parking CANINE COMPANIONS ACCOMODATED: Yes

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