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Bank Asset-Liability Management

How to model and project the balance sheet of the bank? What are the key equilibrium and the major threats? How to classify and handle balance sheet risks? Are the regulatory and the economic views coherent? What is expected from ALM managers? When should management actions be triggered? What can we learn from passed crises? What are the current issues? What are the principles and mechanisms of Asset Liability Management in banks? The purpose of this 3-day seminar is to introduce the principles and mechanisms of asset liability management in banks. During these three days, we address all the issues relevant to this essential matter, from balance sheet modelling and projection to managing structural risks. These are illustrated by a number of business cases and exercises that facilitate the assimilation of the concepts and techniques presented. On day 1, we sketch the global functioning of the Bank, to position the “raison d’etre” of the ALM in regards to the business objectives and their interactions. Once the ALM’s role is defined, we devise the resources and the organization required for a successful mission. This includes describing the ALM ecosystem, with its Steering Committee called the ALCO, the various teams and their responsibilities, from the valuation of financial instruments to the management of balance sheet risks such as interest rate, liquidity and currency risks. Also, we learn how to transfer these risks to the ALM using appropriate mechanisms and funds transfer pricing. Day 2 focuses on the techniques used for valuing assets and liabilities and measuring balance sheet risks. In order to value financial instruments, we learn how to generate their expected future cash flows under various conditions. We discover how aggregating these cash flows and assessing possible future cash shortfalls form the basis for assessing balance sheet risks. We also look at applicable regulations (LCR, NSFR, IRRBB…) and put them in perspective with the economic reality. Issues related to options and credit risk (IFRS 9) are also addressed. A number of exercises and games facilitate assimilating these principles and techniques. Day 3 addresses the management issues related to ALM and operational matters. You learn how to control and mitigate risks, and a number of key questions are addressed: What risks should be taken? Up to what level? How to hedge risks? How does ALM relate to risk management and to risk budgeting and risk appetite? What is expected from ALM professionals and how do they interact with other functions in the bank? Finally, we look at the current matters of concern to the ALM community, such as the macro prudential policy, low interest rates, the resolution fund and new technologies. We finish the seminar with a series of exercises/games aimed at rehearsing all the major elements learned during these three days: The role and the positioning of the ALM, assets valuation principles, balance sheet risks identification, measurement and management, applicable regulations, and finally current concerns. More Information >>>

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Imperial Lates: Future Commuter

If you’ve ever experienced the joys of the London commute or worried about the carbon footprint of a summer getaway, you may have wondered what the future of transport might deliver. Well now is your chance. Travel over to Imperial in February to meet the scientists and engineers exploring the probabilities of our future mobility. About Imperial Lates Imperial Lates celebrate the latest in science and engineering at Imperial College London - bringing the public together with world leading minds in their respective fields, who not only love what they do, but also love sharing their work with new audiences. A perfect evening's entertainment for adults of all ages and backgrounds. Anyone with a curious mind is welcome to get hands on with our research, brought to life through live demonstrations, creative workshops, interactive experiments and inspiring talks. Pick the brains of the people behind the ideas, innovations and breakthroughs to discover how their work could impact our society and change our futures. Throw in a bar and some of the world's most extraordinary and pioneering scientists and engineers and you have the recipe for a free, fun and engaging night out in the heart of London. Sign up to explore the future though the science of today!! Make sure you pre-register for your chosen event to receive a preview of the full programme of live demonstrations, workshops and talks, and help us track attendance numbers. Please note that registration alone does not guarantee seats for our talks, tours or workshops. However those who have pre-registered will be given the first opportunity to book places on anything with limited spaces.

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MEHR 2020 - MEHRauditorium

Eine Konferenz mit Tausenden, die MEHR wollen: ökumenisch, Christen und Nicht-Christen, generationsübergreifend. 4 Tage, in denen gemeinsamer Lobpreis erklingt. 4 Tage mit ermutigenden Vorträgen von Dr. Johannes Hartl und nationalen und internationalen Gästen. 4 Tage, in denen Hoffnung erwacht. Eine Konferenz, die MEHR erreichen will, die verändert und die die Messe Augsburg zum Gebetsraum macht. Auch für Kinder und Teenager gibt es ein eigenes Programm. Eucharistiefeiern und Abendmahlsgottesdienste gehören ebenso zum Programm wie auch Möglichkeiten zur Beichte und Segnungsgebet angeboten werden. Ein Event,das deine Boxen sprengen will. Das ist die MEHR 2020. Colours of hope. Das Gebetshaus-Team

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Watkins Family Hour

Returning to the studio as Watkins Family Hour, Sean and Sara Watkins consider brother sister a duo-centric record – yet one that feels bigger than just two people. With Sean primarily on guitar and Sara on fiddle, and with both of them sharing vocals, the siblings enlisted producer Mike Viola (Jenny Lewis, Mandy Moore, J.S. Ondara) and mixer-engineer Clay Blair to harness the energy and honesty of their live sound.

“From the beginning, our goal was to work on these songs to be as strong as they could be, just the two of us,” Sara explains. “And with a few exceptions on the record, that’s really how things were. It was a tight little group of us, working dense days where we could squeeze them in.”

Sean (who is four years older than Sara) adds, “Because of the limited amount of time we had collectively to spend in the studio, there was a general sense of urgency, which I think the three of us (Sara, Mike and I) kinda strive for on these days. We didn’t have that much time and that made it fun and exciting. It was just us, in one room, facing each other with some really great mics, often playing and singing at the same time, trying to capture what Sara and I do in a real way.”

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Wedding Experience Columbus

Fall 2020 Wedding Experience A wedding show like no other! Amazing food, cake samples, thousands of dollars in prizes given away, over 70 of the best wedding pros in Columbus, dance lessons, updos, caricatures, design and decor inspiration, music, swag bags, grand finale, and so much more. And did we mention the free drink included in your ticket price? Visit our website at for more information and to purchase tickets for this event.

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