The Box Office will accept Cash, Mastercard, American Express, Visa, Discover and Travelers Checks. Credit cards must be in your name and presented along with a photo ID.
Will Call: Tickets held for will call may be picked up with proper ID, the Credit Card used to order the tickets and the account number 2 hours prior to the event. Automated will call kiosks are available inside the main entrance for your convenience.
The Box Office will be open Monday through Friday from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. The Box Office will open at 10:00AM on Saturday only on event days. The Box Office will open at 12:00PM on Sunday only on event days.
This is an accessible venue
Want to learn about birth with midwives? Have questions about birth at a birth center or at home? Come to the Premier Birth Center Info Session to learn more about your birth options. Info session topics include:
What to expect at Premier Birth Center
How midwifery care is different from care with an OB/GYN
Advantages and disadvantages of birth center births, home births, and hospital births
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After previous Cesarean birth)
Finances and Insurance
One of our midwives will be available to answer your questions and give you a tour of the birth center. We'd love to meet you and help you know your options and see if Premier Birth Center is the right place for you to welcome your baby into the world.
The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.
STAPLES Center does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up.
Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express
Available at Box Office during regular hours.
Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY.
There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.
The Coyotes Pick-up Window is located outside the Northeast corner of the Arena near Gate 5. Guests picking up will call tickets must present valid photo ID and credit card used for purchase, if applicable, that matches tickets to be picked up. ALTERNATE PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering & paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000, ask for customer service, verify account information and request alternate pick-up.
Please call TICKETMASTER for event and ticketing information - 1-800-745-3000 For Additional information call Gila River Arena Box Office - 623-772-3800. WEBPAGE:
Located outside on the Northeast corner of the Arena. Monday – Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM during hockey season and on-sale days. Sunday: Closed except on event days. Box Office hours may be extended for on-sales or on event days.
Arizona Coyotes: To purchase accessible seats for Arizona Coyotes, subject to availability, please call the Arizona Coyotes Ticket Office at 480-563-PUCK (7825) or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. Arena Concerts and other Events: To purchase accessible seats for a concert or other event, subject to availability, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 for phone purchase or for on-line purchase, or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. ACCESSIBLE SERVICES: Requests for Sign Language Interpreters should be made at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Call Guest Services at 623-772-3240 for these arrangements. Assistive Listening Devices are available from the Gate 5 Guest Services Booth. Parking Lot G located on the east side of the Arena is available for disabled guests with state issued license plates or placards. Parking Attendants will direct guests to the disabled parking area. All restrooms and concession stands are accessible. Gila River Arena welcomes service animals utilized by guests with disabilities.
Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and American Express only.
Photo ID is required for all events. Tickets will only be released to the person whose name is on the envelope. Note: Broncos half-price tickets are only available via mobile delivery. There is no will call for half-price tickets.
(720)258-3333 Denver Outlaws Information: 720-258-3600
8:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday 9:00-End of half time on Game Day
ADA seating may be purchased via Ticketmaster at or by calling 800-745-3000. Limit of 4 ADA seats per customer. For ADA assistance/inquiries, please call 720-258-3337.
VISA, Mastercard, Discover Card and American Express. U.S. Bank Stadium is a cashless venue.
The will-call windows are located at the U.S. Bank Stadium Ticket Office, on the Northwest corner adjacent to the Polaris Gate. Will-Call will be available for pick-up beginning one hour prior to the event being attended, unless otherwise noted. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster transaction. Proper photo identification is required. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up.
612-777-8787 U.S. Bank Stadium 612-33-VIKES Minnesota Vikings
Tickets can be purchased online only.
Accessible seating is available throughout all seating levels of U.S. Bank Stadium. For accessible seating accommodations, please contact Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000. A specifically dedicated ADA Pick-Up/Drop-Off zone is available during events. The designated ADA Pick-Up/ Drop-Off zone is located on 10th Avenue South, between 6th Street South and 7th Street South. Game Day Team Members will be available when you arrive for any additional assistance.
Efectivo,Tarjeta de Crédito y Debito
CONCIERTOS : El día del evento en la taquilla de Puerta 5 de Ciudad Deportiva en Horario de 10:00 hasta 45 minutos después de iniciado el evento.
(55) 52379999 ext. 71008
Solo día del evento
Los boletos se pueden adquirir tanto en el 53259000 como en taquillas Conciertos: Se tiene un area asignada especial a nivel pista para dar el servicio.
Erlebe wissenschaftliche Keynotes, erlerne Tipps und Tricks für das Leben vor und nach der Apokalypse und genieße Live-Acts auf unserem Open-Air-Science-Festival!
Children of Doom, das Festival der Wissenschaften, 16. & 17. Mai 2020 in Berlin.
Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere des Wissenschaftsfestivals am 18. & 19. Mai 2019 am Hafen Rummelsburg starten wir 2020 in die nächste Runde.
Alle Neuigkeiten zum Festival 2020:
Werde auch du Teil der Community, rund um Wissenschaft & Survival und feiere, als wäre es dein letzter Tag auf Erden! Verfolge spannende Vorträge internationaler Wissenschaftler und Autoren zu den Gefahren und Chancen neuer Technologien und zu neuen Strategien gegen den Klimawandel. Lerne an unseren interaktiven Workstations wie du die Apokalypse überlebst.
Children of Doom verbindet damit erneut zwei Tage lang theoretisches Wissen mit praktischen Fertigkeiten und jeder Menge Spaß.
Technologien wie die Genschere CRISPR, Roboter und KI stellen zusammen mit dem größtenteils industriell verursachten Klimawandel neue Gefahren für die gesamte Menschheit dar. Wissenschaft & Industrie sind aber nicht nur Teil des Problems, sondern auch die Lösung! - Lasst uns gemeinsam erforschen, wie wir diesen globalen Test bestehen und als Gesellschaft daran wachsen.
Für den Fall, dass es uns doch nicht gelingen wird die Erde zu retten, erhältst du von unseren Workstation-Partner Tips und Tricks an die Hand, um in einer postapokalyptischen Welt überleben zu können.
Nach den beiden Festivaltagen kannst du Abends in Gemeinschaft das erlebte reflektieren, dein Lieblingsweltuntergangsszenario diskutieren, deinen apokalyptischen Fashion Style präsentieren oder zu tollen Live Acts abrocken.
Wir freuen uns dich!Bei Fragen wende dich (0)175 5892106
---------------------- ENGLISH VERSION ----------------------
Experience scientific keynotes, get tips and tricks for survival and enjoy live acts at our open air science festival!
Children of Doom, the Festival of Science, on 16 & 17 May 2020 in Berlin.
After the successful premiere of the Science Festival on 18 & 19 May 2019 at the Port of Rummelsburg, we will start the next round in 2020.
All news about the Festival in 2020:
Become part of the crazy community that revolves around SCIENCE & SURVIVAL and celebrate like it’s your last day on earth! Follow high-level lectures from international scientists and authors on the dangers & opportunities of new technologies and new tactics against climate change and learn how to survive the apocalypse at our interactive workstations.
Children of Doom combines 2 days of theoretical knowledge with practical skills and lots of fun.
Scientific advances in genetic engineering, robotics and AI as well as climate change, catalyzed by the industrial complex, represent new threats to humanity as a whole. Science & industry are not only part of the problem though, but also the solution! - Let's explore together how we can pass this global test and grow as a global society.
In case we don’t succeed saving the earth, you will get tips and tricks from our workstation partners to help you survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
In the evening of both days you can reflect on what you've experienced together, discuss your favourite doomsday scenario, present your apocalyptic fashion style or rock to great live acts.We are looking forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions, contact (0)175 5892106