Take Care of YOU!
Take Care of You is a peer-led gathering for all healers, movement makers & shakers, and folks (in the non-profit and for-profit sectors alike) trying to make the world a little brighter — it is tough out here and you need to be resilient to do the work you do! This group will occur every fourth Saturday of the month from 1:30 - 3:00 pm at 207 O'Brien Road Suite 1111 Casselberry, Florida 32730.This group is a good fit for Mental Health Counselors, Certified Recovery Peer Specialists, Registered Interns, Social Justice Advocates, Domestic Violence Advocates, School Counselors, Social Workers, and any other individual in the helping profession and social justice movements that can benefit from a little bit of self-compassion time. We know that working to provide help and healing for others exposes you to difficult stories and situations on a regular basis. It's important to refill your cup so you can best serve those around you. We want to encourage you to take time to give yourself the same love, attention, and care you put out into the world because you matter, you are amazing, and you are loved. Thank you to University Behavioral Center this group will have light drinks and refreshments.
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