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"APAKAH ANAK ANDA SUDAH SIAP MENGHADAPI MASA DEPAN?" "Kalau kita berbicara mengenai pendidikan karakter, saya kira ini adalah salah satu jalan yang sangat baik untuk membina karakter anak Indonesia." (SETO MULYADI – Ketua Komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak) Setiap orang tua pasti ingin memberikan yang TERBAIK untuk anaknya. Tapi ...Apakah yang selama ini Anda persiapkan sudah TEPAT? Tidak selamanya Anda bisa bersama-sama dengan anak-anak Anda. Akan tiba masanya dimana Anda harus melepaskan anak Anda untuk BERJALAN SENDIRI di masa depan nanti. Seperti saat anak Anda beranjak dewasa, kuliah di luar kota, memasuki persaingan di dunia kerja, hingga suatu hari mereka datang kepada Anda untuk membangun sebuah keluarga. Saat masa itu tiba, Anda sudah tidak bisa lagi seutuhnya mengawasi dan bersama dengan mereka. Jadi, sudahkah Anda memberikan bekal terbaik untuk MASA DEPAN mereka? Bekal terbaik BUKANLAH berupa uang atau harta, tapi NILAI dan PEDOMAN yang dapat anak Anda pegang untuk masa depannya. Seperti diantaranya : - Memiliki sikap KEPEMIMPINAN- Mengelola KEUANGAN dengan bijak- Kemampuan BERSOSIALISASI dan beradaptasi- MOTIVASI yang tinggi untuk terus belajar Semua itu bisa anak Anda dapatkan di : "LIFE CAMP by MERRY RIANA" Camp intensif selama 6 hari-5 malam yang akan MENGUBAH hidup anak Anda dan dibawakan langsung oleh Miss MERRY RIANA. Apa saja yang akan anak Anda pelajari? Lebih dari 1000 anak remaja usia 8-19 tahun yang merasakan perubahannya, sekarang giliran anak Anda! Jangan lewatkan KESEMPATAN terbaik untuk mempersiapkan anak Anda sekarang juga. Menunda kesempatan ini sama dengan MENUNDA KESUKSESAN anak Anda di masa depan. So, are your children prepared for the future? Untuk PENDAFTARAN, bisa WhatsApp ke 0899-9241-154 dengan format : LIFE CAMP_NAMA_EMAIL Contoh : LIFE Touching Hearts Changing Lives, KHEZIA STEVI LIANA (@kheziasl)Assistant ManagerMerry Riana GroupHP :

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Startups: Develop Innovative Product with Minimum Viable Thinking

What is this course about?  More often than we want to admit, as Startups,  we either over-engineer or under-engineer a product and discover it's a little too late to deploy it to the early adopters who have the final say of whether it is a viable, desirable or feasible to use your product for their specific needs. In this mini online class, we will discuss the pragmatics of actually deploying a viable product to your early adopters so to validate your market share. Let's talk experience! Modules Breakdown:  1. What is Minimum Viable Thinking (MVT)? 2. How to transmit MVT output to deploying Minimum Viable Products? (Techniques and Strategies) 3. Foundations of a foolproof Minimum Viable Product Roadmapping What you will receive: ✔ 1.5 – 2.00 hours of instructor-led ONLINE masterclass (5:00 PM cst - 6:30 PM cst) ✔ Personalized Q&A discussion ✔ Certificate of Completion  ✔ Recording and Hand out materials for later viewing (If you can't make it, no worries. You will receive this post-class) Who should attend? Limited Slots to 15 Attendees for Quality Q&A Entrepreneurs: Solo Rider  Founder teams: CXOs Designers: UX/UI Designers, Product Managers, Product Owners Builders: Engineers/DevOps Freelancers: Self-employed one-business Boss Consultants: Self-employed mentors/Coaches User Interface designers who wish to expand their career towards Lean Development Umbrella Why Me? I help ambitious careerists and entrepreneurs in building their arsenal towards creative problem solving, authentic product design and development. My masterclasses are highly interactive and personalized. I look forward to having you onboard!   Industrial Experience: 2019 recipient of MU School of Medicine's Lindberg Award for Health IT Innovation Lab Manager (R&D) at Duke University – Pratt School of Engineering Former Adjunct University Lecturer at ENSET Biomedical Engineering School at the age of 23. "How to Gamify a Virtual Surgical Workspace" Talk at (VRVoice2018) Harvard Medical School Co-Founder of TechVerse Coworking Space & Incubator, Rabat City, Morocco – the first tech-oriented coworking space in the kingdom. est. 2016 HIT | Design Thinking Consultant at Medverselab est. 2016 Chief Software Architect of Sutures App – Gamified Gastro-intestinal e-Surgery Simulator (Check it out! ) est. 2016 Chief Design Thinker / Information Architect at Sinclair School of Nursing – HEAR App est. 2017 Research Fellow at the University of Missouri’s Center for Biomedical Informatics - focus on Mobile Based & Gamified Precision Medicine est. 2018 Design Thinker (mHealth) for Precision Medicine   Academic Background: Peer Reviewer at IEEE Journal of Biomedical & Health Informatics (JBHI) Peer Reviewer at Journal for Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Public Speaker: USA, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines (+30 talks) Author of "Gamified Psychosphere"  - available on Google books/amazon kindle @ 2019 Holder of Engineering Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering and Management with Specialization in Biomedical Engineering Advanced Degree (MS) in Health Informatics – Translational Personalized Medicine Apps #KeepHustling! Linkedin: Website: Twitter: @itskatusop

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 Surface Impressions- Experimental Printmaking

18 January 2020 10.00  –  4.30 PM £75 *includes all materials This workshop is an experimental and playful approach to printmaking which explores mono printing as a process for discovering a new vocabulary of mark-making.  Working with both textured objects and prepared surfaces, you will learn a simple technique for transfering the impression of the surface onto paper,  creating a vast number of exploratory prints on various tonal papers.   These papers will form a rich bank of collage materials that will then be use in the afternoon; tearing, cutting and rearranging them to form a collaged image of an object. At the end of the day you will leave  with a collection of exploratory monoprints and a resolved collage.  Come and explore the accidental qualities and textural possibilities of printmaking.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash, Check (7 business days prior to event, call box office to verify check policy.) Pick up tickets at box office. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order. General Information:(207) 775-3458 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday hours vary depending on events Accessible Seating is available at the box office and thru Ticketmaster.

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4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ICMERR 2019)

Welcome to join in the 2019 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ICMERR 2019), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary,during December 16-18, 2019. Publication:Submitted papers will be reviewed by the conference committees and IJMERR editorial board, and All accepted papers will be published in the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research as a special issue, which will be indexed by Index Corpernicus, ProQuest, UDL, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, Scopus (since 2016), etc. Keynote Speaker:Professor John P. T. Mo, RMIT University, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne, Australia; Conference General Chair:Prof. John P. T. Mo, RMIT University, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Melbourne, Australia; Technical Program Chair:Prof. Dan A Allwood, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK; Please feel free contact with us:Conference Secretary: Yoyo ChowE-mail: icmerr@etpub.comTelephone: +86-28-86512185 For more information about international conferences, please visit our conference website:ICMERR 2019 website: CFP:Mechanical Engineering AcousticsAnalytical mechanicsApplied MechanicsComputational mechanicsCombustion and FuelsControls and DynamicsEnvironmental ManagementFluid MechanicsHeat Transfer and Thermal PowerI.C. Engines & Automobile EngineeringIndustrial Engineering & ManagementMachine DesignManufacturing EngineeringMaterial Science & MetallurgyMechatronicsOperations Research and Industrial ManagementProduction ManagementRefrigeration & Air-ConditioningRotor dynamicsSolid mechanicsThermodynamics and Combustion EngineeringTribology and Terotechnology

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Master Card, American Express & Discover Will Call windows are located inside the Nationwide Arena Box Office at the southwest corner of Nationwide Blvd. and McConnell Blvd. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number and a photo ID. Nationwide Arena : 800 645 2657 or 614 246 3350 for hockey; 614 246 2000 for events Chiller Dublin : 614 764 1000 Chiller Easton : 614 475 7575 Chiller North : 740 549 0009 Group Sales Information: For more information on group reservations or premium seating opportunities, call 614 246 7224 Nationwide Arena: Monday thru Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed except on game or event days. Opens at 10 a.m. on game or event days. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Tickets available at all prices. Available at Ticketmaster, The Chillers and the Box Office. HEARING IMPAIRED: RF style assisted listening devices available through guest services at Nationwide Arena. ELEVATOR ACCESS: Available at the southeast, southwest & northeast corners of Nationwide Arena.

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