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ICAIT 2021: 15. International Conference on Advances in Irrigation Technologies

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICAIT 2021: 15. International Conference on Advances in Irrigation Technologies aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Advances in Irrigation Technologies. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Advances in Irrigation Technologies

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Build an Effective Website for Your Business – Main Street Rise Program

Do you have a business that you created a Facebook business page for but have no resources to create your own website? Have you created a rudimentary website for your business on one of the free platforms that you know is not doing what it needs to AND you’re worried about the fact that you don’t own your own content? Do you know the next right step is a website but just the idea totally overwhelms you? This online Bootcamp will run on September 12th, 19, 26th and October 3rd from 10am – 12pm Cost: $79 nonmember, $45 Member This 4-part online Bootcamp delivers a robust curriculum to get you digitally literate so your business idea can thrive. All participants will also receive a host of free products and in-kind support through ongoing webinar, live Q & A calls, and one on one consultations. No prior web creation experience needed. Learn more and register here:

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All Art Arizona 2020

This year’s All Art Arizona presents exciting work created by both well-known and emerging artists living in our own back yard, the state of Arizona.   This ten year tradition at Art Intersection highlights the breadth and diversity of art created by Arizona artists. The range of acceptable artwork encompasses sculpture, glass, photography, painting, ceramics, wood, printmaking, mixed media, artist books, and more.  All Art Arizona attracts artists, art collectors, and art lovers from all over the state to one of our best known exhibitions of the year. Visit the Art Intersection galleries, bring your friends and family, to enjoy this unique exhibition and range of art by Arizona artists.  As always, the exhibition is free and open to the public during business hours. While you are here, get involved by voting for the Viewer’s Choice Award, to be announced shortly after the exhibition closes. As always, the exhibition is free and open to the public during business hours. The number of guests in the galleries is currently limited to fifteen (15) at a time. Depending on traffic through the galleries, there may be a wait to enter.

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Preseason - Green Bay Packers v. New York Jets

Visa, Mastercard, Check, Cash Will Call and ticket windows are located on the northeast side of the stadium, adjacent to the Lambeau Field Atrium. (920) 569-7501 Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Accessible seating is sold out on a season ticket basis. Please check NFL Ticket Exchange for availability.

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Dinosaur Valley Mini Golf 20 th annual Canadian USPMGA Dinosaur Event

Come and play June 20 , or June 21,  from 10 am till 7 pm .  bring your friends and family. Persons come and play any amount of mini golf, minimum 18 holes, and max 63 holes, 50 % of money is given to a worthy cause in City of Greater sudbury every year.   You can walk through a 22ft x 18 ft dragon skull made of solid steel on your way to playing your mini golf game. We accept all major credit cards,  you buy your tickets online please. Our Season    May 1  till Sept 8th ...........  10 am till 7 pm..........  includes holidays..........

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Personal training / stretching / TRX / circuit training in Prague

::: For English, please, scroll down ::::★ Tréninky probíhají v Praze, ve všedních dnech mezi 7:00 - 16h využijte naše HAPPY HOURS se slevou ☆Dejte svému tělu servis, jaký si zaslouží a svěřte se do rukou odborníka - Vitor Tavares Mendes je certifikovaný osobní trenér, choreograf a tanečník portugalského původu žijící již 8 let v Praze.Cvičíme ve fitness studiu na Praze 10 a při hezkém počasí v Malešickém parku v Praze. Vyberte si z:- osobní trénink- kruhový trénink- TRX- strečink- tanec☆ FITNESS STUDIO:1. Kentoya FitnessTopolová 14, Praha zastávka Centrum Zahradní město)2. Malešický zastávka Plaňanská)★ CENA a REGISTRACE:- HAPPY HOURS SLEVA ve všedních dnech mezi 7:00 - 16h* Zakoupíte-li si lekce s touto slevou, pak musí být všechny lekce pouze v době Happy Hours. Slevy se nesčítají. Lze vždy uplatnit pouze 1 slevu.- ceník a registrace:☆ KONTAKT:Email:★ "A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." ☆Use our HAPPY HOURS DISCOUNT on Monday to Friday, 7:00 - 16h.Give your body deserved service and entrust yourself into the hands of an expert - Vitor Tavares Mendes is a Portuguese certified personal trainer, choreographer, and dancer living in Prague!We train in a fitness studio in Prague 10 and if it's a nice weather, we can train on a fresh air in Malešický park in Prague. Choose from:- personal training- circuit training- TRX- stretching- dance☆ FITNESS STUDIOS:1. Kentoya FitnessTopolová 14, Praha stop Centrum Zahradní město)2. Malešický stop Plaňanská)★ PRICE and REGISTRATION- HAPPY HOURS DISCOUNT on Monday to Friday, 7:00 - 16h* To use this discount, all classes have to be in times mentioned above. Attention – you can use only one discount at a time.- full price list and registration:☆ CONTACT:Email:

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Amex, Mastercard, Visa (credit and debit), Switch/Maestro, cash, cheques (with guarantee card) Collect from the venue on the day of the show from one hour before doors open. Take the credit card used to make the booking and Ticketmaster reference number with you. The cardholder will be required to sign for the tickets. No duplicate tickets will be issued for any standing shows at this venue. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40 International: +44 161 385 3500 Venue box office: 02920 224 488 Monday - Saturday: 09:30 to 17.30 The venue is accessible to disabled patrons. Please contact the venue on 02920 234 509 for further information or email

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Glen L'oiseau

Dès 4 ans Spectacle alliant ombres, masques et marionnettes Un parcours émotionnel autour du labyrinthe de la différence et du besoin de vivre ensemble. Comme chaque année avant l’hiver, les Oiseaux du Nord à l'époustouflante crête rouge, concourent pour élire leur Roi, celui qui les guidera vers les terres chaudes. Glen, un jeune oisillon se présente au concours, un bandage sur la tête. Il cache quelque chose... une différence qui lui vaut bien des regards incrédules et qui l'emmène à faire la difficile expérience de la honte et de l'isolement. Dans les sous-bois où il se retire, Glen rencontre un petit écureuil dont l'amitié partagée lui donne les clés d'un heureux dénouement...

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