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Breakthrough Music Business Summit London

This is just a pre-registration ticket. When the 20 tickets become available pre-registers will be notified 72 hours before the general public. The Breakthrough Music Summit is for any artist that wants to have ultimate breakthrough in their career.This career & life changing event with former A&R Director, music industry success coach, and music business strategist will not only be a roadmap to further your career but in one night you will be able to break through the limiting beliefs and habits that have caused roadblocks in you achieving ultimate success in the music industry that you desire and deserve.This event is only available to the 20 artists that want to have breakthrough in their career. This won't be another boring conference or lecture. This is going to be a hands on meeting with the premier music business success and strategist coach Matthew Rix! Matthew Rix introduction video on the Breakthrough Music Business Summit Matthew Rix has spent 20 years in the music industry in various job titles including being a senior A&R director, an A&R consultant, and regional promotions coordinator and for the past few years Matthew is the "go to" guy for artists. He's been called on to assist artist in the studio that are dealing with creative blocks (songwriting, artistic direction), negotiated record deals and his music business audio series "Mattrix Minute" had over 8.4 million sales and streams in 2014 alone from 38 different nations. Matthew's purpose with this event is taking your career from good to outstanding.This is not* Artist showcase*A&R audition*A mixerThis is for artists that want to find out how to take their career to the next level, whichever area that might be and receive the tools to achieve it.Each attendee will receive the following:*Entry into The Breakthrough Music Summit*Free copy of the soon to be released "7 Tips for unprecedented success" by Matthew Rix*One song submission to be featured on a special Mattrix Mixtape event compilation (And you get paid for every sale and stream on this compilation)*A private coach that will do follow up with you and help you with your compilation success.If you're ready for breakthrough then this summit is for you!

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Corso Insegnanti Danza Classica

Il corso di formazione per conseguire il diploma di Insegnante di Danza Classica è articolato in due livelli di preparazione: Primo livello: Insegnante Danza Classica (qualifica di primo livello che fornisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento della disciplina); Secondo livello: (Qualifica di specializzazione di Insegnante Danza Classica).   FINALITÀ: La finalità del percorso professionale è quella di creare una figura di Insegnante di Danza Classica con un notevole bagaglio di competenze tecniche della disciplina che lo renderà professionista del settore. Tale formazione professionale consentirà ai partecipanti di conseguire, previo esame finale, il diploma e il tesserino di Insegnante in Danza Classica rilasciato da A.S.C., Ente di Promozione Sportiva riconosciuto CONI e valido per l’insegnamento in tutti i centri sportivi, associazioni, scuole di ballo e danza. Diploma valido ai fini delle agevolazioni fiscali per l’attività Sportiva Dilettantistica (L. 342/2000). I diplomi rilasciati danno la possibilità di esercitare la professione di Insegnante di Danza Classica. I corsi di formazione sono a NUMERO CHIUSO.   DATE: Il prossimo corso di formazione Insegnante Danza Classica Primo Livello si svolgerà nelle seguenti date:  DOMENICA 3 NOVEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 24 NOVEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 15 DICEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 22 DICEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10:30 - 13:30 lezione, esame dalle ore 14 in poi.   PREREQUISITI: Buono studio pregresso della Danza Classica.   PROGRAMMA: Saranno trattati tutti gli argomenti del corso di formazione della disciplina Danza Classica che saranno visionabili anche nel testo di preparazione che verrà fornito ai corsisti il primo giorno del corso: - Storia della danza classica: analisi delle tecniche e dei principali metodi; - Studio della tecnica dei passi e movimenti metodo Vaganova; - Analisi della struttura di una lezione, esempi pratici di lezioni di livello differente associati alle fasi evolutive; - Passi di collegamento e salti; - Analisi della parte tecnica della lezione; - Postura: analisi della corretta postura nella danza, impostazione delle braccia e del tronco; - Laboratorio di anatomia, riscaldamento muscolare e stretching; - figura dell’insegnante di danza; - normative fiscali.     DOVE: I corsi di formazione si svolgono presso l'A.S.C. DANZA in via Gregorio XI 211 a Roma.   DOCENTI: - DANIELA MIGLIACCI - ANTONELLA DI PROSPERO - SIMONETTA GUERRIERI I nostri Docenti svolgono attività di tutoraggio 7 giorni su 7 a tutti i frequentanti dei corsi di formazione che dovessero avere bisogno di un supporto tecnico della disciplina oggetto di studio.   MODALITÀ D'ISCRIZIONE: Per iscriversi al corso di formazione (posti a numero chiuso) bisogna richiedere la disponibilità tramite l'apposito modulo sul sito dell’A.S.C. DANZA, comunicando il proprio nome cognome e recapito telefonico e la tipologia di corso scelto. Da quel momento, il corsista avrà cinque giorni di tempo per ufficializzare l'iscrizione, inviando il modulo di iscrizione e la copia del pagamento della quota di iscrizione.   ESAME FINALE: Al termine del percorso formativo sarà verificata l'abilità tecnica e didattica di ogni aspirante Insegnante attraverso un esame di fine corso che si svolgerà l'ultimo giorno del corso di formazione.   COSTI E CERTIFICAZIONI: Le quote comprendono: -       Materiali di studio; -       Corso negli incontri prestabiliti; -       Diploma ASC riconosciuto coni, previo superamento dell’esame finale, -       Tesserino tecnico personale di Insegnante Danza Classica; -       Quota associativa all'ente di promozione sportiva per la stagione in corso; -       Iscrizione all'albo nazionale insegnanti danza sportiva ASC.   QUOTE INSEGNANTE PRIMO LIVELLO: 550 Euro (suddivisa in 150 Euro all’ atto dell’iscrizione da versare entro 15 giorni dall’ inizio del corso salvo disponibilità di posti, 200 Euro da saldare presso la segreteria il primo incontro del corso e i restanti 200 euro da saldare presso la segreteria il secondo incontro del corso).   COSA PORTARE: -       2 fototessere cartacee da consegnare in segreteria dell’A.S.C. DANZA il primo giorno del corso; -       Abbigliamento e calzature idonee per la lezione di danza classica.   N.B. Le dispense e i materiali di studio verranno consegnati il primo giorno del corso di formazione e sono compresi nelle quote di iscrizione.       DOVE SIAMO e COME RAGGIUNGERCI Via Gregorio XI 211– 00166 Roma (oppure entrata secondaria a Via Giovanni Andreucci 20). CONTATTI: Rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle 21.30 ed il sabato e la domenica dalle 10 alle 18. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale dell’A.S.C. DANZA.

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"Rain-Snow or Shine" The JPC Food Giveaway: Drive-Thru: Mon, Dec 14 & Walkers Tue, Dec 15

What: The JPC Drive-Thru Food Giveaway When: Mon, Dec 14, from 2 pm to 7:30 pm. (Rain-Snow or Shine) What: Walkers JPC Food Giveaway When: Tue, Dec 15, from 3 pm to 6 pm. (Rain-Snow or Shine) Where: Johnson Park Center Food Pantry – 1400 West Street (Block), NY 13501 Contact: JPC Office from 1 pm to 5 pm (315) 734-9608 Email at Utica, NY. The Christmas/Holiday Season is a joyous time of the year. We celebrate with our families and friends sharing our love, providing hope, singing songs, and giving gifts. We have specially prepared holiday meals and delicious desserts. But for many people, holidays are a time full of stress, maybe only a wish and not a reality when you cannot afford the Food for the special Christmas Dinner. And this year, many people are being challenged because of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID19). It is causing long-term problems, as we are currently in the second wave of the COVID19. Due to the large increase of COVID-19 cases, with many people in the hospital, some social distancing restrictions include limiting travel and not attending large gatherings even in your own residence. In fact, many are faced with paying rent, the National Grid bill, or putting food on the table. We, as a community, are working together to fight hunger and food insecurity. Thanks to the Mohawk Valley COVID-19 Respond Fund created by the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties and the United Way of the Mohawk Valley, established a single community-wide fund. The Johnson Park Center (JPC) received COVID-19 Respond Fund Grant Awards to provide food to the community. With the generous support from the Food Bank of Central New York (FBCNY) and Donors, JPC will have a Drive-Thru Food Giveaway for disadvantaged individuals and families around JPC Sites Rain-Snow or Shine on Monday, December 15, 2020, from 2 pm to 7:30 pm. Starting on the corner of Arthur and West Streets, cars/vehicles will line up at the registration station where JPC Intake Persons, wearing face masks, will assist you with completing the Intake Form. They will place the number of households represented in each car on its windshield. Then you will drive up to each Food station, where volunteers will put the food in your car/vehicle. If you do not have a car/vehicle, please come to the Walkers Food Giveaway Rain-Snow or Shine on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, between 3 pm to 6 pm at JPC Food Pantry 1404 West Street, Utica, New York 13501 A tractor-trailer full of food will be available to be given to the community. Food items may include chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, fresh produce, fresh fruit, rice, pasta, cereal, canned items such as soup, beans, etc. During these challenging times of the pandemic, by fighting hunger and food insecurity, the JPC Food Giveaway helps families & individuals to have food for Christmas, be food secured, and a stepping stone to self-sufficiency. Please join us as we need additional sponsors, donors, volunteers, and media to make long-term commitments to fight hunger and food insecurity. To all who made investments and partnered with JPC this year, you are amazing. JPC is so grateful and appreciative of your dedication to serving families, children, and single individuals in need. Thank you to the Mohawk Valley COVID-19 Respond Fund single the community-wide fund, the Food Bank of Central New York (FBCNY), the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), the United Way of the Mohawk Valley, Utica National Foundation Group, M&T Bank/Partners Charitable Fund, the Mele Family Fund, and anonymous donor-advised funds of the Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties; the Bank of Utica, the UFCW Charity Golf Classic, Inc.; The NBT Bank: the Central New York Labor Council AFL-CIO; the Hartford Fire Insurance, a donor-advised fund of the Benevity Community Impact Fund; MVP Health Plan, Inc.; Jay-K Lumber; Carbone Auto Group, Jimmy John's, MV Community Action Agency, the Compassion Coalition, CASA Imports, Candella's Farm & Greenhouses, and the Mohawk Street Hannaford. We received monetary and food donations from various donors, businesses, organizations, and individual supporters, the Volunteers, the American Red Cross, the Junior Frontiers, JPC/JPA Staff & Shelter Program Participants, and Media Coverage from WKTV, WUTR, Spectrum News, the Observer-Dispatch, the Utica Phoenix, and 96.1 The Eagle. Thank you so much for your continual support and Join Positive Change at Johnson Park Center (JPC). Rev. Dr. Maria A. Scates, D.D. CEO / Founder

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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The Ball of Dreams

The water of the Canali slowly flows, a gondola carries two Maschere in the quiet of the nightfall... Open the Porta di Ferro of Palazzo Contarini and plunge yourself in the explosion of colors and lights of the Venice Carnival. In a magic atmosphere, The Ball of Dream will enchant you. Live your dream with me, wrap yourself in the most precious fabric of my costumes and become whoever you want to be! That's what dreams are for.

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Daten als Treiber der Digitalen Transformation für die deutsche Bauwirtschaft

Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung: Daten als Treiber der Digitalen Transformation in der deutschen Bauwirtschaft. Die aus Digitalen Netzwerken entstehenden Daten und die Nutzung dieser für das Marketing und den Vertrieb stehen im Fokus der dritten Veranstaltung. Aus diesen Daten kann ein weiterer Erfolgsfaktor für die Digitale Transformation der Unternehmen entstehen.  Die Chancen und Potentiale, die sich aus der Nutzung von Daten ergeben sind vielschichtig – einige Schwerpunkte möchten wir Ihnen verdeutlichen, mit Ihnen diskutieren und konkrete Beispiele aufzeigen. Wie können Daten eine nachhaltige Basis für strategische Entscheidungen werden? Wie lassen sich Daten erheben und aufbereiten? Wie können Daten für die operative Arbeit im Marketing und Vertrieb einen erheblichen Nutzen und Mehrwert bieten?  Für Europa hat in diesem Zusammenhang die 2018 in Kraft getretene Datenschutz-Grundverordnung besondere Relevanz. Sie erfordert eine Berücksichtigung bei der Entwicklung von auf Daten basierenden Digitalisierungsstrategien.  Melden Sie sich noch heute an unserer Tagesveranstaltung in Frankfurt an und werden Sie Teil von Vernetzt Digital. Spannende Vorträge, erfolgreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis, Workshops und Diskussionen erwarten Sie. Vernetzten Sie sich mit Ihren Kollegen aus der Branche, profitieren Sie von unserem Netzwerk und arbeiten Sie aktiv an Ihrem Digitalen Wandel im Marketing und Vertrieb mit. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme. Agenda (Start 10:30 Uhr) Registrierung und Get-together Begrüßung und Impulsvortrag Daten aus dem digitalen Netzwerkwerk des mehrstufigen Vertriebs: Ein noch überwiegend ungenutztes Potential Wie Daten Ihr Online Marketing effektiver machen und ein zielgruppenrelevantes Marketing ermöglichen Dezentrale und vernetzte Online-Konfiguratoren: Möglichkeiten der Datengenerierung und das Potential für Marketing und Vertrieb Inwiefern beeinflusst die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung die Potentiale der Digitalen Transformation: Was ist bei der Entwicklung von auf Daten basierenden Digitalisierungsstrategien zu beachten Mittagspause Vorstellung Case Studie Künstliche Intelligenz im Einsatz für digitale Netzwerke entlang des mehrstufigen Vertriebes: Wie kann Maschinelles Lernen die Schlagkraft der digitalen Netzwerke verstärken  Panel Diskussion Networking und Abendessen

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Sesame Street Live! Let's Party!

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Travellers Cheques, Personal Checks, and Cash are accepted. Will Call tickets are available beginning 2 hours prior to showtime. Customers will needs their Confirmation Number, the credit card the order was placed under and Photo Identification. For information on events call 313-471-3211. The Box Office is open Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM. On event days, 10:00 AM until ½ hour before scheduled event end. Summer Hours: Open event days only, closed Memorial Day through Labor Day. To request accessible seating, please call (313) 471- 7929.

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