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Portland Trail Blazers vs. Los Angeles Lakers

Box Office: (503) 797-9619 Group Sales: (503) 963-4400 Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday hours vary. Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Tickets held at will call can be picked up on the day of the performance at the box office beginning 2 hours prior to the event. The customer must present valid form of picture identification and the credit card used for purchase. Accessible enhancements active.

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Washington Wizards vs. Orlando Magic

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets can be picked up anytime the Box Office is open, thru event start time. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a valid photo ID. General Information... 202-628-3200 Accessible Seating Only.. 202-661-5065 Box office is open on non-event days from 12pm-4pm (Monday-Friday); closed on non-event Saturdays and Sundays Box office is open on non-event days from 12pm-4pm (Monday-Friday); closed on non-event Saturdays and Sundays *Hours subject to change To better accommodate your needs, Capital One Arena has requested that all accessible seating ticket accommodations be solicited only through their representatives. Please contact a Capital One Arena representative for further help with your ticket purchase.* Advance ticket purchase may be required. * Box office information is subject to change.

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NBA Play-In Tournament: Lakers v TBD - West Game 1

STAPLES Center does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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MLS All-Star Game presented by Target

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express The ticketing office number is (202) 600-9098. The box office will be open on event days only. Exact time varies depending on the type of event. Yes, there is handicap accessible seating.

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Chicago Bulls vs. Memphis Grizzlies

The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. Must have valid photo ID and original method of payment (if applicable) to pick up will call. Name changes are not permitted. The United Center utilizes digital ticketing for all events. Tickets must be presented for entry on a mobile device. This includes season tickets, single game tickets or individual event tickets purchased online or forwarded by email or text through authorized outlets including,,, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid, rotating SafeTix barcode or digital pass added to Apple or Android Wallet. Digitally altered or fraudulent tickets will not be accepted for entry (312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4509 (TTY) Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules. *The United Center Box Office no longer opens for event public on-sales outside normal business hours Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call Guest Relations at 312-455-4509 (TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.

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Training Internal Auditor ISO 45001 - WQA Training Center

Training Internal Auditor ISO 45001 – Pelatihan 2 hari dalam rangka mengembangkan keterampilan untuk melakukan audit yang efektif yang dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja kesehatan & keselamatan organisasi berdasarkan  ISO 45001. Pengenalan Persyaratan dalam  ISO 45001 sudah diatur sedemikian untuk menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja atau biasa disebut Manajemen K3. System tesebut bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik jika ada Internal Audit yang efektif dan benar. Internal Audit merupakan salah satu kunci untuk menjalankan system ISO 45001 yang efektif dan meyakinkan adanya perbaikan yang berkesinambungan. Pelatihan selama dua hari untuk internal auditor ini ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan auditnya. Dimulai dari persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit yang efektif dibidang sistem manajemen kesehatan & keselamatan kerja ISO 45001. Kapan Internal Audit harus dilaksanakan? Siapa yang harus melakukan Internal Audit ? Bagaimana caranya ? Apa saja yang harus dilakukan selama Internal Audit? Apa tindak lanjut dari hasil Internal Audit? Semuanya akan dibahas dalam pelatihan ini. Pokok Bahasan Persyaratan dalam  ISO 45001 Persyaratan ISO 19011 Audit & Type dari audit Prinsip, teknik dan metodologi Audit Kompetensi Auditor Perencanaan Audit Pelaksanaan Audit NCR’s dan Kategori Laporan Audit Analisa hasil internal audit Tindak lanjut dari internal audit untuk perbaikan yang berkesinambungan Peserta Personal dalam organisasi yang ingin mengembangkan keahlian auditnya. Manajer dan staf yang menjadi atau mungkin menjadi anggota tim audit organisasi Praktisi yang serius mendalami dan bertanggung jawab terhadap rancangan, implementasi dan tata kelola sistem manajemen kesehatan & keselamatan kerja yang harus memenuhi persyaratan  ISO 45001. Facilitator Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang Sistem Manajemen K3.Terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor. Pelatih Profesional dan auditor yang sudah memiliki sertifikat dari IRCA. Investasi Rp 3.990.000 / peserta Belum termasuk pajak Investasi ini termasuk : Lunch and 2X Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit Certificate (Certified by WQA) Jadwal Training Hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Register Training Here Lokasi Hotel atau WQA office Contact Person Worldwide Quality Assurance ( APAC ) : Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia Phone : +6221 – 4260769 Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Email :

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ANATOMY LAB LIVE : CONTAGION | Manchester 25/01/2020

ANATOMY LAB LIVE | CONTAGION Anatomy Lab LIVE is returning for 2020 with CONTAGION.  INFECTION - DINNER - DISSECTION ‘The post-antibiotic era is dawning’ The nationally acclaimed dinner and dissection experience attracted headlines around the world and after three amazing sell out tours we’re back for 2020 with Contagion. Anatomy Lab LIVE 2020 ‘contagion’ is going to be really exciting. The 2020 event will delve into how infections affect the organs and tissues of the human body.We’ve only had antibiotics for just over 80 years and we’re already facing the stark reality of their overuse. As strains of bacteria evolve with resistance, how will we treat the infections of the future? We’ll be asking are the Hollywood style apocalypses possible? How are infections transmitted and what do they do to the body?We invite you to suit up, and step into a fully working decontamination tent where you’ll work with real specimens to learn more about infectious diseases, their affect on the body and how science is preparing for when things inevitably go wrong. “We're really excited to release the contagion tour in 2020. This will be a perfect blend of infotainment that will promise and unforgettable night like never before. We urge you to get your tickets as soon as possible as the last three tours have sold out within a few hours! ” Samuel Piri Who can attend? The event delivers in-depth content aimed at those studying anatomy, physiology or pathology at undergraduate level and for those who are already practicing healthcare professionals. The event is also a great experience for any person who is interested in the human body, disease or medicine on the whole. The wider general public are also encourage to attend. How do I get a ticket? New for 2020.... bookings can be secured for a 33% deposit. If you choose the installment plan, we will email you before each deadline to remind you to pay the next installment on this event listing. Deposits are non refundable and must be paid on booking (before 1st July 2019). The remaining balance must be paid before the 30th August. Deposit £30 + later installment £60 Standard tickets £81.99 NHS ticket £72.99 NUS tickets £72.99 Group tickets for 10 people, (prosecco reception, upgraded nitrile glove packs, Anatomy lab live notebook and pencils) £919.00 (or £879 for a table of NHS staff, students, armed forces employees, University Staff or Teachers) Overnight Package for 2 people includes prosecco meet and greet, upgraded nitrile gloves and a room for two people (double or twin) and breakfast £350.00 Full details and terms and conditions can be found online. You will receive a certificate for attending which can be used for your own CPD. This is a highly recommended event which made headline global news. We recommend booking tickets early as they will sell out. Student and NHS discount available (proof will be required for admission into the venue). The meal option is chicken or vegetarian, you will need to contact Anatomy Lab Live after purchasing the ticket to request a vegetarian meal. Chicken will be served by default. NB: All tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.

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