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Sesame Street Live! Let's Party!

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover General Information ...703-993-3000 Group Sales...202-661-5061 Tue-Thu 12pm-6pm / Fri-Sat 12pm-4pm Accessible seating can be purchased online at or by calling the EagleBank Arena Box Office at 703-993-3035.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Self-Love Club

Self-Love club is a safe, non-judgmental environment for all bodies and all genders to explore positive relationships with their bodies with other peers working towards doing the same. The group is free and meets the 1st Thursday of each from 6PM-7:30PM at the "Little Red House" located at 644 W. Princeton St. Self-Love Club is centered around the Body Positivity movement. Body Positivity is a social movement rooted in the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, and be accepting of their own bodies as well as the bodies of others. The movement sets forth the notion that beauty is a construct of society, and poses that this construct should not infringe upon one's ability to feel confidence or self-worth.In other words, we believe your body is beautiful just the way it is! Self-Love Club groups are centered around issues of self-acceptance, unpacking unhealthy beauty standards, exploring how these issues can affect our relationships with food, striving towards acceptance of self and challenging constructs that have limited our ability to love ourselves.The following group provides peer support led by a facilitator, Allie, with her own experience with body acceptance struggles. We are not a clinical program and do not offer medical treatment of any kind. All genders, races, disabilities, ages (18+) and backgrounds welcomed.Find more online support here:

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Training Integrasi ISO Jakarta (PASTI JALAN) 12 - 13 Maret 2019

Training Integrated ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS (Integrating QHSE Management System) Training Integrating ISO  -  Kursus pelatihan yang sangat interaktif ini sangat ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan profesional mereka di bidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja. Kualita Sinergimemberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang Sistem Manajemen Mutu (ISO 9001:2015), Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan (ISO 14001:2015), dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja (OHSAS 18001:2007). Model Pelatihan ini dirancang dengan baik untuk membantu Anda memahami persyaratan untuk suatu organisasi untuk menetapkan, menerapkan , memelihara , dan meningkatkan Kualitas, Lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja. Obyek Pelatihan Training Integrasi ISO 9001, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 :Kursus ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang kualitas, lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja model, persyaratan, dan implementasi. Delegasi akan diberikan sertifikat , pengetahuan yang luas tentang kualitas, Lingkungan, dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja. Konten Training Integrating QHSE Management System : Memahami bimbingan dan penerapan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. Menjelaskan tujuan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 dan manfaatnya bagi organisasi yang menggunakan standar. Menguraikan konsep-konsep kunci dan pendekatan untuk Mutu , Lingkungan , dan Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja. Menggambarkan , dengan mengacu pada Plan-Do — Check- Act siklus , struktur , ruang lingkup , dan tujuan ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001. Menguraikan definisi kunci dan terminologi ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001 Secara singkat meringkas peraturan perundang-undangan yang relevan. Mengidentifikasi sumber hukum dan informasi di Kualitas , Lingkungan , dan undang-undang pengelolaan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja.Menguraikan persyaratan utama dari ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001. Siapakah yang seharusnya mengikuti Training Integrated Quality, HSE Management System ini Training Integrated Quality, HSE Management System ini amat berguna bagi profesional dibidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja yang ingin mengembangkan keahlian auditnya. Khususnya bagi siapa saja yang bekerja dibidang mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja pihak kedua dan pihak ketiga. Pelatihan ini juga sangat penting bagi praktisi yang serius mendalami dan bertanggung jawab terhadap rancangan, impelementasi dan tata kelola sistem manajemen mutu atau kualitas, lingkungan, dan kesehatan dan keselamatan lingkungan kerja yang harus memenuhi persyaratan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. Jika bapak/ibu tertarik untuk megadakan In House Training Integrating ISO ini, silahkan menghubungi Kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai Training Integrating ISO.   Jadwal Pelatihan Tahun  2019 Jakarta, 3 – 4 Januari 2019 Jakarta, 6 – 7 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 12 – 13 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 16 – 17 April 2019 Jakarta, 2 – 3 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 26 – 27 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 2 – 3 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 1 – 2 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 19 – 20 September 2019 Jakarta, 1 – 2 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 6 – 7 November 2019 Jakarta, 19 – 20 Desember 2019     INFORMASI & REGISTRASIKUALITA SINERGIMobile Phone : 0812.2473.3304 (WA/SMS/TLP)Email : info@kualitasinergi.comWebsite :

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Seminar: Der Emotionscode nach Dr. Bradley Nelson

Ein Seminar für jedermann zum Erlernen der erfolgreichen energiemedizinischen Selbsthilfe-Methode "Der Emotionscode" nach Dr. Bradley Nelson (siehe gleichnamiges Buch), für interessierte Laien und medizinische Fachleute geeignet. Die Methode beinhaltet das Identifizieren und Auflösen von emotionalen Altlasten, die häufig Beschwerden, Krankheiten, Beziehungsprobleme, Lernschwierigkeiten oder ähnliches verursachen können. Das Auflösen solchen emotionalen Ballastes bewirkt eine Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte, wodurch oft ein Gefühl der Befreiung zustande kommt, häufig verschwinden auch vorhandene körperliche Symptome wie Schmerzen o.ä. Es können jedoch explizit keine Heilungsversprechen gegeben werden. Diese Methode stellt keinen Ersatz für die Behandlung durch einen Arzt dar! Kraftvolles live Erleben der Methode in der Gruppe erwartet Sie! In diesem Seminar lernen Sie alles, was Sie zur erfolgreichen Anwendung der Methode wissen müssen, einschließlich praktischer Übung! Wir sind der einzige von Dr. Bradley Nelson autorisierte Anbieter von Emotionscode-Seminaren in Europa! Käufer von Refresher-Tickets bitten wir um die unaufgeforderte Vorlage ihrer Teilnahme-Bescheinigung von einem früheren Emotionscode-Seminar bei Dr. Susanne Hufnagel oder Dr. Bradley Nelson oder ihres Emotionscode-Zertifikats beim Seminar vor Ort. Verpflegung ist NICHT im Seminarpreis inbegriffen. Es besteht die Möglcihkeit für Mittagessen auf eigene Kosten im Restaurant des Hauses. Infos zum Hotel und Anfahrtsbeschreibung unter Mit der Buchung eines Seminartickets erklären Sie sich mit der Erhebung und Speicherung Ihrer persönlichen Daten (Name, Adresse, E-mail-Adresse) durch die Referentin zum Zweck der Ticket- und Rechnungserstellung, sowie zur Versendung von seminarbezogenen Informationen an Sie einverstanden. Dieses Einverständnis können Sie jederzeit per E-mail an widerrufen.

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Dallas Cowboys vs. Seattle Seahawks

Cash, MC, Visa, Amex Will Call Will Call is available at AT&T Stadium Ticket Office locations at Entry A on the northeast side of the stadium and at Entry F on the southwest side of the stadium. Will Call ticket windows open three (3) hours prior to most events. To claim tickets at Will Call, a photo ID and the credit card used to purchase the tickets must be presented. For Cowboys games, only the account holder of record may pick up tickets. A person other than the account holder may pick up tickets from Will Call provided that they present written and signed authorization from the account holder along with a copy of the account holder's photo ID. AT&T Stadium Ticket office: (817) 892-5000 AT&T Stadium/Art Tours Ticket Office: (817) 892-8687 9-5 Monday-Thursday, and 9-4 Friday Accessible Seating in all levels of the venue. ADA/Accessibility AT&T Stadium is committed to guests with disabilities. Our facilities are fully accessible and we provide a wide range of services and amenities for guests with special needs. AT&T Stadium is designed with accessible parking, accessible vehicle drop off areas, power assisted doors, restrooms, concessions, water fountains, ATMs, and seating areas. Guests can receive more information by visiting one of our Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451 or at a Concierge desk located on the club and suite levels. In order to provide maximum flexibility in our wheelchair accessible seating areas, folding chairs will be provided for companion seating. ADA Ticket Fraud ADA ticket fraud includes, but is not limited to, the misrepresentation of a disability. Management reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding misrepresentation, which may result in relocation, revocation of tickets or ejection. Wheelchairs A limited number of wheelchairs are available for transporting guests from the gates to their stadium seating location. Guests are asked to supply their own wheelchair if they need one for the duration of the event. Guests may arrange for wheelchair assistance by contacting an event staff member at any entrance. In addition, wheelchair escort reservations can be made, in advance, by calling the Guest Services Hotline at (817) 892-4161. Guests needing assistance after the event should contact an event staff member, security personnel or visit one of the Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451. Guests in suite and club areas should contact the Concierge desk on their level to request a wheelchair escort or additional assistance. HEARING IMPAIRED PATRONS -------------------------------------- - Sell Regular Seating - Hearing Impaired Devices and Information Available at Guest Services Centers Located at Sections 219, 244, 420, and 451 or at a Concierge Desk on the Club and Suite Levels

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