Visa, MC, Discover, American Express and Cash
Open 2 hours prior to the event. Must present a photo ID, the confirmation number, or the credit card used to place the order.
Ticket Office Info-line: (260) 483-1111 Ticket Charge-By-Phone Number: (800) 745-3000
Summer Ticket Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: Closed* Sunday: Closed* *Open Saturday & Sunday for any ticketed events.
Accessible seating is available at all points of purchase. Seating is reserved for sight/hearing impaired patrons and special amenities are available, i.e. Hearing Devices and Sign Language interpreters. Please contact the Memorial Coliseum Box Office at 260-483-1111 if you should need special amenities. You may also contact the venue's TTY machine at 260-480-2108.
Welcome, everyone to Our 1st annual Black Conference. This conference is long overdue and is the official conference representing the African Diaspora. The main purpose of this conference to:
1. Put in nominations for our official Black Gov't.
2. Begin the process of establishing a Collective Treasury.
3. Explore investment opportunities (real estate).
4. Establish a central care line/website/media outlet which brings us all together, allows us to express any concerns we are having publicly to form a sense of collectivism/unity and support. Keep us all on the same page.
These have been understood to be some of our major issues. No doubt, this is only the 1st annual conference. We must take this slowly, it is understood that it will take time to address most of our issues but we must start somewhere. I am very happy to have been blessed with the idea for this conference as well as the knowledge to understand why it is important. Who really knows why we have had to go through the things we've been through as a people? Hey, maybe this is the stuff greatness is made of it reminds me of a quote of mine which says, "we are the ancestors of a great people." Therefore, all we can really do is, first, learn who we are- in reality. And then, put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving. That's it. So here we are. We're here. Let's make the best of it.
Friday 7pm-10pm Networking Reception- alternate location
7am-9am Breakfast
Music performance
Speaker 10am-10:50
Music performance
11am-11:30 Speaker
11:30-12 Speaker
12-1 Lunch
1-3 breakout discussions for action planning
Music performance
3-3:50 Speaker
Music performance
4-4:30 Speaker
4:30-4:45 Speaker
4:45-5:15 Speaker
5:30-6:30 Dinner- alternate location
Music performance
7pm- 8pm Speaker
10pm until... Dancing and networking at alternate location
Our Black Conference is the first annual Black Consciousness Conference with aims to unify black people from the world over in order to counter political issues and to educate and liberate black people. Our black conference will include speakers, music, and discussion around political organizing.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted at the box office. No checks, including travelers checks, are accepted at the box office.
Will call tickets may be picked up one hour prior to event. Customer must present the credit card used to purchase, a valid matching photo ID and the confirmation number.
For general venue information call 603-644-5000. For Disney On Ice, Monster Jam, Cirque du Soleil and Boston Pops group sales call 603-777-0287 or e-mail For Harlem Globetrotters group sales, call 800-641-HOOP.
In-Season (Mid October-Mid April): Mon-Fri 9:30am-5pm, Sat-Sun Closed. Offseason (Mid April-Mid October): Mon-Thu 9:30am-5pm, Fri-Sun Closed. Hours subject to change on holidays, event days and for ticket on-sales - please call ahead or check venue website or social media pages for updates before visiting. Box office is always open during ticketed events.
This is an accessible venue.
Il corso di formazione professionale per la qualifica di Insegnante di Propedeutica alla Danza ha lo scopo di preparare insegnanti qualificati e capaci di trasferire con competenza ai propri allievi la suddetta disciplina.
La finalità del percorso professionale di Insegnante di Propedeutica alla Danza è quella di creare una figura di Insegnante con un notevole bagaglio di competenze tecniche della disciplina.
Tale formazione professionale consentirà ai partecipanti di conseguire, previo esame finale, il diploma e il tesserino di Insegnante di Propedeutica alla Danza rilasciato da ASC, ente di promozione sportiva riconosciuto CONI e valido per l’insegnamento in tutti i centri sportivi, associazioni, scuole di ballo e danza. Diploma valido ai fini delle agevolazioni fiscali per l’attività Sportiva Dilettantistica (L. 342/2000).
I diplomi rilasciati danno la possibilità di esercitare la professione di Insegnante di Propedeutica alla Danza.
I corsi di formazione sono a NUMERO CHIUSO.
DATE: Il prossimo corso di formazione Insegnanti si svolgerà nelle seguenti date: - 2 FEBBRAIO 2020 (dalle ore 10:30 alle 18)
- 23 FEBBRAIO 2020 (dalle ore 10:30 alle 18)
- 15 MARZO 2020 (dalle ore 10:30 alle 13:30; a seguire esami in sede).
Conoscenza delle tecniche del ballo e della danza.
Predisposizione all’insegnamento ai bambini.
PROGRAMMA: Saranno trattati tutti gli argomenti del corso di formazione Propedeutica alla Danza che saranno visionabili anche nel testo di preparazione che verrà fornito ai corsisti il primo giorno del corso: - Conoscenza del corpo;
- allineamento;
- Studio di alcuni esercizi fondamentali;
- Studio del campo visivo ed uditivo;
- Nozioni musicali;
- studio delle andature; - improvvisazione;
- struttura della lezione;
- il gioco nella danza;
- l’approccio con i bambini;
- normative fiscali. DOVE: I corsi di formazione si svolgono presso l’A.S.C. DANZA in via Gregorio XI 211 a Roma. DOCENTI:
I nostri Docenti svolgono attività di tutoraggio 7 giorni su 7 a tutti i frequentanti dei corsi di formazione che dovessero avere bisogno di un supporto tecnico della disciplina oggetto di studio.
MODALITÀ D'ISCRIZIONE: Per iscriversi al corso di formazione (posti a numero chiuso) bisogna richiedere la disponibilità tramite l'apposito modulo sul sito dell’A.S.C. DANZA, comunicando il proprio nome cognome e recapito telefonico e la tipologia di corso scelto. Da quel momento, il corsista avrà cinque giorni di tempo per ufficializzare l'iscrizione, inviando il modulo di iscrizione e la copia del pagamento della quota di iscrizione. ESAME FINALE: Al termine del percorso formativo sarà verificata l'abilità tecnica e didattica di ogni aspirante Insegnante attraverso un esame di fine corso che si svolgerà l'ultimo giorno del corso di formazione. COSTI E CERTIFICAZIONI: Le quote comprendono:
- Materiali di studio;
- Corso negli incontri prestabiliti;
- Diploma ASC riconosciuto coni, previo superamento dell’esame finale,
- Tesserino tecnico personale di Insegnante di Propedeutica alla Danza;
- Quota associativa all'ente di promozione sportiva per la stagione in corso;
- Iscrizione all'albo nazionale insegnanti danza sportiva ASC.
COSTI: 550 Euro (suddivisa in 150 Euro all’atto dell’iscrizione da versare entro 15 giorni dall’inizio del corso salvo disponibilità di posti, 200 Euro da saldare presso la segreteria il primo incontro del corso e i restanti 200 euro da saldare presso la segreteria il secondo incontro del corso).
Il Corso comprende:
-Diploma ASC riconosciuto coni; -Tesserino tecnico personale di insegnante di Insegnante Propedeutica alla Danza; -Quota associativa all'ente di promozione sportiva per la stagione in corso; -Iscrizione all'albo nazionale insegnanti danza sportiva ASC.
N.B. Le dispense e i materiali di studio verranno consegnati il primo giorno del corso di formazione e sono compresi nelle quote di iscrizione.
Via Gregorio XI 211– 00166 Roma (oppure entrata secondaria a Via Giovanni Andreucci 20).
CONTATTI: Rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle 21.30 ed il sabato e la domenica dalle 10 alle 18. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale dell’A.S.C. DANZA.
- 2 fototessere cartacee da consegnare in segreteria dell’A.S.C. DANZA il primo giorno del corso;
- Abbigliamento e calzature idonee per la lezione.
Including the OSHA and DOT International Harmonization Requirements ANY Person Engaged in ANY Activity Involving Hazardous Materials and Waste MUST Successfully Complete an Annual/Triennial Training & Testing Program
Federal law requires all persons engaged any activity involving hazardous materials, substances, chemicals and waste to complete an updated training program on the Federal regulations requiring compliance.
THE “Critical Interface” PROBLEMCompliance may become clearer when the “INTERFACE” is laid out as per the chart. For example, when one of the 50,000 plus Hazardous Materials is in transportation, it is subject to the DOT Regulations in 49 CFR. When used in-plant, it now is subject to the OSHA Regulations in 29 CFR. When it no longer has a value and will be discarded, it is subject to the joint DOT/EPA/OSHA Regulations in 49/ 40/29 CFRs.
If, at any time in either of these three areas, it is released or discharged from its container into the environment in an “RQ” quantity, and is not recovered, it is now a Hazardous Substance and is subject to the reporting responsibilities of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, and SARA/Title III. Understanding these interfaces is one of the objectives of the seminar.
The Training is designed to meet the requirements for:TRANSPORTATION – HAZMAT EMPLOYEESU.S. & State Departments of Transportation (Section 172.700, 49 CFR)State and Federal DOT regulations require each shipper, generator, carrier and transporter to instruct and test all company officials, employees or agents on the applicable hazardous materials regulations pertaining to their job functions and contact with hazardous materials and substances on a triennial basis.
ENVIRONMENT –ᅠ HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATORSU.S. & State Environmental Protection Agencies (Part 262, 262.14, 262.25, 262.16, 262.17 and 265.16, 40 CFR)
State and Federal EPA regulations require each generator and owner/operator of a TSD Facility to ensure that all employees engaged in any activity involving hazardous waste successfully complete a training program on the applicable DOT, OSHA and EPA regulations. This requirement must be carried out on an annual basisWORKER PROTECTION – HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE & CHEMICAL WORKERSOccupational Safety & Health Administration (Sections 1910.120, 1910.1200, 29 CFR)
Protect your employees that are exposed to hazardous chemicals and substances in the workplace. That's why this seminar includes the First Responder Awareness level certification for hazmat employees in the event of a hazardous substance release; annual training.
Managers and company personnel responsible for compliance with the DOT/EPA/OSHA regulations for hazardous materials, substances, chemicals or waste.Managers and company personnel who must instruct others on applicable DOT/EPA/OSHA regulations.Company hazmat and waste employees who need either the required initial or annual update training.
Why Should I Attend THIS SEMINAR?
TSP specializes in meeting the Training requirements of DOT/EPA/OSHA. Not only will you receive the required training necessary to comply with DOT/EPA/ OSHA, but you will also receive the materials needed for your training to be successful and complete. Our commitment to you is only beginning at the close of the seminar. Because of our affiliation with Hazardous Materials Publishing Company, we are able to help you meet all of your ongoing compliance needs.
Every Compliance Attendee will receive our Hazmat Compliance Kit which includes:
2019/2020 Hazardous Materials, Substance & Wastes Compliance Guide
Niosh Chemical Hazard Guidebook
Hazardous Materials, Wastes and Substances training and testing certificate
Department of Transportation hazardous material training and testing records
Environmental Protection Agency hazardous waste generator training records
Occupational Safety and Administration first responder training records
The 5 Steps to DOT, EPA OSHA compliance
How to Use the Hazardous Material Regulations
How to Use the Federal Register
Index and Glossary DOT Hazardous Materials, EPA Wastes and OSHA Substances
Integrated Contingency Plan under DOT, EPA
The RCRA inspection Manual
The Emergency and Contingency Plan
Shippers Pre-inspection Checklist
Shippers Checklist
Drivers Checklist
After completing the Hazardous Materials & Waste seminar, participants registering for the “TRAIN-THE-TRAINER®” will be exposed to the most effective, successful and inexpensive means and the specific training manuals and aids to meet the required training and testing requirements mandated by State and Federal laws.
REMEMBER, each HAZMAT EMPLOYEE is required to be trained on the Hazardous Materials & Waste Hazard Communication Standards. And, if you have not met these requirements, you are in violation of the law. This program allows HAZMAT EMPLOYERS or their designated personnel to meet the mandatory training requirements— quickly, effectively and successfully.
REMEMBER, each HAZMAT EMPLOYEE must also be tested on his or her understanding and knowledge of the DOT Hazard Communication Standards that apply to their function, in addition to General Awareness/Familiarization, Safety and Security Awareness Training.
Every Full Train-The-Trainer Attendee will receive:
10 of the 2019/2020 Compliance Guide & Emergency Response Guidebook (2,000 Pages)
In addition to:
a) Train the Trainer Certificate
b) Compliance Certificate
c) Guide to Developing a DOT Hazardous Material Training Plan
d) Blank Test & Training Certificate
e) DOT Training Records and Checklists
f) EPA Training Records and Checklists
g) OSHA Training Records and Checklists
h) Niosh Chemical Hazard Guidebook
i) The Overview of Examples for Print or Presentations
j) Printable and Online Train the Trainer Training and Testing Booklets:
Classification and Identification of Hazardous Materials and Wastes Hazardous Materials and Wastes Shipping Papers and Waste Manifests Hazardous Materials and Wastes Markings and Labeling Containers Hazardous Materials and Wastes Placarding Hazardous Material and Wastes Packaging
Each of these booklets includes a short test and blank certificates, to be completed by student and instructor.
Hazardous Materials, Wastes and Substances training and testing certificate
Department of Transportation hazardous material training and testing records
Environmental Protection Agency hazardous waste generator training records
Occupational Safety and Administration first responder training records
The 5 Steps to DOT, EPA OSHA compliance
How to use the Hazardous Material Regulations
How to use the Federal Register
Index and Glossary DOT Hazardous Materials, EPA Wastes and OSHA Substances
Integrated Contingency Plan under DOT, EPA
The RCRA inspection Manual
The Emergency and Contingency Plan
Shippers Pre-inspection Checklist
Shippers Checklist
Drivers Checklist
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
What's the refund policy?
You may receive a full refund up to 7 days prior to the event. After 7 days, because of event, banquet, shipping, handling, travel fees and expenses, we will only offer you a credit to attend a seminar within that seminar year of your original seminar registration, not a full refund.
Where can I read more about the Train-The-Trainer seminars in depth?
On our website
The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted.
Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event.
Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515,
MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday through Friday 11am through 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled West VIP.
MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (HCL Tech), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 888-694-1925. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.