Come get a head start on Behind the Scenes weekend at a very special Saturday Social filled with games, music, movies & fun!
About this Event
On Saturday, November 9th, Full Sail University will be hosting a very special Saturday Social, featuring gaming sessions in Super Smash Bros.,Mario Kart, and Rocket League. You may even get the chance to battle members of Full Sail Armada, our official collegiate esports team! There will be snacks and soda, as well as a virtual reality experience and a GarageBand music station. Tours will also take place at 2pm and 4pm to give you and your family some extra time to explore campus.
Behind the Scenes Weekend: Saturday Social
November 9th, 2019
1pm – 4pm
Full Sail Labs
221 S. Semoran Blvd., Winter Park
(Next to Arooga’s Restaurant)
Create the next B I G Thing
Google Maps, WhatsApp, Instagram have become our everyday essential apps and your child may be the creator of the next B I G thing that you will use in your life. We nurture future leaders in technology by allowing students to explore the path of mobile app development. The MIT App Inventor 2 Platform help students to create fully functional mobile apps that can be launched into the app store!
With an intuitive, visual drag-and-drop programming like Scratch but equipped with greater capabilities, the App Inventor allows students to apply computational thinking and creativity to design their own apps and put them to test immediately on their phones. They can build simple fun apps such as Countdown Timer, Racing Game, Robot Shooter Game and more!
App Inventor 1’s goal is to introduce mobile app programming, instill confidence and an adventurous spirit for students to continue exploring to become little app creators. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs.
"I have enjoyed this lesson and learn how to program. I realized that learning new things is very fun and I can share them with my friends." - Enoch, 11
Pourquoi adhérer ?
#1 Vous souhaitez profiter des événements de Girlz In Web au top et y rencontrez des gens supers ?#2 Vous souhaitez participer à des événements exclusifs dédiés aux membres comme nos déjeuners #MembreOnly ?#3 Vous aviez envie d'intégrer le réseau interne de Girlz in Web et réseauter avec ses membres en exclusivité ?#4 Vous aimez participer aux événement dédiés au numérique et aimeriez profiter de réductions spéciales ?#5 Vous pensez que ce qu’on fait est indispensable à une meilleure représentation des femmes dans les métiers du numériques ?#6 Vous voulez être mécène et pouvoir profiter d’une mise en avant exclusive sur le site Girlz In Web ?
Voilà quelques bonnes raisons d’adhérer à Girlz In Web !Bienvenue dans le réseau !
Public Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA
Pengenalan : Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Jakarta selama lima hari untuk advance auditor ini ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan auditnya dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit yang efektif dibidang sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011. Memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai model ISO 9001:2015.
Adalah tanggung jawab hukum bagi perusahaan untuk mengembangkan kebijakan sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011 serta pengaturannya. Banyak perusahaan yang tertarik untuk kemajuan dan kepatuhan hukum dan memperbaiki cara sistem manajemen mutu mereka beroperasi kini beralih ke ISO 9001:2015 sebagai metode pilihan mereka dan sebagai sarana menunjukkan sistem kredibilitas untuk pelanggan potensial yang ada dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan.
Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen mutu, persyaratan standar ISO 9001:2015, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen mutu.
Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Latar belakang manajemen mutu
ISO 9000 standar seri
ISO 9001:2015 persyaratan
ISO 19011
Jenis-jenis Audit
Teknik Audit
Proses berbasis sistem
NCR dan kategorisasi
Studi kasus Audit dan role-play
Waktu Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 : 08.30 – 17.00Durasi Training : 5 Hari
Materi Lead Auditor Course ISO 9001:2015
Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen mutu.
Prinsip – prinsip ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011
Peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja
Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit
Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu manual mutu
Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut
Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor
Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders
Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan
Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut
Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut
Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian.
Manfaat Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001 JakartaTraining Lead Auditor ISO 9001 ini dirancang bukan hanya untuk membantu anda untuk lebih efektif dan bernilai tambah dalam melakukan audit, akan tetapi memberikan pemahaman yang lebih luas lagi tentang rancangan dan implementasi sistem manajamen sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2015.Peserta yang berhasil menjalankan pelatihan dengan minimum mendapatkan 70% angka kelulusan akan dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftarkan diri sebagai auditor, maupun lead auditor dengan lisensi IRCA.
Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Fasilitator :Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman mutu, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas di berbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional.
Sertifikasi Pelatihan Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari IRCA.
Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 2018
Jakarta, 22 – 26 Januari 2018
Jakarta, 19 – 23 Februari 2018
Jakarta, 12 – 16 Maret 2018
Jakarta, 23 – 27 April 2018
Jakarta, 21 – 25 Mei 2018
Jakarta, 4 – 8 Juni 2018
Jakarta, 9 -13 Juli 2018
Jakarta, 27 – 31 Agustus 2018
Jakarta, 17 – 21 September 2018
Jakarta, 22 – 26 Oktober 2018
Jakarta, 12 - 16 November 2018
Jakarta, 26 – 30 November 2018
Jakarta, 10 – 14 Desember 2018
Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Tahun 2019
Jakarta, 7 – 11 Januari 2019
Jakarta, 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2019
Jakarta, 6 – 12 Februari 2019
Jakarta, 25 – 29 Maret 2019
Jakarta, 22 – 26 April 2019
Jakarta, 6 – 10 Mei 2019
Jakarta, 24 – 28 Juni 2019
Jakarta, 8 – 12 Juli 2019
Jakarta, 19 – 23 Agustus 2019
Jakarta, 2 – 6 September 2019
Jakarta, 7 – 11 Oktober 2019
Jakarta, 4 – 8 November 2019
Jakarta, 2 – 6 Desember 2019
Investasi :Rp 7,500,000 / pesertaInvestasi ini termasuk :• Lunch and 2X Coffee Break• Training Material• Seminar Kit• Certificate (Certified by IRCA)
Lokasi TrainingHotel bintang 4 di Jakarta atau IAS Training Center
Hubungi Kami Badan Sertifikasi ISO Terbaik Di Indonesia
INFORMASI & REGISTRASIMTH Square Lantai 3A No. 21 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10 Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13330E-mail: info@ias-indonesia.comWebsite : www.ias-indonesia.comPhone: (021) 2926 3044 (021) 2926 3021
The Addams Family Musical by Andrew Lippa, Marshall Brickman, and Rick Elice Directed by Rebecca Campbell October 9 November 8 Based on the popular family tv show, Addams Family is a kooky, spooky Halloween show perfect for the young and the young at heart. All your favorite characters are here and this time they sing!
Cash, VISA, MC, AMX, DSC 24 hours in advance from day of show.Cash only day of show.
Customers may pick up their tickets at any window on day of show.
(915) 533-9899
Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm Saturday 10am – 3pm
Manila, Philippines Conference date 1st February 2020
Healing House Makati,
Poblacion Bldg, Palma Street
What is the HerStory Global Women’s Empowerment Conference?
A conference to bring Women globally together on “Making the Impossible Possible”. A conference to spark citizen engagement towards empowerment and social sustainability.
The HerStory Global Women’s Empowerment Network is a organization founded in New Zealand as a grassroot movement facilitating and bringing women together to share not only personal experiences but innovation, creative, business and philanthropic sustainable solutions to the social, economic, environmental and personal issues affecting women internationally.
Reintroducing and introducing Ubuntu, a “We-philosophy”. Meeting the need to rethink how we address sustainability issues starting from the base, empowering global citizens, giving the simple tools and opening up the agenda for broad citizen engagement.
A two-day conference, to be held in 1000 locations around the world with a maximum of 100 speakers at each event and connecting one million women worldwide. The conference aims to open up the scene for a meeting of minds, global collaboration, co-creation to growth, empowerment and change.
To showcase what has already been done by women in business and personal life, create awareness, scale what has proven successful, create and develop new networks and of course spark of new change projects.
Our “in a box working model” will ensure easily packaged, easy to implement tangible take-homes for the conference participants.
We have 1000 conferences throughout the world and need 100 speakers in each location. So please spread the word and help connect one million women this year through your story.
Cash, MC, Visa, Amex
Will Call Will Call is available at AT&T Stadium Ticket Office locations at Entry A on the northeast side of the stadium and at Entry F on the southwest side of the stadium. Will Call ticket windows open three (3) hours prior to most events. To claim tickets at Will Call, a photo ID and the credit card used to purchase the tickets must be presented. For Cowboys games, only the account holder of record may pick up tickets. A person other than the account holder may pick up tickets from Will Call provided that they present written and signed authorization from the account holder along with a copy of the account holder's photo ID.
AT&T Stadium Ticket office: (817) 892-5000 AT&T Stadium/Art Tours Ticket Office: (817) 892-8687
9-5 Monday-Thursday, and 9-4 Friday
Accessible Seating in all levels of the venue. ADA/Accessibility AT&T Stadium is committed to guests with disabilities. Our facilities are fully accessible and we provide a wide range of services and amenities for guests with special needs. AT&T Stadium is designed with accessible parking, accessible vehicle drop off areas, power assisted doors, restrooms, concessions, water fountains, ATMs, and seating areas. Guests can receive more information by visiting one of our Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451 or at a Concierge desk located on the club and suite levels. In order to provide maximum flexibility in our wheelchair accessible seating areas, folding chairs will be provided for companion seating. ADA Ticket Fraud ADA ticket fraud includes, but is not limited to, the misrepresentation of a disability. Management reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding misrepresentation, which may result in relocation, revocation of tickets or ejection. Wheelchairs A limited number of wheelchairs are available for transporting guests from the gates to their stadium seating location. Guests are asked to supply their own wheelchair if they need one for the duration of the event. Guests may arrange for wheelchair assistance by contacting an event staff member at any entrance. In addition, wheelchair escort reservations can be made, in advance, by calling the Guest Services Hotline at (817) 892-4161. Guests needing assistance after the event should contact an event staff member, security personnel or visit one of the Guest Services Centers located on the concourse behind Sections 219, 244, 420 and 451. Guests in suite and club areas should contact the Concierge desk on their level to request a wheelchair escort or additional assistance. HEARING IMPAIRED PATRONS -------------------------------------- - Sell Regular Seating - Hearing Impaired Devices and Information Available at Guest Services Centers Located at Sections 219, 244, 420, and 451 or at a Concierge Desk on the Club and Suite Levels