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New York Jets vs. New England Patriots

The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted. Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event. Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515, MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday through Friday 11am through 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled West VIP. MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (HCL Tech), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 888-694-1925. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.

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CoWorking Space Event !

Apa itu Virtual Office Service atau Rental Lahan Kantor?. Sebuah perusahaan sudah sepantasnya memiliki sebuah kantor sendiri. Mau itu pemerintahan, sekolah, perusahaan bisnis, rumah sakit, atau lembaga lainnya. Fisik sebuah kantor merupakan suatu keharusan untuk memungkinkan kegiatan operasional bisnis usaha tersebut dapat berjalan lancar dan terfokus. Tapi, masalahnya, agar dapat memiliki sebuah bangunan dan dijadikan kantor, ini bukan perkara mudah. Anggaran yang harus disiapkan pastilah tidak sedikit. Makanya itu sekarang banyak nih yang namanya rental lahan kantor. jasa penyewaan ruang kantor Ruangan kerja diperlukan untuk pengumpulan, retensi, pengaturan, serta pertukaran informasi pada waktu, tempat maupun kepada orang yang tepat. Aktivitasnya seperti penanganan surat, melakukan indeks, pengarsipan, penyalinan, merespon telepon, dan lain-lainya. Proses ini musti dikontrol serta diawasi dengan seksama. Seorang manager mengontrol semua tugas yang stiap hari dilakukan di kantor. Dia melakukan fungsi manajerial, yaitu perencanaan, pengarahan, pengorganisasian, kepegawaian, dan pengendalian. Akan tetapi, kondisi itu boleh dibilang merupakan cara lama. Kenapa?, soalnya untuk saat ini, keberadaan kantor tak selalu jadi sbuah keharusan. Apalagi bagi seorang freelancer, penulis artikel, penulis web, yang cuma memerlukan perangkat PC maupun laptop, serta sambungan internet. Dan kalaupun mereka perlu sebuah kantor, atau untuk sekedar ngumpul dengan rekan kerja, mereka bisa mencari jasa rental lahan kantor tanpa harus wasting time and waste more money. Di zaman now ini juga layanan penyewaan ruang meeting atau kantor sudah banyak banget beredar disekeliling Kita. Bahkan dengan rental lahan kantor tersebut, Kita pun bisa memperoleh fasilitas seperti yang kita dapatkan di kantor pada umumnya. Tak mesti harus menyewa 1 gedung yang tinggi. Bisa menyewa cuma 1 ruangan saja, tidak masalah. Kontrak kerjasamapun dapat dibuat fleksibel sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing pribadi yang jelas pasti berbeda-beda. Rental lahan kantor ini ditujukan khusus untuk individu maupun perusahaan yang ingin punya ruang kantor yang nyaman, tanpa harus merogoh biaya operasional yang banyak. Rata-rata sewa kantor dan ruang meeting berlokasi di pusat bisnis dari sebuah kota. Bahkan, Kalian bisa mempunyai alamat kantor tetap untuk keperluan surat-menurat sampai urusan hukum. Rental lahan kantor seperti ini merupakan solusi terbaik untuk perusahaan yang baru ingin mulai merintis. Apakah Kamu salah satu dari pengusaha tersebut?. Dan berkeinginan untuk mengokohkan impresi bisnis Anda?. Jika iya, maka inilah solusi yang Anda butuhkan saat ini. Uno Service Office SOUTH QUARTER South Quarter, Tower B Level Mezzanine Jl. R.A Kartini Kav. 8 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 12430 +62 21 2270 2303 GRAHA MAMPANG Graha Mampang, 3rd & 3A Floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 100, Jakarta Selatan 12760 +62 21 797 0273 EMAIL

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Florida Panthers vs. Chicago Blackhawks

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Located at the South Box Office and opens 2 hours prior to event and will remain open until 1 hour after each event starts. Customer must present credit card used for the purchase, photo I.D, and Ticketmaster account confirmation number. Main Number : 954-835-8000 Panthers Groups, Suites and Ticket Packages : 954-835-7825 Concert and Event Tickets: 954-835-7469 For the Metro by T-Mobile Orange Bowl Basketball Classic call 305-341-4701 The Box Office is currently closed until further notice. Please check social media for updates. Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sat - Sun: CLOSED, except when an event is taking place on that day. Event day hours (Sat - Sun):12noon to 1 hour after event starts. The center is an accessible venue.

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Optimize Your Hydroprocessing - Topsoe Academy™ Catalyst and Technology Course

The role of the process engineer working with hydroprocessing, both hydrotreating and hydrocracking, is becoming increasingly more important, as the refiner strives for optimal solutions to obtain high-quality fuel products. To be able to optimize the yield and quality of the products, it is crucial to understand the theory and practice of hydroprocessing. Topsoe offers you our popular intensive hydroprocessing course specifically designed for refinery engineers. The objective of this course is to equip engineers with tools, enabling right decision-making to obtain the highest possible benefit of the units. Furthermore, it offers plenty of opportunities for discussing hydroprocessing issues with Topsoe’s experts and other hydroprocessing peers. Course topics Hydroprocessing reactions Catalyst selection and fundamental understanding Reaction kinetics and feedstock dependency Effect of operating conditions, optimal performance Yield and hydrogen consumption Understand your hydrotreater/hydrocracker layout Hydroprocessing overview (naphtha, kerosene, diesel-HDA, biodiesel, VGO) Catalyst loading and activation, monitoring, and troubleshooting Pressure drop control Reactor internals and scale catchers Renewable feeds Dewaxing Course activities During the course, the following activities will be included:• Topsoe will host a welcome dinner on day 1 (January 14)• Lunch and coffee breaks for both days (breakfast included in hotel) Practical information Date: January 14-16, 2020 (will finish at 1.00 pm on the 16th)Location: Jalan Batu Ferringhi, Kampung Tanjung Huma, 11100 George Town, Pulau PinangHotel: Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-LaFee: None (all course materials, meals and drinks during the course are included)Dress code: Business casualContacts: Nur Elyana Ishak, Executive Assistant, Last sign-up Deadline for course sign-up: December 15, 2019Deadline for hotel sign-up: November 13, 2019 Hotel accommodation Topsoe has secured rooms at the Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La located in Jalan Batu Ferringhi, Kampung Tanjung Huma, George Town, Pulau Pinang at a special rate. The rate per night is (Single/Twin):Superior Room: RM350.00nett (~85 USD) (incl. service charge, tax and breakfast) Deluxe Room: RM450.00nett (~110 USD) (incl. service charge, tax and breakfast) Once you have filled out this registration form online you will receive a confirmation email which will include a link to the hotel reservation. In order to secure your room, you will need to click the link and complete the reservation details and submit it directly to the hotel. For any further enquries on the room reservation, you may contact Mr.Gerald Wan Tom ( • Deadline for reservation is November 13, 2019• Payment for the hotel accommodation will take place on departure Guarantee In order to guarantee your reservation in connection with the hotel booking, you will be asked to inform your credit card details. Your credit card will not be charged prior to your arrival and will only be used to guarantee your accommodation. You will need to present the same credit card when you check in. Please note that if you do not show up at the hotel on the day of arrival, a cancellation fee equivalent to the full pre-booked stay will apply as per hotel policy.

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FabLabKids: Entdecke die Welt der Roboter und Programmierer 4.0 - Feriencamp

3-teiliger Ferien-Kompaktkurs für unseren Programmiernachwuchs (Alter 5 bis 8) !!!Bitte die genauen Kurszeiten beachten!!!15.04.2020 bis 17.04.2020, jeweils - 10:00-13:00 UhrIn 3 Einheiten wollen wir uns Schritt für Schritt dem Thema Programmieren nähern. Was heißt eigentlich Programmieren? Wie funktioniert ein Roboter/Computer? Angefangen von Cubetto und Beebot, über Lego WeDo und Dash bis hinzu ersten selbst erstellten Spielen in Scratch lernen die Kids in der anregenden Fablab Umgebung inmitten von 3D Druckern, Lasercuttern und vielen Elektronikprojekten die Welt der Maker kennen und haben am Ende des Kurses ein Grundverständis von Programmierung gewonnen, auf das sich aufbauen lässt. Keine Vorkenntnisse nötig! Der Kurs ist für alle Mädchen und Jungs im Alter von 5 – 8 Jahren, die erste Erfahrungen im Programmieren sammeln wollen. Maximal 10 Teilnehmer/innen. Der Kurs findet an drei Tagen statt und dauert jeweils drei Stunden. !!!Achtung!!! Ticketrabatt mit Ferienpass München 2019/20! Beim Ticketkauf oben rechts "Werbecode eingeben" anklicken und den im Ferienpass genannten Rabattcode eingeben. Ticketpreis reduziert sich automatisch. Bitte beachte:im Normalfall finden all unsere Kurse und Workshops auch so statt, wie hier angegeben. Es kann in Ausnahmefällen aber vorkommen, dass es Änderungen gibt oder die Mindest-Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Dich über die hier hinterlegte Email-Adresse informieren.Unsere Seminarräume befinden sich im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70D. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Hinterhof.

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Cash and Checks. Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Box Office as early as sixty minutes prior to show time. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the order, a picture ID, and the confirmation number. The Box Office can be reached at (414) 273-7206. Nationwide Toll Free Line: 888-612-3500. BO PHONE hours Mon to Thur 10 am to 5pm Fri 10 am to 9pm Sat 12 noon to 9pm Sun 12 noon to 5pm For accessible seating, locations are available online or by calling the venue box office.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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