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La società 4metx in collaborazione con Hermes University offre una interessante iniziativa a studenti di laurea triennale e magistrale che non avendo ancora titolo professionale vogliono apprendere una competenza specifica che permetterà loro di inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro e specificamente nel settore dell’euro-progettazione. Come si può osservare dal portale unico dei bandi europei: esistono molteplici opportunità da cogliere in termini di progettazione ed attuazione di programmi di sviluppo. La 4metx propone un corso di Euro progettazione che dà immediatezza di lavoro a coloro che vogliono e sono in grado di affrontare questo studio che rilascia il certificato M.E.S.A.F di Europrogettista. La possibilità di operare comincia già durante la fase pratica del corso M.E.S.A.F. che prevede un periodo di formazione on the job presso lo studio professionale di associati ad Assoeuro. In tale ambito operativo pur trattandosi di uno stage si acquista una visione di dimensione strategica finalizzata a favorire l’orientamento al lavoro, l’arricchimento delle conoscenze, l’acquisizione di competenze professionali e l’inserimento lavorativo. L’Euro progettista che consegue il Certificato MESAF di Europrogettista dimostrando di possedere le adeguate competenze nel settore, può lavorare come free-lance oppure inserirsi in: -società di consulenza, scuole di ogni ordine e grado, agenzie formative, organizzazioni attive nel sistema della progettazione comunitaria; -nel terzo settore - dalle cooperative sociali alle organizzazioni non governative; -nelle amministrazioni pubbliche – Uffici interni di Enti Pubblici (Comuni, Province, Regioni); -nei sindacati, nelle comunità montane, negli Enti parchi ed Enti di sviluppo locale e territoriale; -nelle società di consulenza aziendale, negli uffici di direzione del personale e della programmazione di qualsiasi società; -nelle agenzie di sviluppo territoriale e comunitario (partenariato e partnership).

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June-July Exhibits @ Art Works!

See 5 new art shows and tour 75 artist studios. Visit us Tuesdays – Sundays 12 – 6 PM. These exhibits continue through July 18th. Admission is free and open to the public This year everything is so very different from past years. As we cope with current events, helping our neighbors, supporting our causes and families, we asked artists to focus on art that portrays the past, the present, and future-hopes of summertime–the theme of the All Media Show. Also, showcasing is Tim Harper’s exhibit (Deconstruct/Reconstruct), Tom Campbell’s show (I Wonder…), and a digital exhibit, Let’s Go Crazy – Abstract Art by Central Virginia Art League.

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Santa's Workshop (WEEKDAYS)

Jingle Bells, jingle bells … join us for two hours of creative present making. Enjoy the beautiful park and see what amazing Christmas decoration and presents you can make. Discover the Lachlan Swamp and its inhabitants and collect material that will help you make some beautiful art objects. Of course there will be some games and lots of fun included! Children will be introduced to a range of art mediums and natural materials – presents parents and grandparents will love. Meet: The WILD PLAY Discovery Centre Program length: 2 hours Ages: 5 – 12 years Date: 20 and 23rd December Time: 10am – 12pm and 1-3 - if you book both sessions we will supervise your kids over (BYO) lunch Cost : $ 29 per child per session To view our privacy policy, click here. 

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Skin Care Class / Make Up Class [Beauty & Style]

We are giving Complimentary Skin Care & Make Up Classes specially customized to suit all skin types for those who register under this form. Our classes includes: - Basic to Advanced Skin Care & Make Up Skills  - Basic to Advanced Styling Skills  Beauty products and tools will be provided to you in our classes, students can attend with bare naked face. For enquiries kindly call in at +6011-12829814 today before you miss it. Register now! Skin Care Class - October 6, Thursday (10am & 7.30pm) Make Up Class - October 7, Friday (10am & 7.30pm)

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Girls Aloud

There are no ticket sales available from Box Office. All bookings must be done online. Can be collected on the day of the event. The credit card holder MUST collect and sign for the tickets in person, and present both the card and Ticketmaster reference number. Letters of authorisation are NOT accepted under any circumstances. Any person collecting a ticket from The SSE Arena, Belfast Box Office must present: 1/ The card used to make the purchase OR if this is not possible. 2/ Valid government issued photo ID eg Driving License or Passport Failure to present staff with either of the above will mean that tickets will NOT be issued THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES Box Office will open 1 hour before doors on the day of an event (excluding Belfast Giants games) All main entrances to the building are accessible via flat or gently sloping pathways. Vertical access is provided principally by 3 twelve person lifts. The seating is contiguous, however as availability is limited these spaces are for one wheelchair user and one companion only to allow other wheelchair users access to these sections.

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