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La Regione delle opportunità - Roma Casilina

Vuoi avere risposte concrete sul mondo imprenditoriale e tenerti informato sulle opportunità offerte dalla programmazione regionale, nazionale e comunitaria? Ti aspettiamo negli Spazi Attivi della Regione Lazio! Con “La Regione delle opportunità. Iniziative e bandi per le imprese”, ti offriremo informazioni a 360 gradi sulle opportunità di finanziamento e sui contributi e incentivi pubblici a sostegno di imprese, liberi professionisti, startup e per l'avvio di nuove attività. Si tratta del primo servizio di orientamento diffuso su tutto il territorio del Lazio non solo sui bandi regionali, ma anche sulle opportunità europee della rete Enterprise Europe Network - Horizon 2020, Europa Creativa, Life, Europeaid  - e nazionali (come ad esempio, i programmi di riconversione e il credito d'imposta). Gli incontri, gratuiti e della durata di 3 ore, si rivolgono ad enti, associazioni di categoria, imprese, startup e a tutti i cittadini interessati a conoscere gli avvisi, le agevolazioni ed i bandi legati al mondo imprenditoriale. Gli incontri si terranno dalle ore 9:30 alle 12:30 Per partecipare al percorso di orientamento, occorre iscriversi selezionando la data con il relativo Focus di interesse. Spazio Attivo Roma Casilina - Via Casilina 3/T 15 marzo - Credito e Garanzie

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover. Avoid will call lines. Download the Utah Jazz + Vivint Arena app to easily purchase, transfer & sell tickets. Located at Main Ticket Office Will Call generally opens 2 hours prior to event time. Doors open for most events 1 1/2 hours prior. Vivint Arena (801) 325-2000 Utah Jazz (801) 325-2500 Open from 9:00am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday. Open Saturday and Sunday for scheduled events and on sales. Located on Northeast side of Arena (plaza level).

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The 5K Foam Fest - Moncton, NB

UPDATE:  EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER 2020 DUE TO HURRICANE DORIAN 2019 EVENT RESCHEDULED DUE TO HURRICANE WARNINGS Safety is our #1 Priority. After careful consideration and discussions with our Operations Team and in consideration of the news release issued this morning by the Government of Canada (Canadian Hurricane Centre), we have come to an agreement that the event grounds will be unsafe for Saturday’s event due to incoming Hurricane Dorian. It is anticipated that Atlantic Canada will be hit with high winds and heavy downpours throughout the weekend. Although the storm is scheduling to touch down on Saturday afternoon, we are very concerned for participants who will be coming to and from the event in the afternoon as well as our operations team who would have stayed on site until the evening. In the 10 year history of 365 Sports Inc.150+ events produced around the world, we have never had to cancel one single an event so obviously, we are not taking this decision lightly. Please spread the message to your team, friends, and family members who you were running with and we look forward to getting foamy with you all in 2020.  All tickets sold from the 2019 event will be rolled over to 2020. No action is required from registered attendees.We will email all attendees once our 2020 date is finalized.  Sincerely,  - The team at 365 Sports Inc. --- The 5K Foam Fest is a one of kind Obstacle Course based Fun Run. Join us for 22+ obstacles including the world's largest inflatable waterslide, mud pits and 2.5 MILLION cubic feet of foam!  Rock out all day to 12,000 watts of awesome (family-friendly) music, enjoy a FREE kids zone for kids 7 and under, taste delicious food, shop from local vendors and celebrate your success in our well-stocked beer gardens. With a variety of obstacles and a ton of foam, the 5K Foam Fest run is an exciting challenge for experienced and beginner runners alike. GET FILTHY CLEAN! WHAT'S INCLUDED? On top of getting to run the funnest 5K of the year while supporting a great cause, every registrant will receive: WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ages 8 and up. All children must be physically, mentally, and emotionally capable to complete the course with proper course etiquette. Kids aged 8 to 12 years must run with a Registered Adult. Parents must use proper judgment and help the youngsters decide on what obstacles to do or not based on their ability, size and confidence level.  Kids 13-17 years do not require an adult chaperone but must adhere to all course rules and regulations.  Event waiver(s) must be signed by the legal guardian of any participant under the age of 18.  Waivers are available to download off our website (go to your event location page to download and print) 7 years and under cannot run the 5k Foam Fest, but they can join us for FREE in our Kids FUN Zone, where they can try out our mini Inflatable Obstacle Course and Bounce House (adult supervision required).  Waiver(s) must be signed by the child's legal guardian. Event waivers are available to download off our website (go to your event location page to download and print) No refunds on entries or payments All obstacles are optional First wave/start time is at 8 am and then every 15 mins until 2 pm.  You will select your wave time when registering Photos will be sent out within 4 business days of the event Spectators have free access to the festival area and beer garden RUNNING WITH A TEAM? You can have as many team members as you like. Search for your team name when registering to join an existing team or choose "Create a team" to start a new one. Teammates can purchase separately, simply select the same wave time at the checkout to start the course together on event day.  FAMILY PASS AND MILITARY/FIRST RESPONDER TICKET OPTIONS We have a family pass ticket option available for up to 5 immediate family members (partner/kids) Click 'register' for details. Military and First Responders receive reduced rates, including your family (partner/kids).  PROOF OF SERVICE REQUIRED. Please provide your Badge/ID# when registering and bring a copy to the event to check in. Click 'register' for details. WANT TO RUN A LONGER DISTANCE? Ask us about adding a 2nd lap for $20 on event day. Space permitting, inquire at registration booth when checking in.  INTERESTED IN SPONSORING OR VENDING AT THE 5K FOAM FEST? With 5000-7000 participants the Foam Fest is the perfect place to sample, sell and interact with all our consumers.  For national sponsorship inquiries please contact OVER 22 OBSTACLES (ALL OPTIONAL): Le 5 Kilomètres Foam Fest est une course à obstacle différente et amusante. Joignez-vous à nous pour + de 22 obstacles incluant la plus grande glissade gonflable au monde, des trous d'eau et de boue ainsi que 2.5 millions de pieds carrés de mousse! Amusez-vous toute la journée avec 12,000 watts de musique, profitez d'une zone pour enfants de 7 ans et moins complètement GRATUITE et profitez des marchands sur place pour goûter de l'excellente nourriture. Avec une variété d'obstacles et une tonne de mousse, la course est un défi excitant pour les coureurs expérimentés ou débutants. Le 5K Foam Fest n'est pas une course difficile mais une course AMUSANTE! Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour économiser et choisir votre vague de départ! VOUS VOULEZ COURIR EN ÉQUIPE? Vous pouvez avoir autant de membres que vous le voulez dans votre équipe . Cherchez par nom d'équipe pour vous inscrire dans une équipe existante ou bien choisissez "Créer une équipe" pour créer une nouvelle équipe. Les membres de votre équipe peuvent acheter leurs billets séparément, ils doivent seulement choisir la même vague de départ pour faire la course ensemble le jour de l'événement. VOUS VOULEZ COURIR PLUS LONGTEMPS? Demandez nous d'ajouter un deuxième tour à votre course pour 20$ de plus le jour de l'événement. Renseignez-vous à la tente d'enregistrement si l'espace le permet. Plus d'informations L'âge minimal est de 8 ans et +. Si le participant est âgé entre 8-12 ans, un gardien doit courir avec lui. Pas de remboursements sur les billets ou paiements Tous les obstacles sont optionnels  La première vague de départ est à 8:00AM, il y a ensuite des départs tous les 15 minutes jusqu'à 2:00PM. Vous choisirez votre départ lors de votre l'inscription. Vous récupérerez votre trousse de participation le jour de l'événement à l'enregistrement. C'est à l'enregistrement que vous vous enregistrerez, recevrez votre dossard ainsi que vos tatouages. Après la course, à la ligne d'arrivée, vous recevrez votre médaille, serviette de plage et autres surprises! Les photos de l'événement vous seront envoyées dans les 4 jours ouvrables suivant la course. Les vidéos seront aussi affichées dans les 4 jours suivant l'événement. Amusez-vous!  Intéressés à commanditer ou devenir marchand au Foam Fest ? Avec entre 5000 et 7000 participants, le Foam Fest est l'endroit parfait pour faire connaître un produit, vendre et interagir avec vos clients. Pour commanditer l'événement, veuillez contacter

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5-Star Theatricals presents Disney's Newsies

MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Local Checks (check 3 weeks prior to event) or Cash! Will Call at Civic Auditorium 2 hrs. prior to event. It is recommended that you bring your confirmation number, ID and credit card used to purchase tickets. (805) 449-ARTS (2787) Tue-Sun 12:00noon - 5:00PM Regular Business Hours Box Office open through Curtain on performance days ** Closed Monday ** Accessible seating is available for all performances. Select accessible box or contact TM customer service for more assistance.

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