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Töpfern am Samstag für Kinder und Erwachsene

Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren zusammen mit einem Erwachsenen In entspannter Atmosphäre zu zweit kreativ werden und mit dem vielseitigen Material Ton experimentieren – das steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Workshops. Ihr lernt verschiedene Themen und Techniken kennen, wie zum Beispiel die Aufbautechnik oder das Überformen, und arbeitet mit viel Fantasie an euren Projekten. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich, der gemeinsame Spaß am Töpfern steht im Vordergrund. Nach dem Workshop muss euer Werkstück mindestens eine Woche trocknen, bevor es von unseren Mitarbeitern gebrannt und glasiert wird. Nach ca. 14 Tagen könnt ihr das fertige Kunstwerk dann zu unseren Öffnungszeiten (Di bis Fr 14 bis 18 Uhr, Sa/So 10 bis 18 Uhr) bei uns abholen. Material und Nachbearbeitung (Glasur, Brand) sind im Preis inbegriffen. Bitte habt Verständnis dafür, dass wir eure Keramikobjekte nach der Fertigstellung maximal 5 Wochen (Schulferien und Feiertage rausgerechnet) aufbewahren können. FAQs Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen? Und ist mein Ticket übertragbar?Alle Tickets sind problemlos übertragbar. Der Einlass kann jedoch nur garantiert werden, wenn das ausgedruckte Ticket mitgebracht wird. Wir sehen die Rückerstattungsbedingungen aus?Die Rückerstattung der Tickets ist ausgeschlossen.  Wie erreiche ich das Kinderkunsthaus?Das Kinderkunsthaus befindet sich in der Römerstraße 21 / Ecke Hohenzollernstraße in 80801 München-Schwabing in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Haltestellen Münchner Freiheit (U3, U6), Giselastraße (U3, U6), Hohenzollernplatz (U2) und in der Nähe des Kurfürstenplatzes (Tram 12, 27, 28), d.h. am besten erreichen Sie uns mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (U-Bahn, Tram und Bus). Von dort aus ist das Kinderkunsthaus in wenigen Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar.

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Marine Radio Operation

A VHF radio is your best tool in an emergency situation. Learn what takes to sound like a pro on the radio and effectively communicate with Coast Guard, Marine Police, bridges, locks, and other boats. This two-hour hands-on class teaches all the functions found on a standard marine radio and the vocabulary need to confidently operate it.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Software Testing Essentials 1 Day Training in Seoul

Course Description: The Software Testing Essentials Course is a one day introductory Course explaining the fundamentals of software testing.  The Course explains the importance of testing and reasons why we test software. It looks at how testing fits into the overall Development Lifecycle and what can be done to improve effectiveness and efficiency of testing within our organisation.  This Course helps to provide delegates with an understanding of the Principles of testing and explain different testing terminology. The Course also provides an overview of the different testing techniques, tools and how to detect and prevent defects.  Course Topics: Session 1 : Principles of Testing ●      Importance of Testing ●      Principles of Testing ●      Causes of Error Session 2 : Testing in the Lifecycle ●      V-Model ●      Level of Testing ●      The Test Process Session 3 : Overview of Testing Techniques and Tools ●      What is Testing Techniques ●      Black and White Box Techniques and Coverage ●      Testing tools and automation Session 4 : Overview of Managing Testing ●      Estimating ●      Monitoring and Control ●      Measuring effectiveness  Learning Goals: ●      Understand testing Principles, the importance of testing and impact on the organisation. ●      Recognise 6 common types of bugs and the strategies to use to attack and destroy them. ●      Gain an understanding of the various types of testing tools and where they fit into the overall lifecycle. ●      Understand and apply a powerful monitoring technique known as S-Curves. ●      Improve your skills in test estimation using 6 different estimation methods and understand some of the problems associated with test estimation. ●      Be able to measure the value of testing using a simple yet powerful measurement technique called DDP (Defect Detection Percentage).  Course Agenda: Day 1 ●      Session 1: Principles of Testing ●      Session 2: Testing in the Lifecycle ●      Session 3: Overview of Testing Techniques and Tools ●      Session 4: Overview of Managing Testing Who can Attend? ●      Testers ●      Team Leads ●      Developers ●      Project Managers ●      Users ●      Business Analysts ●      Quality Analysts ●      Senior Managers

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Hamilton (Touring)

Box Office: (317) 231-0000 Box Office is OPEN: Monday through Thursday: 11am to 6pm Friday: 10am to 6pm Closed Saturday and Sunday unless there is a show, then will open 2 hours prior to show time. On show days the Box Office opens approximately two hours prior to show time and remains open until at least 15 minutes after the main act goes on. (M-TH 11:00am-6:00pm; FRI 10:00am-6:00pm) Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Cash. No checks. WHEN: 2 hours prior to showtime WHERE: Will Call window - West side of building Customers must have actual credit card used to purchase the tickets, a photo ID and their Ticketmaster confirmation/order number. Accessible Seating is available for purchase at the Box Office and all Ticketmaster points of purchase.

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