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來自四面八方的壓力如亂槍射鳥,令你難以招架,不知如何自處?親子的關係、與伴侶的感情、與家人的關係、與同事的關係像是天秤的砝碼,需要我們時常微調以免失衡,正在找尋平衡的你是否因為找不到出口而憂愁, 來試試藝術戲劇療癒吧! 戲劇療癒是將「戲劇」與「療癒」的技巧,運用在身心成長戲劇療癒是從戲劇的創意過程中,透過演譯個人議題,經驗到對問題理解的改變,逐步轉化自己的身心狀態,變得更健康更平衡。 奧地利精神科醫師雅各布‧莫雷諾說,藝術讓我們有一個很安全的形式,透過適合自己的媒介,把內在狂野和被壓抑的,卻對心理健康有幫助的內容,挖掘整理出來,甚至表現成充滿美感的形式,展現創造力。 「水面上水面下劇場」藝術總監張嘉容從戲劇凝練療癒的魔法棒 化身心動的能量擅長結合戲劇與身心靈治療領域多年的張嘉容藝術總監, 為知名編劇導演及中國國家二級心理諮詢師。深知各種修復身心與轉化痛苦的的劇場式療癒釋放過程,將創造力的表演藝術訓練融入「自我提升」「伴侶關係」「原生家庭」「人際關係」等深層身心靈課程中。2019接近尾聲,「水面劇場」(簡稱) 將在年末為正在找尋出口的朋友開設「原生家庭 X 伴侶關係」、「遇見最好的自己」及專為人際關係疏離者開設的「翻轉跳躍不受限」三個主題式的戲劇療癒工作坊。 在張嘉容老師的帶領下,學員可以在音樂中即興舞動、在地板上翻滾當一根法國麵包、與團員肢體協調互動、戲劇角色扮演等劇場方法,釋放自己與他人親密互動,達到感官的統合,從視覺、觸覺、聽覺、本體覺、平衡覺等各方面的感官開發,將內在世界外化到現實世界和意識層面,達到揚升、治療與覺察的果效。 X O X O 9/30前報名享有早早鳥優惠,敬請把握! X O X O ▌活動一:遇見最好的自己  如何遇見最好的自己?怎樣才是最好的自己? 我該怎麼做呢? 有那些事要學習? 我能夠克服自己的缺點嗎? 有哪些資源可以幫助我? 我該如何打開舊思維,創造能幫助我的習慣? 如何正向思考和開創資源?使用戲劇療癒、表演藝術創作方法,帶領團體參與者探索自我,表達與包容情緒,修改及開闊自我形象,在這堂課程中,遇見最好的自己,重新開創生命新的可能。☞ 活動|遇見最好的自己 ☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/14 (六) 、12/22(日)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/15 (六) ~ 2/16 (日)   定價| ▌活動二:原生家庭 X 伴侶關係 探索「目前伴侶關係的困擾」 與 「雙方原生家庭成長經驗」,在原生家庭中你扮演什麼樣的角色?在伴侶關係中你又扮演什麼樣的角色?你自認為自己有哪些優缺點?你對理想伴侶關係的想像?你想帶什麼東西到理想伴侶關係,讓你和你伴侶都過得快樂和幸福?藉由戲劇治療,以演戲的方式使參與成員們,系統化地探索目前伴侶關係的困擾與雙方原生家庭成長經驗,促成經驗分享及心路歷程的壓抑釋放,覺察自我及伴侶關係的改變。☞ 活動|原生家庭 X 伴侶關係☞ 日期|一日 2019/11/03 (日) 定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/08 (六) ~ 2/09 (日) 定價| ▌活動三:翻轉跳躍不受限 為了生存、工作,每個人都必須擁有在職場生存、與人合作的人際互動技巧。有些人雖然社交技巧不好,卻還是能夠擁有穩定令人稱羨的工作;有些人卻樹敵眾多,不斷轉換跑道,甚至找不到工作。還有些人,擁有良好的人際關係,總是能夠優雅應對各種職場上的棘手人際情境。 人際關係互動是否令你感到困擾及充滿挑戰,總迷失在社交潛規則中找不著方向嗎? 本課程針對社交互動技巧不熟練,自覺人際互動困難的朋友參與,一起在歡笑和戲劇練習中增加情緒和壓力管理技巧,培養人際互動技巧和心理韌性,突破種種限制,更有自信克服挑戰。讓不一樣的人,都能活出最好的人生。 ☞ 活動|翻轉跳躍不受限 - 針對社交互動困難者☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/15 (日) 、 12/21 (六)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/22 (六) ~ 2/23 (日)   定價|▌報名連結:

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Hospitality Professional's National Conference

Hospitality Professional’s National Conference Restaurant, Nightclub, Hotel and other hospitality professionals will be attending this two day event explore industry services and products to assist them in their business. Some of the Service/Product Exhibitors will be: Décor Furniture (Lobby, Dining Area, Front Desk, Restaurant, Nightclub/Bar, etc) Lighting Sound Glassware Kitchenware Appliances Staffing Janitorial Business Services (Attorney, Accounting, Software, Insurance, Realtor, Consulting, etc) Liquor Beer/Wine/Soda/Coffee/Tea/Water, etc. Produce, Dairy, Meat, etc Suppliers Silverware Linens (Kitchen, Dining, Hotel Rooms, etc) Security Systems Uniforms Pest Control Window Treatment Bar Tools Front Desk Supplies/Products Lobby Supplies/Products Marketing/PR ETC.!!!! The schedule of events will include optional workshops, guest speakers to enhance or assist in your business and management. Exhibitors with products/services to showcase. You will NOT want to miss the AWESOME AFTER PARTY with with fun, food, live entertainment, dance floor, contest and more!  It is your time to relax and have some fun! It will be a great time to boost your business and have some fun while networking with potential new vendors at the conference!  Contact Front and Center Events today to reserve your spot!  

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5-Star Theatricals presents Disney's Newsies

MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Local Checks (check 3 weeks prior to event) or Cash! Will Call at Civic Auditorium 2 hrs. prior to event. It is recommended that you bring your confirmation number, ID and credit card used to purchase tickets. (805) 449-ARTS (2787) Tue-Sun 12:00noon - 5:00PM Regular Business Hours Box Office open through Curtain on performance days ** Closed Monday ** Accessible seating is available for all performances. Select accessible box or contact TM customer service for more assistance.

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2020 International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show - Exhibitor Registration (China)

2020 IBWSS China Exhibitor Registration Now Open. Take advantage of the super early bird pricing which ends on December 20, 2020. International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show in China aims to give the bulk trade and private label business a truly dynamic trading platform where buyers can confidently conduct business with the world’s most reputable suppliers. The show will offer supermarkets, retailers, restaurants, wineries, distilleries and other buyers a platform to source bulk wine and spirits and find private label manufacturers.No show offers a greater opportunity to meet national chain buyers of China and develop strategic partnerships via bulk contracts and private label programs. IBWSS China is your platform to unlock new channels of growth.Wineries, distilleries, and breweries interested to offer private label, contract manufacturing, and bulk wines are encouraged to Exhibit.WHO ARE THE BUYERS?IBWSS buyers are retailers, importers, distributors, wineries and distilleries looking to meet their demand or bulk supply or private label projects. IBWSS exhibitors are wineries and distilleries looking to sell bulk wine and spirits, contract manufacturing or private label programs. Exhibitor Registrations for the IBWSS are now open to domestic and international suppliers. November 3-4, 2020. The Place:  457 Jumen Road, R Floor, Bridge 8 Phase IV,Huangpu District, Shanghai, PR China 200023 中国上海市黄浦区局门路457号407室 及 R 楼, 8号桥4期THE PLACE is accessible by Metro Line 4, 8, 8 , 13. PRICING Super Early Bird (Now till December 20, 2019) - $1800 Early Bird (December 21, 2019, to Feb 28, 2020): $ 2400 Regular Pricing (March 1, 2020 Onwards): $ 3200 EVENT PRODUCER International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show is brought to you by Beverage Trade Network, the leading online platform dedicated to connecting the global beverage industry. Beverage Trade Network (BTN) successfully connects wineries, breweries, distilleries and brand owners with international importers, distributors, brokers and beverage industry professionals on a daily basis. Strong partnerships with international and US organizations have helped BTN establish IBWSS as a premiere sales and marketing event committed to connecting the private label and bulk beverage industry. LIMITED EXHIBITOR SPOTS AVAILABILITY Exhibitors are encouraged to reserve space early as booths are expected to sell out quickly. Table selection is on first come basis. Once you register, you will get to select your own table location. SET UP INCLUSION The show is a trestle table set up, you will not pay anything extra for chairs and tables and wifi. Your pricing covers ALL costs associated with the show. You are required to bring in one roll-up banner only and may place marketing material on your table. IBWSS will provide you with the below.Tasting TableWhite Tablecloth & Skirting2 Chairs + Ice Bucket + SpittoonGlasses will be provided to buyers at the show WHAT TO EXPECT FROM IBWSS CHINA The two-day IBWSS China event in November 2019 will feature two major components – a lively exhibition trade show floor where top OEM and bulk wine and spirits exhibitors will be able to meet directly with potential buyers in China’s vibrant wine capital. There will be plenty of time for networking, making contacts, and face-to-face interactions with Chinese buyers. This is really a unique opportunity to expand into the all-important Chinese wine market. At the same time, the event will feature an all-star lineup of top wine industry experts and insiders, who will share their insights and advice on how to succeed within the global bulk wine and spirits industry. Based on previous versions of the International Bulk Wine & Spirits Show (IBWSS) that have already taken place in London and San Francisco, there will be presentations and panel discussions on the following topics at the Shanghai event: • What retailers are really looking for in private and bulk suppliers • Regulatory issues specific to bulk products • How retailers can build profitable private label programs • Private label and bulk strategy for importers and distributors • Trends and opportunities in the global bulk market • Why and how to ship in bulk to China • Leveraging bulk and private label best practices • How to market to young millennial wine drinkers in China • Quality challenges facing bulk wine Most importantly, you will learn how each of these factors can be applied specifically to the Chinese market. For example, you will learn how Chinese wine drinkers differ from those in other wine markets (especially those of North America and Western Europe), how the Chinese regulatory environment impacts the success of any bulk wine program, and different ways that bulk wine producers are ramping up their China strategies. PRODUCER International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show China is brought to you by Beverage Trade Network, the leading B2B Organization based in the United States. BTN  runs events like IBWSS London, IBWSS San Francisco, USA Trade Tasting, London Wine Competition, USA Wine Rating. CONTACT US FOR QUESTIONS ON WECHAT CONTACT BY PHONE OR EMAIL Phone: China Office +86 21 28909082 USA Office: +1 855 481 1112 UK Office: + 44 330 097 0138

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Elton John - Platinum

Mastercard/Visa/AMEX/Cash Tickets can be collected from the SEC Centre box office on the day of the event from the advertised doors opening time. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number Box Office: 0844 395 4000 Calls will cost 7 ppm plus your network access charge. Monday - Friday: 9am to 5.30pm Saturday: 9am to 5pm Sunday: closed* *Please note these are the standard opening times of the main SEC Box Office. Out with standard opening hours, the venue box office will be open in line with any events taking place. The SSE Hydro box office opens one hour before doors to the arena opens and closes 30 minutes after the main act starts or at the end of the interval, unless otherwise stated. Accessible tickets are available to book online, but for larger or more complex groups, please call our dedicated accessible booking line on 0800 952 0110. The venue is easily accessible for visitors with mobility difficulties and accessible needs and currently holds an Attitude is Everything Gold award for access. The first two floors of SEC Hydro are fully accessible with lifts and automated doors. Important: There is no lift to the 3rd and final floor of the venue, there are stairs along with handrail assistance to gain access to this floor. Please take this into consideration when booking tickets. People with mobility issues are recommended to book tickets on the ground, level 1 or level 2 front, as these have lifts to access. All Entry doors East, South and West into the Hydro are wide for easy access. Broad, flat, accessible concourse The venue has multiple accessible toilets and one fully equipped Changing Place with ceiling hoist, changing bed and height adjustable basin. Entry is by RADAR key visitors can use their own or ask a steward to unlock for them. The venue offers a wide range of additional accessibility services, such as sunflower lanyards, sensory packs, infra-red induction loop, etc. For more information visit the venue website at

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash Located in the Box Office, near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. (973) 757-6000 The Prudential Center Box Office is located inside the arena near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. Guests can enter from the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place, next to the Investors Bank Tower. Box Office hours are 11AM to 6PM Monday-Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday with the exception of weekend events, where the Box Office opens at 11AM. Please visit for more information. Accessible seating is available through Ticketmaster. Please call 800-877-7575 or visit to purchase accessible seating.

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