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TEAM-DAY. Sharing is caring! Praxis, Labor, Wissenschaft, Dentaltechnolgie

Im Fokus: KontroVers 3D-Druck. Materialien. CAD/CAM-Frästechnologie. Kieferorthopädie. Intraorale Datenerfassung. Zahnfarbbestimmung – die Themenvielfalt auf den 2. TEAM-DAY hält für jeden etwas bereit. Praxisorientiert werden sich die Referenten-Paare intensiv mit ihrem Thema auseinandersetzen und Anwendungen, Vorzüge sowie Limitationen diskutieren. Hierbei geht es nicht darum, eine Vorgehensweise zu bewerten, sondern vielmehr um ein „Pro & Contra“ basierend auf fundierten Fakten und evidenzbasiertem Wissen herauszuarbeiten.  Konzept Die Referenten aus Praxis, Labor, Dentaltechnologie und Wissenschaft werden in Teamvorträgen ihre Thematik darlegen. Ziel der Gegenüberstellung ist eine aktuelle Standortbestimmung, die anschließend kontrovers diskutiert werden soll. Im interaktiven Diskussionsformat treten die Teilnehmer in den direkten Austausch mit den Expertinnen und Experten auf der Bühne. Referenten & Themen Drucken vs. Fräsen: CLEMENS Schwerin & NILS Pederzani Digitale vs. konventionelle Abformung: NADJA Naenni & ANDREA Patrizi Konventionelle Farbanalyse und eLab-System: STEFAN Picha & SASCHA Hein 3D-Druck in der Kieferorthopädie: MARKUS Nordmann & REBECCA Jungbauer  Get-together Am Vorabend des TEAM-DAYs findet ein Get-together mit Referenten, Organisatoren und Teilnehmern statt. Die Kosten für Speisen und Getränke sind NICHT im Ticketpreis inkludiert (Selbstzahler). Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie bitte eine Mail an Austauschen und Kontakte pflegen Sharing is caring! Der TEAM-DAY bietet eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch und zugleich für ein unterhaltsames Socializing unter Kollegen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf der Bühne des großen Hörsaals der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik des Klinikums der Universität München (LMU) statt.  Der TEAM-DAY ist ein wichtiger Baustein der EADT-Vereinsarbeit – wissenschaftlich fundiert und einprägsam ausgearbeitet. Eingeladen sind alle, die sich für eine qualitätsbewusste prothetische Zahnmedizin begeistern!    FAQs An wen richtet sich der TEAM-DAY? An alle, die sich für eine qualitätsbewusste prothetische Zahnmedizin begeistern. Zahnärzte, Zahntechniker, Wissenschaftler, Dentaltechnologen, Zahnmedizin-Studenten  Wie komme ich mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zum Event und wie sieht es mit Parkplätzen aus? Zu Fuß ab Hauptbahnhof: zirka 15 Minuten Fußweg Anreise per Bahn: Mit einer der U-Bahnen U1, U2, U7 oder U8 bis zum Sendlinger Tor, dort entweder in die U3 bzw. U6 umsteigen und bis zur Haltestelle Goetheplatz fahren. Abschließend folgt ein 3-minütiger Fußweg. Anreise per Flugzeug: Mit der S-Bahn S1 oder S8 bis Marienplatz, dort entweder in die U3 bzw. U6 umsteigen und bis zur Haltestelle Goetheplatz fahren. Abschließend folgt ein 3-minütiger Fußweg. Parkplätze: in unmittelbarer Nähe kaum vorhanden (Parkuhr). Parkhäuser z. B. am Hauptbahnhof Was kann ich zum Event mitbringen? Kollegen, Ticket, Neugier, gute Laune Sind Rückerstattungen möglich? Ja, bis 30 Tage vor Beginn der Veranstaltung.  

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Eagles - The Long Goodbye

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express To pick up tickets, a valid government-issued photo identification is required. Hours: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and three (3) hours prior to any event. Location: On Church Street (north side of venue). Venue information : 407.440.7900 Groups Sales: Amway Center events: 407.440.7900 Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Summer and holiday hours may apply. Wheelchair accessible and companion seats are available at locations dispersed throughout Amway Center, offering guests the choice of an array of prices, amenities and lines of sight. Seating locations vary depending on particular events. It is important to indicate when buying tickets if you require wheelchair accessible seating. Service animals are animals individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Guests with disabilities are welcome to bring their service animals inside the Amway Center. Service animals may not use additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat, but may request accessible seating. Elevators : The Amway Center has fourteen (14) accessible public elavators available for all guests. Parking : Convenient accessible parking is located in the GEICO Garage, which is adjacent to the Amway Center and accessible via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3). Additional accessible parking is located in lot 9. There are also accessible parking spaces in surface lots and garages in the area surrounding the Amway Center. Visit for more information. Entrance : The Amway Center's main entrance is at the middle block of Church Street between Hughey Avenue and Division Avenue. Accessible entry is also available via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3).

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Massoterapista MCB Full Time Week-end Intensivo (Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli stabilimenti idroterapici)

Il Massaggiatore e Capo Bagnino degli Stabilimenti Idroterapici (MCB) è una professione abilitante all’esercizio dell’Arte Ausiliaria delle Professioni Sanitarie riconosciuta dal Ministero della Salute. Opera in via autonoma o con altre figure sanitarie, in regime di libera professione o subordinata, in strutture sanitarie pubbliche o private. Svolge le proprie mansioni nell’ambito del massaggio terapeutico, sportivo, del benessere, estetico. E’ in grado di effettuare la propria attività con l’ausilio degli apparati elettromedicali ed altre terapie quali: idroterapia, balneoterapia e terapia fisica. La durata del corso è di 2 anni e le lezioni sono organizzate in due weekend al mese. In ambito terapeutico, il titolo è requisito valido per l’assunzione in strutture convenzionate con il SSN (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) o SSR (Servizio Sanitario Regionale). Il diplomato in MCB può: - aprire una propria attività massoterapica tramite semplice presentazione di DIAP (Dichiarazione di Inizio di Attività Produttiva) al Comune o all’ASL di competenza, in tale ambito, può erogare massaggi terapeutici (emettendo regolare fattura esentiva), previa semplice prescrizione medica; - operare mediante massoterapia, idroterapia, balneoterapia, o anche tramite l'uso di apparati elettromedicali in ausilio alle professioni medico-sanitarie presso terme, spa e centri idroterapici; - eseguire attività di massaggio e manovre meccaniche su organi e tessuti del corpo a fini preventivi, igienici o del benessere; - collaborare con le altre figure in ambito sanitario e riabilitativo secondo prescrizione medica; - richiedere l'inserimento nell'Albo e nei Ruoli del Settore Tecnico della F.I.G.C. con qualifica di “OPERATORE SANITARIO”. Il centro di formazione Kern School di Milano è accreditato in regione Lombardia e alla fine del corso rilascerà il diploma in MCB riconosciuto in tutta Italia e in alcuni paesi dell'Europa in cui è presente la stessa figura. Date: Week-end intensivo: Inizio corso a marzo Diverse possibilità di frequenza: Week-end intensivo: da Giovedì a Sabato dalle 8.30 alle 22.30 e Domenica dalle 8.00 alle 17.00 una volta al mese; Numero ore: 1000 Requisiti d'ingresso: diploma di scuola superiore, biennio o triennio professionale (sono ammessi anche Laureandi) Titolo acquisito: diploma regionale in MCB Posti disponibili: 20 Durata del corso: 2 anni Costo del corso:  Preiscrizione: Euro 300,00 Costo del corso: Euro 3.000,00 all'anno (esente IVA) disponibile modalità di pagamento a rate mensili, per informazioni fissa un appuntamento in sede o partecipa ad uno dei nostri OPEN DAY Piano di studi: biomeccanica (anatomia palpatoria, anatomia funzionale e anatomia disfunzionale) massaggio tradizionale, sportivo, linfodrenaggio, bendaggio funzionale, valutazione e recupero funzionale elettromedicali manipolazione connettivale e fasciale, tenchine inibitorie e trigger point e scollamento fasciale, trazioni fasciali, scollamento fasciali anatomia, fisiologia e patologia radiologia neurologia reumatologia ortopedia e traumatologia inglese medico scientifico nutrizione psicologia biologia igiene farmacologia medicina termale primo soccorso diritto e organizzazione aziendale Se sei interessato al corso chiedici i moduli via mail: o chiamaci allo 0294338602

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Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show

We want to invite everyone to a social-distancing Christmas event! My husband, Ryan Jones, has created the Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show at our home on 1748 Abbington Hill in Lexington. Ryan, who is visually impaired, has synchronized Christmas lights and music for a beautiful and meaning display. We have recorded a narration of the Christmas story to accompany the show. The show consist of Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas songs. The show is FREE and starts December 1 and ends January 1. The show runs each night from 6:30-9:00pm except during heavy rain. The show can be watched from your car, and the music and narration can be heard by tuning to 89.5 FM. For more information, please see the 2016 Fox56 news story using the following link: Our Facebook page is Thank you and God bless, Kayla Jones

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Los Angeles Lakers vs. Dallas Mavericks Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Personal checks with proper I.D. are accepted up to 10 days prior to event only. This may vary on some events. Location : Box Office Most events - Ground level on the West Side facing Franklin Avenue Hours : Will Call is available once the order is verified during Box Office hours The customer must present actual credit card, picture ID, and confirmation number to claim will call tickets. (504) 280-7222 - General (504) 280-GAME - UNO Athletic Ticket questions Box Office Hours Advance ticket sales: Monday - Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, closed for University of New Orleans holidays and closure days Event Days: Weekdays: Open 9am, advance sales cut off at 5pm, closure times vary Weekends: Open at least 2 hours in advance of showtime - limited to day of show assistance only, closure times vary Holidays: Open at least 2 hours in advance of showtime - limited to day of show assistance only, closure times vary UNO Basketball games: Open one hour prior to gametime until halftime While we never like to turn anyone away our main priority on event days is assisting patrons entering the venue for the current show. For advance sales, please be patient if we ask you to step aside so we can assist those trying to enter the venue or visit us during our normal business hours. Thank you. Reserved seat events - It varies by event. Click the wheelchair icon above the map for more info. General Admission events - purchase any seat, accommodations will be made at the door.

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Detroit Lions Watch Party v Cowboys

Cash, Money Order, AMEX, MC, VISA, Personal Check (must be received 10 days prior to event). Will Call is located on the southwest corner of the stadium on the corner of Brush & Beacon Street outside Gate A. (This location may change depending on event. Please call 313-262-2000 with any questions) Ford Field Address: 2000 Brush St. Detroit, MI 48226 General Information: 313-262-2000 Ticket Information: 313-262-2002 Accessible Seating Ticket Information: 313-262-2167 Event Information: 313-262-2003 (press option 5) Detroit Lions Pro Shop: 313-262-2200 Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Located at Gate G off St. Antoine 2000 Brush St. Suite 200 Detroit, MI 48226 Wheelchair accessible seating is available at the box office at 313-262-2167. Policy: One companion for each wheelchair patron allowed in wheelchair designated seating areas.

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