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MongoDB Training in Beijing for Beginners | MongoDB, a NoSQL Database Training

MongoDB training is a LIVE Instructor led training delivered from January 6 - January 29 , 2020 for 16 hours over 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 2 sessions per week, 2 hours per session. Weekly Schedule 4 weeks | Monday, Wednesday very week 5:30 PM - 07:30 PM US Pacific time each day January 6 - January 29, 2020 US Pacific time Please check your local date and time for first session Features and Benefits 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 16 hours of total Instructor led LIVE training Training material, instructor handouts and access to useful resources on the cloud provided Practical Hands on Lab exercises provided Actual code and scripts provided Real-life Scenarios MongoDB Training Course Objectives You will learn to integrate MongoDB with - Jaspersoft, Pentaho, GUI Tool Robomongo You will develop an expertise in writing Java and Node JS applications using MongoDB You will troubleshoot performance issues. You will learn about MongoDB Aggregation framework You will learn about MongoDB Backup and Recovery options and strategies. You will learn how to set up a replicated cluster, Managing Replica Sets   Who should take this training? Analysts Software Development Engineers Web Development professionals Those who want master MongoDB/NoSQL Project Managers and Trainers System administrators Research professionals Those seeking to build career in Big Data Career    Course Outline   1. Getting Started with NoSQL and MongoDB Types of NoSQL Database NoSQL vs SQL Comparison ACID & BASE Property CAP Theorem Benefits of NoSQL databases Installation process Basic commands on Mongo shell Introduction to MongoDB Setup MongoDB environment Start and Stop the MongoDB process   2. MongoDB Installation Download MongoDB MSI Installer Package Installing MongoDB Basic MongoDB operations and commands Install MongoChef (MongoGUI) Setup Alias shortcuts for Mongo   3. MongoDB Architecture Document, Collection, Databases JSON and BSON Storage Engines (WiredTiger and MMAP) Read Path Journaling Write Path Working Set Capped Collection Oplog collection TTL Index GridFS   4. CRUD Operations MongoDB Data Types Inserting, Update, Deleting the documents Querying the documents Bulk insert operation Updating multiple documents Limiting documents Filtering documents Query optimization   5. Data Management and Administration Database status Troubleshooting issues Current Operations Rotating log files Users and Roles Copy and Clone database DB and Collection Stats Performance tuning Database sharding and profiling Explain plan Profiling Changing configuration files Upgrading the database

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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Discover Please pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present photo ID, actual credit card used to purchase tickets and confirmation number. (617) 259-3400 Skip the service fees. Buy tickets at the box office! Monday through Friday 10AM to 5PM (non performance weeks) Open 2 hours prior to matinee on weekends and closes ½ hr after curtain. Open 10am until ½ hr after curtain on weekdays. Accessible seating is sold on Ticketmaster. Sight impaired seating and hearing impaired seating, is handled through the box office only for these events.

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Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show

We want to invite everyone to a social-distancing Christmas event! My husband, Ryan Jones, has created the Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show at our home on 1748 Abbington Hill in Lexington. Ryan, who is visually impaired, has synchronized Christmas lights and music for a beautiful and meaning display. We have recorded a narration of the Christmas story to accompany the show. The show consist of Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas songs. The show is FREE and starts December 1 and ends January 1. The show runs each night from 6:30-9:00pm except during heavy rain. The show can be watched from your car, and the music and narration can be heard by tuning to 89.5 FM. For more information, please see the 2016 Fox56 news story using the following link: Our Facebook page is Thank you and God bless, Kayla Jones

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Gestion de conflits

Cette formation a pour objectifs d’identifier et d’analyser les différents types et niveaux de conflits pour en lever les freins et actionner les leviers de sortie de conflit. Déterminer l’origine du conflit Connaitre les outils de communication positifs et efficaces. Décoder et anticiper les personnalités difficiles et les situations annonciatrices de tensions.  Gérer son émotivité, son stress et maîtriser les comportements nocifs. Programme de la formation : I – Les comportements annonciateurs de conflitsSignaux annonciateursLes différentes personnalitésLes comportements nocifs II – Désamorcer un conflitLa communication verbale et non verbaleExprimer et accueillir les tensions et non ditsL’assertivitéLa psychologie positive III – Gérer les émotionsTechniques de prise de reculGérer l’angoisse et le stressL’intelligence émotionnelle Pour qui ? Salariés Porteurs de projet de création ou de reprise d’entrepriseChefs d’entreprise de TPE et PME (Artisan, Commerçant, Profession libérale)AutoentrepreneurPrésidentGérant Démarches et travail personnel :Afin d’atteindre les objectifs de la formation, il est essentiel que chaque stagiaire entreprenne des démarches individuelles pour avancer dans son projet et appliquer le plan d’action élaboré au cours de la formation. En fonction de votre situation, vos frais de formation  peuvent être pris en charge. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus. Tel: 06 46 01 37 11

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FB DevC Penang: Penang React Meetup #2

We are back again with React Penang! This time we have talks and workshop for you all, please remember to bring your laptop for hands-on session.Agenda:1:30pm Registration, networking2:00pm Talks3:00pm Coding session, workshop5:00 ClosingPlease RSVP "going" so we could arrange the food accordingly.See you guys on Dec 21 !

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Washington Wizards vs. Houston Rockets

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets can be picked up anytime the Box Office is open, thru event start time. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a valid photo ID. General Information... 202-628-3200 Accessible Seating Only.. 202-661-5065 Box office is open on non-event days from 12pm-4pm (Monday-Friday); closed on non-event Saturdays and Sundays Box office is open on non-event days from 12pm-4pm (Monday-Friday); closed on non-event Saturdays and Sundays *Hours subject to change To better accommodate your needs, Capital One Arena has requested that all accessible seating ticket accommodations be solicited only through their representatives. Please contact a Capital One Arena representative for further help with your ticket purchase.* Advance ticket purchase may be required. * Box office information is subject to change.

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Boston Celtics vs. New York Knicks

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Monatspaket 2019

For English please scroll down.Monatspaket für fortgeschrittene Kabbalah KurseBring dein Studium auf die nächste Stufe. Wenn Du nach neuen Wegen gesucht hast, um dein Kabbalahstudium zu erweitern und zu vertiefen, ist das "Monatspaket" der richtige Weg. Dieses Paket bietet dir die Möglichkeit, auf verschiedene wöchentliche Fortgeschrittenenkurse zuzugreifen, einschließlich der wöchentlichen Zohar-Klassen, Neumond-Verbindungen und spezieller fortgeschrittener Seminare.Maximiere dein Kabbalah-Studium auf eine erschwingliche Weise!Hol dir das Monatspaket und erhalte: • Wöchentliche Zohar Verbindung Wenn wir wachsen und die Kraft der jeweiligen Wochenenergie in unserem Leben anwenden, fangen wir an, einen Wechsel in unserem Bewusstsein wahrzunehmen, welcher uns im Gegenzug erlaubt, die Welt durch ein viel größeres Objektiv zu sehen und große Veränderungen in unseren Leben zu erzeugen.  • Monatliche Neumondverbindung Neumondverbindungen eröffnen uns die Möglichkeit, mit gleichgesinnten und spirituell interessierten Leuten als Gemeinschaft zusammenzukommen und uns mit der vorhandenen Energie zu verbinden. Wir können diese Energie nutzen, um positive Samen zu pflanzen, die unser gesamtes nächstes Jahr in einer positiven Art und Weise beeinflussen.  • Einmalige Seminare Besondere Seminare über eine Vielfalt von Themen, die kabbalistische Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung unseres täglichen Lebens bieten. • Ermäßigte Preise für Vorträge von Gastrednern • Kostenfreier Zugriff auf alle Aufnahmen Preis: 40€* Voraussetzung: Kabbalah 1 und 2 (Hast Du Kabbalah 1 oder 2 nocht nicht gemacht? Dann klick hier.) Kabbalah Center BerlinHauptstraße 27, Aufgang E, 3. Etage, 10827 BerlinT: +493078713580E: kcberlin@kabbalah.comW:*Preis pro Kalendermonat. Mahlzeiten & Feiertage sind nicht eingeschlossen. English versionMonthly Package for advanced Kabbalah courses Take your study to the next level. If you have been looking for new ways to explore and deepen your Kabbalah study, the “Monthly Package” is the way to go. This package will give you the option to access a variety of weekly advanced classes, including weekly Zohar Classes, New Moon connections, and special advanced seminars.Maximize your Kabbalah study in an affordable way!Get the monthly package and receive: • Weekly Zohar Connection As we grow and apply the power of each week’s energy to our life, we begin to experience a change in our consciousness, which in turn allows us to see the world through a much larger lens and generate major shifts in our lives.  • Monthly New Moon Connection New Moon connections offer us the opportunity to gather with like-minded spiritual people as a community and connect to the energy available. We can use this energy to plant positive seeds, influencing our entire coming year in a positive way.  • Special one-time seminarsUnique seminars that cover a variety of topics that provide kabbalistic insights to improve our daily lives.• Reduced prices for guest speaker's lectures• Free access to all recordings Price: 40€* Prerequisite: Kabbalah 1 and 2 (Didn't take Kabbalah 2 or Kabbalah 1 yet? Click here)Kabbalah Centre BerlinHauptstraße 27, Staircase E, 3rd Floor, 10827 BerlinT: +493078713580E: kcberlin@kabbalah.comW: *Price is for one calendar month. Meals & Holidays are not included.

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