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All valid debit and credit cards as well as the digital payment wallets Apple Pay and Google Pay The box office is Open Event Days Only starting 3 hours prior to event time. Will call tickets may be picked at the Frost Bank Center Box Office. Policies for will call for each event may vary. (210) 444-5870 Open Event Days Only. Open 3 hours prior to event time. All Frost Bank Center event tickets can also be purchased at or the Ticketmaster App. Frost Bank Center is an accessible venue. Accessible seating tickets can be purchased online at or the Ticketmaster App. A limited number of accessible seating tickets can be purchased at the Frost Bank Center Box Office, Open Event Days Only, opens 3 hours prior to event time. Certified service animals for guests with disabilities are welcome at the Frost Bank Center and must remain on leash or in a harness. If interpretive services are needed, please contact a Fan Experience coordinator at 210-444-5140 a minimum of three weeks prior to the event so appropriate accommodations can be made. Interpreters are provided free of charge, but event tickets are required prior to scheduling.

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Startup Live Istanbul — boost your startup

BRING THE LEADING ACCELERATION PROGRAM TO ISTANBUL Startup Live is on the search for the best rising startups to join their worldwide network! Do you want us to come to Istanbul? It’s your opinion that counts! Pre-register now and get updated first once the application process starts! ABOUT STARTUP LIVE At Startup Live we believe our world faces challenges that can only be solved through innovative, entrepreneurial action. That’s why we are dedicated and passionate about bringing together early-stage entrepreneurs with successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors to shape the international startup scene. Since 2009, Startup Live has changed the startup scene all over the world by helping 10.000 participants from over 100 programs in over 40 cities develop their ideas into businesses and boost their startups to the next level. Some of the most important exits in the European startup ecosystem had their starting point at a Startup Live program. Together with a network of over 500 international mentors, investors and partners we are proud to be one of the leading entrepreneurial communities worldwide. ABOUT OUR PROGRAMS Our 2- to 3-day acceleration programs give you a stage to pitch your startup (idea) in front of our investor’s jury. To be best prepared and successful, you’ll initially be equipped with proven working documents to refine your business model, provided with a dedicated Art of Pitching workshop and inspiring keynotes, and you’ll get 1:1 mentoring from key players of the international startup scene. By your participation in our acceleration program, you’ll become part of your local startup scene and get access to our worldwide network of founders, investors, and other startup enthusiasts – a network for a lifetime. Of course, there’s a lot of fun and free catering for all days as well. You don't have an own business idea but are eager to learn what building a startup from scratch really means? Simply join a team on site and learn hands-on! IS STARTUP LIVE RIGHT FOR YOU? YES! If you are… … an ENTREPRENEUR with a first business idea, looking for co-founders or expert feedback… a STARTUP, looking for expert feedback or aiming for publicity & investors contacts … a TALENT, skilled in a specific field (Biz, Marketing, Design, IT etc) interested in joining and supporting an idea (at least for the weekend)… an ENTHUSIAST, interested in the startup scene, focusing on getting in contact with like-minded people, mentors & experts… a STUDENT, interested in Entrepreneurship and aiming to gain some hands-on experience… a CORPORATE employee, willing to explore the startup world… actually CLUELESS, but Startup Live sounds just too tempting and you want to be part! WHAT OUR COMMUNITY SAYS "Startup Live Programs are the best place to scout up- and coming startups" - Nina Wöss, Speedinvest (Jury, Startup Live Vienna)"Probably the best startup event ever" - Jakob Steinschaden, TrendingTopics (Guest, Startup Pool Party '17)"We definitely profited from the input of experienced company founders and thus I can highly recommend Startup Live." - Florian Gschwandter, Runtastic (Startup Live Alumni) OUR VALUES We believe in enabling the right people at the right moment to change the world. We believe in true relationships and mutual support. We are truly passionate about helping founders, entrepreneurs and startups succeed. YOUR ROLE IN BRINGING STARTUP LIVE TO ISTANBUL Want to play a leading role in bringing Startup Live to Istanbul? Become an ambassador! More info at Want to partner with the leading acceleration program in Europe? We'd love to hear from you, simply drop us a line > You feel you can contribute to the success with your know-how? Apply as a mentor >       For further information visit or contact us via Facebook or mail at

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E-Ticaret Sohbetleri

Ticimax E-Ticaret Sohbetlerinde isteğimiz belli; sohbet edelim, paylaşalım, kaynaşalım, öğrenelim, yiyelim, içelim ve keyifli anılarla bir sonraki ay buluşmak dileğiyle mekandan ayrılalım. Networking imkanı, bilgi paylaşımı ve sohbet ortamı arayan herkes mutlaka bu etkinliğe gelmelidir. Bu ayki konuklarımız yakında belli olacaktır. Ajanda (2 Haziran 2020, Salı) 19.00 - 19.30: Networking Saati - Çay/Kahve Eşliğinde İkramlar 19.30 - 19.40: Açılış Konuşması - Murat Erdör (Me Consultancy) 19.40 - 20.50: Panel  20.50 - 21.00: Sürpriz Çekilişler ve Kapanış E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Kimler Katılıyor? E-ticaret ile alakalı gelişmeleri yakından takip etmek ve yeni konular ile ilgili bilgi edinmek isteyen e-ticaret girişimcileri, Kobi'ler, mevcut girişimini büyütmek isteyenler, e-ticaret, pazarlama, reklamcılık ve dijital gibi alanlarda çalışanlar etkinliğe katılıyor. E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Katılım Ücreti Ne Alınıyor? Ücretsiz. Sürpriz Çekilişlerde Neler Veriliyor? Optimist Kitap tarafından üç kişiye kitap hediyesi Faydalı Eğitimler sitesinden bütün misafirlerimize %20 İndirim Kodu Ulaşım Metro ile Haliç durağında inip Eminönü meydanda yer alan Yeni Camiye geleceksiniz. Nimet Abla ve Yeni Caminin yanından yukarı doğru 3-4 dakikalık yürüyüş sonrasında meşhur Şarkhan'ı göreceksiniz. Türk Telekom SANTRAL Topluluk Merkezi Şarkhan'ın yanında. Sorularınız için bize 0 212 951 01 24 numaralı telefondan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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CoderDojo Budapest, @LogMeIn, CodeCombat, 2020 Március 23

Mi a legjobb dolog a CodeCombat Dojokban? Peti kollégánk, a foglalkozások egyik mentora szerint: “A legjobb látni a gyerekek arcán az örömöt, ami a játék és tanulás együttese okoz, amikor úgy állnak fel a dojo végén, hogy ezt szeretnék folytatni otthon is.” Várunk minden 9-13 év közötti számtech és/vagy programozás megszállott gyerkőcöt sok szeretettel!  Idén IS játszani fogunk! A CodeCombat ( pályáin megküzdünk az ogrékkal, varázsfegyvereket vetünk be és drágaköveket gyűjtünk. Mellesleg pedig megismerkedünk a programozás alapfogalmaival és logikájával. Nem csak fiúknak! Ajánlott korosztály: 9-13 Ajánlott számítástechnikai jártasság: Kezdőtől közép-haladóig Jó, ha a jelölteket nem csak a játék miatt érdekli a számítógép. Ha kicsit programoztak is már, annál jobb, de ha nem, az se baj. Majd most!  Kérjük, hozzanak létre egy saját fiókot a oldalon (Feliratkozás egyéni játékosként), amely már magyarul is elérhető. Fontos, hogy a bejelentkezéshez szükséges felhasználói nevet és jelszót jegyezzék fel. Az egyes Dojo-k anyaga NEM ugyanaz Tetszőleges számú dátumra lehet jelentkezni

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B2B Lead Generation Training

PAID TRAINING Target Audience : Jika anda Founder Startup, Owner, Corporate Sales, Channel Manager, Sales Manager, konsultan, dan pengusaha yang menjual produk atau layanan  dengan Target B2B, Kursus ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin meningkatkan penjualan usaha anda. Idealnya untuk individu dan perusahaan yang ingin terhubung dengan perusahaan besar, menengah, dan Fortune 500. Apa yang anda Pelajari: 1.Pengenalan B2B Lead Generation  2.Mempelajari aktifitas B2B Lead Generation. 2.Menemukan B2B Lead sesuai target market. 3.Mempempelajari CRM untuk memanage B2B Lead anda sehingga lebih rapih dan efisien. Biaya Investasi - TRAINING : USD 25,-  - per orang. 3 Jam Training   Trainer: D Satyawati CEO Myelektra adalah B2B Lead Generation agency yang berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia dan telah berpengalaman menjadi B2B Lead Generation agency Perusahaan - perusahaan terkemuka anatara lain: Honeywell, Turnitin, Integrated Retail, Zilingo. Fasilitas 1. Sertifikat 2. Coffee Break Hubungi Ulfa di Whatsapp :

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