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Shania Twain: Queen Of Me Tour

The box office accepts Cash, Visa, MC, AMX, DSC, Checks (Checks accepted up to 10 business days prior to the concert. Must Present California I.D. & Driver License.) We suggest that customers arrive an hour and a half before show time to pick up tickets at Will Call, to avoid lines. * LA Phil Summer Season - Info. & Access Seating: (323) 850-2000 * MARIACHI USA Festival Info. (323) 848-7717. The Accessible Services Department: (323) 850-2125 2018 Box Office Hours: Noon to 6pm (closed Mondays) through September 29 For more information, please call Audience Services at 323.850.2000, available 10am-6pm daily. The Accessible Services Department Hours: Monday-Closed Tuesday-Sunday:12pm-6pm On show dates: Hours 12pm until approx. 8:30pm

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The 31 Flavours of Gallifrey One

THE 31 FLAVOURS OF GALLIFREY ONE (Gallifrey One 2020) is the 31st and next convention event from Gallifrey One Conventions... the world's largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who fan convention. From our beginnings in 1990, we've welcomed over four hundred guests from Doctor Who, its spinoff shows, and guests from a broad range of the science fiction & fantasy spectrum. Tickets for Gallifrey One 2020 go on sale SATURDAY APRIL 13, 2019 at 12:00 PM PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME (3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time, or 8:00pm London time). For complete rules and information about ticket purchases, please visit our website's Convention Registration page. Please remember that tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE and subject to terms and conditions. We look forward to seeing you in 2020! IMPORTANT: For our 2020 convention and all conventions going forward, the buyer may elect to omit the name(s) on the tickets from our online searchable Attendee Database. Opting out of the online Attendee Database makes your tickets ineligible for transfer prior to the convention. Make certain you choose the proper option when purchasing!

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Business Writing 1 Day Virtual Live Training in Rome

Course Description: Writing is a key method of communication for most people, and it”s one that many people struggle with. Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and text messaging. Developing writing skills is still important is the business world as creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas), giving you that extra edge in the workplace.  The Business Writing workshop will give your participants a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents. These basic skills will provide your participants with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing. Course Topics: Module One: Working with Words ●     Spelling ●     Grammar ●     Creating a Cheat Sheet Module Two: Constructing Sentences ●     Parts of a Sentence ●     Punctuation ●     Types of Sentences Module Three: Creating Paragraphs ●     The Basic Parts ●     Organization Methods Module Four: Writing Meeting Agendas ●     The Basic Structure ●     Choosing a Format ●     Writing the Agenda Module Five: Writing E-mails ●     Addressing Your Message ●     Grammar and Acronyms Module Six: Writing Business Letters ●     The Basic Structure ●     Choosing a Format ●     Writing the Letter Module Seven: Writing Proposals ●     The Basic Structure ●     Choosing a Format ●     Writing the Proposal Module Eight: Writing Reports ●     The Basic Structure ●     Choosing a Format ●     Writing the Report Module Nine: Other Types of Documents ●     Requests for Proposals ●     Projections ●     Executive Summaries ●     Business Cases Module Ten: Proofreading and Finishing ●     A Proofreading Primer ●     How Peer Review Can Help ●     Printing and Publishing Module Eleven: Wrapping Up ●     Words from the Wise ●     Review of Parking Lot ●     Lessons Learned ●     Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations Course Features: Learning Objectives:  After completing this course, delegates will be able to: ●     Write business documents to a professional standard and conforming to acceptable formats. ●     Present information in an organised, structured way so as to achieve a specific objective. ●     Use a business-like style and vocabulary, while displaying sensitivity to different levels of reader expertise. ●     Express ideas with confidence and clarity, supporting persuasive and logical arguments. Certification: Once after the training you receive course completion certificate from Mangates Who can Attend? Anybody who is interested in learning Business Writing Skills

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FabLabKids: Ferien-Trickfilm-Werkstatt Kompakt - Stop-Motion-Movies mit dem iPad

Tauche ein in die Welt des Trickfilms und bringe deine Ideen auf die Leinwand! In diesem Kompaktkurs für Kids ab 7 Jahren lernen wir die Funktionsweise des Stop-Motion-Trickfilms kennen und experimentieren mit den Möglichkeiten, die sich durch die Software und nicht zuletzt durch unsere eigene Fantasie eröffnen. Auf der Grundlage kleiner, selbst entworfener Drehbücher erstellen wir ein erstes kleines Filmwerk. Hierbei greifen wir ganz nach Bedarf und Fantasie auf die unterschiedlichsten Materialien zurück, z.B. Knete, PlayMais, Pappe etc.. Auch mit einem Green Screen können wir experimentieren und so z.B. Fotos für den Hintergrund verwenden. Zum Schluss wird der Film mit Dialogen, Geräuschen und Musik vertont. Die fertigen Filme werden nach dem Kurs zum Download zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Kurs richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche ab 7 Jahren. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Sämtliche Materialien sind in der Kursgebühr inbegriffen. Gerne dürfen eigene Lego- und/oder Playmobilfiguren und –utensilien für den jeweiligen Film mitgebracht werden. Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 10 Bitte beachte:im Normalfall finden all unsere Kurse und Workshops auch so statt, wie hier angegeben. Es kann in Ausnahmefällen aber vorkommen, dass es Änderungen gibt oder die Mindest-Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Dich über die hier hinterlegte Email-Adresse informieren.Unsere Seminarräume befinden sich im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70D. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Hinterhof.

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CoderDojo Budapest, @LogMeIn, CodeCombat, 2020 Február 10

Mi a legjobb dolog a CodeCombat Dojokban? Peti kollégánk, a foglalkozások egyik mentora szerint: “A legjobb látni a gyerekek arcán az örömöt, ami a játék és tanulás együttese okoz, amikor úgy állnak fel a dojo végén, hogy ezt szeretnék folytatni otthon is.” Várunk minden 9-13 év közötti számtech és/vagy programozás megszállott gyerkőcöt sok szeretettel!  Idén IS játszani fogunk! A CodeCombat ( pályáin megküzdünk az ogrékkal, varázsfegyvereket vetünk be és drágaköveket gyűjtünk. Mellesleg pedig megismerkedünk a programozás alapfogalmaival és logikájával. Nem csak fiúknak! Ajánlott korosztály: 9-13 Ajánlott számítástechnikai jártasság: Kezdőtől közép-haladóig Jó, ha a jelölteket nem csak a játék miatt érdekli a számítógép. Ha kicsit programoztak is már, annál jobb, de ha nem, az se baj. Majd most!  Kérjük, hozzanak létre egy saját fiókot a oldalon (Feliratkozás egyéni játékosként), amely már magyarul is elérhető. Fontos, hogy a bejelentkezéshez szükséges felhasználói nevet és jelszót jegyezzék fel. Az egyes Dojo-k anyaga NEM ugyanaz Tetszőleges számú dátumra lehet jelentkezni

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The School Holiday Big Ticket

Autumn School Holiday Program 2018-29 Go wild at the Maritime Museum these school holidays with exhibitions, vessels, hands-on workshops, themed creative activities, performances and more. It’s fun for the whole family!  The School Holiday Big Ticket will give you access everything open at the museum on the day of your visit, including:  Special exhibitions: such as Wildlife Photographer of the year and  James Cameron — Challenging the Deep. 3D Cinema: Earth Flight Action Stations: experience the compelling history of the Royal Australian Navy in this immersive experience (check out the submarine, destroyer and patrol boat). A fleet of ships: including tall ship James Craig. For safety reasons, children have to be at least 90cm in height to board all vessels. Other family programs: including our under 5s play space. Permanent galleries including our Eora First People gallery. Daily guided tours.

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