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POL 2020 – Pioneers of Lifestyle "Let's talk about the Future"

Pioneers of Lifestyle – Let's talk about the Future Am 30. Juni 2020 im Forum der Messe Frankfurt. 1 Konferenztag   4 Themenblöcke: work in progress 15 Talks // 8 Masterclasses // 1 Start-up Pitch über 500 Teilnehmer // 20 Start-Ups Zutritt zur Tendence (27.06.- 30.06.) Was ist Pioneers of Lifestyle? POL ist die Leitveranstaltung für die stationäre und digitale Lifestyle-Branche. Wir verbinden das Beste aus mehreren Welten. Online & Offline, Old- & New-Economy, Lifestyle & Living. Eine einzigartige Mischung. Wir sind mehr als nur eine Konferenz. Ob Workshops, Start-up Pitch, der Pioneers Park oder die Networking Area. Unsere Plattform vernetzt ganzjährig die Lifestyle-Branche und ermöglicht den Know-How Transfer. Aus der Branche für die Branche! Unsere Kuratoren geben einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Branche. Es geht um Pioniere, Storys, Persönlichkeiten und Erfolgsmodelle. Authentisch, ehrlich und nah am Geschehen.  Trockene Firmenpräsentationen und Sales Pitches haben bei uns keine Chance – POL zeigt Insights, Innovationen und die Zukunft der Branche. Auszug aus dem Programm 2019* 08:15   Get-Together // Frühstück 09:00   Opening 09:10   Opening Speech 9:35    The Future of Retail (Part 1) 10:25  The Future of Trade Shows 10:50   Coffee Break 11:20    The Future of Retail (Part 2) 12:10   Gemeinsamer Lunch 13:10   The Future of Brands 14:25   Coffee Break 14:55   Pioneers of Change 16:10   Coffee Break 16:40   Grand Finale mit Pitch-Preisverleihung und Speaker-Highlight 18:20   Aftershow // Get-Together Auszug Speaker 2019* Guido Maria Kretschmer, Gründer GMK GmbH Holger Danneberg, CEO + Founder Werkhaus  Dr. Leif Erik Göritz, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats Thalia Bücher GmbH Daniel Lambert, Country Manager Dt. Habitat Deutschland GmbH Alexander Graf, CEO Spryker Systems Niklas Heinen, Founder & CEO Heinen Lovebrands GmbH Emine Heuter, Leitung Marketing & PR Frau Hansen Gerbrand van Nijendaal, Founder ShowUp BV Elias Vides, Founder Moon Idea Artjem Weissbeck, Chairman & Co-Founder Kapten & Son GmbH Der Pioneers of Lifestyle ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von der Digital Apartment GmbH, der Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH und &MYLK. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:  Bei Fragen:  *kurzfristige Änderungen vorbehalten

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Boston Celtics vs. Indiana Pacers

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Call Vendors Fair@Square Ethical Lifestyle Festival 2020

Applications are now open for the Fair@Square Ethical Lifestyle 2020 Marketplace We are going digital Interactive live streaming and marketplace. One whole week filled with activities, the Ethical Lifestyle Marketplace, workshops, talks, cooking shows, and more starting Monday the 30th of November to the 6th of December 2020. The Fair@Square Ethical Lifestyle Festival 2020 is the biggest event of the year for Moral Fairground. This festival brings together a curated showcase of many sustainable and ethical products and services, in a vibrant online setting. The festival is a free public event that appeals to consumers looking for products and services in line with their values such as ethically sourced options, sustainable products, less harmful products, or interested in finding out and supporting impact-driven enterprises. The festival will feature marketplace packed with conscious gift ideas in time for Christmas, visitors will be able to engage via the free programming, featuring workshops, talks, and entertainment. The Festival comprises of a series of business and public events and a market place. Expression of interest to become a vendor, a sponsor or part of the activation program close on the 15th of November.

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SAFe® DevOps 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: This two-day course provides a comprehensive overview for understanding the DevOps competencies needed to accelerate time-to-market by improving the flow of value through the Continuous Delivery Pipeline. Attendees will map the current value stream through their delivery pipeline from idea to cash, and identify practices that will eliminate bottlenecks to flow.  The course will build an understanding of the complete flow of value from Continuous Exploration to Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Release on Demand. Attendees will explore SAFe’s CALMR (Culture, Automation, Lean, Measure, Recover) approach to DevOps, which helps create a culture of shared responsibility for the full spectrum of Solution delivery. It helps align people, processes, and technology throughout the organization to achieve faster time-to-market.  Attendees will leave with the tools they need to execute an implementation plan for improving their delivery pipeline, and the knowledge they need to support the plan. The course also prepares students for the optional SAFe® 4 DevOps Practitioner (SDP) certification exam.  Learning Goals: After attending the class, attendees should be able to:  ●      Understand the CALMR approach to DevOps, why it is so important, and be able to explain it to others ●      Understand the importance of continuous integration, continuous testing, and be ready to apply it ●      Apply the concepts of continuous security ●      Map their current delivery pipeline ●      Measure the flow of value through the delivery pipeline ●      Identify gaps and delays in flow ●      Improve the process of exploring customer needs ●      Improve the process of developing, building, and integrating continuously ●      Improve the process of continuously deploying to staging and production environments ●      Improve the release process ●      Execute an action plan for their DevOps transformation Topics: ●      Introducing DevOps ●      Mapping your Continuous Delivery Pipeline ●      Gaining alignment with Continuous Exploration ●      Building quality with Continuous Integration ●      Reducing time-to-market with Continuous Deployment ●      Delivering Business Value with Release on Demand ●      Taking action Certification: Becoming a Certified SAFe 4 DevOps Practitioner requires an exceptional range of skills and is a career path for many servant leaders. Certification includes:  ●      SAFe 4 Certified DevOps Practitioner PDF certificate ●      One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform, which includes access to the SP Community of Practice ●      A variety of learning resources to support you during your SAFe journey Annual Renewal Certificates expire one year from the date the certification is earned. Renewal fee is $100 Who can Attend: Prerequisites:  All are welcome to attend the course without prior knowledge.  Who will benefit?  The following will benefit from this course: ●      All members of an Agile Release Train ●      Development Managers, Engineering Managers ●      Configuration Managers, Release Managers ●      Development Leads, Developers, UI/UX Developers ●      Infrastructure Architects, System Architects ●      Product Managers, Product Owners ●      System Administrators, DBAs, InfoSec ●      QA Managers, Testers ●      Release Train Engineers, Scrum Masters What Attendees Get  The class registration includes: ●      Attendee workbook ●      Preparation and eligibility to take the exam ●      One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform ●      Certificate of completion ●      SAFe DevOps Practitioner certification upon passing of exam Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam. Exam: ●Exam name – SAFe 4 DevOps Practitioner Exam ●Exam format – Multiple choice, multiple response ●Exam delivery – Web-based (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed ●Exam access – Candidates can access to the exam within the SAFe Community Platform upon completion of the SAFe 4 DevOps Practitioner course ●Exam cost – First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of course completion. Each retake attempt costs $50. ●Exam duration – Once the exam begins, candidates have 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to complete the exam. ●Number of questions – 45 ●Passing score – 33 out of 45 (73% passing score) ●Language – English

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TEAM-DAY. Sharing is caring! Praxis, Labor, Wissenschaft, Dentaltechnolgie

Im Fokus: KontroVers 3D-Druck. Materialien. CAD/CAM-Frästechnologie. Kieferorthopädie. Intraorale Datenerfassung. Zahnfarbbestimmung – die Themenvielfalt auf den 2. TEAM-DAY hält für jeden etwas bereit. Praxisorientiert werden sich die Referenten-Paare intensiv mit ihrem Thema auseinandersetzen und Anwendungen, Vorzüge sowie Limitationen diskutieren. Hierbei geht es nicht darum, eine Vorgehensweise zu bewerten, sondern vielmehr um ein „Pro & Contra“ basierend auf fundierten Fakten und evidenzbasiertem Wissen herauszuarbeiten.  Konzept Die Referenten aus Praxis, Labor, Dentaltechnologie und Wissenschaft werden in Teamvorträgen ihre Thematik darlegen. Ziel der Gegenüberstellung ist eine aktuelle Standortbestimmung, die anschließend kontrovers diskutiert werden soll. Im interaktiven Diskussionsformat treten die Teilnehmer in den direkten Austausch mit den Expertinnen und Experten auf der Bühne. Referenten & Themen Drucken vs. Fräsen: CLEMENS Schwerin & NILS Pederzani Digitale vs. konventionelle Abformung: NADJA Naenni & ANDREA Patrizi Konventionelle Farbanalyse und eLab-System: STEFAN Picha & SASCHA Hein 3D-Druck in der Kieferorthopädie: MARKUS Nordmann & REBECCA Jungbauer  Get-together Am Vorabend des TEAM-DAYs findet ein Get-together mit Referenten, Organisatoren und Teilnehmern statt. Die Kosten für Speisen und Getränke sind NICHT im Ticketpreis inkludiert (Selbstzahler). Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie bitte eine Mail an Austauschen und Kontakte pflegen Sharing is caring! Der TEAM-DAY bietet eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch und zugleich für ein unterhaltsames Socializing unter Kollegen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf der Bühne des großen Hörsaals der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik des Klinikums der Universität München (LMU) statt.  Der TEAM-DAY ist ein wichtiger Baustein der EADT-Vereinsarbeit – wissenschaftlich fundiert und einprägsam ausgearbeitet. Eingeladen sind alle, die sich für eine qualitätsbewusste prothetische Zahnmedizin begeistern!    FAQs An wen richtet sich der TEAM-DAY? An alle, die sich für eine qualitätsbewusste prothetische Zahnmedizin begeistern. Zahnärzte, Zahntechniker, Wissenschaftler, Dentaltechnologen, Zahnmedizin-Studenten  Wie komme ich mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zum Event und wie sieht es mit Parkplätzen aus? Zu Fuß ab Hauptbahnhof: zirka 15 Minuten Fußweg Anreise per Bahn: Mit einer der U-Bahnen U1, U2, U7 oder U8 bis zum Sendlinger Tor, dort entweder in die U3 bzw. U6 umsteigen und bis zur Haltestelle Goetheplatz fahren. Abschließend folgt ein 3-minütiger Fußweg. Anreise per Flugzeug: Mit der S-Bahn S1 oder S8 bis Marienplatz, dort entweder in die U3 bzw. U6 umsteigen und bis zur Haltestelle Goetheplatz fahren. Abschließend folgt ein 3-minütiger Fußweg. Parkplätze: in unmittelbarer Nähe kaum vorhanden (Parkuhr). Parkhäuser z. B. am Hauptbahnhof Was kann ich zum Event mitbringen? Kollegen, Ticket, Neugier, gute Laune Sind Rückerstattungen möglich? Ja, bis 30 Tage vor Beginn der Veranstaltung.  

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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R+T Asia

The leading Asian trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates, windows and sun protection systems

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Art is Tasty

This noon-time lunch series on the first Friday of every month pairs an engaging 30-minute discussion about a work of art with a delicious lunch in the Thronson Café. (Café lunch voucher included in price). March 6: Veronica Veronese, Dante Gabriel Rossetti April 3: Layered Abstraction: Margo Allman & Helen Mason special exhibition May 1: Queen’s Closet, Richard Cleaver June 5: Tenant Farmer, Andrew Wyeth July 3: Cancelled August 7: Atlantic City, Reginald Marsh September 4: Riot, Deborah Butterfield October 2: Labyrinth November 6: Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Driehaus Collection special exhibition December 4: On the Banks of the Doune, Scotland, Robert Duncanson Image: Still Life with Fruit, c. 1865. Severin Roesen (c. 1815–c. 1872). Oil on canvas, 33 3/4 x 43 3/4 inches. Delaware Art Museum, Acquired through the bequest of Miss Ellen Buckelew, 1970.

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