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Presseball Berlin ~ seit 1872 ~

Presseball Berlin ~ Tradition seit 1872 ~ Nach dem Ball ist vor dem Ball ... Dank phantastischer Gäste sowie toller Sponsoring- und Kooperationspartner, laufen die Vorbereitungen für den Presseball Berlin, am 11. Januar 2020, langsam an. Seit 1872 gehört der Presseball Berlin zu den schönsten und wichtigsten Begegnungsplattformen. Gerade die Mischung aus sozialer Verantwortung mit grandiosem Vergnügen, einem Mix aus Charity und Tanz, vielfältigen Netzwerkmöglichkeiten sowie Kultur und Politik macht die Besonderheit dieser traditionellen Ballnacht auf rund 5.000 Quadratmetern aus. Seien Sie live dabei, wenn Journalisten, Verleger, Politiker, Künstler und Legenden in einer rauschenden Ballnacht zusammenkommen und Differenzen auf charmante Weise für eine Nacht außer Kraft gesetzt werden. Werden auch Sie ein wichtiger Partner und Teil dieser Geschichte und unterstützen Sie mit ihrer Anwesenheit die Tradition.Wir freuen uns auf Sie, Ihr Team vom Presseball Berlin! ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ Info´s und FAQ´s Wie sieht es mit Parkplätzen aus?Es stehen ca. 450 kostenpflichtige Parkplätze in der Tiefgarage des Maritim Hotel Berlin zur Verfügung. Eine Resevierung ist leider nicht möglich. Was kann ich zum Event mitbringen?Gute Laune :-) DresscodeUm festliche Abendgarderobe wird gebeten. Sind Rückerstattungen möglich?Nein, Rückerstattungen sind nicht möglich. Nach Paragraf 312g Absatz 2 Nummer 9 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) besteht kein Widerrufsrecht für Verträge im Zusammenhang mit Freizeitbestätigungen. Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen?Nein, Sie erhalten ca. 6 Wochen vor dem Event eine personalisierte Ballkarte. Ist mein Ticket übertragbar?Ja, bis 13.12.2019 gegen eine Umschreibungsgebühr i.H. von 10,00 € pro Ticket. Ist es ein Problem, wenn der Name auf dem Ticket nicht mit dem Namen des Teilnehmers übereinstimmt?Ja, da Ihre personalisierte Ballkarte mit dem Ausweis beim Einlass abgeglichen wird. Wie kann ich den Veranstalter kontaktieren, wenn ich Fragen habe?Telefon: 030 - 812 94 126 | Mail: Weitere Infos auf der Website: ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ Veranstalter & Ballbüro: Pikosso Berlin GmbHFasanenstraße 3910719 Berlin Telefon: +49 30 - 812 94 216Telefax: +49 30 - 812 94 217 eMail: mail@pikosso.deHomepage: www.pikosso.deGeschäftsführer: Mario KossUSt-IdNr.: DE 318763835 Finanzamt Berlin Steuernummer: 27/472/50095 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Handelsregister: HRB 197565B  

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Buffalo Bills vs. New York Jets

Cash - Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Discover The Will Call Booth at Highmark Stadium is located in between gates 3 and 4. Guests may pick up their pre-paid tickets on game day. This location is open 4 hours prior to kickoff. PROPER PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED. Tickets will only be released to the person who purchased the tickets. 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257) Box Office Hours Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm, Saturdays before home games Open 4 hours prior to kick off on game days through the end of the 3rd Quarter Off Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday For Buffalo Bills Tickets Only. Available at the Box Office and through Ticketmaster. Phone #: 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257)

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New York Yankees v. Tampa Bay Rays * Pinstripe Pass

Due to government directives, Yankee Stadium is currently closed to the public. Continue to check for updated information including a Yankee Stadium Ticket Office reopening schedule.

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What are they?Parents' Information Evenings introduce parents to nursery life and are a great opportunity to meet the Dicky Birds team and ask lots of questions! Who should come along?Parents thinking about joining, waiting to join, who are very new to Dicky Birds OR who have 2nd/3rd chicks joining the nest! Parents are welcome to bring along friends and relatives. When do they take place?:On various evenings throughout the year at 7:30pm to 9:30pm - for dates see below for details. Where do they take place?:At either our Claremont Hall and Brighton Road nurseries in Surbiton or our Dundonald Road nursery in Wimbledon. Can we bring our little chicks with us?Not this time. This is a grown-ups only event so no little chicks in pyjamas please. Should I only go to the events held at the nursery I wish my chick to join?It doesn’t matter which one of the nurseries you may want your little one to join - you are welcome to come along to any of our Information evenings! Whichever date suits your schedule best.

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Wayne: Up Close & Personal

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS (702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+) Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.

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Data Intelligence World Forum 2020 - Beijing

The Data Intelligence World Forum (DIWF) brings together decision makers using the power of Big Data & AI to drive business and practitioners who collect, analyze, and manipulate the data – particularly in financial services, telecom, healthcare, government, retail, oil & gas, energy & utilitites, travel & transportation, and other industries. The DIWF is where Big Data & AI’s most influential business decision makers, strategists, architects, developers, and analysts gather to shape the future of their businesses and technologies. Join us at DIWF in Beijing, for fresh & focussed content on today’s critical Big Data & AI technology and business topics. ATTENDEE DEMOGRAPHIC INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION• Banking & Finance• IT & Internet• Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals• Medical & Healthcare• Telecommunications & Media• Retail & E-commerce• Insurance and Investment houses• Government bodies• Energy & Utilities• Travel & Transportation services• Warehousing & Logistics• Engineering• Services• Other Industries JOB TITLE• CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, CDOs, CFOs• Managing Partners and Directors• VPs and Directors• Founders and Key Executives• Market Researchers and Analysts• Enterprise Architects• Data Scientists • Analysts• Developers• Database Designers• Data Center Managers• Researchers and Academics• Data-driven Designers• Venture Capitalists etc. ANNUAL AWARDS The Data Intelligence World Awards are the unique celebration of the drive, innovation and hard work in the big data & AI industry. The Data Intelligence World Awards advisory board consists of third-party research institutes, industry alliance organizations, and professional media. The organizer will review all the submissions and reveal the nominees. The winners will be determined according to both online and the advisory board voting. • RegistrationRegister online now, Any registration questions, please send email to • Sponsorship / ExhibitionFor information on sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at the event, please click here or send your email to • Data Intelligence World AwardsLearn more about awards selection process, please click here or send your email to • Call For SpeakersLearn more about CFP, please click here or send your email to • Media PartnershipFor media partners related inquiries,  please click here • Volunteer OpportunitiesFor volunteer opportunities related inquiries, please click here

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