Visa, MC, Discover, American Express and Cash
Open 2 hours prior to the event. Must present a photo ID, the confirmation number, or the credit card used to place the order.
Ticket Office Info-line: (260) 483-1111 Ticket Charge-By-Phone Number: (800) 745-3000
Summer Ticket Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: Closed* Sunday: Closed* *Open Saturday & Sunday for any ticketed events.
Accessible seating is available at all points of purchase. Seating is reserved for sight/hearing impaired patrons and special amenities are available, i.e. Hearing Devices and Sign Language interpreters. Please contact the Memorial Coliseum Box Office at 260-483-1111 if you should need special amenities. You may also contact the venue's TTY machine at 260-480-2108.
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Honda Center is a cashless venue.
A photo ID matching the name the tickets are placed under is required. VIP, Artist, Promoter, or other special will call requirements and locations are subject to change. Will call windows are located at the Box Office. Will call is generally available beginning 1-1/2 hours prior to the event, and closes after the start of the event (after the first intermission for Anaheim Ducks games). Late pick up will be available at the East Entrance after the box office closes.
Box office phones are answered during regular box office hours. Please note, the box office does not sell tickets by phone. Call (714) 704-2500 for general information
Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. The box office will remain open through the beginning of weeknight events. On event Saturdays and event Sundays, the box office will open three (3) hours prior to the event and remain open through the beginning of the event. The box office is located on the east side of the building, near the East Entrance, facing the Santa Ana riverbed.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Club, and Terrace levels. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please toggle the Accessibility icon in the seat map filters on the event page. The box office will have the same availability as Ticketmaster. Please note, semi-ambulatory or limited mobility seating is also available and requires the guest to navigate some steps. Wheelchair accessible seats have no steps. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 214. Requests for sign language interpreters must be received at least 14 business days prior to the event you are attending. To arrange for courtesy sign language interpreters, please either email or call 714-704-2400. For a full list of ADA policies, please visit
Biaya Training Rp7.990.000 / peserta
Pelatihan selama lima hari untuk Lead auditor ini ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan auditnya dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit yang efektif dibidang sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011. Memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai model ISO 9001:2015. Pelatihan ini teregistrasi di International Register of Certificated Auditors ( IRCA ).
Adalah tanggung jawab hukum bagi perusahaan untuk mengembangkan kebijakan sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011 serta pengaturannya. Banyak perusahaan yang tertarik untuk kemajuan dan kepatuhan hukum dan memperbaiki cara sistem manajemen mutu mereka beroperasi kini beralih ke ISO 9001:2015 sebagai metode pilihan mereka dan sebagai sarana menunjukkan sistem kredibilitas untuk pelanggan potensial yang ada dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan.
Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen mutu, persyaratan standar ISO 9001:2015, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen mutu.
Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Latar belakang manajemen mutu
ISO 9000 standar seri
ISO 9001:2015 persyaratan
ISO 19011
Jenis-jenis Audit
Teknik Audit
Proses berbasis sistem
NCR dan kategorisasi
Studi kasus Audit dan role-play
Durasi Training : 5 Hari
Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen mutu.
Prinsip – prinsip ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011
Peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja
Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit
Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu manual mutu
Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut
Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor
Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders
Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan
Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut
Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut
Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian.
Perubahan ISO 9001:2015 antara lain :
Standar ISO ditinjau setiap lima tahun untuk memastikan bahwa standar tetap up-to-date dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar
Respon terhadap tren terbaru dan akan disesuaikan dengan sistem manajemen lainnya seperti ISO 14001
Munculnya permintaan untuk penggunaan bahasa yang sama dan selaras dengan standar lainnya
Pertimbangkan manajemen resiko untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi
Manfaat Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001 ini dirancang bukan hanya untuk membantu anda untuk lebih efektif dan bernilai tambah dalam melakukan audit, akan tetapi memberikan pemahaman yang lebih luas lagi tentang rancangan dan implementasi sistem manajamen mutu ISO 9001:2015. Peserta yang berhasil menjalankan pelatihan dengan minimum mendapatkan 70% angka kelulusan akan dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftarkan diri sebagai auditor, maupun lead auditor dengan lisensi IRCA.
Fasilitator :
Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman mutu, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Pelatihan di pimpin oleh Trainer yang sudah terdaftar dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari IRCA by iqms.
Waktu Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Pukul 08:30 – 17:00
Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015
Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat IRCA.
Klik Jadwal Training WQA
Investasi : Rp7.990.000 / peserta. Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim dua peserta. Diskon 10% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau labih Diskon 5% untuk early bird (mendaftar 1 bulan sebelum pelaksanaan) Diskon 5% untuk WQA Client
Investasi ini termasuk :
• Lunch and 2X Coffee Break • Training Material • Seminar Kit • Certificate (Certified by IRCA)
Lokasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015WQA Office - Dharmawangsa Room - Graha ISKA 5th Floor
Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia Phone : +6221 – 426 0769, Hotline +6281 1149 6821 (Whatsapp) Email :,
Website :
Join the club every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. at Fleet Feet Old Town with Corepower Yoga for a C1 level class with stretches and poses focused on runners. Participants need to bring their own mats
About C1:
Unroll your yoga mat for an invigorating full-body flow where you’ll explore the yoga postures and fundamental principles of Vinyasa yoga. Our C1 class is set to inspiring tunes, and is a foundation-building yoga class that will work every muscle through movement and breath at a moderate, but intuitive pace.
What to Bring: For C1 classes, bring a bottle of water, a towel and a yoga mat. Wear fitted workout clothes, ideally ones that wick away moisture.
Il convegno numero uno in Italia indirizzato agli esperti di garanzia di qualità del software. Si parlerà degli ultimi traguardi raggiunti nell'automazione del software testing.
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Enroll Now:
Attend Free Demo on AWS Online Training by Mr.Srikanth
Demos From: 7th to 9th September @ 7.30 PM (IST)
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The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.
Will Call is located at the theatre box office on Canal Street. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up as early as two and a half hours prior to the event. The customer must present the actual credit card, photo I.D., and the confirmation number.
(504) 287-0351
Mon through Fri 12pm to 4pm excluding holidays
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.