Budapest Variety Performance in the Danube Palace
Prepare for a truly unique evening and concert that aims to showcase the diverse Hungarian culture through the power of music and dance.
read morePrepare for a truly unique evening and concert that aims to showcase the diverse Hungarian culture through the power of music and dance.
read moreCashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
read moreL’dea di organizzare questo workshop è nata dopo la terribile notte del 12 novembre, la libreria “Acqua alta” è inclusa in molti miei workshop perchè oltre alla sua bellezza particolare è fornita di molti libri di fotografia interessanti, accompagno spesso i partecipanti all’interno e tutti ne rimangono affascinati, ora però dopo i danni dovuti all’eccezionale acqua alta, ho deciso di doverla aiutare come meglio so fare, con la fotografia. Questo workshop è totalmente gratuito, condizione obbligatoria per partecipare è iscriversi ESCLUSIVAMENTE A QUESTO LINK: e portare con se il giorno del workshop almeno 3 libri usati da donare alla libreria. Alle 16.00 il proprietario ci accoglierà e ci sarà la consegna dei libri. Il tour fotografico ha una durata di 4 ore, dalle 14.00 alle ore 18.00. Prevede soste in luoghi particolari di Venezia e ammireremo il Canal Grande e il Ponte di Rialto da una esclusiva terrazza panoramica. Workshop rivolto a tutti. Maggiori informazioni saranno date ai partecipanti il giorno prima del workshop Leggi le recensioni di chi ha già partecipato al workshop I minorenni sono i benvenuti e possono partecipare solo se accompagnati da un adulto. Ogni partecipante è responsabile della propria attrezzatura e della propria incolumità, l’organizzazione è libera da qualsiasi responsabilità per infortuni, furti o danneggiamenti verso terzi e se stessi.
read moreCome join us and experience Signs, Miracles and Wonders through the Power of the Living God.....
read moreWhat: Final Two Days for the Required Pre-Registration for JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Presents Giveaway When: Monday, November 30 & December 1, 2020, from 1 pm to 6 pm Where: JPC Pantry 1404 Utica, NY 13501 Follow the link for Johnson Park Center, 26 Johnson Park,* Google Maps,-75.2388869,17z Go around the corner (See Basketball Playground) *to 1404 *West Street. Contact: Rev. U. Meier, (315) 269-8580 by email at Utica, NY. The next JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Presents Registration final two days will be on Mon, Nov 30, and Tue, Dec 1 from 1 pm to 6 pm at the JPC Food Pantry, 1404 WestStreet. Parents and Caregivers 18 years or older will register each child and have one of the following IDs, NYS Benefit Card, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, or Court Order Custody Document. Adults without children need to register too. The JPC Food Pantry is not limited by territory or a boundary area. Our Pantry is the only designated pantry open in the late afternoon & evening hours. Therefore, you can live in Utica. Rome, the Mohawk Valley, and all other surrounding areas can participate in the JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Present Giveaway. Unfortunately, there is no online or phone registration and no transportation services. Please have had relatives, friends, or case managers, if applicable to bring you. Case managers or responsible persons can with ID can register homebound people. If you have any questions or need additional information, the best way to contact Rev. Ursula Meier, JPC COO & Media Coordinator, is by or call the JPC Office between 1 pm to 5 pm or email at Thank you so much for your continual support and Join Positive Change at Johnson Park Center (JPC). Rev. Dr. Maria A. Scates, D.D. CEO / Founder
read moreLouisiana!! Join us for the 1st ever POP-UP DRIVE-IN MOVIE PREMIERE of the Faith based Romantic Comedy,"THE PERFECT MATE". We’ve reserved a massive 40ft screen for a safe, socially distancing evening of fun. Fellowship with us as we laugh, cry, and have our faith strengthened in this never before seen film. LIMITED PARKING! Check the website for a location Near You!!!
read more The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers. ICRWPPM 2020: 14. International Conference on Right-Wing Politics and Political Movements aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Right-Wing Politics and Political Movements. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Right-Wing Politics and Political Movements