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How to Attract the Right Investors: Crowdfunding | Angel Funding | VC

How to Attract the Right Investors You've decided to launch or grow your business - and now you need investment. But where do you start? Our popular How to Attract the Right Investors workshop gets to the heart of what it takes to successfully raise investment, all based on the real life experiences of hundreds of entrepreneurs (including the presenters). This engaging workshop, run in partnership with the British Library Business & IP Centre, packs a massive amount of invaluable content into less than half a day to equip you with a simple-to-follow, step-by-step approach to securing investment. The event also includes an interactive session with Angel Investor Colin Coghlan who will share insider information on the way he makes investments. You’ll also be given access to proven pitching templates and strategies. In a nutshell We'll cover how to secure investment through: ✦ crowdfunding✦ angel investors ✦ venture capital ...and will help you: ✦ Decide which investment avenues are right for your business ✦ Learn the quickest and most effective way of finding investors ✦ Secure the best deal and valuation for your business ✦ Save you time, money and energy in your search Who is it for? This workshop is ideal for ambitious entrepreneurs who are either in the start-up phase and are unsure of where or how to raise the capital to launch, or are already trading but need more capital to reach profitability and scale. By the end of the workshop you will: ✦ Understand the advantages and disadvantages of various investment options ✦ Know how to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign in double-quick time ✦ Receive invaluable insights from successful angel investor Colin Coghlan ✦ Have a proven template for creating a winning Executive Summary ✦ Know where and how to secure Venture Capital ✦ Understand how to take advantage of new government tax schemes ✦ Be able to value your business accurately ✦  Have an 'insiders list' of recommended small-business-friendly VCs, angel networks, lawyers, crowdfunding sites and more ✦ Know the best methods for dramatically increasing the credibility of your team with investors ✦ Have received priceless tips on how to pitch your business to an angel investor ✦ Know how to create a winning video pitch for crowdfunding ✦ Understand how to avoid the legal pitfalls when securing any investment ✦ Have a clear understanding of how to play the funding game Expert speakers Paul Grant knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the funding fence. As an entrepreneur he raised funds for his own business, securing capital from business angels, bankers, family and friends, and even a government grant. After seven years of trading he exited his business in 2003 and was invited to join a private equity company, Capital Partners, eventually heading up the business angel division. Here he had access to nearly 5,000 angel investors and reviewed more than 1,000 business plans every year.During this time Paul learnt a lot about why so many businesses fail to secure the funding they need in the start-up and growth phases. Paul has met with many investors, bankers, and venture capitalists over the years and in the course of his work has uncovered what they are really looking for.More importantly, Paul has developed an approach to raising capital that works. He is keen to share with you what he has learnt as an entrepreneur and as an industry insider. Connect with Paul on LinkedIn Successful angel investor Colin Coghlan will demystify how an angel investor thinks and what they are looking for. Colin Coghlan is a private investor, advisor, mentor and speaker specialising in early stage and rapid growth business. He advises both entrepreneurs and investors and speaks on the subject of investment at various public and professional events. Colin's early career was in the energy industry before he moved into the wireless infrastructure sector. He was General Manager of one of the founding companies of the Freeview television service before becoming CEO of one of the others and ultimately leading it through a trade sale. Colin's portfolio is focused on the TMT sector including television, mobile and cloud computing. Connect with Colin on LinkedIn What entrepreneurs say "Paul is one of those advisors that is talking from experience rather than from a textbook. These events will save most people a fortune." - Managing Director at Corp. Ltd. "Paul's How to Attract the Right Investors is one of those rare workshops that is jam-packed with useful information and where one can't leave the pen and notebook to rest. For any entrepreneur looking to raise investment capital, this is a must-attend." - Vlad Petre, Entrepreneur & Product Developer, RateSetter  "Paul has a full understanding of what investors are looking for and through his advice I was able to write an outstanding executive summary and improve my business plan, resulting in investment." - Director at Breathing Relief Ltd. "I recently attended one of Paul's workshops at the British Library and learnt more in a few hours than I had in many weeks - possibly months prior to this." - Gerry Nixon, Head of Youth Engagement Strategy @ The National "Valuable insights and sound advice from someone who has been there and is now on the other side." - Initial AF Data Gatherer, FFCS PPI, Deloitte LLP  "Paul has a wealth of experience behind him, not to mention a host of useful contacts. His well-rounded approach makes the event well worth the outlay." - Business Training News Read more testimonials

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Lift - Wednesdays 7:30 pm-8:30 pm (by Zoom call)

The Lift Project involves 10 fascinating lessons that take you on an educational adventure. Each lesson introduces a scientifically proven way to lift your mood and your life from the exciting fields of Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine. Live Online Sessions: Begin February 3, 2021 Wednesdays at 7:30 pm -8:30 pm Last Session April 21, 2021 The connection will be through the Zoom application. We will send all registrants instructions for testing and connecting prior to the first session. What's included in the Lift Project? Learn Together Join us for facilitated group video conferencing that includes watching weekly fun and entertaining video presentations together. Experience Together Gather together for RLMI’s online activities with others in our closed Facebook group communities and experience fun but powerful challenges to put it into practice. It’s “challenge by choice”. Think and Share Think about and reflect on what you are learning and experiencing. Earn a certificate of completion. Share your Lift Project adventure with others in our closed Facebook group communities. Late registration: If the times are convenient for you, you may sign up for any group for one week after the first session.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Virtual Food Drive

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions by our local food pantries, donations this year are virtual. Between now and Sunday, November 22nd, drop off your donation by calling 414-939-7619 to schedule a time. All donations will be used to purchase food online for one of our local food banks. No donation is too small! Please donate to help make a difference in our community. Thanks for your consideration!

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Corso Insegnanti Danza Moderna

Il corso di formazione per conseguire il diploma di insegnante di Danza Moderna è articolato in due livelli di preparazione: Primo livello: Insegnante Danza Moderna (qualifica di primo livello che fornisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento della disciplina); Secondo livello: (Qualifica di specializzazione di Insegnante Danza Moderna). FINALITÀ: La finalità del percorso professionale è quella di creare una figura di Insegnante di Danza Moderna con un notevole bagaglio di competenze tecniche della disciplina che lo renderà professionista del settore. Tale formazione professionale consentirà ai partecipanti di conseguire, previo esame finale, il diploma e il tesserino di Insegnante in Danza Moderna rilasciato da ASC, ente di promozione sportiva riconosciuto CONI e valido per l’insegnamento in tutti i centri sportivi, associazioni, scuole di ballo e danza. Diploma valido ai fini delle agevolazioni fiscali per l’attività Sportiva Dilettantistica (L. 342/2000). I diplomi rilasciati danno la possibilità di esercitare la professione di Insegnante di Danza Moderna. I corsi di formazione sono a NUMERO CHIUSO. DATE: Il prossimo corso di formazione Insegnante Danza Moderna Primo Livello si svolgerà nelle seguenti date: DOMENICA 3 NOVEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 24 NOVEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 15 DICEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      DOMENICA 22 DICEMBRE 2019   - dalle ore 10:30 - 13:30 lezione, esame dalle ore 14 in poi. PROPEDEUTICITA': Per accedere al corso di Secondo Livello bisogna aver superato l'esame di Primo Livello.   PREREQUISITI: Buono studio pregresso della Danza Moderna. Predisposizione all’insegnamento.   PROGRAMMA:  Saranno trattati tutti gli argomenti del corso di formazione della disciplina Danza Moderna che saranno visionabili anche nel testo di preparazione che verrà fornito ai corsisti il primo giorno del corso: - Storia della danza moderna: analisi delle tecniche e degli stili coreografici che hanno caratterizzato la danza moderna; - Studio della tecnica dei passi e movimenti; - Analisi della struttura di una lezione, esempi pratici di lezioni di livello differente associati alle fasi evolutive; - Analisi tecnica delle varie fasi del riscaldamento; - Analisi della parte tecnica della lezione; - Postura: analisi della corretta postura nella danza; - Coreografia: analisi della costruzione coreografica finalizzata all’insegnamento. - Laboratorio di anatomia, riscaldamento muscolare e stretching; - figura dell’insegnante di danza; - normative fiscali. DOVE:  I corsi di formazione si svolgono presso l’A.S.C. DANZA in via Gregorio XI 211 a Roma. DOCENTI: -      DAVIDE ZIMEY -      FRANCESCA MORO   I nostri Docenti svolgono attività di tutoraggio 7 giorni su 7 a tutti i frequentanti dei corsi di formazione che dovessero avere bisogno di un supporto tecnico della disciplina oggetto di studio. MODALITÀ D'ISCRIZIONE: Per iscriversi al corso di formazione (posti a numero chiuso) bisogna richiedere la disponibilità tramite l'apposito modulo sul sito l’A.S.C. DANZA , comunicando il proprio nome cognome e recapito telefonico e la tipologia di corso scelto. Da quel momento, il corsista avrà cinque giorni di tempo per ufficializzare l'iscrizione, inviando il modulo di iscrizione e la copia del pagamento della quota di iscrizione. ESAME FINALE: Al termine del percorso formativo sarà verificata l'abilità tecnica e didattica di ogni aspirante maestro attraverso un esame di fine corso che si svolgerà l'ultimo giorno del corso di formazione. COSTI E CERTIFICAZIONI: Le quote comprendono: -      Materiali di studio; -      Corso negli incontri prestabiliti; -      Diploma ASC riconosciuto coni, previo superamento dell’esame finale, -      Tesserino tecnico personale di Insegnante Danza Moderna; -      Quota associativa all'ente di promozione sportiva per la stagione in corso; -      Iscrizione all'albo nazionale insegnanti danza sportiva ASC.   INSEGNANTE PRIMO LIVELLO: 550 Euro (suddivisa in 150 Euro all’atto dell’iscrizione da versare entro 15 giorni dall’inizio del corso salvo disponibilità di posti, 200 Euro da saldare presso la segreteria il primo incontro del corso e i restanti 200 euro da saldare presso la segreteria il secondo incontro del corso).   INSEGNANTE SECONDO LIVELLO: 300 Euro (suddivisa in 150 Euro all’atto dell’iscrizione da versare e 150 Euro da saldare presso la segreteria il primo incontro del corso oro.   COSA PORTARE: -      2 fototessere cartacee da consegnare in segreteria l’A.S.C. DANZA il primo giorno del corso; -      Abbigliamento e calzature idonee per la lezione di danza moderna.   N.B. Le dispense e i materiali di studio verranno consegnati il primo giorno del corso di formazione e sono compresi nelle quote di iscrizione.   DOVE SIAMO e COME RAGGIUNGERCI Via Gregorio XI 211– 00166 Roma (oppure entrata secondaria a Via Giovanni Andreucci 20). CONTATTI:  Rispondiamo ai recapiti telefonici ed email tutti i giorni dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle 21.30 ed il sabato e la domenica dalle 10 alle 18. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale dell’A.S.C. DANZA.  

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ADAPTING MASSAGE for hospice and cancer care (2020)

Facilitators: Gwynneth Campbell, Anita Mehrez, Sarah Wilkins This 2 day course is designed for massage therapists who want to expand their repertoire/ approaches to massage and bodywork in order to safely work with people with cancer and other complex medical conditions. The weekend explores safe and creative ways of adapting massage as well as spending time addressing questions and concerns you may have around working with complex and vulnerable clients/patients. Come prepared to work with and without oil, on a mat, chair, couch and even the hospital bed. Wear loose comfortable clothing. All our courses take a 'zero strain' approach to massage. Prerequisite: Massage Therapy Qualification (Level 3 or above) FAQs How can I find information about other courses? Please use the links below to our current course brochure and our Eventbrite listings. The Christie Integrative Therapies Training Unit:  Course Brochure The Christie Integrative Therapies Training Unit:  Eventbrite listings What are my transport options for getting to and from the event? You will find travel information on The Christie website:   Is it easy to park near the hospital? There is often on-road parking on streets around the hospital at weekends as most parking restriction zones are Monday-Friday only. Please take care to read the parking restriction signs carefully. Car Park C on Palatine Road and Car Park D on Wilmslow Road both have a £1.50 daily flat charge. You can access a parking map here:   Can I pay by BACS transfer? Individuals can book through Eventbrite using a credit or debit card.  Businesses and healthcare organisations requiring alternate forms of payment must contact The Integrative Therapies Training Unit:   What do I need to bring to the event? As well as bringing yourself and some notepaper for making notes we ask you to bring a couch cover or single sheet, two pillow cases, two large bath towels or bath sheets, two small towels and a light blanket.  Please do not bring any valuables with you. We cannot be responsible for loss or theft of any personal items whilst on hospital property.   What time will the event start and finish? Saturday:              09:30 Registration              10:00 Start            17:00 Finish Sunday:                09:00 Open                         09:30 Start            16:30 Finish Break times and lunch time will vary   Is Lunch included? Lunch is not included but refreshments will be provided in the Rehab Unit throughout the day. The hospital has an on-site cafeteria serving hot & cold meal options as well as an M&S café, and a WHSmith where you can buy meal deals, drinks, sandwiches, and snacks.  There are also plenty of vending machines all around the site where you can get soft drinks and a variety of snacks. Please inform us of any nut or other food based allergies so that we can adjust the snacks if required.   What should I wear to the event? Dress code is ‘relaxed’. Tunics or uniforms are not required. For ‘hands-on’ courses we suggest loose and comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in.    Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? Within the terms of our Cancellation and Refunds Policy we will be happy to transfer your booking to a different course. Should that course be of a higher price we will ask you to pay the difference. What is the Cancellation and Refunds Policy? Cancelled by us: •  Courses will be cancelled with a minimum of 14 days’ notice •  You may request a full refund or transfer of fees to another course •  Pre-booked travel and personal expenses cannot be reimbursed Cancelled by you: •  Up to 14 days before the course you will be charged a £40 admin fee for cancellation and refund requests •  Up to 14 days before the course you may transfer your fees to another course of the same value free of charge •  No refunds will be given for cancellations with less than 14 days’ notice; fees may be transferred to a different course at our discretion.  •   To transfer fees to another course of a higher value you will be charged the difference and a £10 admin fee Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends? No. If you would like to transfer your booking to another person please contact us to make arrangements. Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance for this course? Each weekend course totals a minimum of 12 hours of study time. You will only receive your certificate of attendance on completion of the full 12 hours. For courses that include 24 hours of study time you will receive your certificate of attendance on completion of the full allotted 24 hours.   Will I receive CPD points or credits for this course? This will vary depending on the professional body or association(s) to which you belong. Some, for example the FHT or CNCH place the responsibility on each individual member to decide what their own personal professional development needs are; and place and hourly or point valued system based on the nature of each activity rather than the provider.  Some, for example the AoR or CThA each have their own rationale for accepting CPD training hours only when done with their accredited providers. You will need to check the CPD policy of each of the organisations of which you are a member to know if this course will count towards your CPD.   Who is the awarding body for this course? All of our CPD and diploma certificates are awarded by The Christie School of Oncology Integrative Therapies Training Unit.   How can I contact the organiser with any other questions? For further information please contact or 0161 446 8236 Privacy Policy & Data Protection Your contact details will be held on file by The Christie ITTU and are made available to the course administration, course tutors, and for diploma students the diploma education lead.  We will never pass your details to any third party. You can read our full Privacy Policy here:

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