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St. Fleur Family Reunion

Hello family!  We're so excited about our upcoming reunion!  SECURE YOUR SPOT TODAY!  The St. Fleur Family Reunion will be held July 18 - 19, 2020 in Miami, FL. We have a wonderful weekend of events aimed to not only celebrate the St. Fleur Legacy but to also create an opportunity to meet members of our forever expanding family. Join us in creating unforgettable memories and bonding experiences to last a life time.  Our mantra for the 2020 Family Reunion: We are as endless as the Sea! REUNION COST Adults - $100 Children 4 to 12 - $55 Children 3 and below - $15 DEPOSITS & REGISTRATION We are now accepting a minimum deposit of $25 to secure a reservation and a minimum deposit of $15 to secure reservations for children 3 years old or younger. Deposits can be made via Cashapp, MoneyOrder, Check, or Paypal. On the registration page, please select your method of payment and someone will contact you with the appropriate information needed to complete your transaction. The deposit deadlinefor reservations is September 30, 2019. Full Payment Due by January 31, 2020 For questions please contact your area coordinator:  Carol - New York Kerline- Miami Crystal & Christine - Canada EVENTS Saturday, July 18.......Red Carpet Glam (Black Tie Affair) Formal Dining Reception & Talent Show Signature Grand, 6900 FL-84, Davie, FL 33317 Time: 8pm to 12am Food & Non-alcoholic Drinks provided  ***1 Drink ticket will be issued per guest over the age of 21. You will be financially responsible for any other alcoholic beverages you purchase from the bar.  ***Event will be paid person. Only those who have paid in full and are on the guest list will be allowed. Non paying guest are not permitted.  Sunday, July 19 ........Beach Party Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, 6503 N Ocean Dr, Dania Beach, FL 33004 Please look for the Seagrape Pavilion Parking Fee: $6 per vehicle  Time: 12pm to 6pm Food and Drinks provided T-SHIRTS Full payment includes a family reunion T-Shirt. Please select your shirt size when registering.  Adult: XXXL, XXL, XL, L, M, S      Child: XL, L, M, S, 2T             HOTELS Your lodging arrangements are not included in the Family Reunion Fee. However, we can reserve hotel room blocks. The hotels available will be near ft. Lauderdale airport for easy transit. Also, there are shopping and entertainment plazas located nearby for your convenience.  See you soon!   HOST FAMILY CONTACT INFORMATION  For questions or assistance contact:  Carol - New York (718) 350-9682 Kerline - Miami 786-879-6102  Crystal - Canada (954) 376-2509 Christine - Canada (516) 665-8924

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Corso Social Media Management

Il corso Social Media Management offre tutte le competenze necessarie per un utilizzo professionale dei principali social media. Ai partecipanti verranno trasmesse le conoscenze tecniche e strategiche per essere in grado di gestire le pagine social di aziende e brand o del proprio personal branding. Verranno spiegate le operazioni concrete per migliorare l’interazione con gli utenti, aumentare la visibilità e raccontare la storia di un’azienda, un prodotto o un progetto. Nel corso verranno trattati in maniera pratica e interattiva 4 social media: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Per ciascun canale si analizzeranno le dinamiche, le funzioni, le opportunità per l’utilizzo professionale, la lettura delle analisi di traffico e di interazione, lo sviluppo della linea editoriale e dei contenuti più adatti. Infine, poiché i social sono anche e soprattutto dei “paid media”, si analizzeranno le piattaforme di gestione delle campagne sponsorizzate. FORMAT DEL CORSO SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Il 50% del corso sarà svolto tramite lezione frontale e il restante 50% in modalità laboratorio: i partecipanti potranno svolgere le attività richieste avendo un riscontro in diretta. OBIETTIVI DEL CORSO SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Imparare a utilizzare i social media in maniera professionale, partendo dalle diverse strategie e imparando a gestire gli strumenti a disposizione con tecniche e tattiche in funzione degli obiettivi. COSA IMPARERAI Al termine del corso i partecipanti avranno un quadro completo (strategico e pratico) sull’utilizzo dei social media in funzione dei diversi obiettivi come ottenere maggiori visite al sito, brand awareness, portare i lettori ad un’azione specifica (call to action), utilizzare i social come canale d’ascolto, sensibilizzare le persone su una tematica di interesse. Argomenti del corso Social Media Management Facebook apertura e gestione della pagina aziendale differenze tra pagina azienda e profilo persona creazione e pubblicazione dei contenuti strategie e pratica per l’aumento dell’interazione con gli utenti e dell’indicizzazione dirette e stories su Facebook organizzare eventi su Facebook potenziare e usare in modo strategico le recensioni lettura strategica degli insights (analisi del traffico e delle interazioni) uso di FB Messenger Facebook ADS come creare una campagna pubblicitaria a pagamento quale tipologia di annuncio scegliere ottenere il massimo dalla profilazione del pubblico come creare un pubblico personalizzato Instagram apertura e gestione di Instagram for business video, fotografia e grafica (pre e post produzione) – programmi per potenziare i contenuti su Instagram stories, dirette e altre modalità di interazione campagne a pagamento migliorare il tasso di engagement (commenti, like e interazioni) lettura strategica degli insights (analisi del traffico e delle interazioni) utilizzo efficace dei Direct Message Linkedin come definire la tua strategia su LinkedIn generare fiducia per ottenere contatti come ottenere reputazione nel tuo settore utilizzare gli strumenti interni ed esterni per ottenere dati LinkedIn aziendale: tecniche e strategie per vendere Twitter come creare un profilo su Twitter Twitter: il microblogging perfetto per il marketing sviluppare le interazioni sviluppo dei contenuti adatti più adatti al canale, linea editoriale campagne a pagamento che funzionano lettura strategica degli analytics per analisi del traffico e delle interazioni L’attività del Social Media Manager Social Media Manager: come organizzare il lavoro tecniche per comunicare efficacemente sui social network l’importanza del piano editoriale come gestire più social network contemporaneamente con la social media automation DOCENTE: Mafrtina Ricci Gori ISCRIZIONI A QUESTO LINK: Al termine del corso verrà inviato il materiale didattico e l'attestato di partecipazione. Possibilità, per chi è giornalista, di ottenere 8 crediti per la Formazione Professionale Continua iscrivendosi al corso anche sulla piattaforma Sigef (sezione “Corsi Enti Terzi”).  FAQ A chi si rivolge in particolare il corso?Il corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliono conoscere come utilizzare in maniera corretta i principali social media per migliorare il traffico sul proprio sito. Come arrivare al luogo dove si svolge il corso? Quali sono le opzioni di trasporto/parcheggio per l'evento?Clicca qui per scoprire come arrivare Cosa posso portare all'evento?Il proprio computer portatile (da collegare al wi-fi della sala) per partecipare alle esercitazioni pratiche. Come posso contattare l'organizzatore per eventuali domande?Tramite la mail oppure al 349 7088356 Qual è la politica di rimborso?In caso di disdetta anticipata rimborso totale del prezzo pagato a prezzo pieno se la comunicazione arriva entro 7 giorni dalla data del corso. Altrimenti possibilità di utilizzo della quota versata per un altro dei corsi di Primopiano.

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Dolphin Global Network Manchester

Everyone in the world needs the opportunity to grow, develop and become successful in life, that is why Dolphin Global Network is the right organisation for connecting people, networking and personal development. Our mission is to inspire, motivate, encourage, guide and connect People on Their Journey to success. The monthly Dolphin Global Network meetings are all about creating relations, education, inspiration, motivation and unlock your potential. Each meeting is structured and hosted by fully trained people who are sharing the same principles as the founder of the organisation. We meet once a month on the same day of the month and at the same time in each of the cities, we are operating in.  Though our activity is mainly focused on small business owners and managers, we are open to all other people as well. Everyone who loves personal growth is welcome. We believe that being open to Everyone is a more opportunity ground and bigger possibilities to those who are looking to obtain new clients but most of all we believe that the fundamentals of our organisation are the members of our community, the relationships that grow out of those meetings, the decisions that our participants will make to change their lives through the education and the connections with inspirational people provide.  All we need is to make a decision and as Tony Robbins said: "Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant".  Dolphin Global Network is a place where you can positively grow, develop and share knowledge. At our meetings, you will meet many inspirational and motivational people. You will also meet those who are still searching for their direction. But your life changes the moment you make a decision, a new, congruent, and committed decision.  Dolphin Global Network meetings are enhanced by 2 amazing motivational speakers who are going to share their experience, knowledge and journey with you. many of those stories are dramatic, many more are very positive, emotional and extremely powerful. But it is all down to your decision, it is the power that sparks the process of turning the invisible into the visible. It is the catalyst for turning your dream into reality. And who knows? Perhaps your visit to our meetings will be that special input into your new, better future, maybe it will help you to achieve your dream. maybe it will help you to make an important decision or meet that person that you always wanted to meet. But it is down to you, your decision. The Network is funded by Maria Kompanowski, herself Certified Master Coach, a great Networker and Peoples person. Maria`s experience and knowledge is in itself a great example of how we can change our lives through taking that one, important decision, hard work and personal development. Join us every month in Manchester, Liverpool, Stoke On Trent, Nottingham, London Visit:  HOST: Maria Kompanowski Agenda for Manchester: 18.00 Open networking 18.30 Welcome and introduction 18.40 DGN Motivational Speaker: TBC 19.00 Break ( Free Coffees & Teas) 19.15 Introduction to Coach The World 19.30 DGN Motivational Speaker (Will be announced) 19.50 Announcements 20.00 Open Networking 20.30 End of the meet-up.

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Ballots & Laughs: Political Cartoons by Ray Walters

Ray Walters’s exhibition Ballots & Laughs: Political Cartoons will be on view at The Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas on Thursday, Oct. 29, and remain on view through Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021. This body of political cartoons from the 1930s and 40s is part of ASC’s permanent collection. Art Credit: Ray Walters, "You’re Wonderful," watercolor on paper, ASC 68.018.025 For more information, visit and follow us on

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MCT Summit 2020 Middle East

website: Facebook event: Twitter:

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Yourcodenameis:Milo (2nd Date - Vip)

Tickets held for collection can be collected from the venue on the evening of the event. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number with you. Please contact the venue for further information on 0191230 4474.

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

412-642-1800 The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.

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