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DeafIT Konferenz 2020

Die DeafIT Konferenz ist eine barrierefreie Bildungs- und Informationsveranstaltung für hörbehinderte und hörende IT-Fachleute mit dem Schwerpunkt Informationstechnologie (IT). Die Konferenz ist in Gebärden-, Schrift- und Lautsprache für jeden zugänglich. Die Themen sind vielfältig von Administration, Entwicklung, Online Marketing bis zu Management. Bei dieser Konferenz werden voraussichtlich folgende Themen "Kubernetes, Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung und Design System" dargestellt. Warum gibt es die DeafIT Konferenz? Die regelmäßige in Deutschland stattfindende IT-Fachkonferenz ist die einzige Veranstaltung im deutschsprachigen Raum dieser Art und bietet ein vielfältiges Programm mit einem breiten Spektrum an professionellen Vorträgen und Workshops rund um die Informationstechnologie an. Neben vielen Fachvorträgen zu aktuellen IT-Themen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Belange Hörbehinderter verfolgt die DeafIT Konferenz in Deutschland primär das Ziel, eine inklusive Netzwerk-Plattform für Gehörlose, Schwerhörige, CI-Träger, Ertaubte und Hörende zu schaffen, um dort sowohl die Weiterbildung als auch den aktiven Austausch der beruflichen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen und damit das Networking in der IT-Branche zu erweitern und fördern. Daraus erschließt sich auch das Motto: „Focus on excellent Network“. Woher kommen die Teilnehmer? Die Teilnehmer kommen nicht nur aus den deutschsprachigen Ländern (DACH-Region), sondern sogar aus der ganzen Welt. Jeder Einzelne trägt dazu bei, untereinander das Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu stärken, sich fachmännisch auszutauschen und den Wissenshorizont zu erweitern. Wir setzen auf eine barrierefreie Veranstaltung Alle Teilnehmer, egal ob Taub, Schwerhörig, CI-Tragend, Hörend, Jung oder Alt, sollen gemeinsam Spaß an der Weiterbildung haben, sich austauschen können und sowohl Empowerment, als auch Diversity für höhere berufliche Ziele erfahren. Die DeafIT Konferenz wird in Gebärden-, Schrift- und Lautsprache durchgeführt. Alle drei Sprachformen werden simultan umgesetzt. Wer ist dabei? Du kannst erwarten, hier IT-Experten anzutreffen, sei es Developer, Software Architect, Designer, Mediadesigner, IT Consultants, Administratoren, etc. bis hin zu Project Manager. Wie werde ich Sponsor? Willst du Sponsor werden? Du kannst auf unsere Seite gehen: nimm' hier Kontakt mit uns auf Hinweis für die Teilnehmer Mit dem Kauf eines Tickets über den grünen Button "Tickets" erklärst du dich mit den Teilnahmebedingungen der DeafIT Konferenz 2020 einverstanden. FAQs 1) Wie kann ich mich bei Fragen an den Veranstalter wenden? Wenn Du Fragen zur Veranstaltung hast, schreib' uns unter eine Email 2) Sind Rückerstattungen möglich? Ja.Bitte eine Email an senden und hierbei die Begründung in ausführlicher Form schreiben. Achte hierbei bitte darauf, dass Rückerstattungen nur bis 30 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn möglich sind.Nachher besteht keine Möglichkeit mehr. 3) Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen? Ja, du kannst uns dein Ticket auch über dein Handy mit QR-Code zeigen.Mit der Vorlage des Tickets wird sichergestellt, dass du bei unserer Konferenz registriert bist und unsere Konferenz betreten darfst.  4) Ist meine Registrierungsgebühr/mein Ticket übertragbar? Nein, leider nicht. 

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Art @ Echo Echo Gallery

Witchcraft at the Echo Echo Gallery in the Greenwood Collective On the evening of Friday, October 12th, Echo Echo celebrates the Halloween Season and Freethought Day (which happens to coincide with the opening) with the exhibition entitled Witchcraft! Join artists Xavier Lopez, Christopher J. Olson, Alexandria Sandlin and the newest members to the gallery: Mike Capp, Maxx Follis and Ripley. Join us for free and enjoy the latest art styles and libations, speak to the artists and just have a great time on Friday the 12th of October at Echo Echo Gallery downstairs at the Greenwood Collective, Greenwood Seattle, part of the Phinneywood artwalk, starting at 6:00 and going to late! Echo Echo is an independent artist(s) run gallery, hip-deep in the growing Urban, Pop Surrealist and alternative art scenes—if you have not come to one of the Greenwood Art Events held every second Friday of the month as part of the Phinneywood Artwalk—you have definitely been missing out—just ask your friends! The Echo Echo Gallery is located downstairs at the Greenwood Collective, in the heart of Seattle's Greenwood neighborhood –just two doors up from the Baranoff and across the street from Naked City Brewery. Important information: Date of Exhibition opening night: 2nd Friday, October 12, 2012 Time of Opening: 6-10pm Location: Echo Echo Gallery 8537 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 206.633.1236 Title of exhibition: Witchcraft! Artists: Xavier Lopez, Christopher J. Olson, Alexandria Sandlin and the newest members to the gallery: Mike Capp, Maxx Follis and Ripley. Links: Echo Echo Gallery:!/pages/Echo-Echo-Gallery/163357923705520 Xavier Lopez Jr.:!/xavierlopezart Christopher Olson:!/profile.php?id=754449094 Alexandria Sandlin:!/cherrybones Mike Capp: Ripley:

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Executive PA Course in Manchester - CPD Accredited

Executive PA Course in Manchester This Executive PA workshop takes place over 2 days in Central Manchester. The course is run by a qualified tutor in the field from Souters - a renowned PA and Secretarial training company. Over the years, they have been responsible for countless Executive PAs who have gone on to work for globally successful corporations. If you want to gain experience, boost your skills set and improve your CV, as well as open doors for new career opportunities, this is a fantastic course for you.  The premises are conveniently located near the Northern Quarter, walking distance from Manchester Piccadilly station. Major cities like Leeds, Sheffield and Liverpool are within commuting range. See our course page on our website: SOUTERS TRAINING. Course Outline Learn both the technical and interpersonal skills necessary for becoming a successful executive personal assistant. Over 2 days, participants will learn a wide range of skills through a series of educational and engaging activities. Upon completion of the course, you will be issued with an Executive PA certificate. Foundation PA Skills: How to move from PA to Executive PA / Executive Assistant Learn to write professional business letters Presentation of documents, slideshow, proofreading and minute-taking skills Leadership skills Performance: Boost confidence for dealing with high pressure executive corporate environments Learn how to align your role with your boss Organisation skills - multi-tasking, performance optimisation for maximum efficiency Management skills - learn to delegate and take control Management: Learn basic management skills Outline the different management styles Learn how to use management in your role as an EA Learn how to work with your boss appropriately and effectively Communication: Build professional communication skills Learn the different ways to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally Learn questioning techniques Dealing with office etiquette and politics Business Skills: Understand how to use social media as a powerful business tool Overview of project management and event management skills as an Executive PA Learn how to create solutions and solve problems via communication How to navigate HR as a PA / EA Building Relationships: Interpreting your colleagues’ behaviour and language Dealing with stakeholders as a PA / EA Learning how to be assertive, and the difference between passive and aggressive Learning how and when to say ‘no’ Planning Your Future Career: Make a plan and take steps to build your future career Discover opportunities for those with a PA / EA qualification Who is the course suitable for? Current PAs, Secretarial or Admin professionals who are looking to boost their skill set and get a contemporary certificate to keep themselves up to date. Individuals who want a career chance and want to enhance existing business skills Employers who want their employees to be trained as Executive PAs Career Opportunities This course will provide you with a CPD Executive PA qualification in the form of a certificate. This is great for your CV, as well as future career opportunities. Some of the many benefits you can gain from this course are: ● Contemporary, up-to-date Executive PA skills● Confidence and empowerment● Certificate looks great on your CV and opens up future career options● Potential for higher income and more choice of jobs● Internationally renowned course

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Miami Heat vs. Toronto Raptors

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express Will Call is located at the Ticketmaster Box Office on the North Side of the Arena located between Gates 3 & 4. Valid ID required to pick up Will Call Tickets Miami HEAT & Arena Event Sales Information: • Miami HEAT Season Tickets & Partial Plans (786) 777 HOOP • Miami HEAT Group Tickets (786) 777 DUNK • Miami HEAT Premium Seats (Courtside/Flagship/Suites/Loges) (786) 777 4320 • Arena Event Suite Sales (786) 777 1000 • Group Ticket & Fundraising Opportunities for Arena Family Shows (786) 777 4FUN (4386) Kaseya Center will only be open on event days. Arena Box Office Information (786) 777-1250 This is an accessible venue.

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Campus Hackathon München 2020

Beim Campus Hackathon hast Du 24 Stunden Zeit um eine Idee unter Zeitdruck in Code umzusetzen. Unterstützung bei der Ideenfindung und der Umsetzung erhältst Du von erfahrenen Mentoren unserer Partnerunternehmen. Ein Team besteht idealerweise aus Konzeptern, Programmierern und Webdesignern. Du kannst Dich als Team oder vor Ort mit anderen zusammentun.

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Arizona Coyotes vs. Pittsburgh Penguins

VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS & CASH The Coyotes Pick-up Window is located outside the Northeast corner of the Arena near Gate 5. Guests picking up will call tickets must present valid photo ID and credit card used for purchase, if applicable, that matches tickets to be picked up. ALTERNATE PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering & paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000, ask for customer service, verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Please call TICKETMASTER for event and ticketing information - 1-800-745-3000 For Additional information call Gila River Arena Box Office - 623-772-3800. WEBPAGE: Located outside on the Northeast corner of the Arena. Monday – Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM during hockey season and on-sale days. Sunday: Closed except on event days. Box Office hours may be extended for on-sales or on event days. Arizona Coyotes: To purchase accessible seats for Arizona Coyotes, subject to availability, please call the Arizona Coyotes Ticket Office at 480-563-PUCK (7825) or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. Arena Concerts and other Events: To purchase accessible seats for a concert or other event, subject to availability, please call Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 for phone purchase or for on-line purchase, or visit the Gila River Arena Box Office. ACCESSIBLE SERVICES: Requests for Sign Language Interpreters should be made at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Call Guest Services at 623-772-3240 for these arrangements. Assistive Listening Devices are available from the Gate 5 Guest Services Booth. Parking Lot G located on the east side of the Arena is available for disabled guests with state issued license plates or placards. Parking Attendants will direct guests to the disabled parking area. All restrooms and concession stands are accessible. Gila River Arena welcomes service animals utilized by guests with disabilities.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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