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Gravity & Other Myths

The Music Center
Gravity & Other Myths
A Simple Space

Witness seven acrobats pushed to their physical limits without reserve in a disarmingly intimate setting. Propelled by the driving sound of live percussion, this performance is simultaneously raw, frantic, and delicate. You’ll feel the heat, hear every breath, and be immersed in every moment. Without the need for contrived theatrical overlay, A Simple Space evokes a visceral response. You are pulled in close to a stripped-down stage where the performers are encouraged to let down their guard and share the reality of failure and weakness. With nothing left to hide behind, the personal narratives come through naturally. This honesty is the essence behind A Simple Space.  

On Stage Seating

Strathmore Stars and Circles members have the exclusive opportunity to purchase on stage seats for this special performance. Your ticket includes admission to a VIP reception.



Our long-held ticket exchange policy preserves your flexibility so you can always purchase with confidence. In addition, patrons will be entitled to a full refund if Strathmore is unable to hold an event as scheduled.

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Anaheim Ducks vs. Edmonton Oilers

Cash, Visa, AMX, and MC accepted at box office. Location: Box Office Hours: 1 hour before event begins, closes 1 hour after start of event. Anaheim Ducks games: 1 1/2 hours before game begins, closes 1 hour after start of game (714) 704-2500 Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. The box office will remain open through the beginning of weeknight events. On event Saturdays and event Sundays, the box office will open three (3) hours prior to the event, and remains open through the beginning of the event. For any questions, please email Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Terrace and Club. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please contact the Honda Center box office at (714) 704-2500 or Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000, by visiting a Ticketmaster Retail Outlet, or by requesting tickets online. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 215. Sign Language Interpreters can be provided by Honda Center. Request must be received at least 48 hours (business days) prior to the event you are attending. For details, please call (714) 704-2431 or (714) 704-2441.

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Cincinnati Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns

The box office accepts cash, Visa, and MasterCard and Discover. Will Call is located on the north side of the stadium. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID. Bengals office: (513) 621-TDTD (8383) Tickets to non-Bengals evnets are NOT available in advance at the Box Office. No special seating arrangements are available through the Box Office. Non-Bengals events tickets are available at Paul Brown Stadium only on the Day of the Show. For the Bengals Box Office: Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 5:00pm Day of game: 3 hours prior to kickoff to halftime For all other Stadium events: Box Office hours for all non-Bengals events may vary on the day of the event Accessible seating: for Bengals games refer to box office (513) 621-TDTD (8383). For Music/Jazz Festival refer to (513) 924-0900. For all other Paul Brown Stadium events refer to Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000.

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Denver Broncos vs. San Francisco 49ers

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and American Express only. Photo ID is required for all events. Tickets will only be released to the person whose name is on the envelope. Note: Broncos half-price tickets are only available via mobile delivery. There is no will call for half-price tickets. (720)258-3333 Denver Outlaws Information: 720-258-3600 8:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday 9:00-End of half time on Game Day ADA seating may be purchased via Ticketmaster at or by calling 800-745-3000. Limit of 4 ADA seats per customer. For ADA assistance/inquiries, please call 720-258-3337.

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ROMA #02 Bridge Marathon 2020 - Get to know us!

    Una maratona delle soft skill Allenarsi, mettersi alla prova, crescere. In un mondo del lavoro dove il mantra è il cambiamento, appendere le scarpe al chiodo significa restare ingessati ai blocchi di partenza. Rinvigorire i muscoli, oliare i tessuti, stimolare la mente è doveroso, come lo è allenare alcune tra le capacità manageriali più utili: negoziare e comunicare con efficacia. Un set di competenze per vivere al meglio le sfide della maratona del lavoro. La Marathon è una giornata dedicata alla pratica di alcuni degli strumenti più efficaci dei tre percorsi formativi di Bridge Partners®: NegoPro®, Think on Your Feet® e Writing Dynamics™. La II edizione della Bridge Marathon 2020, ti aspetta il 27 febbraio a Roma. Get to know us! AGENDA 09:15 – 11:20  La negoziazione e dintorni 11:20 – 11:40  Pausa caffè e networking 11:40 – 13:30  Comunicare con efficacia e gestire le obiezioni 13:30 – 14:30  Pranzo e networking 14:30 – 16:45  Il business writing nell'era digitale 16:45 – 17:15 Sintesi, domande e premiazione N.B. Per chi acquista la partecipazione a uno dei nostri corsi - NegoPro®, Think on Your Feet® o Writing Dynamics™ - entro 6 mesi dalla Marathon è riservato il 10% di sconto.  Per chi acquista uno o più Bridge Assessment entro 6 mesi dalla Marathon è riservato il 50% di sconto.SEDE Da definiremappa Distanze Aeroporto di Roma ??Uscita Tangenziale/Autostrada ??Centro di Roma ??Stazione FS ?? Come arrivare In Auto In Treno In Bus In Aereo F.A.Q • Materiale Ogni partecipante riceverà una cartellina con fogli appunti e biro. • Qual è la politica di rimborso? I biglietti non sono rimborsabili, se non in caso di annullamento dell'evento da parte di Bridge Partners® • Contatti Hai domande? Contatta Bridge Partners®:

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