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Uygulamalı Dahilde İşleme Rejimi Eğitimi (ÜCRETLİ EĞİTİM) İGEME

Dahilde İşleme Rejimi Eğitimi;DAHİLDE İŞLEME REJİMİ UYGULAMALARI VE MEVZUATTA YAPILAN DEĞİŞİKLİKLER AMAÇ: Bilindiği üzere Dahilde İşleme Rejimi, özellikle ithalat aşamasında zaman tasarrufu ve finansman avantajı (indirimli teminat, KKDF istisnası, ticaret politikası önlemlerine tabi olmama ve anti-damping, KDV, ÖTV, ek vergi, gümrük vergisi ve diğer vergilerden muafiyet) sağladığından, imalatçı-ihracatçı firmalara dünya piyasalarında önemli ölçüde rekabet gücü kazandıran ekonomik etkili bir Rejimdir. Dahilde İşleme Rejimi Eğitimi; Bu seminerimizde, Dahilde İşleme Rejimi Mevzuatı ve Otomasyon Sistemi detaylı olarak anlatılmakta, katılımcıların DİR kullanma, mevzuat, dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar, avantajlar gibi konularda detaylı bilgilendirilmeleri amaçlanmaktadır. Dahilde İşleme Rejimi Eğitimi;içerik -         Rejimin Tanımı-         Rejimin Amacı-         Yasal Dayanak / İlgili Mevzuat-         Önemli Tanımlar-         Sağlanan Avantajlar-         Rejimin Uygulamaları-         Eşdeğer Eşya Kullanımı-         İndirimli Teminat Uygulaması-         Yurt İçi Alım / Satış-         Belgeden Belgeye Satış-         Belge Müracaatı-         Ek Süre, Haklı Sebep, Mücbir Sebep-         Döviz Kullanım Oranı-         Yan Sanayici-         Temsilci Firmalar -         Revize-         İkincil İşlem Görmüş Ürün, Fire-         Telafi Edici Vergi-         Serbest Dolaşıma Giriş-         DİİB Taahhüt Kapatma-         DİR Otomasyon Uygulaması-         Projeye Taraf Kurumlar-         DİR Otomasyon Uygulaması için Yapılacak İşlemler-         Gerekli Bilgi ve Belgeler-         Başvuru Süreci-         Belge Detayları-         DİR Otomasyon Sistemi / Yapılan Güncellemeler-         Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Önemli Hususlar-         Soru / Cevap ÖDEME BİLGİSİ; Hesap Adı: İGEME YAPI KREDİ BANKASI IBAN: TR14 0006 7010 0000 0089 5792 49 2 GÜN EĞİTİM COFFEE BREAK,1 ÖGÜN YEMEK ,İKRAMLAR VE SERTİFİKA KDV DAHİL 1.500 TL DİR. ÇAĞRI KILINÇ  İGEME İHRACATI GELİŞTİRME MERKEZİ EĞİTİM VE ORGANİZASYON SORUMLUSU DİREKT TEL. 0553 645 99 90

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Box office accepts all major credit cards Will Call is open during regular Box Office Hours and 2 hours prior to curtain. (480) 965-3434 - Gammage information and Charge By Phone (480) 965-6678 - Gammage Group Services Box Office is open 10am-6pm Monday - Friday and event days. The Box Office will be closed on Fridays, during the summer months. Venue is accessible to all patrons. Seats in accessible section are limited to one companion seat. THERE IS NO ACCESSIBLE SEATING AVAILABLE IN BALCONY OR TIER SECTIONS. PATRON MUST USE STAIRS TO GAIN ACCESS TO BALCONY OR TIER SEATING.

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Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Miami Dolphins

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Day Of Show: Location - TIAA Bank Field Box Office Hours - Varies per time of event The customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster account confirmation number. (904) 630-3900 (904) 633-2000 - Jacksonville Jaguars HOURS FOR JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS In Advance: Location - TIAA Bank Field: Hours - Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Day Of Show: TIAA Bank Field: Hours - varies per time of event FOR ALL OTHER EVENTS: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Stadium opens Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. The stadium is an accessible venue.

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Belga Club - BASIC forfait: 'individueel' 2019

Abonnement 'Belga Club' - BASIC forfait 'individueel': 300€ excl btw/jaar* Voordelen: - Woordvoerdersavond - Events / Lunchgesprekken - Voordelen bij evenementen van partners - Korting voor evenementen in de vrije tijd *vanaf de datum van betaling 

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Frozen (NY)

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express Available at Box Office during regular hours. Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.

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Los Angeles Lakers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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