London Bridge Ladies Who Latte
London Bridge Ladies Who Latte is on the 4th Tuesday of every month. 10am -12pm At the historic Beyond Brigade, The Old Fire Station 139 Tooley St, SE1 2HZ. Do you want to network for free with inspirational business women? Maybe you’re thinking about starting up your own business? Or have a business that you'd like to introduce to others! Why not attend the Ladies Who Latte on a monthly basis in the London Bridge area. The concept is simple: you attend a once a month, morning networking event between 10am - 12pm, there are no speakers, no fees, no agenda! Ladies Who Latte traditionally works on a register, turn up and grab yourself a breakfast and a drink, be prepared to speak for one minute about yourself and your business/business idea and network. Ladies Who Latte is the fastest growing women’s network, with groups in the UK, Europe, Australia and Singapore! Networking with Ladies Who Latte is brilliant! Women are very supportive and will swap useful information with one another, and where necessary hand out their contact details and business cards. Networking events are generally held at local bars/brasseries within the London Bridge area although where possible, we aim to operate at the same venue on a morning monthly basis. Please note the details above of the venue for the next meeting. September 2014 was the first networking event where Marcia Brock was announced as the new group leader of London Bridge Ladies Who Latte. Serena then joined at the co-host the following year. Monthly networking events will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Do check out the website: where you can find out more information about the Ladies Who Latte brand and also details of other group meetings. We look forward to seeing all you lovely ladies very soon. Marcia Brock and Serena Nalty-Coombs
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