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Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile

P.S This is an online masterclass using Zoom | Anchor time: New York Time What is this course about? ~ 90% of released consumer products, fail. But... you did nothing wrong! It is much deeper than that, so it is a wise step of any company to take a step back and reflect. In this online class, I will be discussing the differences, similarities, advantages, and limitations of different school of thoughts such as lean startup, design thinking, and agile deployment. We will look at these closely from business/startups' point of view with a special inclination towards how tech startups flop or succeed.  I will dive deeper into these methodologies with relevant case studies. Key Takeaways: ✔️Unlimited Access to the Recording  ✔️Exclusive Hands-out materials via newsletters ✔️Certificate of completion upon request* Who is this for?  Entrepreneurs: Solo Rider Founder teams: CXOs Designers: UX/UI Designers, Product Managers Builders: Engineers/Devs Freelancers: Self-employed one-business Boss Consultants: Self-employed mentors/Coaches Who am I? In one word: Polymath. Author of "Gamified Psychosphere" (to be available on Amazon books, Google Books mid-2019) Engineering Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering and Management with Specialization in Biomedical Engineering Advanced Degree in Health Informatics Background in Mobile Health App Development, Agile Deployment, Gamification, Data Science and Analytics, IoT controlled Systems, Operational Management, Business Administration (Focus on Early-Stage Startups), etc.  Co-founder of TechVerse Coworking Space, Rabat City, Morocco – the first tech-oriented coworking space in the kingdom. Chief Software Architect of Sutures App – Gamified Gastro-intestinal e-Surgery Simulator (Check it out!) Chief Design Thinker / mHealth Architect of Sinclair's School of Nursing – HEAR App. Research Fellow at University of Missouri’s Center for Biomedical Informatics – Patient-centered Decision Support Precision Medicine Technologies How to get in touch? portfolio: Tweet me: @itskatusop Contact me: Welcome aboard!

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Save the date... to Save September! As we progress through the what was already a crazy year, we wanted to bring the community together to show we are back and stronger than ever! This new event will help Neopolitans see and taste their city in a whole new light. Save September is a month-long restaurant-based event which gives the diner an opportunity to benefit from multiple dine in and takeout experiences, with tailored takeout menus while receiving gift cards to return to your establishment. Save September is aimed to do 3 very important things: 1. Save local hospitality from the pitfall known as September 2. Encourage food enthusiasts to save at their favorite local hotspots 3. Give back to our hospitality professionals and other businesses affected by COVID-19 September is all about Taking-out, Dining-in and Giving back! ------------------------------------------ For more information about this event, check out our Facebook: @SaveSeptemberSWFL

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Transformational Game Leela

There is an invitation to play amazing transformation game Leela Chakra where you will be able to determine your true desires and goals, understand the right direction to move further and analyze the actions or qualities which help you to achieve or realize your intentions. This game is a powerful tool for changing the existing stereotypes, preparing our mind to change the patterns of behaviour. The game reveals obstacles that block your way to achieving a goal and helps to overcome them. General Information: The number of players from 1 to 6.  Duration: 2- 2,5 hours Price: 250 RMB /per person group session (include drinks) 700 RMB/ per private session for 1-2 people (include drinks) The groups form on weekdays and weekends: (possible to organise the other day and time *on request) Saturday/Sunday afternoon 2 PM/ 5PM Monday morning/afternoon - 10 AM/2 PM Thursday evening - 7 PM *Possible to organise the online sessions Registration and more info: WeChat ID: DariaNalimova

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Cash Our Venue is a mobile ticketing venue. For band will call, please have your photo ID. (859) 233-3535 The Box Office hours are: Phones: Tuesday through Friday - 10AM to 4PM. Walk Up Wednesdays and Fridays from 12PM to 4PM. Event Day Hours Vary. Rupp Arena is handicap accessible. Seating is available at the Box Office and through Ticketmaster. For more personalized assistance please contact the Box Office at 859-233-3535. For University of Kentucky Basketball, call 800-928-2287.

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TWIN FLAME IMMERSION and Concert Gala: A Ten-Day Magical Journey...

Twin Flame Imession: A Ten-Day Magical Journey into Love Have you ever experience the Magic of True Love? Twin Flame Immerssion: A Magical Journey into Love is A 10-Day Divine Grace and Love Immersion on MAUI, HI where you have the chance to create the perfect state of Bliss to receive your Twin Flame. When:  Friday, February 7 through Sunday, February 16, 2020 Registration Fee for Seminar: $10,500* *It includes 10-Day Program with all Study Materials.   Air Travel to Maui,  accommadations, meals and activities are not included and they are the responsibility of each participants.  Thank You! Relationship and Twin Flame Activation Expert, Beloved Superstar, Will take you through a Magical Weekend Experience Submerging in Divine Love and Grounding, in your life, its Energetic Benefits, for the enjoyment of the most fulfilling and rewarding Romantic Relationship for you, on the EarthThis weekend you will receive tools, processes and activations that shall manifest the life of your Dreams in ALL PRACTICAL and MEASURABLE ways!!  ☺   "When I met Beloved I was immediately drawn to her positive energy and uplifting spirit.  I was intrigued by her ideologies and her zest for truth.  She encouraged me to think and believe I can have all my heart desires and receive what I deserve. After hearing of my uncertainties that I would ever find love, Beloved said with confidence, “everything you want is already here, you just need to be open and to be free of all that keeps you from love finding you.”  I was searching for answers - anxious to believe in something.  Beloved allowed me to see my value and worth, she helped me strip away old habits and destructive thoughts that kept me from feeling content and completely happy.  On February 28, I had my first session with Beloved and, though I didn’t know exactly what to expect or what would happen, my life changed forever.  On March 6, I met the man I had only dreamed of in my sleep, the man I’d hoped for all my life but never thought was out there…Beloved was right; he was there all the time.  I just needed to clear and open my heart so that he could finally find me.  3 months later, I am now packed, ready to go share my life with this wonderful man in Chicago and excited to begin our new life together.  It is a true miracle, and without Beloved’s help and unwavering faith, I would have never found true love.  I would have never found true happiness."  - E.E.A. New York, NY

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Boston Celtics vs. Washington Wizards

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! Fall, Winter and Spring: Monday - Friday 10:00AM -6:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. (closed Thanksgiving & Christmas) Summer: Monday - Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Friday 10:00AM - 2:00PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed unless there is an event. Box Office opens 3 hours prior to event start time. This is an accessible venue.

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Detroit Red Wings vs. Colorado Avalanche

The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929 The box office is currently closed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Anticipated date for re-opening is on or before June 1, 2021. The box office will be open on event days from 11:00am until 30 minutes after scheduled show time.

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PM Powerdays

Power, Action, Energy, Impact – so hast Du Projektmanagement noch nie erlebt! Du hast genug von Vorträgen wie „Der Kommunikationsplan zur Einführung eines Intranets in einer Universität – ein Erfahrungsbericht“? Du willst eine echte Grenzerfahrung machen? Lernen und verstehen, was einen Projektmanager und ein Top-Projektmanagementteam im Kern ausmacht? Die PM Powerdays werden Deinen Blick und Deine Perspektive auf Projektmanagement, auf Dich selbst und Dein Team nachhaltig verändern. Du bekommst Impulse und machst Erfahrungen, die im Bereich des Projektmanagements völlig neu sind. Elemente des Super Learnings werden Dich in die Lage versetzen, Deinen Kern, Deine wahre Berufung und Bestimmung im Umfeld des Projektmanagements zu erkennen. Mit 300 anderen Teilnehmern wirst Du Dich vernetzen und zu einem Team zusammenschmelzen, das Dich weit über diese zwei Tage hinaus tragen und Dich bereichern wird. So kommt einem Projektmanager, der alles zusammenhält und zusammenbringt, eine deutlich größere Bedeutung zu. Wer hier als Giraffe unter den Zebras herausstechen möchte, muss sich kontinuierlich weiterbilden und sich den Veränderungen in der Welt stellen. Die PM Powerdays werden ein weiterer Puzzlestein für Deine Substanz sein – ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor für Dich, Deine Werte, Deine Ziele, Deine Berufung und Mission. Du wirst einen Abend erleben, der Deine Komfortzone erweitert und Deine Handlungsmöglichkeiten explodieren lässt Tools an die Hand bekommen, die es Dir ermöglichen, optimal mit Deinen Ressourcen umzugehen, in jeder Situation entspannt und fokussiert zu sein und selbstreflektiert durchs Projekt zu gehen Speaker mit Hammer-Impulsen auf der Bühne erleben, die nie im Traum daran denken würden, einen Call for Paper für einen PM-Kongress einzureichen erleben und erfahren, wie Du Workshops und Meetings so belebst, dass sie zum optimalen Ergebnis führen ganz neue unbekannte Vorgehensweisen kennenlernen, mit denen Du in Projekten so produktiv wirst wie Toyota in der Fertigung Für wen ist dieses Seminar? Erfahrene Projektmanager Junge Projektmanager PMs mit & ohne Zertifizierung Projektleiter Teilprojektleiter Du bist erfahrener Projekt- oder Programm-Manager oder stehst am Beginn Deiner Karriere? Du hast in Projekten mitgearbeitet und nun Lust, tiefer einzusteigen und neue, wegweisende Erfahrungen zu sammeln? Die PM Powerdays werden Deinen Blick und Deine Perspektive auf Projektmanagement, auf Dich selbst und Dein Team nachhaltig verändern. Du bekommst Impulse und machst Erfahrungen, die im Bereich des Projektmanagements völlig neu sind. Buche jetzt dein Ticket und werde ein Next-Level-Projektmanager Sichere Dir einen der limitierten Plätze und erlerne Next-Level-Projektmanagement - schließ Dich den wenigen im PM-Umfeld an, die wirklich etwas reißen. Alle bekannten und erfolgreichen Projektmanager gingen irgendwann in ihrer Laufbahn genau diesen Schritt und begannen, sich von der Masse abzugrenzen. Sie trafen die Entscheidung, sich weiterzubilden. Die erfolgreichsten Projektmanager oderTeilprojektleiter sind keine Wunderkinder oder wurden so geboren. Sie wenden lediglich gewisse Techniken an, die sie über die Zeit bei Weiterbildungen gelernt und perfektioniert haben. Lass uns gemeinsam lernen, was die Top 1% ausmacht, und in eine neue Welt des Projektmanagement eintauchen, die Dein ganzes Leben verändern wird.

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