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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and Visa. Checks are accepted up to 21 days prior to the event. Will Call tickets are available at the DeVos Performance Hall beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to showtime. Customer must have their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification. For information about events at the DeVos Performance Hall, please call: *Broadway Grand Rapids: 616-235-6285 *Grand Rapids Ballet: 616-454-4771 *Grand Rapids Symphony: 616-454-9451 *Opera Grand Rapids: 616-451-2741 *DeVos Performance Hall: 616-742-6500 The DeVos Performance Hall Box Office opens 3 hours prior to events. Tickets for events at DeVos Performance Hall can be purchased at the DeVos Place Box Office or the Van Andel Arena Box Office Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Customers needing special seating arrangements may purchase tickets online at, by calling Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000, or by visiting the DeVos Box Office prior to the event. Accessible Seating Terms: Wheelchair Accessible: seating location in which there are no stairs that allows for wheelchair or scooter usage. Companion Seat: seating for individuals that are attending an event with someone who requires wheelchair or semi-ambulatory seats. Semi-Ambulatory: seating reserved for those with limited mobility that may require walking a few incline/decline stairs.

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Lakers v Utah Jazz (NBA In-Season Tournament Group Play) Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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Laboratorio annuale Galassia 2019/2020 - Codemotion Kids! Roma

Laboratorio Galassia (14 - 18 anni) Il Laboratorio Galassia è l’esperienza annuale che Codemotion kids! ha pensato per ragazze e ragazzi dai 14 ai 18 anni. >> Leggi tutto sui Laboratori Annuali Nel corso di 24 incontri, ragazze e  ragazzi affronteranno concetti complessi di programmazione, familiarizzando con linguaggi testuali e con lo sviluppo di App per mobile. Avranno l’opportunità di integrare le diverse tecnologie di elettronica e robotica che incontreranno durante il loro percorso, al fine di realizzare prototipi e progetti in grado di offrire soluzioni a problemi reali e di interagire con gli esseri umani (Social Robotics). Si cimenteranno con l'Intelligenza Artificiale, realizzando progetti che utilizzano tecniche di Machine Learning.>> Scopri di più sul Laboratorio Galassia APPROCCIO PROJECT BASED Grazie ad un approccio project based, i ragazzi impareranno di lezione in lezione a trasformare un’idea in realtà realizzando in gruppo i loro personali progetti tecnologici e digitali, beneficiando così del valore della squadra. >> Leggi di più sul Metodo di Apprendimento Obiettivi Educativi introdurre ed approfondire l’uso ed i concetti delle strutture dati & database, sviluppare la capacità di raccogliere e rappresentare dati; sviluppare sistemi di coordinate 2D/3D, approfondire gli Algoritmi, sviluppare i concetti di Decomposizione & Debugging; familiarizzare con i concetto di Pattern; apprendere l’uso di  linguaggi testuali e orientati agli oggetti (Python, Processing); sviluppare la capacità di mettere in relazione le varie tecnologie; creare prototipi nel mondo IoT (Internet of Things); apprendere come sviluppare applicazioni mobile con AppInventor, e Java; familiarizzare con i sistemi di modellazione 3D, sviluppare abilità manuali in ambito circuiti e prototipazione CALENDARIO  Durata del laboratorio: 24 lezioni da 1h 45 minInizio lezioni: 10/11 Ottobre 2019Classi (a scelta tra): Giovedì (a partire dal 10 ottobre): 15:30 - 17:15 Venerdì (a partire dall'11 ottobre): 15:30 - 17:15 Prezzo del laboratorio:  EARLY BIRD: €760 (posti limitati fino ad esaurimento)REGULAR PRICE: €800 (posti limitati fino ad esaurimento)LAST PRICE: €890  COSA COMPRENDE IL PREZZO DEL CORSO? - Tutti i materiali utili allo svolgimento del corso vengono forniti da Codemotion Kids! - E' previsto un pc per ogni partecipante - La classe si compone di max 10 partecipanti con 1 docente ogni 7 allievi - Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un attestato di partecipazione alla fine del laboratorio -- INFO UTILI:- La classe partirà solo a raggiungimento del numero minimo di iscritti- Prima di procedere all'iscrizione, i genitori sono pregati di prendere visione delle condizioni di vendita e dell'informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali Per maggiori informazioni: All'iscrizione seguirà, entro 30 giorni, l'emissione di una ricevuta fiscale. Nel caso in cui si necessiti di fattura, specificarlo nel modulo d'ordine o inoltrare la richiesta a:

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Coding for Kids - Themed Workshops (Ages 7 - 12) @ Parkway Parade

Step into the World of Programming New to coding? Come and join us for a workshop and pick up a new skill in just 2 hours!  With many special themed programmes to choose from, pick a slot of your choice and you’re all set to begin your journey into programming. Students will design their own programs, using an array of materials and learn to code with a different theme each time. Whether it is creating a digital Mother's Day Card or a pedometer with a sensor, be spoilt for choice with our selection of workshops. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs. "My son has attended Scratch 1 & 2 and he absolutely loved every min of it! He is fascinated with the Scratch program and he has used it to create birthday/greeting games instead of writing traditional birthday/greeting cards a few times now. He also constantly pesters me about the next program!" -Xiaoxuan, Mother of Justin, 8

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Houston Texans vs. Carolina Panthers

cash, visa, mc, amex & discover - no checks TO PICK UP Will Call -- you must present your confirmation number, a picture ID and the credit card used to purchase your tickets. You must wait 48 hours after ordering to pick up your tickets. For NRG Stadium information 832-667-1400. Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm. Hours subject to change.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Electronic Music Production - Intensivkurs (noisy Academy Berlin)

24 Sessions, 3 Stunden pro Woche!Das sind die Hardfacts dieses 6 monatigen Electronic Music Production Intensivkurs in der noisy Academy Berlin.Wenn Du professionell und praxisnah lernen willst, wie elektronische Musik produziert wird, worauf es ankommt und was es unbedingt zu beachten gilt, dann bist Du in diesem Kurs bestens aufgehoben. Von der Einführung in die DAW (Ableton), Beatprogramming, den Umgang mit Synthesizern, Plug Ins, Effekten und Kompressoren über Harmonielehre bis hin zu Arrangement, Mixdown und Mastering erfährst Du hier alles, was nötig ist um einen amtlichen elektronischen Track zu produzieren.Lerne Deine Ideen umzusetzen, fokussiert zu arbeiten, verstehe Funktion und Arbeitsweise eines Synthesizers und kreiere Deinen individuellen Sound jenseits der gängigen Presets und Sample Libraries. Projektbezogene praktische Übungen helfen Dir hierbei, das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden! Nutze den sozialen Moment des Kurses mit anderen Teilnehmern in Kontakt zu treten und profitiere von der Professionalität und langjährigen Erfahrung Deiner Coaches, die Dir entgegen einem Youtube Tutorial unmittelbar und direkt zur Hand stehen. Jederzeit! Sessionübersicht:  17.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0024.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0001.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0008.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0015.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0022.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0029.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0005.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0012.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0019.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0026.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0003.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0010.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0017.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0007.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0014.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0021.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0028.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0004.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0011.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0018.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0025.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0003.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0010.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:00

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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