Have a cosy afternoon within the best views in the city and enjoy our selection of savouries and sweets with mulled wine. Come with your friends, family or with your favourite on Sunday 29th December from 12pm to 2pm at SKYbar.
Course Overview:
Effective Change Management An Interactive One Day Program
“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher
Why Change Management?
According to Harvard Business Review, 70% of all change initiatives fail. Another study by Towers Watson found that only 25% of change management actions are successful over the long term. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas and methods are continuously evolving, affecting the way organizations run their operations.
Developing effective change management skills then becomes not only inevitable, but also critical in today’s dynamic professional world as organizational change becomes more of a norm than an exception.
The Leading Change Management program will give aspiring change agents and managers the tools required to implement changes successfully with positive acceptance throughout the organization.
Program overview:
The Leading Change Management program is designed to promote excellence in the management of change by introducing participants to the skills required at each step of the change process.
Built on latest research and practice in North America, this program develops, challenges and inspires leaders to lead successful and rewarding organizational change initiatives.
The concepts and methods learned are immediately usable in the workplace, leading to faster implementation of change projects that achieve and sustain concrete results.
Target Audience:
There is no Eligibility Criteria for this training, any one can attend this training
Learning Objectives:
To introduce the step by step change management process and the range of tools and methods available to address change challenges and problems
To provide insight on relevant, practical and applicable change management skills and equip participants to effectively engage with change processes in the workplace
To improve awareness and confidence for using change management tools and models required to design appropriate change plans for the workplace
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Materials:
Students will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials.
There is no exam.
Technical Requirements:
For eBooks:
Internet for downloading the eBook
Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle)
Adobe DRM supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader)
eBook download and activation instructions
The Nature of Change
Drivers of Change
Vision and Mission of Change
Eight Steps to Effective Change Management
Change Strategies
Change Resistance
Effective Communication Skills to Lead Change
Effective Leadership in the Change Process
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
Day Of Show: Location - TIAA Bank Field Box Office Hours - Varies per time of event The customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster account confirmation number.
(904) 630-3900 (904) 633-2000 - Jacksonville Jaguars
HOURS FOR JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS In Advance: Location - TIAA Bank Field: Hours - Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Day Of Show: TIAA Bank Field: Hours - varies per time of event FOR ALL OTHER EVENTS: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Stadium opens Mon-Fri 10am-5pm.
The stadium is an accessible venue.
ALL INCLUSIVE PENTHOUSE SILVESTERPARTY TICKET AB 59,99Der Eintrittspreis beträgt 29,00 €. Der Gesamtpreis setz sich aus Cateringpauschale und Eintrittspreis zusammen. Sein Sie bei DER Silvesterparty über den Dächern Berlins mit dabei und sichern Sie sich neben einer ausgelassenen Partystimmung auch einen der besten Ausblicke über den Gendarmenmarkt bis hin zum perfekten Feuerwerk. Die absolut private Location bietet ein erstklassiges Ambiente mit dem schönsten Ausblick auf über die Dächer Berlins. Sicher dir dein Ticket für die Silvesterparty in Berlin und genieße den Luxus und Vorteil unserer All-Inclusive Silvesternacht.
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Was du mit dem Ticket machen musst? Bring dieses Ticket ausgedruckt oder auf dem Handy einfach zur Veranstaltung mit und zeige es am Einlass vor. Nachdem es gescannt wurde bekommst du dein Bändchen und somit den exklusiven Einlass zum Private Penthouse Berlin.
Hier nochmal das Wichtigste auf einen Blick:
+ DIE GETRÄNKE SIND ALLE INKLUSIVE (Bier, Wein, Prosecco, Longdrinks, Softgetränke)+ Einlass ab 22:00 Uhr+ Live-DJ: Clubhits, Mix aus RnB / Black Music, House und all-time favorites.+ Party bis in die Morgenstunden+ Ganz Berlin im Überblick zur Silvesternacht+ Eine exklusive Location im Berliner Karlsson Penthouse am Gendarmenmarkt+ Garderobe für 2€ vorhanden im Penthouse am Gendarmenmarkt
Einlass ab 18 Jahren.
Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC
Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 221-1211
Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
The Springboard Women's Development Programme
Springboard is a 3 month personal development programme specifically developed and written for women.
The phenomenally successful, award-winning development programme for women. This enables women to identify the clear, practical and realistic steps that they want to take to make a better world for themselves at work and home, whilst building the practical skills and confidence to take these steps. It is delivered through an extensive network of licensed trainers and has been used by over 230,000 women in over 40 countries.
The main purpose of the Springboard programme is to build individuals’ self-confidence and provide them with the tools to identify what’s important to them and set goals to achieve their real aspirations.
Some people want to do more but don’t believe they can. Some live their lives for others, sacrificing their own dreams or beliefs under the impression that they have no other choice. Some simply don’t realise their own potential. The programme really works. Springboard’s founding principle is that we have much more freedom than we think to “change what we want to change and be what we want to be”.
As well as a rewarding journey for the individual, they and their company will ultimately see the benefits through employees being able to demonstrate their ability to:
Set and monitor their own goals
Face perceived problems head on with a more positive approach
Identify what they can improve on about themselves and how
Practice assertive behaviours for the best results
Appreciate the differences in other people
Build their self-confidence and self-belief
Communicate with, negotiate and influence others effectively
The Springboard programme
4 x 1 day workshops (over 3 months) dates below
Each participant receives a comprehensive workbook with over 100 exercises and real life stores, heres a link to the book https://www.hawthornpress.com/books/personal-development/springboard/
Aimed at women of all levels
Discussions take place mainly in small groups
Discussions centred around group needs (work or home life)
A guest speaker invited to each workshop to share their story and give inspiration
Focus on real-life examples, particularly from the trainer
Challenge participants to step out of their comfort zone in a safe environment
Set ground rules to ensure the programme meets the participants’ needs and confidentiality
Springboard consultancy requests that only licensed trainers deliver their programme, read our trainers profiles here:
Becky http://www.springboardconsultancy.com/find-a-trainer/uk/springboardtrainers/becky-sharifi/
Gemma http://www.springboardconsultancy.com/find-a-trainer/uk/gemma-barlow/
Workshop dates for Manchester(all are to be attended as part of the programme):
Workshop 1 - 6th March 2020
Workshop 2 - 3rd April 2020
Workshop 3 - 1st May 2020
Workshop 4 - 5th June 2020
Who is it suitable for?
The Springboard Women’s Development Programme is designed for women from all backgrounds, ages and stages of their lives. Although the programme was initially written and developed for women in non-management grades, women from all levels, including management, have participated in the programme to the benefit of their personal and career development. For employers, the Springboard programme enables them to develop staff to their fullest potential, is quick and easy to implement and is often a key component in any Diversity and/or gender initiatives. For even greater impact, run the Springboard and Navigator programmes in parallel.
Why women only?
As with other minority groups (such as gender, age, religion, faith race, disability and sexuality) women have many issues in common. They get a huge boost by discovering they are ‘not the only one’.
The programme deals with sensitive issues, being women-only this makes it easier to talk about issues in a safe environment.Mainstream programmes do not address specific issues for women – this does. Gives your organisation an EO/Diversity boost to be doing something for women, in tune with gender equality legislation.Researched, designed and written by the Springboard Consultancy – Quality assurance, award-winning consultancy, reputable, recognises diversity in UK workplace.
What does the programme consist of?
The Springboard Women’s Development Programme has a tried and tested format that is frequently updated, grounded in reality and has an impeccable track record. Delivered over the duration of three months, it consists of five simple yet powerful ingredients:
A superb best-selling workbook, regularly up-dated and embracing all the material for the entire programme.
Four action-packed one-day workshops spread over three months.
The provision of real, relevant and inspiring role models.
The encouragement of effective networks within the group.
A local support system to enable sustainable progress.
Overall, the Springboard programme tackles issues such as:
Career development
Building confidence
Realistic self-assessment
Aspects of being a woman
Identifying priorities
Assertiveness skills
Setting practical yet stretching goals
Improving your health
Stress management
Presenting a positive image
Improved communication skills
Building better relationships
Building networks
What results can I expect?
The results relate to the individual aims and objectives that each woman sets herself on the first workshop. Many women use the programme for career development, to get results at work, such as new qualifications, promotions, new skills, a new attitude to change and a massive boost in confidence.
Other women focus on results in their personal life, such as sorting out difficult relationships, improving health, dealing with stress and gaining a work/life balance. Some women improve their career development after attending the Springboard Women’s Development Programme, whilst others stay in the same job but with a new sense of purpose and a more positive attitude.
84% of Springboard participants say they are ‘more open to change’ since attending the Springboard Women’s Development Programme.
83% say they have ‘a more positive attitude’.
80% say they have ‘increased confidence/self-esteem’.
79% say they are ‘better at managing change’.
78% have ‘taken on more responsibility’.
75% say they can provide evidence that they are ‘better at problem solving’.
67% say they can provide evidence that they are making a ‘better use of resources’.
MC, Visa, Discover, American Express;
Location : Intramural Field, Wofford College Hours : 1 hour before doors/gates open on event day Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster order number in order to receive tickets.
This is an accessible venue. Customers may purchase tickets and they will be accommodated at the door.