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Boston Bruins vs. Montreal Canadiens

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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La Regione delle opportunità - Roma Tecnopolo

Vuoi avere risposte concrete sul mondo imprenditoriale e tenerti informato sulle opportunità offerte dalla programmazione regionale, nazionale e comunitaria? Ti aspettiamo negli Spazi Attivi della Regione Lazio! Con “La Regione delle opportunità. Iniziative e bandi per le imprese”, ti offriremo informazioni a 360 gradi sulle opportunità di finanziamento e sui contributi e incentivi pubblici a sostegno di imprese, liberi professionisti, startup e per l'avvio di nuove attività. Si tratta del primo servizio di orientamento diffuso su tutto il territorio del Lazio non solo sui bandi regionali, ma anche sulle opportunità europee della rete Enterprise Europe Network - Horizon 2020, Europa Creativa, Life, Europeaid  - e nazionali (come ad esempio, i programmi di riconversione e il credito d'imposta). Gli incontri, gratuiti e della durata di 3 ore, si rivolgono ad enti, associazioni di categoria, imprese, startup e a tutti i cittadini interessati a conoscere gli avvisi, le agevolazioni ed i bandi legati al mondo imprenditoriale. Gli incontri si terranno dalle ore 09:30 alle 12:30 Per partecipare al percorso di orientamento, occorre iscriversi selezionando la data con il relativo Focus di interesse. Spazio Attivo Roma Tecnopolo - Via Giacomo Peroni 442-444 1 marzo - Cultura e Creatività

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Coachella 2020

ABOUT: The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is an annual festival held in Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia. Coachella features the latest musical artists including rock, pop, indie, hip hop and electronic dance music. The Festival also features different art installations and sculptures each year. Across the grounds of Coachella multiple stages are continuously hosting live music. ARTISTS WILL BE ANOUNCED CLOSER TO THE DATE GET EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! PRICES of tickets: - Genral Admission $400 - VIP $800 ONLY 18 + EVENT: At the door you must provide present Valid photo ID (driver license or passport) at the gate. They will be scanned at the gate to make sure there are no fake ID's, if caught having a fake ID police will be at the scene and will be provided a consiquence. If you have no ID entry will not be aloud.  NO FEFUNDS ALOUD, ALOUD TO BE RESOLD NO DRUGS: All bags will be checked as well as a pat down at the front gate. Food and Alcohol are sold inside as you will not be able to bring any into the event. Variety of food and drinks as we cater for vegans, vegertarians and gluten free food. Water bottles around the grounds being handed out are free as we care for your safety and hydration. 

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Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show

We want to invite everyone to a social-distancing Christmas event! My husband, Ryan Jones, has created the Jones Family Christmas Light and Music Show at our home on 1748 Abbington Hill in Lexington. Ryan, who is visually impaired, has synchronized Christmas lights and music for a beautiful and meaning display. We have recorded a narration of the Christmas story to accompany the show. The show consist of Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas songs. The show is FREE and starts December 1 and ends January 1. The show runs each night from 6:30-9:00pm except during heavy rain. The show can be watched from your car, and the music and narration can be heard by tuning to 89.5 FM. For more information, please see the 2016 Fox56 news story using the following link: Our Facebook page is Thank you and God bless, Kayla Jones

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Chris Stapleton's All-American Roadshow

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash Once within 10 days of the event, tickets may be placed in "will-call," which means you can pick them up anytime between the time of purchase and the time of the show. You must have a photo ID to show that you are the person that the tickets were purchased for and the credit card used to purchase the tickets must be present. (603) 293-4700 For the safety of our employees and guests, the box office will be closed until further notice. Please keep checking back here for updates as to when we re-open. We appreciate your understanding. ADA tickets can be purchased online via You do not need to call the box office to place an order as all of our accessible tickets are available through Look for the logo on the Find Tickets page to view all available accessible seats. We do have accessible seating in every price range, but be advised it does occasionally sell out. We have very limited seating available for guests on the day of the event so please make sure you purchase accessible seating when you order tickets.

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Buffalo Bills vs. Minnesota Vikings

Cash - Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Discover The Will Call Booth at Highmark Stadium is located in between gates 3 and 4. Guests may pick up their pre-paid tickets on game day. This location is open 4 hours prior to kickoff. PROPER PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED. Tickets will only be released to the person who purchased the tickets. 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257) Box Office Hours Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm, Saturdays before home games Open 4 hours prior to kick off on game days through the end of the 3rd Quarter Off Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday For Buffalo Bills Tickets Only. Available at the Box Office and through Ticketmaster. Phone #: 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257)

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Minnesota Wild vs. Chicago Blackhawks

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express. Will Call windows open 90 minutes prior to the event and will remain open through the second period for Minnesota Wild games. Will Call is located in the main lobby of Gate 1 at Xcel Energy Center. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster account or will call envelope. No one will be given tickets designated for another person. Proper photo identification is required, and purchasing credit card, if applicable. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up. Box office phone: (651) 726-8240 Minnesota Wild group sales: (651) 222-WILD Group sales for other events: 651-312-3486 Box office fax: (651) 726-8246 Internet web site: Internet e-mail: Regular Box Office Hours (September - April) Monday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Summer Box Office Hours (May - August) Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed, except for events (opens 4 hours prior to the event start time) and on sales (open for on sale time only) Based on the Xcel Energy Center event schedule, closing times may be extended. The box office may be closed on holidays. Accommodations include accessible parking and drop-off areas, elevators, escalators, wheelchair accessible seating with excellent sightlines, accessible restrooms. ASL interpreters are provided upon advance request. Assisted listening devices are available, as well as Braille and large print programs upon request. There is elevator access to every level of the arena.

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Philadelphia 76ers vs. Charlotte Hornets


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Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001

Jadwal Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 Jakarta, 12 Februari 2019 Jakarta,   9 April 2019 Jakarta, 18 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 17 Desember 2019 Internal Audit merupakan salah satu kunci untuk menjalankan system ISO 9001:2015 yang efektif dan meyakinkan adanya perbaikan yang berkesinambungan. Dalam hal ini WQA mengadakan Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi akan audit internal ISO 9001. Adapun Manfaat Dari Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 ini. Mengembangkan dan merancang sistem manajemen mutu Meningkatkan kompetensi auidit secara personal Pokok Bahasan : Teknik dasar audit Persyaratan dalam ISO 9001:2015 Prinsip dan metodologi audit Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi Internal Auditor Pelaksanaan internal audit yang efektif Fasilitator : Pelatihan ini akan difasilitasi oleh tenaga pengajar yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dibeberapa sektor. Dan sudah menjadi Lead Auditor yang diakreditasi oleh IRCA. Sertifikasi Workshop Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC. Investasi Workshop Rp. 200.000/peserta Investasi ini termasuk : Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) Pembayaran Transfer BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDE Pembayaran paling lambat 3 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan, untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke atau hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Tempat Acara : WQA OFFICE – Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia

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