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Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 45001:2018

Jadwal Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 45001:2018 Jakarta, 26 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 25 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 15 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 3 Desember 2019 ISO 45001 adalah sebuah standar internasional baru untuk manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3 / OH&S), yang akan  segera menggantikan standar OHSAS 18001, WQA Sebagai badan sertifikasi Internasional  mengadakan Workshop ISO 45001 -  Occupational Health and SafetyPengenalanWorkshop ISO 45001 adalah pelatihan transisi dari OHSAS 18001:2007 ke ISO 45001 (DIS). Selaras dengan perkembangan DIS ISO  45001 pelatihan ini bertujuan mempelajari Annex SL, apa saja yang baru di ISO 45001, apa makna perubahan bagi perusahaan,  dan tips praktis untuk membantu perubahan dari OHSAS 18001 menuju ISO 45001Materi Workshop     Presentasi     Pengenalan ISO 45001     Transisi OHSAS 18001 ke ISO 45001     Persyaratan dalam ISO 45001     Diskusi ISO 45001 Manfaat Training  ISO 45001     Memahami apa saja yang baru di ISO 45001     Memahami makna perubahan bagi perusahaan     Memahami tips untuk membantu perubahan dari OHSAS 18001 ke ISO 45001     Memahami materi Annex SL FasilitatorTrainer dari Workshop ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman mutu,  terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk  manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional.Sertifikasi WorkshopBagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC. Investasi Workshop WQA ISO 45001Rp. 200.000/pesertaInvestasi ini termasuk :     Coffee Break     Training Material     Seminar Kit     Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) PembayaranTransfer ke BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDEPembayaran paling lambat 2 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan,untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821Tempat Acara :WQA OFFICEGraha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165Central Jakarta, 10570 IndonesiaFor Information Call/Whatsapp +628111496821Website :

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New! Introducing the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program, March 1-5, 2020, Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.

Introducing the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program, March 1-5, 2020   Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.  Introducing the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program, March 1-5, 2020   Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group.   Introducing the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program, March 1-5, 2020   Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group. Dear industry colleagues Introducing the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program, March 1-5, 2020   Dubai, UAE. Intensive. Small Group. With exponential growth in the business volume, Ports and Terminals all over the world have witnessed a paradigm shift from traditional labour intensive to automated, mechanized and technology driven industry, during last five decades. Organizational dynamics and structures have undergone corresponding structural reforms with The Chief Information Officer assuming greater responsibilities and the role of CIO becoming increasingly important for effective and efficient performance of the ports and terminals. Port users, customers and port communities are increasingly demanding “SMART PORT” services and solutions and in this context, the CIO assumes the role of the chief architect to transform existing ports and build new ports, terminals and systems which are technology centred and IT driven.Objectives of the CIO Program·        Preparing CIOs to learn to drive strategic transformation across port / terminal  organizations through skills of technology innovation and leadership.         Prepare the Port/Terminal managers to understand international benchmarks in port / terminal efficiency parameters and customer perspective thereof         Analyse major technological developments in shipping and their direct influence on ports and terminals         Learn about increasing role of technological tools and applications in the process of investment decisions for ports and terminals development, master planning, efficient operations, customer relations leading to achievement of financial objectives.         Understand advancement of technologies and preparing port organizations to be ready to meet requirements of customers and face challenges of technological disruptions.         Learn to anticipate and respond to complex and rapidly changes issues in technology and IT systems.         Evaluate requirement and relevance of IT and Technology options and develop long term plan and strategy for the ports and terminals technologies.         Learn to leverage technology innovations to create competitive advantage in ports and terminals. Methodology         Combination of class-room training, interactive sessions, group discussions, case studies will be used. Advance reading material will be provided by e-mail to the participants. Case studies from leading ports and terminals of dry and liquid bulk and container terminals, will be extensively used for practical understanding of the participants. Who should attendSenior and middle level managers from Ports and Terminals who are responsible for implementation of technological, information and IT systems, support and solutions. Master planning, Engineering services, Operations, Marketing & Customer Services, Finance, HR managers making extensive use of technology and IT and vendors supplying equipment and business solutions to ports and terminals are expected to derive benefit from this program.Program StructureDay 1 – Module 1         Trends and technological developments in World Maritime Trade. Understanding major technological disruptions leading to Changing roles of Ports as vital link in international logistics and supply chain. Relevance and significance of technological innovations in Master Planning of ports and terminals in their enhanced roles of integrated maritime infrastructure.         Applications of major technologies in different types of Ports, nature of business, customers served; ownership and operations structure of ports. Day 1 – Module 2         Market dynamics and elements impacting Ports Business – significance and use of technologies to optimize resources in order to minimize adverse impact of market forces. Preparation of dynamic Technology and IT Master Plan for phased development of the port as per defined corporate objectives.         Implementation of technology and IT Master Plan and process of Maritime infrastructure development. Intermodal infrastructure development. Integration of technology and IT Master plan with each phase and each part of port development.         Customers Value Migration in moving from manual trucks to driverless vehicles and fully automated rail / intermodal operations poses a challenge to CIO. Day 2 – Module 3         Multi-functional role of CIO in Port organization – Leading organizational change and transformation, redefining / re-engineering work processes to promote the culture of a process driven rather than personality driven port organization in order to eliminate subjective decision making, aligning technology and IT master plan with port organization strategic plan.         Working with customers and shipping lines who bring in innovative technologies in their own services, requires the CIO to provide flexibility and adaptability in their own systems.         Real examples of Port organization transformation with technology and IT implementation would facilitate clear understanding and significance of the role of CIO. Day 2 – Module 4         Aligning Technology Master Plan and Enterprise Architectural Plan and IT resources to facilitate achievement of performance targets – common pitfalls and strategy to overcome these mistakes.         Technology Master Plan and Economic Development Strategies – Market mapping, market positioning, USP building and value proposition building.         Technology Master Plan and Economic Development Strategies – Capex, Revenue projection, Opex and financial feasibility and modelling.         Technology Master Plan – Transports and Intermodal development – Hinterland mapping and assessment of market potential. Hinterland connectivity development for sustainable infrastructure development. Day 3 – Module 5As Port & Terminal investment, development, operations are increasingly becoming more complex due to fast paced technological advancements as well as greater degree of redundancy, the role of today’s CIO has migrated from being supervisory or overseeing technology implementation to becoming strategic identifiers and acquirers of technology. A vast variety of technology areas in the ports’ infrastructure, superstructure and equipment requires detailed attention. This module will identify technology options available for ports and terminals and help to evaluate cost benefit analysis of the available options along with strategy to optimize technology and IT implementation.Day 3 – Module 6Based on the cost benefit analysis, relevance of technology / IT and depending on technology master plan for the port / terminal, CIO would need to select vendors as strategic partners of port Services and solutions. Evaluation and selection of vendors offering technologies from project construction to cargo handling equipment; software development to informatics for effective and timely decision making; Artificial Intelligence to Internet of Things and Terminal Operating Systems for superior performance and customer service; is a high priority area for the CIO.Through interactive discussions, Modules 5 and 6 will address the issue of technology and IT acquisitions for the port/terminalDay 4 – Module 7Standard Operating Processes (SOPs) are strategic inputs and foundation stones for technology and IT systems. CIO needs to closely interact with all users – operations, engineering, marketing & customer services, accounts, compliance teams and define SOPs based on which suitable technologies and IT applications can be adopted in operating processes.Day 4 – Module 8Due to reduction of technology cycle time, innovations and implementation of technology and IT system for the ports and terminals needs quick action. As Port communities, users and customers go through value migration from superior technologies like 5G, it becomes increasingly important for the CIO to build agile and responsive systems.With technology becoming an integral part of infrastructure, superstructure, equipment and operations, level of automation keeps increasing.This module covers automation in quay cranes, stake yards, gate complex as well as applications of E-Commerce, E-Business, M-Commerce, E-Government solutions with standards and systems implementation from strategic perspective.Day 5 – Module 9Strategy, Leadership and communication – one of the biggest problems faced by CIO is lack of end users’ interest / commitment to the new system / process / technology. Possibly, major reason for such indifferent attitude on part of users is, lack of their own internal clarity and lack of understanding of their own requirement / problems. Often CIOs are expected to come up with solutions on trivial or badly defined problem areas. Live case study and discussion would facilitate the participants’ ability to strategize communication channels with end users and gain full support from the users of technology and IT systems as well as budgetary approvals from management using Internet as medium of communication and interaction among Port communities.Day 5 – Module 10Maritime industry as a whole including ports and terminals are faced with high risk of cyber attacks. While higher automation, digitization and artificial intelligence lead to better performance and productivity; they are highly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Maersk Line, world largest container shipping company followed by Cosco operations in Long Beach were adversely impacted due to cyber breach. Port of Barcelona, Spain and Port of San Diego, USA experienced cyber disruptions. Several nations have come up with data protection legislations. For the CIO, cyber security and building resilient systems are greatly important.CIOs need to strive to continuously create awareness about cyber security among all users and drill down to prepare risk analysis and mitigation of cyber risks. Case study will show different cyber threats, their actors and impacts & damages along with protective steps to defend information and information systems. Case study will also discuss steps being taken to protect the systems, build resilience and their capabilities for problem detection and corrective reaction. PROJECT REPORT At the end of the 5 days training program, each participant will be given a topic on ports / terminal industry. Participants would be required to prepare a project report and submit the same within a period of 3 months for critical evaluation and review by the course director, who will award suitable grade to each participant as per contents and quality of the project report.   ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTIFIED GLOBAL PORTS MANAGER (CGPM) for participants of the GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program CGPM program is governed by a Qualification Review Board (QRB) which comprises leading international experts from Ports and Terminals industry and academicians. Upon satisfying the criteria and requirements of the QRB and subject to the level of competency and responsibility, successful participants will be permitted to undertake the 5 days GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program. On completion of the 5 days GPF Global Ports CIO Executive Program program, participants will prepare a submit a project report. On approval of the project report by the QRB, the participants will be awarded the CGPM title. CGPM holders are entitled to use the title of CGPM in recognition of their competence. PROGRAM DIRECTORS (subject to final confirmation) Mukesh Parikh Mr. Mukesh Parikh who is associated with Global Maritime Industry for over 35 years. Mr. Mukesh Parikh has a distinction of having hands on Maritime Industry experience with continuous involvement in Training and Development throughout his distinguished career. Mr. Mukesh Parikh has a post graduate degree in Management with specialization in Marketing and Finance. He attended one year training program Professional Shipping at Norwegian Shipping Academy, Oslo. During his career of 18 years in the Commercial Shipping, he was associated with UNCTAD/UNDP as a Trainer and Course developer. He attended two weeks instructors Workshop (Training for Trainers) organized by UNCTAD / UNDP in collaboration with The Ministry of Transport and Ports in Malaysia at Penang Port Commission. He conducted a number of training Programs in the Middle East, South East Asia and Indian subcontinent including developing a training program on General Shipping Management for Arab Maritime Transport Academy, Sharjah, UAE;  covering shipping subjects. A sound foundation of Shipping Industry and clear understanding of market and customer requirement and expectations from service providers enabled Mr. Mukesh Parikh to build the next phase of his career in Ports and Terminal Industry. He joined The Adani Group in Senior Management position at the inception stage of Mundra Port in India and made a major contribution to set up Business Development and Marketing Team as well as Establish Standard OperatingProcedures for the entire spectrum of Operations in the Port. He successfully built marketing and operations teams and trained them. His next role was Chief Operating Officer of Sterling Port for setting up integrated Port Facilities at Dahej Port. All stages of Green Field Port development were covered – From site selection to Feasibility, Environment Impact Assessment and Environment clearance for the project, Detailed Project Report, Concession Agreement with Authorities for development of Port infrastructure and facilities on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer model. Since July 2014, Mr. Mukesh Parikh has taken up advisory and consultancy role for The Maritime Industry. His assignments cover Business volume estimation and hinterland mapping with competition analysis, Revenue forecasts for the life of the project and financial modelling, investment optimization in line with market potential; Commercial and legal aspects of logistics, cargo handling, warehousing contracts; business excellence and standardization of operating procedures; Organization development, structuring and Manpower planning and training. Thomas Ng Thomas Ng has over 25 years of training & consulting experience in the ports and shipping industry – in developing innovative solutions for players within the ports & shipping industry,   — in areas of planning & redesign, customer services and business operations; and delivering results. He is the present Chairman of The Global Ports Forum (GPF). Since 2008, Thomas founded and launched the GPF, a platform where all ports stakeholders in the ecosystem- port customers, port authorities, port operators, port people, port suppliers & service providers are gathered together to discuss about issues furthering the interests of ports globally. Thomas is proven and well-respected in the ports & shipping circles — recognized for his in-depth industry knowledge and far-reaching personal industry network and linkages. Thomas is invited regularly as speaker & facilitator at Ports conferences, roundtable and executive workshops. He spoke recently at Transport Intelligence 2013 Infrastructure panel, together with senior executives from World Bank & UPS, Container Depot Association Singapore Conference 2014 on ports and infrastructure, Tank Storage Conference in 2015 and Roundtable on Smart ports & ships and Internet of Things in Jun 2016. On a professional level, Thomas is a Chartered member of the Royal Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport UK since 2001. He is also a Board Member and Treasurer of the Local Branch of Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport for over 14 years. Costs: On or Before 1 Jan 2020: The ‘Early Bird’ Rate is USD7395.00 – Save USD600!Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD 7395.00! From 2 Jan 2020: The Regular Rate is USD 7995.00 Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD7995.00! Note: All fees stated include luncheons, refreshments and complete set of documentation. It does not include the cost of accommodation, visa fees and travel. Register Now!To register, please submit the following details to Best Describes Your Industry Sector?:Billing information: For cheque payments: To be made payable to ‘Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.’ Please do not send post-dated cheque. For telegraphic transfers: Account Name:             Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.,Account No. :                695 477 141 001.Beneficiary Bank:          Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. (Swift: OCBCSGSG),Address : 65 Chulia Street #01-00, OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513. Please supply confirmation via email of the TT from your bank. Transmitting bank charges must be paid by sender. Please quote both delegate and company name as reference. Kindly note that as we are providing a special rate for ‘early bird’ sign up, we will need to receive your company payment by 1 Jan 2020 to enjoy the discount. Look forward to welcoming you at the Global Ports Leadership executive programme!   Kind regardsThomas NgChairmanThe Global Ports Forum GLOBAL PORTS FORUM PTE. LTD. 10 Anson Road#27-15International PlazaSingapore 079903 Website: Mobile: +65 9684 3289DID:    +65 65197662Fax:    +65 6725 8438Email:  thomasng@globalportsforum.comTerms & Conditions:No delegate registration will be accepted without completing registration details and full payment.Upon receipt of your registration details and full payment, further programme information will be emailed to you including your proforma invoice and, if required, a letter of invitation for entry visa application.Delegates will not be admitted unless payment has been received in Full.Flights, Airport Transfers and Accommodation are not included in your delegate registration fee.Refund Policy – a reimbursement of the registration fee, minus administrative charges will only be made if the participant has notified Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd. in writing that he/she is unable to attend the event no less than 45 days prior to the commencement of the event. No cancellation is allowed after that, but a replacement with another participant is allowed.This programme is subject to change without notice, E&O.E.

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New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

CashVisaMasterCard Location: Box Office Window Opens: Spring Training: 2 hours before game Tampa Tarpons: 1 hour before game Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account confirmation number in order to receive tickets. (813) 879-2244 During Spring Training ---------------------- Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm Sat 10:00am-3:00pm Sun 10:00am-3:00pm Tampa Tarpons ---------------------- Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Sat (Gameday) 2pm -5th inning Sun (Gameday) 12pm- 5th inning Sat & Sun (No game) Closed Concerts/Other Events: TBA Regular Hours ------------- Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm This is an accessible venue.

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, AMX, and MC accepted at box office. Location: Box Office Hours: 1 hour before event begins, closes 1 hour after start of event. Anaheim Ducks games: 1 1/2 hours before game begins, closes 1 hour after start of game (714) 704-2500 Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm, Saturday: 10am-4pm. On event Sundays box office opens 3 hours prior to the start of the event. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the business offices of the Anaheim Ducks and Honda Center will be temporarily closed effective Mar. 16. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation on a week-to-week basis and will re-open the offices when appropriate. Thank you for your understanding. The Ducks, Honda Center, Gulls and The Rinks staff wish good health to all as we navigate this health crisis. For any questions, please email Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Terrace and Club. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please contact the Honda Center box office at (714) 704-2500 or Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000, by visiting a Ticketmaster Retail Outlet, or by requesting tickets online. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 215. Sign Language Interpreters can be provided by Honda Center. Request must be received at least 48 hours (business days) prior to the event you are attending. For details, please call (714) 704-2431 or (714) 704-2441.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Miami New Year's Pier Pressure Yacht Party 2020

Miami Nightlife  Presents... New Year's Eve Cruise 2020   aboard the Catalina Yacht   New Year's Eve is easily the most anticipated event of the year. What better way to end the year than with a massive party that includes your friends and family? This year in Miami, skip the run-of-the-mill experience that will find you cooped up in a crowded nightclub and opt for one that you won't forget.Heard of the Catalina Sundream and Pier Pressure Yacht Parties?Presented by Miami Nightlife, get ready for a special event aboard the Catalina Yacht - the Pier Pressure New Year's Eve Cruise. The best New Year's Eve Cruise will be on the Catalina! With DJs spinning the best in Top 40, four hours of open bar, and a buffet style dinner, there isn't really much that's missing from this event. To top things off, you'll be taking in the best views that the city has to offer from the outside in, including Biscayne Bay, South Beach, Bayfront Park, The Orange Drop, a Fireworks show, and the stunning downtown Miami Skyline. Get your tickets while you still can because this is one event that you won't want to miss.    FEATURING:   - Top 40 DJs spinning live on main deck - Four hours of premium open bar -  Appetizers, Buffet dinner with Caesar salad, Parmesan crusted lemon chicken, Lemon sage roasted  pork loin with dijon, garlic smashed potatoes, haricot vert and desserts.- Amazing views of firework show- And more!  This cruise is close to selling out. Space is VERY limited. As this party will sell out in advance, please plan accordingly and purchase tickets for any expected/additional friends soon.  Check-In: 9:00pm at Pier (Near Downtown Hyatt)Boarding: 9:45pm | Departing: 10:15pm | Disembark: 2:00am DRESS CODE: upscale, semi-formal PARKING: No designated parking available on Pier. Public/street parking and Valet at the Hyatt.  Highly recommended to allow extra time to find parking day the of the event as there will be lots of traffic. Public transportation TRAIN/TAXI/UBER recommended as well.STRICT DRESS CODE will be enforced: This is an upscale event with cocktail attire required for entrance. Flapper attire encouraged but not required. Men will not be allowed to wear ball caps, plain t-shirts, hi-tops or tennis shoes. If you do not meet the dress code, you may NOT be allowed to board and no refund will be given.   No alcohol, open containers or outside food permitted. No illegal drugs, or controlled substances, including prescription drugs and marijuana, will be tolerated. Using marijuana on the water is illegal, regardless of a medical condition(s). The use and/or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances is absolutely prohibited by Sundream Yacht and the US Coast Guard.  Sundream Yachts holds a zero tolerance policy related to illegal substances aboard all vessels and anyone who is caught participating or processing any such items will not be allowed to board and substances will be confiscated. If you are thought to be under the influence of, or caught participating in, illegal substances on board, you will be quarantined until the boat can safely return to dock. The cruise is subject to end for all guests immediately upon doing so.  No refunds will be issued if such occurrence happens. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Let’s have fun and party safe!     ::|| All sales are final; no refunds or exchanges. Prices are subject to change while supplies last. Must be 21+ to attend ||::     For More Information on This Event with Exclusive Deals on Table Service, Group Rates, & Promo Pricing: Please Visit Must be 21+ to participate  ::|| All sales are final; no refunds or exchanges. Prices are subject to change while supplies last. Must be 21+ to attend ||::     Purchase Policy: NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. ALL SALES ARE FINAL: There are NO REFUNDS, NO CANCELLATIONS, no credits, no exchanges, and no transfers after the order has been made. CREDIT CARD & ID: You must present the original credit card used to purchase the ticket and a valid Government Issued Photo Identification (along with your e-tickets that have been emailed to you from Eventbrite when your order is placed): the name on both the credit card and ID match the name on your purchased tickets, in order to gain entry to the event. If the name on the Credit Card and/or ID does not match the tickets, or if you do not have both the credit card used to make the purchase and government issued identification, you will be denied entry to event without a refund. SUPPORT: If you encounter a problem at the event, you must file a complaint with Promoter within 5 calendar days following the date of the event; failure to contact Promoter within the 5-day period will be a complete waiver of your right to request compensation whether monetary or otherwise. If you need customer support, Promoter’s email is PURCHASE POLICY: By placing an order, you are confirming that you received this policy and are agreeing to abide by the clauses within.  This Purchase Policy is a binding contract between you and event Promoter. EVENT BOOKING: By purchasing a ticket, package or reservation you are entitled to entry for the event you are purchasing it for. At the time of your order, Eventbrite will place an order for your ticket(s) in the Promoter’s ticketing system, reducing the number of tickets available for the chosen event. Before purchasing your ticket(s) we urge you to confirm the title, time and location of the event(s) you wish to attend, as there are no refunds.  Each event has a definitive date, start time and end time. If you do not show up to the event, you understand that you are forfeiting your ticket(s) and therefore your ticketing fee (the entirety of what you paid) will not be returned to you. If you do not attend your event, you are still 100% financially liable for your purchase. If you cannot attend the event, you will not receive a refund. ALCOHOL, SEATING, FOOD: Each event features a ‘cash bar’, there is no seating, nor food, unless otherwise stated in the event listing. If food is provided, it is provided at a first come first served basis, unless the event listing and/or ticket description clearly states that it is available for a specific time-period or the entire event duration. If the event description states there is food for any period during the event, and there is no food available when you choose to eat, please know that the venue is replenishing the food. If you have waited for an extended period of time and the food has not been replenished, please contact venue management at the event for an estimated time that the food will be ready for you. If there are periods of time when food is not available for you due to the venue replenishing said food, no matter how long the wait(s), such is not grounds for a refund. Please contact us with any questions. EVENT CANCELLATIONS: If the event is canceled you will receive a refund for the face value of the ticket. NO REFUNDS: Unforeseen circumstances beyond promoter’s control will not be grounds for a refund, including but not limited to the following: local or national weather conditions, natural disasters, waiting in lines, extended waits in lines, family emergencies, medical emergencies, employment issues including layoffs, traffic, parking, public or private transportation issues, etc. If you purchased for the incorrect date, location, event, etc, promoter is not obligated to provide a refund, credit, exchange or transfer. If cancellation or transfer request is approved, promoter reserves the right to charge a $10 administrative fee for its time, in addition to charging a $10 re-stocking fee per ticket if tickets are placed back on sale. Promoters, Venue Owners, Venue Management, Security, Event Staff, and other agents of the event, have the right to refuse entry to any ticketholder, without a refund, for any reason at their discretion , including but not limited to: disorderly behavior, failing to comply with the rules of the venue, incorrect attire, intoxication, venue capacity, breach of security, and other restrictions. Ticketholder is aware that the Venue and Talent are subject to change without notice, which are not grounds for a refund. Ticketholder is aware that amenities promised by Promoter are not guaranteed, and are not grounds for a refund, including but not limited to: VIP amenities, drink specials, drink tickets, gifts, express entry, special areas, celebrity guests, etc. Dissatisfaction with any aspect of the event is not grounds for a refund, including but not limited to: music, DJ(s), decorations or lack thereof, party favors or lack thereof, beverages or lack thereof, alcohol selection, bar staff, food availability and selection, fellow patrons/attendees, venue staff, event staff, security, performances, ambiance, amenities, venue, check-in process, seating or lack of seating, wait in lines, emergency closures of event, emergency return of boats or yachts, delayed commencing of events, early ending of events, public amenities such as fireworks or public performances or the lack thereof, line of sight of public amenities such as fireworks or public performances being blocked by trees, buildings, boats, people, and/or other things, etc. RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By purchasing the tickets through Eventbrite, you hereby release and forever discharge Promoter from any liability or claims for damages that may arise as a result of your attendance at, and voluntary participation in, the event(s), including claims for personal injury, or damage to personal property, or any other claims for negligence on the part of the event’s Promoter.  By purchasing the tickets through Eventbrite for this event, you hereby release and forever discharge event Promoter, and their officers and agents, from any liability or claims for damages that may arise as a result of your attendance and participation at the event(s). It is hereby understood that the purchase of tickets by you and your participation in the events shall not be construed as an assumption on the part of Promoter of responsibility, liability, or control of the events. INDEMITY:  By Purchasing tickets for this event, ticket purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless event Promoter, said entities officers, owners, employees, and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of or by reason of complying with this Indemnity Clause. Ticket purchaser, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby release, remise, and forever discharge event Promoter and its entities owners, officers, employees and agents, from all manner of actions, causes of actions, suits, debts, judgments, executions, claims, demands whatsoever, known or unknown, in law or equity, which ticketholder has ever had, now have, may have, or claim against event Promoter. COLLECTIONS & LEGAL ACTION AGAINT DEBT: Once you make a purchase, if those funds are removed from the Promoter's account and given back to you, you owe the Promoter that money back, plus applicable fees as outlined below. If you owe money to Promoter, Promoter reserves the right to take legal action against you and/or send you to collections for the recovery of said debt. If you are sent to collection or there is legal action taken against you, you are fiscally responsible for any and all legal costs and fees, directly associated and/or indirectly associated, with recovering the debt owed by you. Promoter's collection’s agencies reserve the right to negatively affect your personal credit score until your debt is paid. Once an account has been placed in collections, the only way to get yourself out of Collections is to pay the debt owed by you to the collections agency.  ARBITRATION AGREEMENT: In the event there are any legal disputes against Promoter, by agreeing to this Purchase Policy, you agree that such disputes will be arbitrated. You further agree that the location of arbitration will be set in Los Angeles County, California. SEVERABILITY: If any clause, aspect, part or provisions of this Purchase Policy is found to be null, void, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the rest of this Purchase Policy remains in full binding effect, and the unenforceable provision(s) shall be deemed modified to the limited extent required to permit the enforcement of said clause that required modification and of the agreement as a whole.   Thank you for your purchase!

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