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The Ball of Dreams

The water of the Canali slowly flows, a gondola carries two Maschere in the quiet of the nightfall... Open the Porta di Ferro of Palazzo Contarini and plunge yourself in the explosion of colors and lights of the Venice Carnival. In a magic atmosphere, The Ball of Dream will enchant you. Live your dream with me, wrap yourself in the most precious fabric of my costumes and become whoever you want to be! That's what dreams are for.

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Help! I'm an Empath Recordings

> Do you take on other people’s stuff? Feeling worse after interacting with them (even if they feel better)?> Do you ever feel that your life and choices aren't your own?> Have a hard time being in large crowds?You are probably an empath, constantly aware of what's going on for others, sometimes even more than what is true for you. Being so connected to others wants, needs and emotions can often make you susceptible to people pleasing, leaving you depleted and dissatisfied with your life. What if you can change that? In this recording you will:  Clear the deep longstanding commitments & contracts to being an empath & taking on other people's stuff. Learn the tools I use and share with my private clients to become more Happy & Vibrantly Alive, as an empath. Get clarity about how you can use your healing capacities as a strongness, not a wrongness - to create something greater in your life. Learn tools for more ease, joy & glory for being with & around people Do an energetic exercise to release those people from your past who you're still healing unconsciously - so Both of you can have freedom. Get some amazing clearings and use your amazing empathic qualities to your advantage, instead of against you. If you desire you can also make the payment through Paypal

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Chakra is a Sanskrit word for ‘Wheel’. It refers to the energetic wheels of energy that is spinning throughout our body that helps to regulate all its process, from the function of our organs to the immune system and emotions. There are 7 main Chakras, which are positioned from the base of your spines to the crown of the head. Each Chakra has its own colour, vibrational frequency and corresponds to the main systems of the body. The 7 Chakras are namely, Root/Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown. If a Chakra becomes blocked, energy cannot flow and it throws you off balance. Vibrational Sound healing has been practiced  since ancient times. Everything in our universe is made up of vibrations, and the Crystal Singing bowls work directly with this energy and channel it into our body, thus allowing us to remember our connection to Source and heal at a deeper level. Research has shown that sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning. Each Crystal bowl is different in terms of tones, chakra centres and healing properties. you may feel the effects in certain sections of your body more than others, but the vibrating sound will travel throughout your entire energy field to address any imbalance or blockages of the energy channels. In this session, Jaslyn would be playing her 7 Singing bowls, the Triple Heart Morganite and Emeral Alchemy Bowl, the Grounding Mother of Platinum Alchemy Bowl, the balancing Platinum Alchemy Bowl, the Calming Ocean Indium Alchemy Bowl, a Yagna Alchemy Bowl and a frosted Throat Chakra and a frosted Sacral Bowl during the session. Participants can choose to lie down on yoga mats or sit up on bean bags, whichever is more comfortable for them as Jaslyn cleanse and balance your Chakras. Calm yourself from the hustle and bustle from your everyday life and immerse in the delightful tones and healing vibrations from the Crystal Singing Bowls. Let your body relax, recharge and rejuvenate in this soothing session. All are welcome, no prerequisites, booking is recommended.  Please be on time! Thank you for your understanding.

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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MELENDI - Mi Cubo de Rubik en WiZink Center, Madrid

MELENDI - Gira 2019- Mi Cubo de Rubik en WiZink Center, Madrid Tras agotar la práctica totalidad de sus conciertos en los últimos años, Melendi anuncia las primeras fechas de su nueva gira, con la que recorrerá las principales ciudades de España. Bajo el título de MI CUBO DE RUBIK –álbum que verá la luz este mismo año y del que ya se ha adelantado la impactante “Besos a la Lona”-, el cantautor ofrecerá en directo sus nuevas canciones sin olvidar sus innumerables hits, coreados por miles de personas en sus siempre multitudinarios conciertos. Habitual año tras año en los primeros puestos de todas las listas y recientemente proclamado como el artista español más escuchado en la historia de Spotify en nuestro país, Melendi acumula miles de millones de reproducciones en plataformas así como discos de oro y platino en multitud de países, siendo una de las figuras más destacadas de la música en español tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras.   El turno de Madrid será el viernes 17 de enero de 2020 en el WiZink Center, Madrid. Información importante Apertura de puertas: 19:00h Inicio del concierto: 21:00h Los menores de 14 años solo podrán acceder acompañados de un adulto responsable Entradas para el concierto de MELENDI - Gira 2019 - Mi Cubo de Rubik en MadridLas entradas para el concierto MELENDI - Gira 2019 - Mi Cubo de Rubik en Madrid tienen un precio desde 30€ + gastos de gestión. Disfruta de los mejores conciertos en Madrid y ¡No te quedes sin tu entrada!

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