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Efectivo Taquillas principales desde una hora antes del evento. Tel. 5535-2246 Fax. 5592 1857 Directamente en la Taquilla.
read moreJacksonville Jaguars vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Day Of Show: Location - TIAA Bank Field Box Office Hours - Varies per time of event The customer must present actual credit card, photo I.D., and Ticketmaster account confirmation number. (904) 630-3900 (904) 633-2000 - Jacksonville Jaguars HOURS FOR JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS In Advance: Location - TIAA Bank Field: Hours - Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Day Of Show: TIAA Bank Field: Hours - varies per time of event FOR ALL OTHER EVENTS: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Stadium opens Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. The stadium is an accessible venue.
read moreE-Ticaret Sohbetleri
Ticimax E-Ticaret Sohbetlerinde isteğimiz belli; sohbet edelim, paylaşalım, kaynaşalım, öğrenelim, yiyelim, içelim ve keyifli anılarla bir sonraki ay buluşmak dileğiyle mekandan ayrılalım. Networking imkanı, bilgi paylaşımı ve sohbet ortamı arayan herkes mutlaka bu etkinliğe gelmelidir. Bu ayki konuklarımız yakında belli olacaktır. Ajanda (4 Şubat 2020, Salı) 19.00 - 19.30: Networking Saati - Çay/Kahve Eşliğinde İkramlar 19.30 - 19.40: Açılış Konuşması - Murat Erdör (Me Consultancy) 19.40 - 20.50: Panel 20.50 - 21.00: Sürpriz Çekilişler ve Kapanış E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Kimler Katılıyor? E-ticaret ile alakalı gelişmeleri yakından takip etmek ve yeni konular ile ilgili bilgi edinmek isteyen e-ticaret girişimcileri, Kobi'ler, mevcut girişimini büyütmek isteyenler, e-ticaret, pazarlama, reklamcılık ve dijital gibi alanlarda çalışanlar etkinliğe katılıyor. E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Katılım Ücreti Ne Alınıyor? Ücretsiz. Sürpriz Çekilişlerde Neler Veriliyor? Optimist Kitap tarafından üç kişiye kitap hediyesi Faydalı Eğitimler sitesinden bütün misafirlerimize %20 İndirim Kodu Ulaşım Metro ile Haliç durağında inip Eminönü meydanda yer alan Yeni Camiye geleceksiniz. Nimet Abla ve Yeni Caminin yanından yukarı doğru 3-4 dakikalık yürüyüş sonrasında meşhur Şarkhan'ı göreceksiniz. Türk Telekom SANTRAL Topluluk Merkezi Şarkhan'ın yanında. Sorularınız için bize 0 212 951 01 24 numaralı telefondan ulaşabilirsiniz.
read moreOrlando Magic vs Toronto Raptors
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express To pick up tickets, a valid government-issued photo identification is required. Hours: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and three (3) hours prior to any event. Location: On Church Street (north side of venue). Venue information : 407.440.7900 Groups Sales: Kia Center events: 407.440.7900 Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Summer and holiday hours may apply. Wheelchair accessible and companion seats are available at locations dispersed throughout Kia Center, offering guests the choice of an array of prices, amenities and lines of sight. Seating locations vary depending on particular events. It is important to indicate when buying tickets if you require wheelchair accessible seating. Service animals are animals individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Guests with disabilities are welcome to bring their service animals inside the Kia Center. Service animals may not use additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat, but may request accessible seating. Elevators : The Kia Center has fourteen (14) accessible public elavators available for all guests. Parking : Convenient accessible parking is located in the GEICO Garage, which is adjacent to the Kia Center and accessible via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3). Additional accessible parking is located in lot 9. There are also accessible parking spaces in surface lots and garages in the area surrounding the Kia Center. Visit for more information. Entrance : The Kia Center's main entrance is at the middle block of Church Street between Hughey Avenue and Division Avenue. Accessible entry is also available via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3).
read moreBritish Boarding Schools Show | Dubai 2020
Friday 13 March 2020, 12:00-17:00Saturday 14 March 2020, 12:00-17:00 The British Boarding Schools Show returns to Dubai in March 2020! This is the best way for parents located outside the UK to explore the life-changing educational opportunities available at British schools in a single day and a single place. Parents have a fantastic chance to meet a selection of the most prestigious British boarding schools without travelling thousands of miles. Make key introductions and speak one-on-one with the admissions directors and heads of top British boarding schools, as well as some of the leading educational experts from the UK. Meet with Dubai parents whose children are already at school in the UK and attend seminars on achieving successful transfers into the UK system. There is no better way to find out about entry requirements, explore scholarships and bursaries and to get answers to specific questions than to come to the Show, and speak to schools in person. At the British Boarding Schools Show we understand that choosing the right school for your child is both emotionally and financially demanding. Family Tickets FREE This ticket (for 2 parents + children) is valid for both days of the show and includes first-come first-served seats at the talks.
read moreTraining Lead Auditor Course ISO 9001:2015 - IRCA Certified
Biaya Training Rp7.990.000 / peserta Pelatihan selama lima hari untuk Lead auditor ini ideal bagi siapa saja yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan auditnya dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan audit yang efektif dibidang sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011. Memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai model ISO 9001:2015. Pelatihan ini teregistrasi di International Register of Certificated Auditors ( IRCA ). Adalah tanggung jawab hukum bagi perusahaan untuk mengembangkan kebijakan sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011:2011 serta pengaturannya. Banyak perusahaan yang tertarik untuk kemajuan dan kepatuhan hukum dan memperbaiki cara sistem manajemen mutu mereka beroperasi kini beralih ke ISO 9001:2015 sebagai metode pilihan mereka dan sebagai sarana menunjukkan sistem kredibilitas untuk pelanggan potensial yang ada dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan. Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen mutu, persyaratan standar ISO 9001:2015, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen mutu. Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Latar belakang manajemen mutu ISO 9000 standar seri ISO 9001:2015 persyaratan ISO 19011 Jenis-jenis Audit Teknik Audit Proses berbasis sistem NCR dan kategorisasi Studi kasus Audit dan role-play Durasi Training : 5 Hari Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen mutu. Prinsip – prinsip ISO 9001:2015 dan ISO 19011 Peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu manual mutu Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian. Perubahan ISO 9001:2015 antara lain : Standar ISO ditinjau setiap lima tahun untuk memastikan bahwa standar tetap up-to-date dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar Respon terhadap tren terbaru dan akan disesuaikan dengan sistem manajemen lainnya seperti ISO 14001 Munculnya permintaan untuk penggunaan bahasa yang sama dan selaras dengan standar lainnya Pertimbangkan manajemen resiko untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi Manfaat Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001 ini dirancang bukan hanya untuk membantu anda untuk lebih efektif dan bernilai tambah dalam melakukan audit, akan tetapi memberikan pemahaman yang lebih luas lagi tentang rancangan dan implementasi sistem manajamen mutu ISO 9001:2015. Peserta yang berhasil menjalankan pelatihan dengan minimum mendapatkan 70% angka kelulusan akan dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftarkan diri sebagai auditor, maupun lead auditor dengan lisensi IRCA. Fasilitator : Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman mutu, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Pelatihan di pimpin oleh Trainer yang sudah terdaftar dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari IRCA by iqms. Waktu Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Pukul 08:30 – 17:00 Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat IRCA. Klik Jadwal Training WQA Investasi : Rp7.990.000 / peserta. Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim dua peserta. Diskon 10% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau labih Diskon 5% untuk early bird (mendaftar 1 bulan sebelum pelaksanaan) Diskon 5% untuk WQA Client Investasi ini termasuk : • Lunch and 2X Coffee Break • Training Material • Seminar Kit • Certificate (Certified by IRCA) Lokasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015WQA Office - Dharmawangsa Room - Graha ISKA 5th Floor INFORMASI & REGISTRASI WQA APAC Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia Phone : +6221 – 426 0769, Hotline +6281 1149 6821 (Whatsapp) Email :, Website :
read moreHarry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Fri 14:00 & 19:00
Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)
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