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Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Philadelphia Flyers

412-642-1800 During the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey season, the DICK'S Sporting Goods Box Office at PPG Paints Arena will be open: Monday – Friday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Sundays that are event days will vary based on the event time but opening hours will always be 10:00 AM with the Box Office remaining open up through the start of the event.

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The Veterinary Drug Approval Process and FDA Regulatory Oversight: 2-Day In-Person Seminar

Course Description: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine or CVM is responsible for the approval of veterinary drug products intended for both family pets and food-producing animals. FDA regulates not all products intended for animal use. Jurisdiction over animal products including licensed biologics such as vaccines is shared with a number of other federal agencies. For example, animal vaccines, animal disease diagnostic devices and some animal biologics are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service or APHIS; and products such as flea and tick collars are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. This seminar on veterinary medicine regulations will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of FDA’s veterinary drug approval process. This two day interactive course will cover: Premarket approval process Various sections of a New Animal Drug Application Strategies for navigating the FDA approval process and for expending product approval The nature of shared jurisdiction over veterinary products in certain cases.   Learning Objectives: Upon completing this course on veterinary medicine regulations participants will: Understand how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates veterinary drug product. Understand how FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine is organized. Discuss the process by which veterinary drug products are reviewed and approved. Learn how to open an INAD File and request fee waivers. Obtain a working knowledge of various sections included within an NADA. Develop a deep understanding of what is needed to substantiate product characterization, target safety and effectiveness. Analyze FDA’s rules governing chemistry, manufacturing and controls or CMC. Understand the various components of an animal field study to support product approval. Discuss the difference between FDA’s various user fees and fee waivers. Identify the elements of an FDA compliant label. Develop a corporate compliance strategy covering labeling, marketing and advertising. Problem solving methods to mitigate regulatory enforcement risks. Explain how jurisdiction is split between various Federal agencies in a certain cases. Learn how animal feed, veterinary devices, OTC drug products and nutritional supplement are regulated in the U.S.   Who will Benefit: This course is designed for people tasked with developing and maintaining an animal health company’s product portfolio; and responsible for overseeing a company’s regulatory strategies. This includes individuals responsible for overseeing regulatory affairs, developing strategies for obtaining veterinary drug product approvals and those tasked with ensuring corporate compliance. Among others, this includes: Senior quality managers Quality professionals Regulatory professionals Compliance professionals Production supervisors Manufacturing engineers Production engineers Design engineers Labelers and Private Labelers Contract Manufacturers Importers and Custom Agents U.S. Agents of Foreign Corporations Process owners Quality engineers Quality auditors Document control specialists Record retention specialists Medical affairs Legal Professionals Financial Advisors and Institutional Investors Consultants, Inspectors and cGMP Experts   Speaker: Mark HughesConsultant, Hughes Veterinary Consulting Dr. Mark Hughes, DVM, MS, has over 11 years of experience in veterinary drug product development and over 20 years of experience in laboratory animal medicine, development of in-vitro diagnostic tests, and research in animal reproduction. He has managed or contributed to clinical studies and regulatory submissions on the safety and effectiveness of veterinary drugs (including stem cells) for therapeutic treatments related to dermatology, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, osteoarthritis, and infectious diseases. Through his consulting business, Hughes Veterinary Consulting, he assists domestic and international biotech and pharmaceutical companies with the process of applying for regulatory approval of drug products for use in companion animals and livestock. For Registration -           Note: Use coupon code REFERRAL10 and get 10% off on registration.

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Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioni

Oltre 2.500 persone in classi da 20 persone max hanno fatto questo corso. Leader in Italia con oltre 59 edizioni pubbliche + 105 sessioni private dedicate a singole aziende.(se vuoi un progetto Linkedin ADV per promuovere il tuo business oppure un corso personalizzato, scrivici in privato) Titolo: Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioniMaggiorin info su: Sottotitolo: Usare Linkedin come strumento strategico per la propria azienda migliorando la propria reputazione professionale online. Approfondiremo come intraprendere consapevolmente progetti online e scelte Social utilizzando Linkedin, in modo da portare profitto alla propria organizzazione usando Linkedin. Messaggio chiave: Per fissare obiettivi reali e raggiungere i propri risultati di business, è importante comprendere come e perchè investire tempo nell'utilizzo del Social Network Linkedin. Misurare i risultati è la condizione per fare un investimento profittevole del proprio tempo su questa innovativa piattaforma di Social Business Professional. Audience: Imprenditori e Management delle aziende, Direzione vendite, Funzione marketing e comunicazione, servizio clienti, customer care, Communication Office, Responsabili di progetti Web/Online e Social Media. Overview: Nel mondo, oltre 500 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per fare business ... affari :-) Linkedin è un social network di business professionals. E' il nuovo modo di entrare in contatto professionalmente, che sostituisce la pagine gialle e le rubriche telefoniche personali. E' un social network dedicato migliorare le 'Business Connection'. Le Persone su Linkedin descrivono le proprie competenze professionali e vogliono entrare in contatto con altri per motivi di lavoro. In Italia 11 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per: - trovare contatti commerciali e pianificare appuntamenti - pianificare un approccio strategico ad un prospect, client, partner, o competitor; - promuovere il proprio profilo professionale (Business Personal Branding); - interagire con i propri clienti; - promuovere la propia pagina aziendale o della propria organizzazione; - formare gruppi di discussione intorno ad un tema; - pubblicizzare prodotti e servizi; - incontrare persone di altre nazioni per fare business insieme; - trovare parter e distributori; - capire come sono fatti gli organigrammi aziendali; - per studiare i concorrenti; - candidarsi per una posizione aziendale e far valere le proprie competenze; - ... Agenda: giornata intera dalle 9.00 alle 18.00: Mattino 9.00-13.00 Linkedin come si integra con gli altri Social Network Social Media Trends 2019 Situazione internazionale Situazione italiana Evoluzione di Linkedin 2018 Ottimizzare il profilo personale Linkedin secondo le regole aziendali Rivediamo insieme le componenti essenziali del profilo; Suggerimenti e attività pratiche per migliorare il profilo; Gestire i propri contatti in modo efficiente ed efficace; Linkedin come piattaforma di Contanct Management La SEO di Linkedin 11:00 Pausa Caffè Portare la propria azienda su Linkedin Gestire un progetto digitale su Linkedin (cenni) Attività di marketing e comunicazione digitale Il profilo dell’azienda (come completarlo in modo efficace senza perdere tempo) Strutturare e condividere con i colleghi e superiori la strategia di presenza su Linkedin                L’utilizzo dei gruppi per creare le proprie Community di riferimento Community dei dipendenti Community dei prospect e clienti Community dei partners Come Scrivere e commentare nelle Community dei competitors Integrazione con i sistemi di Email Marketing Automation Pausa Pranzo 13.00-14.00 ----- Pomeriggio 14.00-18.00 Come ottenere contatti qualificati con l’attività su Linkedin: L’attività di posting (persone e sui gruppi) La pubblicità a pagamento su Likedin Processi e metodi virtuosi per ottenere i risultati voluti ROI e KPI delle attività su Linkedin (misurare investimenti e risultati) 3 tool per gestire linkedin (pubblicazione, distribuzione, commenti, monitoring e Social CRM) L’attività di HR e di analisi di competitors cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin come strumento di recruiting cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin per studiare la concorrenza 16.30 Pausa caffè Esercitazioni e case histories Lavoro in team: crea la tua campagna digitale su linkedin 4 casi di successo da commentare insieme Fine lavori 18.00 (per chi vuole aperitivo alle 19.00)

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Seattle Seahawks v Denver Broncos

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Cash. Located at Northwest corner of Lumen Field. Opens 3 Hours prior to kickoff on gameday. Gameday: (206) 381-7848. SFC Customer Service: 877-657-4625 Open 3 hours prior to kickoff on gameday. Weekday hours will vary. Located in the Northwest corner of the Stadium. Seattle Sounders FC: 2 hours prior to match There are disabled seats (wheelchair convertible) dispersed through all areas and price levels of Lumen Field. Disabled seating and access for all is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA).

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ICSTR Tokyo – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 03-04 April 2020

ICSTR Tokyo – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 03-04 April 2020 Conference Website: Conference Name: ICSTR Tokyo – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 03-04 April 2020 Conference Dates: 03-04 April 2020 Conference Venue: Hotel Mystays Ochanomizu Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: 01 April 2020 Contact E-Mail ID: Organising Scholarly Association: Scientific & Technical Research Association (STRA) STRA List of Members: Click Here STRA President: Dr.-Ing. Ralph Hammann LEED A.P., Thomas D. Hubbard Professor in Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA Conference Language: English Conference Themes: Science & Technology Conference Application Form: Click Here STRA Previous Conferences: Click Here (Vernacular Session, e.g., European Languages, Arabic, Bahasa, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organised for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language) (Only English language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)

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Two Free Gifts from Mas Sajady

Thank you for visiting!Please enjoy these Free Medihealing Gifts from Mas. What Is Medihealing?Medihealing combines the scientifically proven benefits of meditation with Mas’ well known healing frequencies to accelerate transformation. GIFT ONEAM & PM Medihealings from The Essential UPgrade Suite Package AM Meditation  |  This quick and easy morning meditation gets you started on the right track. Turn on your internal “GPS” system so you are guided throughout the day by your spirit. This method is much more effective than focusing on intentions or goals that you set.  Your spirit is connected to the universal knowledge base that holds infinite possibilities. You will be set at the frequency level to take on a brand new day during this morning meditation. PM Meditation  |  An ideal session for bedtime.  This quick and easy meditation will bring you deep relaxation by shedding all the energies accumulated throughout the day. It also downloads frequencies that help you ascend to higher levels throughout the night while protecting your spirit from errant energies that may inhabit in your space. You will rest deeply and wake up refreshed for the day. (10-15 min each) $40/set | Yours for Free  For more information on the complete Essential UPgrade Package, please visit:    GIFT TWOEI MAStery Lecture  |  Having Faith in Your Spirit's Path Have you ever wondered why your life has taken the turns it has? Why certain opportunities seem to come to you at the right time? Or perhaps you wonder why life has been so hard? Why have our spirits chosen some of the mistakes and hardships we’ve encountered in this lifetime or past ones? So many of us question why. Is it all really in the name of spiritual growth? So in this EI-MAStery lecture, let’s ask Mas the questions on our mind: Does our spirit really have a plan for us? Does everything that we go through serve a purpose that brings us to a more-awakened version of ourselves? Should we trust that it’s all for the best? Please see below for a list of selected questions submitted by our audience. Mas addressed most of them and went even deeper to answer the real questions between the lines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EI MAStery Part 1: The Big PictureWhat does it mean by 'Having Faith in Spirit's Path'? What is a spiritual path and what is its purpose? Who designs our spiritual path? What is our un-distorted spirit’s ultimate goal? Does each person/spirit have the same goal? Does the goal change from lifetime to lifetime? How do I know I'm on the right path?Does our spirit’s path evolve with our every decision or is it predetermined? Is everything that comes into our lives is there for our spiritual growth and enlightenment? Does Pure Source provide guidance to spirits in an active way? EI MAStery Part 2: Deeper Understanding & Practical ApplicationWhen we are lost, confused and lacking understanding of our life’s direction, what would our Spirits want to tell us? How do we know when the pain that we experience is part of our spiritual unfolding vs when it is caused by distortion? From where does our spirit get it’s knowledge and how does it know what is best for us? How do we recognize if we are guided by our emotions (which Mas says not to follow) or if we are guided by spirit? Help us understand the difference between surrendering to the path before us vs. having active discipline in our life. How can we more easily surrender to our spirit’s will?  EI MAStery Part 3: SummaryMas leaves the audience with key points of the lecture. (1hour 15 min) $30 | Yours for Free All live EI MAStery lectures are Free for the current month's 21-Day participants. For more information on the 21-Day Medi-Healing program, visit: From the EI MAStery Archives. For more information on EI MAStery and the archives, visit:     NOTE: By registering to receive this offer, you are automatically signed up for our mailing list. No need to sign up again. You are always welcome to unsubscribe. We value your privacy and will never spam or sell your info.

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